A Certain Magical Fate, Book...

By MisakaLovesYou

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Mikoto, Arturia, and Okita are going to New York.. why? After the death of Mikoto's parents, she inherited a... More

Prologue: Loss in the Springtime of Sakura Petals..
New York
The Mage Academy
Okita and Vader
Dark of the Force.
The Lord of Villains and the King of Heroes.
A Thousand Cold Nights..
Maximum Effort. (Ha! This chapter quoted me..!)
An Archer.
The World That Didn't Belong
Self Control
Date with an Immortal
Beast 0
Into The Misaka-verse
Grand Saber

A Yesterday that Never Happened

640 31 16
By MisakaLovesYou

"Hmmmm.. okay.. let's see.. attendance calling. " Zavette muttered, holding up her clipboard. "Stewart!"









.... silence..

"MIKOTO!!" Zavette called again, looking up.. "Hey.. she ain't here-.."

"WHAMMMMM!!" The door was slammed open to reveal Mordred and Mikoto.. despite being dressed in their neat uniforms.. the two of them were covered in a multitude of bruises, cuts.. and looked like they had just been run through a meat grinder.

"Grrmmmbble fffggff....grumm.." Mikoto and Mordred both grumbled inaudibly before they climbed into their seats.. groaning.

"What the HELL happened to YOU two.." Zavette said.

"Grail wars.." grumbled Mordred and Mikoto.

"Oh.. that explains everything." muttered Zavette. "Well then, I hope you had time to complete the assignment before getting here, cause there's a pop quiz!!"

There was a collective groan in the entire classroom, but Mikoto didn't care.. compared to having an entire building brought down on you and escaping a serial killer just barely and then hearing that your mom/servant just fought off a Norse God AND Darth Vader only for Vader to decide to spare them the fighting for now and run off..  a Pop Quiz felt like a pointless optional take home quiz..

"Yo.. did you study.. like.. at all last night?" Mordred groaned. 

"No.." Mikoto groaned. "But I probably know the answers anyways.. just copy off me.. Zavette won't care.. she never does.."

"Yep.. thanks.." Mordred said as she took the quiz papers their class mates were passing back.

As Mikoto predicted it wasn't tough, she remembered everything from the class the previous day, despite the trauma of being kidnapped, embarrassed, tormented, and then finding herself waking up in the middle of a giant flaming ruin with Saber holding her in her arms.. telling her something terrible..

Yes.. very terrible..

The moment Mikoto thought this.. her eyes began to well up with tears.. 

Mordred grabbed Mikoto's shoulder, "hey.. you okay?"

"I.. Mordred.. Shirou is.."

"I know.. " Mordred whispered. "Do.. Do you wanna call it a day? Make up some excuse..?"

"N.. No.. he.. he's the one who got me in here... I do.. I don't want to disrespect that.. I'm.. I'm going to do the best I can do in this school, to honor what he did for me.." Mikoto whispered, not sure if continuing to talk would be safe.. because she was afraid that if she continued to talk, she would break out crying in the middle of the quiz.. 

"Right.. " Mordred said. "If you need anything.. I'm here.." 

Mikoto nodded.. but she knew that her hurt was nothing compared to Saber's, when she told Mikoto upon her awakening.. and how Vader had disappeared after a mysterious vision.. her voice had sounded truly broken.. torn apart.. as she barely could register the world of the living anymore..

Shirou had changed her life and her perception of the world in such wondrous ways.. losing him was like having somebody tear her heart straight out of her chest. Mikoto was in fact worried that Saber might lose the will to live.. 

"Don't think that." Mash had said. "She has you after all."

Indeed, but Mikoto was afraid maybe that might not be enough.. of course maybe it was a baseless fear, but nonetheless, Mikoto worried, she worried immensely. 

Shirou's funeral was scheduled for after the month was up, and Mikoto and Saber's invitations had made it very clear they would be considered as part of the family, so they would be able to stay at the funeral home with Rin and the others upon coming back to Japan. 

But Mikoto was determined to finish her education here so that Shirou's death would at least.. not be pointless. 

