Never Again (Teen Wolf/ Maze...

By ashlyn7300

113K 2.8K 638

Thomas, Newt, Minho, and Aris all make it to the 'safe haven', but after finding out everything they knew was... More

Test A
Nice Little Blue Star
What the Bloody Hell Was That About?
I Just Wish I Could Remember
It's Time...
It's Hard To Care If You Don't Remember It In The First Place
Oh By The Way, I'm Gay
The Key
And The Plan Begins
The Plan
Well, if This isn't Counterproductive
So Much For Sleep

Green Bean

7.7K 184 43
By ashlyn7300

I explained everything to them about what happened while I was gone. I started with when I came up in the box and with Newt and Minho's help we explained everything. They wanted to know so I told them every single little detail. From Chuck and Teresa's deaths, to breaking into the train to rescue Minho and all the other kids. Although Minho wasn't in there, so we had to go get him. Then, Newt got bit but was saved by Teresa who made him a cure from my blood.

They all we silent, just starring at us. "Well if that's all we're just gonna go....." I stated and Scott got up from where he was sitting and tried to pull me into a hug but I backed away. "Look we don't want your pitty or whatever the hell you want to call this." I said gestering towards Scott. "The only reason I told you is because we might need your help to figure out what the hell is going on." My voice got louder as I spoke and Scott nodded. "Well we're here willing to help. Right guys?" Scott asked and a chorus of uh huhs and yeahs were heard. Besides one hell no but that was Derek but fuck him he's an ass.

"There's also something we need to tell you as well." Scott said and I nodded at him to tell me. "There's really no easy way to put this but I don't know if you remember or not. Before you went missing something happened to me and well you were the one to figure out what it was and helped me through it. I'm a werewolf so if everyone in this room. Well besides Mason." He didn't laugh or even smile like he was joking. Minho busted out laughing looking at everyone in the room. "Really? A werewolf that's bull shit nice try buddy." He laughed again and Scott scrawled. "No we're serious!" Malia growled at us showing strange teeth and glowing blue eyes. "What the hell?!" Minho yelled and backed up into Aris. Newt grabbed me pulling me back closer to Minho and Aris. "Way to be subtitle Malia!" Scott yelled and she shrugged. What is wrong with these people? Is it weird that I'm scared yet at the same time intrigued but I'm going to stick with my family if my life depended on it. "Look Sti-Thomas just listen to me!" Scott asked but I shook my head. "No we're leaving"

I turned towards the door but Peter was blocking the door. Aris walked over to the door but he slung him across the room Minho jumped at him but he took his claws out and I knew I had to do something. "Don't touch him!" I yelled with a gun pointed straight at Peter's head. Scott's friends started yelling at me and ran towards me but Newt stepped behind me with a gun pointed at them. Peter put his hands up in surrender and Minho huffed walking over beside me. "Times like this I wish I had a spear." He said which made me want to laugh but in this situation I couldn't. "Let us go or I will shoot you." I spat and Peter was astounded to say the least. "Stiles you wouldn't do that." Scott whispered and I turned my head towards Scott. "Yes I would I have killed many people Scott you don't know me anymore!" I yelled and Peter tried to make a move towards Minho but I shot him in the shoulder. Everyone screamed and ran towards Peter. "He'll be fine, if what you told us about being a werewolf is true, he should heal." I smiled and Newt rolled his eyes."always the dramatic one." Scott stared at me confused I could tell he was thinking what the hell happened to my best friend? I mean everyone in the room was looking at me like I was some alien that they were scared of. I don't blame them seeing as I just shot someone in the arm. Someone they seemed to care about, at least to a certain extent.

