(Ville valo) you will join me...

By AlisonBonser

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(Ville valo) you will join me in death you have no choice
Chapter 1: Vampire heart
Chapter 2: When love and death embrace
Chapter 3: Close to the flame
Chapter 4: Circle of fear
Chapter 5: Gone with the sin
Chapter 6: The path
Chapter 7: Bury me deep inside your heart
Chapter 8: Rip out the wings of a butterfly
Chapter 9: In Love and lonely
Chapter 10: Wicked Game
Chapter 11: Sleep walking past hope
Chapter 12: Salt in Our wounds
Chapter 13: right here in my arms
Chapter 15: Scared to death

Chapter 14: And Love Said No

286 5 4
By AlisonBonser

Ashleys pov

i got back with the guys but Alison wasn't here yet, we were greeted by Bam though, once the guys were shown their rooms we all sat in the living room watching TV, i heard the Lambo pull up and just as i got up, ville went as a blur past me, so i sat back down, i could hear muttering but couldn't make out what was being said, but both of them soon wizzed past and sat outside, i got up and sat by the door, i heard everything my heart if it was still beating would have stopped, even though i knew this was going to happen, come on hes the prince of darkness and shes been his princess since the day she was changed, i never had a chance never. "Bam" i shouted, "spare decks by the door" he replied without me asking, i grabbed th board and headed to the barn to skate, i put my headphones in and started to skate, i wasnt mad at Alison, i was angry at Ville he had to turn up and ruin everything, i hate him and i hope somebody kills him or hope hes left out in the sun.

Alisons pov

"hey guys where Ashley" i asked walking in to the house, "he went skating" Ben said coming down stairs, "your boards already over there" he said as he went down to the pirate bar, i walked out the door and headed over to the barn, it was a short walk, my bored was by the door, i picked it up and headed to the half pipe, Ash had his headphones in so i just skated i started to get closer to him, but skated a bit to close and we crashed into each other, "why are you here" he asked, "i wanted to talk to you, i'm sorry, i really am, i wished he had never come back i do, i was just getting over him, ok it now makes it look like i was using you as a rebound, but i wasnt, you should know by now that no matter what Ville and i will have a connection he changed me and we have already been married, Ash as much as i love you it cant happen, i am dreading starting a life with Ville again he can be so evil and bitter but its whats meant to be ok, i will always be your friend, if you still want to be?" i said while crying, he pulled me onto his lap and wiped my tears, "of course i want you as a friend, i know i had no chance when he came back, he has that feel about him hes controling and hes has the whole changing you thing in his favour, but if you ever want to get away im just a phone call away, now stop crying and lets go back to the house" Ashley said pushing me off his lap and standing up then helping me stand up, we picked up our boards mine was now in two pieces and not just one, "well i knew id have to buy a new one soon" i joked, we headed up to the house where everyone was sat in the living room talking, "how was the skate sesh" Bam asked, i held up the two halves of my board, "how did you do that" he asked, "crashed into Ash" i said laughing, "well iv got a spare one upstairs you can have" Bam said getting up and headng upstairs, "so when we heading back to Finland" Ville asked, my heart dropped forgetting that i had to leave here, "i dont know, when ever" i said bravely, "well im booking a flight for tonight so be packed by then" ville said disappearing up stairs, "i dont want to go yet" i said, "well if he wasnt so powerful i would go argue with him" Andy said walking over, he gave me a hug, "where Ash gone" i asked looking around.

All of a sudden someone came crashing through the banister and landed on the dining room table, it was Ash he looked hurt but he still got back up and ran up stairs, "ASHLEY STOP IT PLEASE" i screamed but he carried on this time Ville and Ashley came tumberling over the banister, the fight was to quick to see what was happening, Ash was stronger then any of us thought, even Ville seemed to struggle but i could watch it any more, i ran over to them and stood in the middle, they just stopped, "Ash im going to night i will see you again soon but dont fight" i said then ran to my room, i started packing when Bam walked in the room, "you can come stay here when ever zille zalos mean ok, your like a sister to me so i will always be here" he said coming over and hugging me, "right you pack iv got to finish something off" he said as he walked out my room, i quickly packed just as Ville appeared, "why didnt you let me squish him" Ville said harshley, the evil in him was begining to show again..............

so i was on a flight back to Finland, i feel so bad for Ash i do have feelings for him but with Ville i just dont know its like im drawn to him, Ville is sat next to me with his headphones in, and im just sat here thinking, "ladies and gentlmen we will begin our decent now so please but your seatbelts on and i hope you have enjoyed your flight with us today" the captin said, i hate landing, Ville grabbed my hand and smiled at me, i held on to his hand and closed my eyes i hope this doesnt take to long, who would think a vampire whos scared on a plane landing its not like im gunna die if it crashes but still.

The landing went fine so we are now in the car back, well back home i guess, Ville hasnt let go of my hand yet im kind of creeped out, we got to the tower pretty quickly, Ville got out and let go of my hand so he could grab both of our cases, i walked up to the door and unlocked it as Ville had given me the keys, "do you mind if i borrow one of your guitars" i shouted out the door, "nope, whats mine is yours, you know where they are" he said pointing upstairs, i ran up and into the music room, i picked up a guitar, and pulled out my laptop from my backpack, i set skype up and rang Andy who answered, "right you ready, Ville cant find out but we need to cheer Ash up, its all set up to Bams speakers" Andy said, i started strumming when its time by green day

Words get trapped in my mind

Sorry I don't take the time to feel the way I do

'Cause the first day you came into my life

My time ticks around you

But then I need your voice

As the key to unlock

All the love that's trapped in me

So tell me when it's time

To say I love you

All I want is you to understand

That when I take your hand

It's 'cause I want to

We are all born in a world of doubt

But there's no doubt

I figured out

I love you

All I want is you to understand

That when I take your hand

It's 'cause I want to

We are all born in a world of doubt

And there's no doubt

I figured out

I love you

And I feel lonely for

All the losers that will never take the time to say

What was really on their mind instead

They just hide away

Yet they'll never have

Someone like you to guard them

And help along the way

Or tell them when it's time to say, "I love you"

So tell me when it's time to say "I love you"

"Ash is crying but smileing all at the same time well done" Andy said smileing, "bye guys" i said then ended the call, "do you love him?" Ville asked walking into the room, he sat in front of me, "yeah but not as much as i love you, i dont know why but for some reason i love you so much it hurts" i said starting to cry, Ville pulled me into his lap and started humming for you then he picked up his guitar and placed it on me and started playing 

In the grace of your love I writhe in pain

In 666 ways I love you and I hope you feel the same

I'm for you

I'm for you

I'm killing myself for your love and again all is lost

In 777 ways I love you 'til my death do us part

I'm for you - and I'm dying for your love

I'm for you - and my heaven is wherever you are

I'm for you - and I'm dying for your love

I'm for you - and my heaven is wherever you are

In 666 ways I love you and my heaven is wherever

you are

I'm here for you - I am here for you

I'm here for you - I am here for you

I'm here for you - I am here for you

I'm here for you - I am here for you

He put the guitar down and wiped the tears from my cheaks, "come on the suns riseing lets go to bed" he said picking me up bridel style and carried me to bed, i was soon asleep but all i kept seeing was Ash, Ville was still awake i could tell and i know its because he could see what i was dreaming, i hate myself im hurting too many people, i dont know what to do 

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