Saved (Jikook au)

By faintandfickle

947K 36.1K 24.8K

Getting saved by a vampire is something Jimin never imagined happening to him. He never even thought about th... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9~
Part 10~
Part 11
Part 12~
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16~
Part 17~
Part 18~
Part 19~
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22~
Part 23~
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26~
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Bonus chapter pt.1
Bonus chapter pt.2~

Part 14

23.8K 930 803
By faintandfickle

"Do you remember what happened then?" Tae asked Yoongi

"Not really, I was pretty drunk..."

"Yeah the doctor said you had alcohol in your system, do you remember anything?" Tae asked and Yoongi nodded

"I remember going to bar to find someone to hook up with, I met someone but I just couldn't focus on him, all I could think of was Jimin and how much I miss him. I know that I'm the reason it ended and that we could still be together if I hadn't fucked it all up so much but I can't help how I feel" I felt Jungkook's grip on me tighten at Yoongi honesty. I reassured him by smiling at him and giving his hand a squeeze.

"You can't think like that Yoongi, we obviously weren't meant to last, if we were... everything would be fine still. Everything happens for a reason" I said softly whilst sitting on the edge of the bed again. I took his hand between both of mine and looked at the others "can I have a moment alone with him please?"

Tae and Hoseok agreed straight away as Jungkook raised an eyebrow with a worried look on his face. Tae realised and grabbed him before dragging him out the room. When the door was shut I looked back at Yoongi who had a tear running down his face. I shuffled a little closer and dried his cheeks before asking him the real questions I have

"Why did you hurt me Yoongi?"

"I don't know, I was bored maybe. I wish I hadn't done any of it, I wish I realised what I had and how good I had it. You were nothing but perfect to me Jimin and I'm so sorry" he said whilst letting a little sob go "Jimin please forgive me and give us another try, please please please" he begged whilst breaking down into a sob.

I didn't know what to do so I wrapped my arms around him and let him cry it out. Once I felt his breathing calm down again I pulled away and dried his face with the ends of Jungkook's hoodie that I've been wearing lately.

Yoongi noticed that it wasn't my hoodie and looked at me before suddenly pressing his lips against mine. I was in shock and without realising I kissed him back. My hand made its way to the back of his neck and pulled him closer. The familiarity of his lips formed a million different emotions inside me, the well known feeling of his hands cupping my face as he kissed me more. I felt his tongue brush against mine causing me to react in the same way, I teased his bottom lip with my teeth before he kissed his way down my neck.

Without realising I had started crying softly, one of my tears landed on his hand and he pulled away, looking at me worried. Why did I just do that?

"Why are you crying? Tell me baby" I could hear some arguing outside the room

"Jungkook calm down! It's a tough time for him, he won't be thinking straight. Take some deep breaths and calm down"

"How can I calm down when the boy I'm dating is in there is kissing someone else? No not just someone else, his ex, who hurt and cheat on him. He physically hurt Jimin and I'm supposed to stand here like a mug and let this happen?! Tell me Tae how the fuck do I calm down!"

I just shook my head and stood up, pacing round the room for a minute.

"I don't know why I did that, I need some air. Don't call me baby though, we aren't back together" I left the hospital room, avoiding the gazes from the three others as I made my way outside.

~I'm sorry Jungkook~ I thought to him and looked at him quickly

~I need a minute. I'll come and find you~

Once I was out of the building I sat down on a bench and sobbed my heart out. Why did I let him kiss me and why did I kiss him back? I have Jungkook... why would I do that to him? I got angry at Jungkook for drinking from Mingyu when I've just done something 10x worse to him. I'm just as bad as Yoongi...

