Chapter 12

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A few days ago I would have never thought that I would be spending my free time inside a book. I didn't even think it was possible but now its was a part of my routine. Once I finished doing whatever I had to do that day. I know it sounds crazy but this is what I do when I have free time. I "lose myself in the book". I had gone into the room was about to open the book when I remembered that the king asked me to bring the book with me. He said he would teach me how to use it when I brought it with me. 

" Just remember you have the book with you."

I opened the book and was transported to Written. When I got there it was cloudy and cold. The wind carried whispers that whisked past my ears. I couldn't make out what they were saying but they were definitely whispers. The city didn't look any better than the last time I was here. It actually looked worse because of this ominous weather. What bothered me most of all was that there were no people. It was eerie and dark. It looked like a ghost town. I called out for someone to come out but no one answered. I walked around the city looking for someone....anyone to come out and tell me what was going on. 

The longer I wondered the roads and paths of Written wind howled louder and the air became colder. Out the corner of my, through a window I see a woman in a corner holding her children close as this were the last time she would see them. I began to walk over to her but I heard someone whisper my name. I turned around to see Peter crouched down in an alleyway between two buildings. It looked like he was hiding from something. He out his finger to his lips and signaled for me to come over to where he was.

"Where is everyone?" I whispered to him.

"We are hiding." he said in a hushed tone as he made room for me.

"Hiding from what?"



"Yes, eraser."

"Like the little pink things that go on the back of a pencils?"

"What are 'pencils'?"

"Never mind, what is an eraser?"

"A soul eater."

"A what?"

"A soul eater. A ghost like assassin. They come with the wind and never leave until they have what they came for. "

"Wait, I've heard of these things before. In my world they're called wraiths. My mom used to tell me stories about them but she would always call them erasers."

"Did she ever say how to kill them?"

"No but she did say you can dispel them."


"We need fire."

"Are they afraid of fire?

"There's only one way to find out." I told Peter to put my book in his satchel and grabbed a good sized branch off of the ground and show it to Peter. 

"What?" he whispered as he looked at me with a confused face.

"Light it."

"Oh right, We need fire." He said. He took the branch and lit it with two flints he conveniently had in his satchel. He took another stick lit that one too. "Are you sure about this?"

"No,not at all but we have to try.

"What?" he whispered. Unfortunately, it was loud enough that the erasers heard. There was a ghastly shriek that cut through the air. Before I could react Peter's torch flew past me narrowly missing my head.

"Run!" he yelled as he darted from our hiding place. I turned around to find an eraser making its way up to where we were. Without hesitation I followed Peter. 

"We need more fire!" I yelled at him as we were running. 

"I have an Idea but you will not like it"

"Why not? What  is it?"

Peter then threw a fist sized rock at the eraser but it passed through the ghost. 

"It didn't work." I told him

"Yes it did. Stall it for a few minutes and then go to the castle gates!" he yelled before running off leave me alone to fend for myself against the eraser. Then I realized that the rock wasn't supposed to hurt it. It was supposed to get its attention. Which meant I was bait. Damn you Peter.

 The ghost growled as it resumed its pursuit but  this time it was much faster than before. I ran as fast as I could to avoid this thing. I tried to stay in the street so I did not put anyone else in harm's way. Unfortunately I wasn't able to outrun the floating apparition and it had caught me by my shirt. I was thrown onto the ground and lost many senses. I was disoriented. My makeshift torch had been blown out due to all my running. I was out of moves. I was going to die. 

Just as the Eraser began approaching me a rock sailed passed through the body of the wraith and  over my head . The spirit  hesitated which made it seem shockingly surprised. It turned around and I followed its gaze and saw Tinkerbell.

"Tinkerbell? What are you doing?" I asked

"I'm saving your life!" She yelled back, Then Just as She finished saying that the eraser charged her.

I was now on my feet chasing  the Eraser who was now chasing Tinkerbell. She tried to run  but she wasn't fast enough. The Eraser was closing in on her fast.

"Run to the castle!" I yelled as loud as I could. I didn't know if she heard me but she turned up an alley. As we raced through the city I saw the castle getting closer. She must have taken a shortcut because we were approaching the gates fast. In the distance I could hear Peter urging us to run. The gates had started to close even before we made it inside the gates. Fortunately, I made it inside just inside just in time. The beautiful courtyard was defiled with a bonfire and I understood what Peter's plan was. I immediately got the Eraser's attention and ran towards the fire. The was one problem how was I going to get the Eraser into the fire?  Then it had occurred to me that I would have to jump through the fire. I ran straight for the fire and just as I had expected the wraith had followed me. Unfortunately it wasn't fast enough to avoid the fire. Just as the Eraser let out its final screams Peter came rushing over to my side along with the girl from the tower. 

"Are you alright Simon?" she said with genuine concern.

"Yeah I'm fine...ummm..." I realized I didn't know what to call her.

"My name is Alisha but most people call Rapunzel."

"Cool." I managed to say through my panting.

"You are getting to be quite the adventurous one Simon. That was an undoubtedly good show? How did you know the wraith was more dim-witted than yourself?"

" I didn't." I said to him with a glare.

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P.S. If there are any characters that you would like to see in future chapters feel free to suggest them via comment section or private message. Keep in mind that the majority of  this story will take place in Written and most of the characters are those form fairy tales, fables, legends and other stories like those. Thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2014 ⏰

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