As for Vader, Mikoto bore no hatred for him.. no.. the true person she wanted vengeance on.. was that horrid dragon spirit she had met in Camelot... 

The one whose curse made his death possible..

Dravis was going to pay.. Mikoto swore that she would find SOME way to destroy that monster.. not just for vengeance, but for the sake of wiping out his evil. 

Mikoto handed her quiz in no problem and returned to her seat, as she contemplated different ways in which she could track down a demonic spirit... which of, she had no clue how to do..

But.. what better way could she find out, then in a school of magic?

And maybe she could find out a little bit about the strange vision that Saber had.

As soon as class ended, Mikoto stood up, tapping Mordred's shoulder. "We're going to the library."

"What? Why?" Mordred muttered drowsily, opening one eye from where she had been snoozing half the class away.

"cause we've got work to do.."

"But she didn't give up homework."

"Not that kind of work?"

"I don't wanna.. I was in a blown up building.. my ears are still ringing." Mordred moaned.

"Come on.. get up.." said Mikoto, picking up Mordred by under her arms.

"Noooo... " Mordred moaned.

"Yeeeeess." said Mikoto as she dragged Mordred out of the room.

"You can't carry me all the way there." Mordred moaned.

"Yes I can, I'm a Servant, strength of fifty men and all that.." said Mikoto. "You can go rag doll on me all you want, but we're going to the library.

"I don't wanna!!" Mordred moaned loudly, grabbing the edge of the door as Mikoto  yanked on her legs. "Come OOOOOON!"

"If you do, we'll go to Dairy Queen, my treat!"

Mordred's eyes opened wide. "Dairy Queen? Th.. there's no Dairy Queen in Japan... Y.. YOU REALLY MEAN IT!?"

"Yep.. my treat.. consider it our date for the week."

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Mordred got to her feet and sped off. "TO THE LIBRARY!!!!"

"Other way." said Mikoto.

"LIIIIIBRRAAARRRRYYY!!! is that way.." Mordred said, running in the other direcction. 

It was after well.. who knew how many hours.. that Mordred's enthusiasm for Dairy Queen soon evaporated. 

They sat in the vast scroll and book filled magical academy, books open in front of them.. piles of them... all of them scattered over the table like a page filled anthill. 

"Are we done yet?" Mordred groaned. 

"NOTHING!! No mention of Dravis WHATSOEVER!!" Mikoto stammered as she slammed a book on the table furiously. "Except for this ONE book over here, Darkest Magicks, from the section marked Forbidden and Unsafe.. 'Of Dravis, Lord of Destruction, creator of Chaos, Father of Dragons, we shall not speak of as his evil is most vile even for the instructions of this volume'... WHY mention him if you're NOT going to explain him!? "

"Well there is THIS book." said Mordred, holding up a very old and worn out looking book. It had a symbol of a Prancing Fairy, sort of like a guild mark on it.. and looked like it was near close to falling apart. "Called the Book of Light.. published by something called... Fairy Scale? Fairy Rail? I don't know.. it's nearly completely illegible.. a LOT of the pages were faded... mentioned some crap about something named Fulguras, a look at the creation story from the bible.. and Dravis once or twice next to a name called Elanis.. but other than that.. no info.."

Mikoto took the book from Mordred and flipped through it. "This can't be right.. the publishing date on this book.. it's VERY recent.. but this thing is old as dirt!"

"It was in a section labeled 'unusual finds'. " said Mordred with a shrug. 

Mikoto eyed the heavily faded book's published credits page, and then raised an eyebrow at one name that was on the inside cover..


Twilight Prankster? Was Mikoto over assuming here? Or was it really a weird name like Twiddle Proaster or something?

Either way Mikoto raised a hand, waving down the supervising Familiar that oversaw the library, a furry white ferret with glasses and a scholar's cap, who scurried onto the table. 

"Yes?" said the ferret, whom Mikoto had the immense urge to cuddle. 

"I'd like to check out this book." said Mikoto, handing the old worn out volume to the ferret.

"You can't be serious." said Mordred, raising an eyebrow. 

"Believe it sister I'm serious." said Mikoto. 

