New blood /// klance

By ohmydolans_

21.8K 800 259

[Complete✅] (Editing) Keith is a vampire and lance is a regular human, When Keith starts going to a normal h... More

Chapter one | lance
Chapter two | feelings
Chapter three | sweet blood
Chapter four | desired one
Chapter five | past
Chapter six | the jacket
Chapter seven | flier
Chapter eight | drunk lance
Chapter 10 | love marks
Chapter 11 | change
Chapter 12 | for your own good
Note please read
Chapter 14 | newblood
Chapter 15 | money
Chapter 16 | lets start a new life

Chapter nine | shiro

1K 46 13
By ohmydolans_

When we finally reached the house I carefully helped lance out making sure he didn't fall out of the car.

As I leaded lance out of the car I could sense something, someone, watching.

I quickly rushed lance and myself inside and looked around outside, I really hope it's not who I think it is, if it is I have a lot of explaining and shit to go through.

I noticed lance behind me who is a complete mess, I sighed and led him upstairs, I took off his shirt and his pants leaving him in his boxers, I laid him down in bed and tucked him in, he kissed me once on my cheek and then went to sleep, thank god.

I walked back downstairs and saw a silhouette of a person outside, I looked at the figure long and hard before I widened my eyes, it can't be.

I walked outside carefully closing the door behind me.

I ran up to the figure and pushed him to the ground using all my force,

"Why are you here shiro! What do you want?!" I yelled

I could see his devilish smirk grow in his face, it made me sick.

"Brother!" He said happily

"I'm not your brother" I said with a face of disgust by the word brother

"Well we are brothers there's not much you can do about it" shiro said as he sat up making me sit in his lap, he caressed my cheek with his thumb looking into my eyes

I moved my face and pulled down his arm and got up.

"What the fuck do you want" i sneered

"You" he said with a smirk

"You can't have me" i said crossing my arms

"Whys that?" He asked

"No reason, you just can't" I said

Shiro then looked as if he had picked up a smell in the air, it's a strong smell, I know exactly who and what it is.

Shiro laughed "no way" he said crossing his arms "you have a drunk human in your bed don't you, you've been doing it with a human, haven't you?" He asked lifting an eyebrow

"No!" I yelled "you are smelling something else" I said

"Oh really? So you wouldn't mind if you showed me to your bedroom and no, I'm not up to that with you just yet" shiro said with a grin

I rolled my eyes, I hate him.

Shiro and i used to be great friends, when we were humans, we had known each other since we were born.

You might be wondering why I was saying we are brothers when I said he was my friend, it's because my "parents" (my vampire parents) turned me and shiro making us their kids, it's kinda confusing but it's like as if they had adopted us

The thing is Shiro was in love with me, ever since he figured out he was gay, I never told Shiro i was gay though because Shiro was already touching me constantly, he could even get abusive sometimes, I don't know if it's his kink or if he just likes me in pain or what but well, that's our story.

As shiro got closer and closer to the door I pushed him out of the way, he fell to the ground and his eyes lit up a dark shade of black.

He got up from where he was on the ground and walked over to me

"You're messing with the wrong vampire Keith, you may have gotten away with death because of our stupid parents but I will kill you, and I will kill you with the help of a few of my friends" shiro said with an evil tone, he honestly scares me to death.

Shiro is absolutely obsessed with dominance, he's always been this way.

Ever since Shiro was given a second chance of life that's all he wanted, he wants to take use of his new abilities and be the most dominant vampire, thats why he moved to the dark side.

When shiro first became a vampire he was like a drug Addict, though my family tries to go without drinking human blood thats all shiro and the dark side wants.

You may be wondering why the dark side is called what it is, it's not just because they drink human blood, it's because they also drink vampire blood.

If someone from the dark side gets so hungry they can and they will drink vampire blood and they can survive off it, the only thing we are still trying to figure out is how it happens.

My family thinks that it's if you are starved for to long but Shiro was never starved, some others say it's just because they are just so evil they don't care and they do it to scare us.

I honestly do not know what to believe but I know the dark side is getting stronger especially with shiro there, I need to warn my family he is back.

"Do your worst" i hissed at shiro

Just after saying the last few words of my sentence shiro took out a sharp piece of wood and rammed it towards me,

I quickly moved my head trying to dodge the wood, it scratched my face slightly.

I punched shiro as hard as I can, he hit the side of the house and fell to the ground.

"You've gotten much stronger since I've last saw you, what have you been doing? Working out?" I swung at him again as he tried to get up but missed "or are you in love?" He asked with a smirk

I threw another punch and missed again

"You know, when a vampire falls for someone, anyone, they gain this huge amount of power, like the amount you have" he said with a chuckle

"Shut up Shiro and leave" I hissed showing my fangs as a threat

"If it's that new human you are hiding you better change him soon, or ill be back and he won't be able to fend for himself" shiro threatened

"A new blood could definitely kill you" I threatened back

"Is that so? I guess we will find out when you change your precious girl-or boy" he said with a smirk as he walked away

When shiro was finally gone I walked inside and locked the door, I used all my force and punched the wall out of anger.

"FUCK" I yelled angry, if i change lance he won't be my helpless adorable baby anymore, and if I don't change him he will either possibly be able to fend for himself or he will just be a big issue

I have a lot of thinking to go through.

A/n: ayyyyy long chap :) enjoy :)

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