Warning to the Reader

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Dear reader,

My name is Simon Wright and everything you are about to read is true. I am writing this book so that in the case I don't return someone will find a way to finish what I started. Things in this book may be enticing at first though I assure you within these pages lies many dark stories.

All of the fairy tales, fables and legends we have all come to know as kids are not figments of someone's imagination. They are real and most of them are not  as "PG" as you might think.

Before you read this I should warn you. This book is dangerous. I am risking my life by just writing it. Should you continue to read this, you should know that I cannot ensure your safety either. Read this book with caution. They could be anywhere. They could be watching.

With Faith and Trust....

Simon Wright

P.S. - Don't say I didn't warn you.

WrittenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora