Mirrors for the sky (HTTYD2 +...

By crazypancakelover45

2.3K 67 11

While Hiccup is doing his night flight with Toothless, he observes a little light on a side of the mountain... More

Chapter 1: The Nightmare and The Dream
Chapter 2: Snow White and the six dwarves
Chapter 3: The Dragon Sister
Chapter 4: Falling to the Hell
Chapter 5: Ice Tears
Chapter 6: Almost got 'im!
Autor Note
Chapter 7: The Broken Lock
Chapter 8: Let's Make a Deal!
Chapter 9: The Fire Race - Part 1
Chapter 10: The Fire Race - Part 2
Autor Note
Chapter 11: The Joke Kills The Man


800 9 0
By crazypancakelover45

Autor Note:

Hey, guys! This is my how to train you dragon fanfiction. I wanna do this just because I am a huge fan of the HTTYD trilogy and I wanted to continue it in my own way. Sorry if I make any mistakes, I'm not english! Hope you'll enjoy my idiot story! :)


Rayn's POV

"WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" I screamed into the cold air while falling free to the earth.

Nothing compares to the fear of crashing into some tree and die at any moment and this would really happen, if there wouldn't be Mirror, my dragon. She was a Sky Dancer, this is how her race was cold centuries ago and, sad to say it, she was the only one left...

Just when I was ready to end my life on the mountain's hard rock, she caught me in the saddle, her pure white scales shining like diamonds in the dying light of the sunset.

"This is how it's done, Mirror!" I yelled as we gracefully landed between the big pines covering the whole place like a green sheet. "I was closer to the earth than ever before, you got me in seconds! You're a natural!"

As thanks she nudged my face and playfully pushed my shoulder, then looked at the moon rising on the horizon like a beautiful death queen.

"It's time to set our camp again, isn't it girl?" I asked watching the stars appearing on the night sky.

Mirror started walking and searching for a perfect spot to set our fire and let me alone with my thoughs. I miss you so much mother... I painfuly said to myself as looking at the beautiful full moon above me. My dragon's roar announced me that she found what we needed so I moved my gaze from the silver light.

I listened the sound of my steps as I walked throw the dark forest, carefull at any crack of trees, at any song of the birds. You can never be sure if you are alone...

I reached the place where Mirror was laying, which looked like a Whispering Death and a Night Fury had a fight there. I laughed at that stupid idea... Night Furies were just as rare as Sky Dancers!

"Well, I think it's a great place! You did an awesome job today, girl! You need some rest!" I said and screched her behing her long thin horns, where she liked the most.

I quickly built a fire with Mirror's help and then both of us made ourselves comfortable in our little camp, almost immediatly falling asleep. It looked like it will be a peacefull night...

Hiccup's POV

"Come on, boy, it's time for a little night fly!" Hiccup told his Night Fury with a huge smile on his face.

Since he became chief one month ago, he didn't have much time for his and Toothless's night flights, but tonight he finally had enough energy for that. It was a beautiful night, the full moon rising above him like a silver queen, her cold light falling on him warmly.

Toothless poked him with his nose, waking him up from his thoughts and started running to the door.

"Fine, fine, let's go! " Hiccup laughed slowly and followed him out his hut.

He quickly jumped on Toothless's back and prepared to fly.

"Doing your night flight, huh?" a familiar voice said behind him. "May I join?"

He turned himself slowly to stare in Astrid's beautiful blue eyes. Astrid.... he was in love with her since Berk was still in war with dragons and they kissed sometimes, but they weren't an official couple...he was to afraid to ask her out on a date.

"I'll take that as a yes!" laughed she and crawled on Stormfly, her Deadly Nadder, too.

"Yeah, yeah, sure, of course..." he stumbled embaressed.

Astrid giggled slowly and jumped into the night sky. "You are still talking like a 14 years old boy! Let's see if you're still faster than me!"

"Hey, wait, it's not fair!" he yelled and also flew with Toothles near her.

They raced all along the mountain, laughing and screaming in the quiet summer night, until something caugh his attention.

"Astrid, look!" he said and suddenly stopped.

Toothless growled and tried to make him continue the race, he didn't want to lose, but Hiccup remained still.

"What is it, Hiccup?" she smirked, coming near him.

He showed her a little lighting spot on the mountain, shining in the dark like a fallen star.

"What is that?" Astrid asked worried.

"Let's see..." he answered and glided into one of the huge pines, right above the little fire.

They stared at what was happening under them. There, in the place they fought with a Whispering Death long ago, was a little camp fire and near it a white dragon and a girl. The strangers seemed to be sleeping so he and Astrid carefully landed near them and dismounted.

Hiccup slowly inspected the two strangers. It was a girl and a dragon. They both were weird, completely different from any viking from the aria. The dragon was pure white, its scales shining like diamonds in the dark. It had a very long tail which ended in some feathers set like a fan, long thin and sharp horns and its forelegs were also wings... feather wings, perfectly plied on the legs. Completely white.

The girl was sleeping curled on the dragon. She had snow white hair, long to her hips, very pale skin and she was wearing a pure white dress. She was the most beautiful and innocent person who he had ever seen... Hiccup stared at the girl with his mouth open and he couldn't help but compare her with an angel.

Suddenly, she opened her big silver eyes...

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