Beyond Strangers

By CriticallyIntense

197K 1.9K 230

[Completed] "What if someone you never met. Someone you never saw. Someone you never talked to , was the only... More

Beyond Strangers
story aesthetics


5.5K 276 32
By CriticallyIntense

💣Beyond Strangers💣


LANA ALWAYS WANTED to have siblings. Even if it was just one to add to her, so she won't feel so alone. Preferably a senior sibling. She had Beverly to keep her company but Beverly had a life too and five junior siblings. Beverly wasn't always there, except in school where they were literally hip to hip.

Now as she sat staring at the television as the show played on, she wished she had someone sitting beside her, so they could praise and criticize the movie together. Her mum and dad weren't back from the store. Sighing to herself she got up the sofa and switched off the television. She was tired, today's deliveries weren't any less harder. Thankfully she didn't fall into dirt today.

After tucking herself in and switching off her light, she waited for sleep to come. She wasn't sleepy, she didn't feel like watching TV alone and reading was out of the list. Sleep just had to come no matter what, extra rest would be good to start the horrible week Monday was bringing forth. Just when she was about to doze off, a chirp brought her back to reality. She ignored but when it chirped again she reached for the phone ready to switch it off.

But the new text was from her number. Curiosity got the better of her and she opened the text. Kurt could have a message to pass to her.


what are you doing now?

calling me that is ridiculous. my name, lana, is much more better.

sleeping, why?

i know but ridiculous is cute.

how old are you?

seventeen, why?

what seventeen year old goes to bed at 9:23 pm? even twelve year olds don't do that anymore.

i'm tired okay? what else would i be doing on a sunday night?

watching a movie?

been there, done that. Got bored.

then you have bad tastes in movies. my sister can watch a movie till one am.

your sister isn't as exhausted as i am.

what were you up to that got you exhausted? oh em gee, lana!

you didn't just say 'oh em gee'😂 and what? that's my name.

never you speak of that again. i said it for dramatic effect. and that's me suggesting that you've been up to something with some guy.

hope you guys used protection?


my name.

i wasn't up to anything. i'm just exhausted.


none of your business. wait, why are you even texting me?

because i'm with your phone and i've got no other person to text. i don't think beverly likes me.

i could send a friends number over. many have been calling you. by the way should i reply your texts?

no, don't.

okay... what number should i send? who's your best friend?



yup. my dog.

dummy, i mean human best friend.

i don't have one.

what do you mean you don't have one? you've got lots of friends kurt. surely amongst them all, you have one that you trust and confide in. one you rarely get bored around.

haven't you ever heard 'trust no one'

come on, that's just... you really don't have one?

how come you have just four contacts? and why do the other eight have 'costumer' attached to the names?

stop going through my phone.

wow. you're not an ugly girl.

Lana eyes increased a fraction at the text and her cheeks heated up a bit. She quickly switched to his gallery too, if he was going to look at her pictures, she'd look at his too. Selecting the group for his selfies, her breath was momentarily taken away. She was well aware that Kurt Owen was a good looking guy but seeing him in a picture. He looked magnificent.

did you think i was an ugly girl?

well, i didn't get a good look at you that night. you smelled bad and i was busy keeping water off my eyes.

i fell into smelly water and you're definitely an ugly boy.

😉whatever calms your hormones. i'll try calming mine but your cute eyes are making it really difficult.

how come you don't have instagram. hiding this pictures to yourself is a crime.

leave me alone kurt, its late.

on which planet is 10:43 pm late?


you know time doesn't exist right.

time is an illusion. i heard that. but clocks are real and illusion or not, we all live our lives obeying time.

smart ass

dumb ass

goodnight pink.

goodnight. see you in school tomorrow.


EDIT: Hi Guys, this is the last sample chapter. The rest of the story is available on I know many of you would not like this much but it is what it is. For now it is still free over there so please do not hesitate to join me over there and support me. I love you all and I'll forever be grateful. Thank you!

Here's the link:


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