Chapter 2: Snow White and the six dwarves

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Rayn's POV

We unexpactly landed at the end of the town, our dragons whispering worried... yes I could kind of understand them... part of it. By the way, we flew soime time so now it was midday and everything was shiny and dull of happiness

"Hiccup, is everything alright?" asked Astrid worried as she watched him unmounting Toothless.

His dragon was surprised too and easly poked him with his nose, trying to make him talk. He simply came to me, I was still riding my Mirror, which growled panicked until she recongnised his scent. Soemtimes I think about how hard it must be for her to be blind...

He took off his iron helmet and cranched it to me with a serious expresion on his face. I hesitantly took it and than stopped, not knowing what should I do... Astrid was staring too, it was obvious that she didn't have any idea what was in his mind too.

"Cover your face... your eyes will scare the people and when our people are scared of something they kill that thing..." he said and turned his back to me.

I blinked at him slowly, for the first time in a long time I though about my weird dragon eyes... he was right, I would look like a monster to them...

"Thank you..." I said after him and put on his helmet.

"Your welcome!" answered him with a smile.

We flew again, this time entering the village completely and landing right in the middle of it. Some people said hi to Astrid and Hiccup, gave me a strange look, but continued their way or work... except of 4 strangers.

"Hey, Hiccup, who's the guy?" asked a blonde one who looked kind of dumb, pointing his finger at me.

A growl ran out of my throut as I heared the word 'guy' coming out of his mouth. I didn't look as a guy, did I? Astrid laughed hard as my dragon showed her teeth to the idiot, getting my anger for him as a death order. Hiccup giggled too as he watched me trying to calm Mirror down enough not to kill the blondie.

"No offence to you, Rayn! Tuffnut didn't mean it, really!" she smiled at me.

"Yeah sure, but serious now, who is he or she?" asked another one, who had an arrogant and stubborn air.

"Guys, this is Rayn, we just encountered her in the forest! Rayn, these are our friends! The blonde one who called you a guy is Tuffnut and the other blondie is his twin sister, Ruffnut; the stubborn annoying one is Snotlout, my cousin, and the big, sensible one near the Gronckle is Fishlegs!"

I looked at Hiccup for approval and he nodded so I think it meant yes. I took his helmet of, letting my beautiful long hair fall like a waterfall on my shoulders. I gave them one of my best celebrity smile, making them stare at me schocked.

"She isn't a guy for sure...!" whispered Tuffnut and I giggled flirty.

Time to be charming! Snotlout let out a long whistle of admiration as his eyes ran on me and stopped when got at my eyes. I blushed and turned my head away from them... ewww, gross!

"Stop it guys, you're embarassing her!" Hccup laughed and helped me dismount Mirror.

"Nice to meet you all! I'm Rayn, from Jandou clan, of the north, and she is Mirror, my Sky Dancer dragon!" I said all just a smile.

"A Sky Dancer? What is that?" asked Ruffnut confused.

"It's a mith..." answered Fishlegs fascinated, while holding a Book of Dragons in his hands.

Just when I prepared to answer, a drop of water fell on my left arm, making me instantly look at the sky... I was so ingnorant! How could I not scanse the rain coming? I stared at the now grey sky, cursing my insolence in my mind. I couldn't fly on storm!

"Looks like I'll stay here for a while!" I murmuerd with an empty voice.

"Yeah, sure, you can stay how long you want to!" said Hiccup and dragged all of us inside a big, wooden house, in middle of the village.

"Thank you, but don't you think you should ask the chief first?" I asked worried.

"I did it already! I am the chief!" Hiccup exclaimed proudly.

"No way! Cool!" I smirked.

Then I looked at Astrid.

"So you are the chief's wife?" I asked.

She paralized and stared at me with that look on her face 'What the fuck did she just say?'. They all gazed at me for a second then everybody except Hiccup and Astrid burst into laugh. They both blushed and moved their eyes on the walls of the house. Where were we by the way?

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Astrid is not my wife..." Hiccup whispered ashamed.

The others laughed even harder at his words and Astrid was as red as a rose.

"Ow... sorry!" I whispered embaressed by the weird moment.

"Sooo.... What is this place?"

"My house!" said Hiccup. "Mooom, I'm home!"

"Welcome back, Hicc!" a feminine voice answered and footsteps could be heared coming down on the stairs.

I quickly put my helmet on and waited for the woman to come down. Everyone was relaxed by now, talking to each other, or, in the twins's case, fighting each other.

"You'll like his mom, she lived with the dragons!" said Snotlout with his arrogant voice.

A beautiful woman slowly entered the room, with her face down to the book in her hands. When she saw all of us she closed it and stared back at us smiling... and here my world was ruined...

Mirrors for the sky (HTTYD2 + HICCSTRID)Where stories live. Discover now