
By MrMeanor

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Simon Wright, a third year English major, has never had an easy life. He was teased as a boy, his mother died... More

Warning to the Reader
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Origins: The Swashbuckling Princess
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

73 6 0
By MrMeanor

Fearing the end of my life was near, I did exactly what he told me. Without removing the blade from my neck he fished a pair of vintage handcuffs from a satchel he was carrying.

"In the name of the king I am placing you under arrest." he said throwing throwing the cuffs at me. "Put them on."

"What!" I yelled in total shock. I tried to get up but he pressed his knife deeper into my neck.

"Put them on."

I wasn't sure how to work the handcuffs so I had to study them before attempting to put the around my wrists.

"Have you never seen a pair of cuffs before?" he asked me. It was obvious he getting impatient.

"I have seen handcuffs before just not like these."

I had failed at putting the cuffs a few times before he became annoyed and put the on me himself. Fully aware of what would happen, he kicked me off the tree. I landed on my shoulder causing me to let out a yell of pain. He probably thought I would land on my feet.

"You're pretty clumsy and dim-witted for a felon." he said jumping down from the tree and safely on his feet.


"Yes....Felon." he said aggressively grabbing me and 'helping me to my feet'. He pushed me forward. "Walk."

"Why am I a felon? What did I do?" I asked desperately trying to understand what was going on.

He went into to his satchel again and pulled out a folded piece of paper, unfolded it and started reading it.

"Gaston LeGune, you my friend have accumulated quite a few charges. You have been charged with aggravated assault, burglary, disturbing the peace, public intoxication, kidnapping, rape and murder."

"What! TI dont dont know who that is! My name Is Simon Wright!"


"Yes, Simon Wright."


"Simon Wright."

"No, that is not what I meant. I meant 'right' as in I do not believe you at all."

"What! I swear its the truth. I don't even know who this Gaston La Googoo guy is."

"I will tell the magistrate to add identity theft to the list because you look an awful lot like the man on this poster."

It was then when I remembered that a 'magistrate' was pretty much the same thing as a judge. We were going to court.

"Wait, Were going to court then, right?"

"No, Just you. I am just taking you there after that I'm going to the tavern."

I could not believe what this guy was telling me. I was a wanted man in a place I have never been. I wasn't actually sure if I was even awake especially after everything that has happened tonight.

"So what what are you a bounty hunter?"

"No, I am The King's best solider."

I was starting you get annoyed by this guy's arrogance. "Oh yeah? what makes you so special?" I asked with a tint of attitude.

He must have sensed my opposition because he pushed me against a tree and pulled his knife out again. Though this time he pressed it against my bare chest.

"If you must know, I have never failed a mission. I have always gotten results and I always....get the job done." he said as he moved his hand in a swift motion away from my body. The blade cut me, leave a noticeable gash,but not deep enough to where it did any real damage. Though the cut was small it really hurt. I winced in pain and let out a small yelp but immediately regretted it because he put his free hand over my mouth and signaled for me to be quite. I didn't understand at first but after a moment or two I heard it. We were not alone. A horrible laugh echoed through the dead air.

"Peter, I find it amusing how you think that halfwit is me. The king's favorite pawn has actually failed his master."

Then a very muscular man came out of the shadows. He was burly and a tall. His shoulders were broad and his body was lean despite having a bigger frame.

"Gaston." Peter put his dagger back in its sheath and turned to face Gaston. "Are you aware that I am hunting you."?

"I am aware of that but I am busy because I am looking for something though I sure you already knew that."

"I usually do not like disappointing people but when it comes to people like you I am willing to make an exception. Unfortunately I do not have the book."

"I didn't come here for the book

"What could you be searching for if not the book?"

"I am here for the boy." Gaston said pointing his meaty finger at me

There is no way I could still be awake after everything that has happened tonight. First there was everything that happened with Peyton then I ended up in this forest after being in my parent's study. Then I was arrested by Peter who thought I was Gaston and then after finally meeting Gaston I find out that he was looking for me . This is undoubtedly the strangest dream I have ever had.

