Miss Popular

By maceyywrites

853K 25.8K 9.1K

Grier Johnson has it all, the good looks, rich and famous parents, and she's the most popular girl at St. Ag... More

3 | Everett
5 | Everett
8 | Everett
11 | Everett
15 | Everett
16 | Everett
18 | Everett
Miss. Famous (Sequel)


22.6K 844 211
By maceyywrites

Over the next three weeks, I really took time to myself. I didn't go out on the weekends, I just stayed in my room writing music, watching TV, or just thinking.

I ultimately wanted to live a life that was best for me, no matter what other people thought about it.

Unfortunately, I was one of those people that when I needed to find myself, I had a bad habit of shutting everyone out and letting my phone stay dead for a day or two.

This worried, Ev but he began to learn how I functioned when I needed space and let me grow on my own which I was extremely grateful for.

I somehow made it through another week of Scarlett's glares and way too many tests.

"Gray, do you wanna come ice skating with Jude, Aria, and I tonight?" Everett asked me after he walked me to my car

"Finley was supposed to come, but some stuff happened." He continued


I was quiet for a moment as I thought it out in my mind.

You know you're really tired go home in sleep.

No, no, you have been out in such a long time, go.

"Sure." I practically blurted out

"Cool, I'll pick you up at five." Ev smiled as he walked away

I sighed, "Cool."

I drove home, washed my face, brushed out my hair, and put on a little makeup.

I decided on wearing a white sweater, black leggings, and my white slip on vans even though it wasn't that cold outside.

"I'm going out tonight." I told my mom as I walked into the kitchen

I grabbed a water bottle and the bag of Skinny Pop.

"Where are you going?" She asked me

"Ice skating with Everett, Aria, and Jude. Maybe Chris too?" I answered unsure

My mom glanced at me as she stopped scrolling through her computer, "That's good, it's about time you get out the house. When do the music videos come out again?"

"Tomorrow at five o'clock eastern standard time." I answered

"Are you nervous?" She asked me

I nodded, "People are going to have a lot to say, some good and probably some bad. I guess there's nothing I can do now except go with the flow."

"Don't pay attention to the critics too much, if you're happy with what you put out then that's all that matters." My mom advised

"You're right, but I don't really care about the critics it's more of the people at school." I spoke

"Like I still have the rest of this month, March, April, and May to hear every little thing they have to say about what I'm doing." I continued

My mom shrugged, "Don't let people get to you, live your life for you not for them."

I continued talking to my mom another fifteen minutes about colleges and picking out new clothes for her boutique.

Then there was a knock on the kitchen door and there walked in Everett.

"Hey, you could have texted me." I said getting up

He shook his head, "Nah, I haven't seen your mom in nearly a month and it would be rude of me not to come and speak.

My mom grinned, "Hi, Everett and congratulations on the music video."

"Thank you, how have you been?" He asked my mom

"Good, these past few weeks have been pretty calm." She answered

I watched as my mom tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear, "Anyway, be home for midnight."

"Sounds good, I'll see you later." I said grabbing my things

"Nice seeing you, Mrs. Johnson." Everett ended as I opened the door

"You too Ev, be safe y'all." My mom waved

I turned to my mom before I got into Everett's car, "Bye."

Everett connected my phone to his Bluetooth in his car.

"Tell me what you've been listening to." He requested

"Or I could just play it." I smirked

He sighed, "Oh how I missed your smart mouth."

"I know." I added as I began to play music

I just shuffled my playlist and I wasn't really paying attention to the lyrics as I talked to Everett.

'Feels so good your legs are shaking
Girl that pussy is my favorite'

I just stopped talking mid-sentence, I didn't know if I should change it or just ignore it.

I picked up my phone, "This is awkward."

"Nah, it only is if you make it. What do you think is going to happen tomorrow?" Everett asked as 'The Morning' by The Weeknd came on

He gave me a look, "This song is about sex too."

"Oh, I know." I grumbled as I shuffled the playlists again

"What's with you and sex songs?" Everett joked even while being serious

I shrugged, "I feel like when people write sex-love songs they put you in such a lovey, zen mood because of how intimate sex is. I dunno it's kinda weird to talk about, but yeah."

"I get it and I get the same feeling." Everett agreed

"Do you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach or in specific male place?" I asked jokingly

Everett smirked, "Oh, definitely both."

"Shut up." I smiled as I lightly hit his shoulder

"What were you saying before we got on this topic?" I questioned him

"Right, what do you think will happen after the videos come out tomorrow?" Everett bought up again

I sighed, "There might be a steady flow of magazine articles, probably gain some followers, and then the people at school will react and that's the part I'm not ready for."

"Just gotta keep your head high." Everett advised

When we got to ice skating, Everett paid for my admission fee and skate rental.

He just more and more attractive every day.

"Who's ready to hit the ice?" Aria said trying to pump us up

"Let's go." I said standing up

Everett held his hands out and I took them to help him up.

"Come on, old man." I teased

I looked up to see Jude smirking as he held Aria's hand.

"It's kinda like a double date." Jude said out loud

Jude was the king of pointing out the tension in low-key ways and he always knew what he was doing.

"Have you ever ice skated?" I quickly asked Everett

He nodded, "The question is, have you?"

"We can pretend that I'm good at it." I suggested

We walked on to the ice and I immediately almost fell down but Ev caught me

"I gotcha." He smiled with his arms still around me

"I know." I assured him

Aria turned around, "Come on slowpokes."

