Gangleaders Crazy Nut Job||BW...


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"SHAKE IT OFF SHAKE OFF IT SHAK-" I sang but sombody by somebody I mean the asshole who wants to die for int... More

My Little Pony
Michael The Snitch
Revenge Is MINE!!!!😈
😎Best Friends Or Nah😎
😐Well... Shit😐
A Visit From Taylor

The Kidnapping

4.4K 95 47


Well my dumbass wasn't paying attention to what's in front of me so I end hitting a sign by the rode. "FRANCES" I yelled. "Look at what we have here" he said. "Go to hell you assbutt" I said.

" Jake grab her legs I'll grab her arms" he said. "No Wakanda forever" I said. "Wha" Jake said grabbing my legs. " It's from the movie Black Panther
"I said. " YO WHAT THE HELL I HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN THE MOVIE YET STOP SPOILING IT FOR ME" Jake said dropping my legs. "Just tape her mouth" he said. Then Jake put tape over my mouth.

Hi hello there reader my name is Naomi and I've just been kidnapped YAY SSSSIIIKKKEEE this sucks. So let me tell you what happened and how this happened.

You see mother has cancer and my dad has been working to pay for her treatment and paying the bills at home too. I saw him struggling to keep everything in balance so helped him by getting two job I worked at a bar and a bakery.

Right now I'm working at the bakery. "WHY'D DO YOU ONLY CALL ME WHEN YOU'RE HIGH, HIGH WHY'D YOU ONLY CALL ME WHEN YOU'RE HIGH AND I CANT SEE YOU HERE WONDERING WHERE AM I?" I sang along. "Yo will you please shut the fuck bitch damn" Jess said.

"No now fuck off" I said. "Damn it you made me miss it" I said. " Good because you sound like a dying cow" he said. " Go to hell Jess with Thoas" I said. " Are you serious mad about him kill Gamora" Jess asked. "Yes now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go cry so more" I said.

"Awwww you big ass baby you wanna a hug" Jess said. " No you ass I don't want a hug from you you dick in a bag" I said."What the hell does that even mean" he asked." I don't know" I said." Now if you'll excuse me I have to get to work" I said. "

I'm a little O.D.D most people really don't get me I can hear when talk that trash say "any minute she gon crack" I sang. " Okay crazy bye" Jess said. I checked the time. "SHIT ON A STICK I'M GONNA BE LATE FOR MY SHIFT AT THE BAR" I said. "

"Jess I need you cover my shift need gonna to go to hell" I said. " But you already graduated  school" Jess said. " No not that hell I'm talking about the bar" I said. "Oh that hell okay tell Satan I said Hi and tell that fire breathing witch I said she can kiss my ass" he said." Okay" I said.

I got into my car and drove to the bar. " Jessica Jess told me you to tell you "kiss my ass you stupid bitch you ugly bitch he also said he wished he date a cockroach instead of you" I said. " Are you sure you didn't say that" she asked. " Nope I didn't say it all his words" I said.

" Oh really how about we see if your a liar" she said getting out her. "Hello you skanky bitch what do you want" Jess asked. "  So your friend just told that you told her to tell me to kiss your ass then she said you called me a a stupid bitch,an ugly bitch, and that you wish had dated a cockroach instead of me" Jessica said. " Yep that sounds about right" he said.

"Can't fucking believe you" she said. " Don't acted fucking surprised your the one who fucked my brother" Jess said. "I was drunk you ass" she said. " No the hell you weren't" Jess said." Okay I know I've make mistake but I still love you" she said. " No the fuck you don't you just love my dick there's a difference Jessica" Jess said.

"And now I'm leave" I said walking away. " NAOMI GET YOUR ASS TO WORK NNNOOOWWWW!!!!" Gary yelled. Gary is my boss and the worlds biggest asshole God I hate I wish he was dead already damn.

I went to staff room went to my locker and put on my uniform. I really hate this thing the skirt it too short and this shirt too tight. I start waiting table I got a few whistles and cat calls just like every night. " Hello fellas how may help you" I asked. " Well maybe you help me by coming back to my place" he said. I looked up and let me just say zzzzaaaammmnnnnn papi.


"Yes I go with because I'm getting free food" I said doing a little dance. " Yeah something you can lick and suck on" he said . " Like popsicles" I asked. "Yeah my popsicle" he said then his friends started to laugh. Wait a minute.....OH HELL NO. I saw another waitress with pitcher of beer in her hand. I grabbed it from her and poured on his head. " Clean up on aisle asshole pervert" I said then all his friends started to laugh. " Dayum she got you good" one of his friend's said still laughing. " Goodbye boys, asshole" I blew them a kiss then left.


"It time for me to go home and eat some food and watch Jay from the Kubz Scouts on YouTube" I said. Got in my car and drove home.

I walked on my doorstep I was about to unlock it when I hear dad voice" Please don't hurt me" he said. I ran inside like a dumbass. I looked and I saw the guys from the bar. "Well would look at this boys" The asshole that beer on said. I felt someone grab my arms. " What the hell do you want and why the hell are you here what you want seconds" I said. "No I don't now do you know who I am" he asked. "A stalker" I said.

" No my name is Sawyer Black" he said smirking at me. Oh fuck me I poured beer on gangleader. " Why I'm here is because your father here owes me money" he said. I looked at my dad he didn't ever make eye contact with me.

"Dad why" I asked. " Because I need help with your mothers treatment sweet pea we didn't even have the money that we need" he said. " You know what Jacob I let you keep all the money you won't even have to pay me back hell I'll even play for your wife treatment" Sawyer said. " Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you" my dad said. "If I get you daughter" Sawyer said.

"HAHAHA you think my dad just gonna -" I said but got cut off. " Take her" my dad said. Wait WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! " WHAT THE FUCK DAD" I yelled. " I'm sorry sweetheart but I need your mom to get better" my dad said. " Well looks like your mine princess" Sawyer said and brought his face to mine. Like hell!!!!! I head-butted him the kick him in his crouch. I brought my head back then slammed it against the guys face who holding my arms. He let go and  I ran for the door. Hey that rhymed. I ran down the street and kept running.

"GET HER FUCKING IDIOTS" Sawyer yelled. "Shit on my nipples" I sang while running.

And well you knew what happened.

Thanks for reading 😜✌

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