I suddenly smelt Jungkook as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap. He kissed my hair and waited for me to calm down before saying anything

"It's okay Jimin, it hurts a little to see and hear you kiss someone else but I know it was just in the moment. You have history with him. If you want to be with him you can, I've told you this before"

"No don't say that, it's not okay. I'm so sorry Jungkook. I don't want to be with him. I want you. He's hurt me before, he'll do it again... I just feel like I've done the same thing to you. I got angry at you for drinking from Mingyu, a natural instinct, and I just let Yoongi kiss me... what's wrong with me"

"I don't feel like you have. I'm not angry or upset, it hurts at the minute but I know it was just a weak moment between you both. I had a moment of being angry but Tae and Hoseok made me see another side to it. I'm not upset with you baby... apart from the fact that you now smell of him, and probably taste of him" he pulled me back so he could look at me and smiled softly, he dried my face with the ends of his hoodie before pulling me back into his embrace.

"You've never hurt me, you didn't deserve that. I don't deserve you"

"I'll consider it pay back for drinking from Mingyu" he smiled

"Don't you dare. That's not how our relationship is going to work. We don't do payback. That's not how we're doing things. We've both messed up and hurt each other but in no way was it payback. I would never hurt you intentionally and I know you never would with me."

"I know. You just also had a moment of weakness"

"I guess... but it's never happening again. I'm never going to do anything to hurt you again"

"I know" he smiled

"I'm so sorry"

"Don't apologise anymore, come on, let's go say goodbyes and go home... yeah?" I nodded and felt Jungkook stand up and wrap my legs around his waist to carry me instead. I shuffled my way round so I was on his back instead and buried my head into his neck to try and get rid of the smell of Yoongi on me and replace it with Jungkook.

When we got back to Yoongi's hospital room he was out of bed and dressed in a tracksuit. I heard Yoongi sigh as he saw me wrapped around Jungkook but carried on with what he was doing nevertheless. Tae and Hoseok had agreed to let him stay with us for a few days, which was doctors orders for someone to keep an eye on him, until he feels better meaning he would be sleeping on the sofa. I heard Jungkook give a low growl at the thought of Yoongi being around all the time so I gave a gentle kiss to the back of his neck.

Once I was back in Jungkook's car he turned and looked at me before doing anything else.

"I'm sorry for getting mad before, I just felt jealousy take over me and I saw red. I'm sorry if it upset you or scared you at all"

"It's okay, you didn't scare me, it was strange hearing you angry but you didn't scare me, it was my fault anyway. Let's not talk about it anymore, I made a mistake and I'm sorry and I just want to try and carry on as though nothing happened" I smiled softly before placing my lips on his softly. Jungkook pulled away and had a disgusted face "What...?"

"You do taste of him. Come on, let's get you home so I can wash you and cover you with my smell instead" he smiled before starting the car and driving back to Tae's.

"What do you mean I taste of him?"

"I can taste the smell of him. Yknow sometimes when there's a smell that you can taste, it's like that" he smiled "so when you're around me all the time, all I smell is us. But right now I smell you and him"

The drive was quiet and relaxing with the radio on a low volume. I stared at Jungkook pretty much the whole time, admiring every inch and curve of his face. He is the true definition of beauty, why would I even think of kissing Yoongi, never mind doing it, when I have Jungkook. Of course Yoongi is attractive, but Jungkook, he's a god itself.

When we pulled up I got out the car and was quickly swept up so my legs were around Jungkook's waist. I squealed a little from fright but still clung to him, leaving kisses all over his face. As we walked into the house I kept planting kisses on his face and neck, giving him any and all affection I could. I heard him open the front door and took both of our shoes off without dropping me at all.

"Why do you have to carry him everywhere?" I heard Yoongi ask with a sour tone to his voice

"Because I want to. I want him to be able to feel my warmth at all times, I don't want him to feel lonely"

"Whatever..." he said whilst walking into the living room. Jungkook smiled at me and kissed my cheek before taking me to the bathroom so we could wash. He sat me on the counter side and started running the bath water, pouring in a blob of my bubble bath. I looked at him confused and he smiled walking over to me

"I don't want you to smell of me, I want you to have your normal smell, your deviously captivating smell" he kissed down my neck causing goosebumps to trigger on my skin and making me let out a soft moan. He pulled back and smirked slightly, brushing his hand through my hair "Later baby, we need to get you rid of the smell of him on you. Come on" he took my hand and led me to the bath, stripping me of my clothes and helping me in. He then sat on the floor beside of the bath with one hand tickling over me through the water, I looked at him sad hoping he'd realise I wasn't happy

"Tell me baby..."