"What would a person like you want with a fool like him?"

"I do not have any business with him. It is the queen who wants him, not me. To be completely honest I could not care any less about the boy. He means nothing to me."

"Uhhh excuse me guys. You know I'm still-" I started to say but  was shushed by Peter. He then processed with his previous conversation.

"This put us at quite a predicament. You have something I want and you have to complete your mission."

"Just hand over the boy and no one will get hurt." Gaston pleaded.

"You know I can't do that."

"I will give you one more chance. Step aside."

"No." Peter  said with a snide smirk on his face.

"Very well...." Gaston said as he causally unsheathed his sword. "....I will just have to cut you down like insignificant seedling you are." he yelled as he charged toward Peter and I. Peter quickly braced for the impact with his knife in hand.

Just then Gaston was stopped dead in his tracks by an arrow. His arm was cut. It was then when I realized that both Peter's and my arm had been cut by the same arrow which had impaled itself into the tree three yards behind me. Peter's body froze.

My first thought was that was an impressive shot. Whoever shot that arrow had hit three different people with the same arrow. They also had to be a considerable amount of distance away because I couldn't see anyone else in the forest except for Peter, Gaston and myself. My thoughts were interrupted by Gaston's chilling chuckle.

"Well isn't that sweet. Seems as though 'Big Brother' still has a soft spot for his little brother. I guess he doesn't want to see you dead just yet." he teased. 

Big Brother? Who was he talking about? I looked at Peter and saw that his beet red now and he looked furious. His fists were balled up tight and breathing was heavy.

"I guess I will be leaving you now but don't think for a second this is over. " he said before walking into the shadow of the forest.

Peter's state did not change until after he turned to walk towards me but then became very depressed.

"What was that all that about?" I asked Peter.

"I am not sure" he answered me as he unlocked the handcuffs. 

"You're letting me go?"

"You're not Gaston so there is no reason why I should keep you apprehended. Unless of course there is something you would like to tell me."

"Nonono I'm just confused."

"Confused? What is there to be confused about? I thought you were somebody you were not. It is as simple as that." he said  while walking away from me.

"No not that. I got that part. I'm talking about everything else." I said jogging after him.

"I give you permission to ask your question. I will answer to the best of my ability." 

"Well first off do you mind if I tag along with you because I have no idea where I am."

"Normally I travel alone unless I am accompanied by my band of proteges but  given the current situation I will make an exception for you."

"Uhhh thanks. What was all that 'Big Brother' crap about "

"Why do you want to know?" he said turning around to face me.

"I'm just confused that's all. You said you would answer my questions-"

"Not that one."

" But-"

"I said not that one!' he yelled at me. He stared at me with pure anger in his eyes.

" OK jeez dude no need to yell."

"Next Question." he said as he continued walking.

" Where are we going?"

"Back to the King. I need to tell him of the events that took place tonight. We will march the the gates within the hour."

Then it dawn on me that I knew nothing about this guy except that his first name was Peter.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I am Peter Lord of Neverland" he said proudly.

Then something in my head clicked. No wonder he was able to catch me in the forest earlier. He also carried a knife as his weapon. He said his name was Peter of Neverland but I only heard of one Peter being from Neverland.

"No way." I said in disbelief.

"Come again?"

" You're Peter Pan?" I said.

Next thing I know Peter was behind me holding his knife to my neck. "You should know better than to say that name around me."

"I'm sorry man I really didn't know. I'm not from here."

He instantly released me. "What did you say?" He said looking surprised.

" I'm not from this place and Idon't know where I am." I said rubbing my neck.

"But you know who I am?"

"Yes, You're name is Peter Pan."

He winced when I said that. "I go by Peter of Neverland now." 

"So I am still right, right?"


"You got to be kidding me."

"Do I look like a jester?"

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe this.

"Follow me." He said before swiftly taking off into the woods. 

This dream is too weird.

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