Amnesia/ Larry Stylinson

By AlwaysInMyHeartL

9.9K 169 20

What happens when the person you love forgets you?? What would you do?! What should you feel? What should you... More

Amnesia/ Larry Stylinson
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Capture 5
Capture Six
Capture Seven
Capture Eight
Capture Nine
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Capture 11
Capture 12
Capture 13
Captur 14
Capture 16
Capture 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
No chapter- Please read it though
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28- THE END

Capture 15

263 5 0
By AlwaysInMyHeartL

Harry PoV

When I stop kissing him Louis gives me one of his biggest smile.

"Soo .."

I furrow my eyebrows and watch him.confused. What does he mean?!

"So what?!"

"You said something very interesting before you got the doctors here.."

I'm even more confused now. What does he mean? Louis hits my arm gently and his smile fades.

"As you don't remember it, I think you only said it without meaning it.."

"What the hell, do you mean?!"

Louis tries to get away from me as I sit down now next to him.

"You said that you wanted to me marry me as fast as possible if I wake up.."

Oh.. I smile. Trying to make him not furious at me.

"I still mean it.. I will get everything done if you want to.."

I smile shyly.

"Harry, we both.. ouch .."

My smile fades and I watch him.worried.

"Everything okay?!"

He simple nods.

"We both know that you want a bigger marriage.."

"I don't care, I don't want.. ah forget it.."

I blush while a tear falls down my cheek. Louis takes one of my hand in his and smiles at me.

"C'mon , what don't you want to happen?!!"

"I- I don't want it to be late.. You know to marry you.. It's the second time you were in coma and I am so afraid to lose you..."

His grip gets tighter and he gets my face down to his. There's literally no space between us but still our lips aren't touching. I feel his breathing on my lips and it feels incredible.

"I love you, Lou.."

I kiss him. Our lips finally again reunited. Even though we just kissed like five minutes ago I missed him. His lips on mine. His tongue playing with mine. I end the kiss. Louis stares at me confused and sad.


"You don't want to get laid here , do you ?!"

I chuckle and of course Louis says that he wants to. Stupid dork. I laugh and kiss him.


I wink and give him a short kiss.

"When 'later'?!"

"On the day you can go home."

He sighs.

"I hope that's soon.. I miss your body."

I shake my head and laugh loudly.

"Sure you do. I miss your body too, love."

"Will you stay here tonight ?!"

He pouts and looks terrible sad.

"I don't think I am allowed to but O can get me a chair later to sit on it."

"There's enough space in that bed.."

"You know that you're on two infusions?! I don't want that I put it down while I sleep.. I don't want that you have to get in coma again.. I love you too much.."

Some tears are again building in my eyes and I immediately put them away by wiping my arms over my eyes.

"Haz, don't cry. I love you and if you think that isn't good for me, okay. But I hope I can sleep next to you as soon as possible!!"

I nod and kiss him gently.

I hope he will be able soon to leave that hospital. I need him. Physical and psychic.


A look at him confused.


"Where are Liam and Niall?!"

"They aren't allowed to get in here but we could be bad boys.."

I smile and he gives me a nod. I send them a message with how to come here and they are immediately here. It took them five minutes to get here but who counts really.


Both storm to Louis giving him happy face and giving him a high five. I guess they're as happy to have him alive and stable as me. I chuckle lightly at this sight and get out taking one of those chairs in. I put it next to Louis' bed and sit down.

While the other two boys are chatting with Louis I put on my phone.

One missed call.


I immediately get out and call her back.

"Hello,Jay ? Are you alright?!"

" Hi, Harry.. yeah..I wanted to ask you how's Louis.. "

I bite my lip. Shit, I didn't thought of his family. I didn't texted them or called them as he got into the surgery room. Selfish ass a voice in my head is screaming at me.


"Oh, sry .. ermh.. yeah he's fine now, I would say.. "

"What do you mean?! What's with my baby?! And why didn't you tell me that he lost his memory?!"

"He- I don't know if I can do this on phone.."

"Please, I can't leave Doncaster now.. Daisy and Doris are ill.. Please just tell me.."

"He had an operation."

"What?! Which?!"

"He had an brain hemorrhage.. but the doctors say it's good now and can't hurt him anymore.."

"Ohh .. and- and why didn't you tell me about his memorizing  problems?! I'm his mother, Harry!! Do you wanna know where I got that information from?! Twitter !! Some poor fans of you wanted to know how bad it actually is, etc. and I couldn't tell them anything. Because you didn't say an-"

"Jay, keep calm.. Let me explain this! Okay?"


"I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to go through the same hell as me.."

"What do you mean?!"

"He didn't remember anything.. Which included me. I wanted you to not experience how it feels when someone you love looks at you worried and asks you who you are.."

"I- I.. oh my god.. Harry, I.didn't know it was that bad.. I am really really sorry.. I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay, you're his mother and I should have at least told you when he began remembering people.."

"Does he remember me now?!"

"I don't know.. I mean I told him all names of his family and of his siblings and he was so cute. Totally listening as it would be like a story or something like this.. But I could give him to you.."

"Ye- Noo.. I- I am afraid.."

"It's okay!!"

"I have to go now.. Tell Louis I love him.. Bye, Harry.."

"Bye, Jay.."

I get back in the room. It's silent and everyone's watching me.


Louis looks at my phone and back at me.

"Long phone call, huh?"



"So curious today?!"

He puts his tongue out and crosses his arms.

"Your mother. I should tell you that she loves you."

He looks me now with sorrow in his eyes.

"Ohh.. sorry.."

I smile and sit on my chair next to his bed. Niall and Liam hugging Louis goodbye and doing the same to me.

"Bye, Larry!"

"Bye, Niall! Bye, Liam!"

They go and Louis and me are alone again.

"It- it's really my mom ?! Why doesn't she come visiting me?! I want to know how she looks.. I want to hear her voice.."

"Two of your siblings seem to be quite sick .. You still can't remember her?"

"No, not at all.."

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