"I thought you were getting in with me. You know, like the two of us bathing together"

"Do you want me to?" He asked and I just nodded slightly, feeling myself blush. He chuckled and stood up to remove his clothing, locking the bathroom door whilst he does. I scanned over his perfect body, taking in every detail, not realising he was now naked and climbing into the tub with me.

He sat facing me and pulled my legs round his waist so I was half sat on his thighs. He got a cloth and ran water over my body to keep me warm, being sure to leave millions of kisses all over me.

"I never want to loose you Jimin. You have no idea what it's like for me, to have my smell wanting to kiss me and hug me all the time, it's something only vampires can dream of normally. You make me so happy, every single day"

I smiled and placed my hands on the sides of his face before bringing our lips together. It was a soft and sweet kiss, perfectly meshing together, taking in every inch of each other we could.

"You'll never loose me. I'm kind of addicted to you" I said with a cheeky shrug and watched the smile grow on his face.

"Good... you seem different"

"I've kind of realised just how over Yoongi I am. When I kissed him earlier I didn't feel anything, it was just familiar. But I'd kind of thought that if I did ever kiss him again that I would want him back. But I don't. Not even remotely. He doesn't deserve me, he hurt me in so many ways. I guess I'm just feeling a bit happy"

"So... you're over him?"

"I definitely am" I smiled and kissed him

"I like this new Jimin" he laughed and kissed me again.

After a while longer we got out of the bath and changed into clean sweatpants and tshirts. I climbed onto Jungkook's back and wrapped myself around him like a koala.

I could hear Yoongi talking to Tae and Hoseok, occasionally sharing a little laughter. I heard Jungkook growl a little from anger of having Yoongi here, and for Tae and Hoseok to be getting on with him, but I tickled my hand over his chest to comfort him and felt him do a deep sigh. Jungkook made some food for us and carried the plates in as I followed behind him. I sat down on the sofa and Jungkook grabbed a blanket, covering my legs over before sitting next to me.

"Do you two actually do everything together now then?" I heard Yoongi mutter. I smiled and nodded

"Yeah, we get on well so we don't see any reason not to" Jungkook said with a cold tone, I looked at Yoongi and could see either sadness, jealousy or anger behind his eyes "I barely leave his side for 5 minutes most days. And I wouldn't have it any other way" he smiled at me and kissed me gently.

"I already know I'm going to hate being here for a few days" Yoongi muttered again

"Feelings mutual. Feel free to leave as soon as possible" Jungkook said back quietly, I glared at Jungkook and hit his chest softly before he gave me his innocent smile and kissed me again.

During the film I could feel Jungkook drifting in and out of his sleep keeping his arms tight around me. I eventually rolled over and pulled him into my chest, letting him bury his face into my neck. I felt him take a few deep breaths in as his other hand stroked down the other side of my neck, teasing over a prominent vein. I'd love nothing more right now than to tell him to drink from me but it was not the right time or place, especially with Yoongi being sat not even ten feet away from us.

~Jungkookie, I'm tired... lets go to bed~ I thought to him, I felt him nod and stand up, grabbing my hand to pull me up

"We're going to bed, see you all in the morning"

"Sorry if we keep you up all night. I know I'll be keeping Jimin awake" Jungkook said with a teasing manner. I hit his chest and told him to go to bed and said good night to the others properly. As I was leaving the room Jungkook shouted from upstairs

"MAKE SURE YOU USE YOUR EAR PLUGS TONIGHT" I heard him giggle after he said this, probably being able to hear Yoongi's thoughts to it. I shook my head and went to brush my teeth and wash my face.

Once I was clean I went to go get in bed to find Jungkook already in there, in just his boxers. He smirked at me and pulled me into his warm embrace and locking our lips. He was being soft but needy, being sure to show me how much he needed my touch after this ridiculously long day.

"You need to be punished baby. You kissed another boy today when you're supposed to be mine" he said with a husky tone and pulled my T-shirt off.

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