Lycan's Daughter

By viiyachan

709 6 2

This story is about a Girl who's father was killed one day when she was very young when they where on a walk... More

Lycan's Daughter
Given Up
Magic Seal
Baby Steps
The "necessary" deaths
Laura's Eyes
You sleep outside?


129 1 0
By viiyachan

Yeah well guess what. That was a stupid plan in the first place.


"Hey Addie! You wanna come down to the Sr. high lounge during free period?" Laura, a short blond Kaygan girl asked. 

"Sure!" I posed my fake grin as always. everything fake. This was Lycan's next little step to his plan. I had gotten used to him. but its kinda easy to get used to someone who's taken over your life and you've given up all hope. Although I had convinced him to spare many lives on the way I've lost way too many. I watched.. no I'm sorry I can't lie about this its too haunting, I assisted in his murder of a nice little mixed family with 3 small boys and a teenage twin daughter and son. So I gave up. I stopped caring. But I can't pull my self to just leave. 

This next part of his plan was strange. He was going to have us pretend to be normal Kaygans, which isn't too hard since Kaygans are pretty much just Kaygems without magic. Extra easy for me since I am half Kaygan and don't have magic anyway. He poses as my guardian which made me feel sick at first. Him, pretending to be my father when he was the one who murdered my actual father . I attend a Kaygan High School. He told me that he was going to slowly introduce the rumor of magic into the Kaygan reality. Kaygans don't know a thing about Kaygems. Other than they are native the Kayga.

He told me a lot of things.

The more I listened to him the more I realized that he really wasn't I psychopathic Moron. He's very immature at times but he's I used to swear was something called evil. But i've realized now that evil is nothing its just something you put on someone who you don't like. Of course I still hate him though. When I realized this I stopped caring. But I knew one thing. I wasn't going to let his magic kill me. That would mean he won. I don't care. 

I don't care.

This plan of his was apparently "Fool Proof" he didn't explain to me just yet.. well maybe he did and I just didn't understand, how exactly his parts of his plan flow together. He is at some point flood the town and trap the kids in the school. And they will kill each other or something? but before that he's going to make the humans go insane and primitive. Well more primitive then they already are. I don't know and frankly just don't care I just do what he tells me. 

Sorry for my rambling. I'll go on with the story.

Anyway so Laura had offered me to go to the lounge free period and free period rolled around. 

"Oh Addie you actually came! I considered walking to your homeroom first to see if I could drag you here but I thought that would be kinda weird so I decided to  sat here and.." Laura would have rambled forever, while I nodded and smiled, if she wasn't silenced by the kid that walked in behind me. She got a big goofy grin on her face and stuck out her arms like in idiot.  

"Come to mama Davey-boy!" she giggled and he walked around me while I watched with a disgusted look as they kissed. Human love is strange and disturbing. Especially when they are still young like this.

"i hope you don't mind if David hangs with us" Laura said

"not at all seriously!" I really didn't care I wasn't lying "As long as you guys don't make out the whole time.

"Oh we're not pigs Addalin" David snapped at me as if I was serious

"My name is Addison" I gave a sarcastic grin.

"Whatever" he said. Oh but they did anyway. I just sat back and thought about my part in Lycans plan, what he wanted me to do. Which was befriend as many people as I can. He apparently wants some humans on our team too. I still think that Meghan and Eyon are too much though. Even so he kinda leaves them out of everything but tells me everything and because of that they hate me.. well eyon does.. Meghan doesn't care for me but she's still nice about it. even though i know they hate me for what me and lycan did but they are in the same situation i'm in. Oh! darn nit i'm rambling again. You must be very confused. Well anyway, remember that family I told you about with the Twins? well Lycan did the same thing with Meghan and her twin brother Eyon that he did on me. except they have yet to realize the thing about evil that I did and I notice them trying to stop us from harming others for Lycans plan. So they where with us as well.Sorry for the confusion. I should really get back on track. 

well anyway Lycan wanted to help start the rumor of magic flowing easily into this world by starting it in this high school where everybody knows everybody even outside of this school and in other schools. why did he have to pick such a small town its so shabby and.. wait i'm off track again I really need to learn how to focus. Anyway so when we get these guys in they'll learn of magic and of course even if we tell them not to tell anyone they will. We just have to make sure not to get two best friends together or else they will have no-one to tell.

"i've been checking out Laura Smith as a candidate" I said that night around the fire. "did you guys get anyone?"

"I'm not going to get any humans hurt  to be your freakin pawns." Eyon said

"Eyon we have to i'm scared of lycans spell" Meghan said worried

"I doubt its even real a powerful magician even like him can't even pull a spell like that off" he said 

"you guys really are about to die if you think like that" I said Closing my eyes and tilting my head back "he's way more powerful then you think"

"you should know" Eyon mocked me "How are you supposed to even know what powerful magic is like when you aren't even a magician yourself!"

"I am too! my father was the most powerful magician in the country!!" I said "I just have a hard time with my magic" I sighed

"your father is definitely not the most powerful magician in the country" Eyon said

"Addison your father is honestly a terrible person and shouldn't be trusted. I hated him and still do! You should forget about that guy and just run away!" Meghan said suddenly her voice louder

"first of all if I run away i'll die second of all I'll never forget about my father and how in the world could you hate him when you didn't even know him! You might have heard of him but he never got close to anyone! so I don't care what you say! he was the kindest most nicest most.." I coughed a little and right before i could continue Eyon said

"Wait, your not.." He looked very confused

"I'm not what?" I said glaring at him

"Lycan isn't your father?" Meghan said

"What? no! I hate that man. I hate him with my life. You guys don't know sorry i shouldn't have thought you would assume but he did the same thing to me that he did to you except when I was 7. Lycan raised me since then but I"ve never liked the guy.." I said they both looked completely and utterly shocked.

"i'm sorry we just thought" eyon said

"since you followed him so loyally that" meghan stuttered

"he was your.."Eyon said

"Father.." the both said

"No he is not my dad and i'm completely discussed to think he is anything of the sort my real father was the greatest man alive." I said and thought to myself

And it's my fault he's dead.

"can we ask who is your father?" Meghan said and Eyon nodded.

"Sure" i said grinning and throwing my head back "My daddy's name was Gerard Hedingfeld." I looked at them and their eyes where wide.

"No way" eyon said "I don't believe your a lier your making that up to get our sympathy and respect your ARE Lycans daughter. Gerard Hedingfeld was the creates musician of his time. Until he got his head blown off for unknown reasons. No-one knew who did it or how."

"oh I do" I said "Lycan did it and because I was distracting my dad because I had gotten hurt"

"Gerard the Great had no children!!" Eyon snapped back

"Addie was a secret because he didn't want anyone to know  about how she came to be." I heard his voice and turned around 

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