Soon enough Peter started to heal from the gun shot that I made in his arm. In a total of five minutes it was completely gone. Minho and the rest of us were freaked the fuck out. "The shank wasn't joking!" Aris sat up and Minho nodded. "Damn...." he said slowly drawing out the n. "Well as much as I would love to stay and chit chat and exchange numbers or even pillow fight or some other klunk I think we are going to leave now." I said walking towards the door. This time no one stopped us from leaving. "This just gets weirder every minute." Minho ran a hand through his hair and we all agreed as we all walked outside to the car. Last thing they heard before the door shut was Malia ask "what is klunk?" And everyone in the room made versus noises of confusion which made me lightly laugh to myself.

By the time we left it was dark so we decided to head to the school and see if we could find anything out about the two teenagers that previously went missing. Arianna Clarke and George Millinger. Two people I never met before but wanted to do anything to figure out what happened to them and keep anyone else from being taken. "You would think the security cameras would have picked something up...." Aris states as we walked into the back doors off the school. "Noah said the only thing they caught was a white van swiftly pulling into the teacher parking lot then all the cameras went down." Newt said and they all 'ahhhhed' in incision. Well there has to be something going on with this place. Just then they heard rustling coming from the other side of the school. Everyone had their hands on weapons, in Minho's case that was a spear, that man really wanted a spear. Not the most concealable but what can you do it's Minho.

We lightly ran on the tips of our toes over to the edge of the hall careful not to make too much noise if it was something bad. I pressed my finger to my lips as everyone piled behind me. I slowly peaked around the corner seeing a group of people at the end of the hall making quite a bit of noise. Shanks they're always following us, they're going to get everyone killed. I motioned everyone to follow me and we hugged the wall walking down the hall. My plan was to sneak up on them and scare them maybe then they would shut up if they are sneaking into a place after it's closed. I walked up behind Scott and cocked my gun touching it to the back of his head. He slowly turned around to face me and his eyes went wide. "You shanks need to shut up, you see how easy it would have been for me to kill you!" I said as I stuck my gun back where it belonged but Newt still had his hand on his. He was ready to draw his gun if needed.

They all relaxed and Scott looked at the four of us in confusion. "What are you doing here?" He asked and I started to walk ahead and my friends followed Scott and his just stayed there looking at me. "We came for answers just like you, now are you coming or you shanks gonna stand there all night? That's why you followed us here isn't it?" I asked and Minho scoffed. "Why do you always say shank?" Malia asked. "Is that an insult?" She asked again and Minho scoffed once again. "Well it's the only word he likes to use but yeah it can be, but also a complement. Depends on how you look at it." Newt nodded in agreement with what Minho said and I just rolled my eyes at the two, mostly Minho. "There's also Slinthead, shuck, and klunk." Minho said and Newt interrupted. "As well as slum it, which means something along the lines of calm down. Good that, jacked and Tommy's personal favorite greenie or Green bean!" Newt smiled at me and I huffed rolling my eyes. "Yeah Newt we should start calling him that again." Minho laughed and Aris laughed at how annoyed I was all they ever did was try and irritate me most of the time.

Part of me started thinking of Alby when they brought that name up. That's what Alby used to call me and it just that he was one of the people that risked their life to save mine. In all honestly I would rather it be him here with them than me he was better that this leader thing than me. I don't even consider myself a leader to be honest. "Thinking about Ably?" Newt asked walking up to me ahead of everyone and I nodded. "I know sorry I brought it up I forgot that's what Alby called you." I lightly smiled leaning into Newt I said it was okay and he lightly smiled back.

We all stopped Scott wasn't paying attention and ran into the back of me. He mumbled a sorry but when I didn't respond he looked up to where I was looking. Three people stood at the end of the hall, they were slowly walking towards us. The light hit their faces two had masks on and the other one was looking at us with a grimace. I know that grimace anywhere. "THOMAS! Nice to see you again!" It rang through my ears like an alarm, his glare sent chills down my spine like poison. I wanted away from him, now! He was supposed to be dead. He is dead. "Ratman!" I said pure and bitter hatred poured out of me like a geyser. I knew he was behind this I just didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe he was taking anymore kids, this time I'm not letting him take anyone else. I won't let it happen. NEVER Again.

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