"Come on." I said grabbing his hand after he moved his arms around me

After about thirty minutes, I got the hang of ice skating. It got even better when the turned the main lights off for laser ice skating.

We skated until nine and then we decided to go because Aria had to be home for ten.

"What time do the music videos come out tomorrow?" Jude asked as we sat on the benches taking off our skates

"Five o'clock sharp." I responded

Jude looked so excited for us, "I can't wait to say I'm friends with famous singers."

"I'll go return our skates." Ev said standing up and grabbing my skates

Aria nodded, "I'll do the same."

They walked off as Jude turned towards me.

"I have something to tell you and I have to tell you quickly and we need to keep it between us two." Jude started

Gosh, did he hate me too?

"Shoot." I responded

"Everett really, really likes you. He's completely smitten for you, head over heels, all that shit, but he feels like he's somewhat losing you after you lived like a hermit for basically a month. I know you like him too." Jude spoke quickly

I was quiet as I absorbed all this information coming from his best friend.

Oh my gosh, he liked me? Like really liked me.

"Wait, how do you know I like him too?" I asked Jude

Jude scoffed.

"Grier, come on now, seriously? You can tell by the way you look at each other. Sometimes you don't even look at each other, you just stare at each other with smiles and love. Plus you can tell by how you act around each other." Jude explained

"I was going to tell him probably at least twice at this point. The first time, I walked in on him and Finely and the second was the night of winter formal and someone got in my head and told me that I wasn't good for him." I elaborated

Jude raised an eyebrow, "Who said -"

I looked up and saw Everett and Aria walking back towards us.

"Yeah, I'm so nervous for college letters." I spoke loudly over Jude

He turned around and understood.

Thank Gosh.

"Well, it's been fun as always, we'll have to do this again." Aria said grabbing her purse from Jude

I nodded, "Of course."

"Maybe dinner or something tomorrow to celebrate?" Jude suggested

Everett began to speak, "Not too bad of an idea."

"Alright, I gotta get her home before her Dad chops my dick off, good night." Jude ended the conversation

They said 'bye' on last time as we walked out of the skating rink.

Everything that Jude told me wouldn't leave my mind.

Oh my gosh, he likes me, like not just as a friend.

"Wanna go get ice cream?" Everett asked me

I nodded, "For sure."

"Good, because I was really craving it." He said starting up the car

We drove to a local ice cream shop that was pretty quiet this time of the night, but I loved the fact that they had a heated patio with Christmas lights and hammock swings.

Everett and I sat in a hammock swing as we ate our ice cream and talked about what our future was.

"I really hope I get into USC, I'm probably going to move out to Los Angeles regardless, what opportunities does Charlotte have for singing? Little to none." I thought out loud

"Yeah, same, I'm not reading for being on my own either. It's all so scary and new, but then again I guess I am ready for a new adventure." Everett agreed

I looked at him and just stared at him.

Could it get more perfect than this?

"Everett." I started

He looked at me, "Huh?"

Grier, say it, just say it, you have all of the validation you need, fuck what people think.

"Grier." He said with his voice trailing off

"I like you, Everett. Like I really like you, not just a friend like, but when I hear love songs I think about you." I practically blurted out

Everett just stared at me for a moment.

He didn't say anything, he just stared at me, with an open mouth,

"Everett." I said with my voice trailing off

"Please say something." I begged him

"I like you too, Grier like the love song love. It just took me off guard which is why I was quiet, because I didn't think you liked me in the same way I like you." Everett explained

I was beaming.

He really did like me.

"What are we going to do? I asked him as he sat up

"Do you just wanna date and take things slow? Date as in we're not boyfriend and girlfriend just yet but we're not on the market for other people, just testing the waters." Everett suggested

I nodded, "Yeah, of course."'

"Ok." Everett said with a small laugh as he hugged me

I hugged him back and I couldn't believe that this was real life.

I was dating somebody who made me want to be the best version of myself, made me feel worthy, and someone I just cared so deeply about.

"This cannot be real life. There's no way I can be dating the prettiest girl ever." Everett spoke lowly as we sat there with our arms around each other.

"Oh stop it." I blushed as I sat up

"Ev, if we're gonna do this, I wanna keep it lowkey for a bit. Of course not from our family, but with all of the publicity we're about to get I don't want my new, fresh relationship to be in the media when we're still getting to know each other on a deeper level." I rambled

He nodded, "I understand and I agree. We need to get you home though."

We threw away the empty ice cream cups, got into Everett's Jeep, and started the drive to my house.

"Do you wanna come over to my house tomorrow and film the identity reveal?" Ev wondered

"Oh my gosh, yes. What time?" I asked Everett

"Noon." He informed me

I smiled at him, "I'll be there."

"Thanks, Gray." He responded

When we pulled into my house I saw that my Dad's car was here this time around.

"Goodnight." I started

"Goodnight, I'm gonna FaceTime you when I get home." Everett informed me

I grinned, "I'll be looking forward to it."

"You know, I really want to kiss you right now, but I promised myself that I wouldn't until we're official-official." I admitted

Everett bit his lip, "Sucks to wait, huh?"

I pointed my finger at him, "You're not going to get me, Ev Griffin."

"I kinda almost got you, Gray Johnson. Goodnight." He ended as I got out of the car

"Drive safe." I said with a small smile

As soon as I got upstairs, I told my sister everything and she was finally proud of me for taking control and saying what was on my mind.

I took a shower to kill time while I waited on Ev.

But once I was on the phone with him, I couldn't stop talking to him.

That was unless I was extremely tired, but no matter what, I felt like I found my other half.


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