You and I [Completed!]

By PastelPencil

3.3K 87 42

Life takes an unexpected turn for Hanami Izuko, when she marries Arata Miyama, a person much older than her... More

The Castle Of Glass
A Cup Of Comfort
Back to Monotony
End Of Road
A Little Bit Of Me And A Little Bit Of You
Coming Home
Ordinary Lives
We're Clear, Aren't we?
Old Bonds
Shared Coffee
Plum blossoms
A short goodbye
Back To The Start
Author's Note

Bon Café

163 4 0
By PastelPencil

​​​​​​ ​​​​Sitting in the back of a vintage themed coffee shop named ' Bon Café ', Arata stared at the gramophone in the corner. Its golden stylus slowly caressed the surface of a black vinyl record with the tenderness of a lover running his fingers through his darling's hair.  

"What piece is that, Mrs.Jiin?" Arata asked glancing at the wooden counter where an elderly woman stood arranging pieces of crockery.

"Chopin's cello sonata in G minor, opus 65."answered the woman almost as if she'd been expecting the question.

Satisfied with the polished saucers and tea cups, she smoothened her crisp white apron, adjusted her pince-nez and approached him.  

"Beautiful isn't it?" She smiled, glancing at her beloved gramophone. "My husband was a sort of a dilettante. He collected all these records that now hang on the wall as decoration. Now that he is no more, these are all the memories I have. People do need something to hold onto, don't they?" The woman shook her head with a fond smile."Don't mind me. So, the usual café au lait?"

"Yes, please." Mrs.Jiin nodded and disappeared into the inner room through a narrow curtained doorway.

Soon, he was left alone with his thoughts and the serene music. Arata lifted his finger mirroring the crescendo, paused and rested it on the table with a tilt of his head.

Before he'd met her, classical music to him was what a book is to a man who cannot read. However, she changed it. She changed him. A little for better and little for worse.

His mind drifted to a particular summer evening, a year back when he had attended a sponsorship event. The details were hazy. He couldn't remember who he'd met or talked to, except for that one moment.

Among silent whispers, she stepped onto the stage, took her place by a cello and with delicate fingers held the bow against the strings. Dark hair flowed down her shoulder, swaying with every graceful lilt of her head. The skilled movements of the bow, produced smooth music which flowed without effort, capturing one and all present in the audience.

Arata stared at her, mesmerized. Like a smear of deep red on a monochrome canvas, she'd caught his attention. While he was occupied with his observation, the loud patter of applause from the audience drew him back to reality.

An hour had passed in the wink of an eye.

She stood up and bowed, ready to depart, to turn his evening colorless again. However, her eyes  flickered towards the front row and met his. They stared at each other for a brief moment.

She smiled and he smiled back. It was attraction at first sight.

The rest of the evening was a pleasant lull. He spoke of business, met with the company director and seniors, yet his eyes searched for the beautiful woman who had enticed him.

"Looks like you've got someone in your life."

Arata looked up.The coffee he'd been sipping, suddenly tasted bitter. The gramophone needle shifted halting the flow of music abruptly and the vinyl record continued spinning on the turn table in silence.

"I noticed the ring on your finger and you were lost in thought." Mrs.Jiin mused with a smile. She glanced at the gramophone and proceeded to change the record. Arata watched her take out one of the shiny disks from off the wall.

"Am I mistaken?" She asked, checking the label on the jacket.

"No, you're not, ma'am." He replied, returning his gaze to the steaming cup. Cream floated on the surface in white swirls.

The phone placed on the table blinked and chimed, asking for his attention. Arata sighed and focused on the screen. A flurry of emails and messages popped up, awaiting a reply.

Well, office time, he thought dusting his navy blue suit. He downed the coffee in a go, paid the bill and with a slight nod towards Mrs.Jiin, left his personal haven.

"Good morning, Sir, "greeted a gruff voice as Arata approached the entrance of an imposing building. Its glass and steel foundation stood proud against the metallic blue of a June sky. Arata nodded back to the towering security guard, who, as usual, stood by the revolving glass door as a sentry to the grand corporate empire of Izanami Corporation.

As the chairman entered the lobby, the receptionist flashed him a practiced smile, wishing him a good morning. He barely glanced her way and strode towards one of the elevators.

The elevator slowly glided upwards, halting at the third floor. Arata glanced at his watch--8:59-straightened his gray neck tie and stepped out. In an instant gossips and chatters tapered into silent whispers. People lounging about resumed their positions.Apart from the 'Good morning, Chairman' litany, the only sound that filled the air was that of flipping of pages and clicking of keyboard keys.Casting a critical glance at the workers in the cubicles, Arata made his way towards a glass walled cabin that bore the door plaque of his name in bold letters.

When he entered his assistant, Akane Fujita, greeted him in her usual restrained manner as she rose from her seat. Arata returned the nod and took a seat at a chair behind a large desk. Akane peered into a little notebook she maintained and updated him about revised schedules, meetings and the people he was supposed to see. By the time his assistant was done, Arata knew it was going to be a long day.


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