"Very well." said the ferret, opening the book's inner cover and stamping it with a cute little library stamp fitted for his tiny paws. ( Oh how Mikoto wanted to cuddle that wittle cute thing so BAAAAD).

"Anything else?" said the ferret.

"Y.. yeah.. c.. can I..?  Mikoto stammered, holding out a shaky hand to pet the little furry animal.

"Oh.. sorry, somebody's calling me.. gotta go." said the ferret scurrying down the leg of the table and towards another person who was waiting nearby. 

"Awwww.." Mikoto moaned sadly.

"You know what's also cute? Bunnies.. like the Blue Bunny brand icecream." said Mordred. "Come on, we stayed here long enough.. let's pump ourselves full of Strawberry CheeseQuake Blizzard!"

"Alright alright.." Mikoto said, stuffing the book in her bag. "Let's go ya Sweet Tooth Knight."

"WHOOO!! DAIRY QUEEEEEEN!!" Mordred jumped up and ran off..

"Other direction." said Mikoto. 

"I KNEW THAT!" Mordred stammered, running in the opposite direction. 

After a few blizzards at Dairy Queen, Mikoto and Mordred made their way to Chaldea Corp's Secondary Company headquarters, where all the agents who had lost their lodgings were staying.

Miraculously, many had gotten out and evacuated before Vader could completely tear apart the building, as Vader had been meticulously tearing apart the building searching for Okita.. and speaking of Okita..

Mikoto clasped her hands together on the restaurant booth table. She wanted to spend some time with her.. now that she had these new.. or.. old.. memories.. it was something she was itching to do.

But right now, all leisure needed to take a back seat.. if she allowed herself to relax for even a bit.. she felt like she might just scream..

Mikoto took out the book and set it next to her blizzard and began flipping through it with interest. "Okay.. if I can find some way to magically restore the writing on this book, I might be able to get a comprehensive history on Dravis and everything he's associated with."

"Not gonna work." said Mordred.

"huh!? Why?!" Mikoto said, glaring at Mordred. "You've been pretty uncooperative with this book you know.."

"Mikoto.. you know I'm the FIRST person who would support you on any endeavor you take." said Mordred. "But you taught me to think logically rather than just on gut fighting..  and think about it.. that book is so faded it's practically blank.. why haven't anybody in the Academy filled with EXPERIENCED magic professors tried to magically restore it yet?"

"oh.." Mikoto said. Mordred had an amazingly fair point.

"Plus.. the ferret librarian told me who donated the book.. some screwball mage who dressed like a masked clown.." said Mordred.

Mikoto froze. "Uh.. we KNOW somebody who looks like a masked screwball clown.. Mordred."

"Oh... OOOOOHHHHH..." Mordred said.. "well to be fair we never met him in person. Are we SURE it's actually Twilight Prankster who donated this book?"

"Who else would actually be able to pass off a faded nearly blank book as a usable in an academic library?" said Mikoto.

"Fair point." said Mordred "But then maybe he gave it to them cause it's junk. I mean seriously.. what DO we know about that guy other than what Father told us?"

"Ummm..  he's... silly? And he borrowed the holy lance Rhongomyniad for shishkabobing?" said Mikoto.  "Yeah.. maybe this book is a hunk of junk.. but.."

Mikoto flipped through several more pages. "it's a hunk of junk with information on Dravis.. and that's PRECISELY what we need right now."

"Dravis? Whose that? Your boyfriend?"

Stacy walked over to the table, smirking. 

"Mikoto if you're wondering about the stench, a hag just walked in." said Mordred scathingly. 

"How rude." said Stacy. "But Mikoto isn't gonna turn me away.. cause she thinks that being all nice and pleasant to me despite how I treat her will somehow make up for what she's done in the past.. but it wont... so-.."

"STACY!!" Mikoto growled, electric sparks jumping from her bangs. 

Stacy stared at Mikoto.. shocked. Mikoto had NEVER spoken in any harsh tone to her before, no matter how she treated her.

"This thing... is between us.. I will be the first to admit.. your situation became the way it was because of me... HOWEVER... My friends.. have NOTHING to do with this... try to go after them again... and I swear to you, we WILL have a problem..  this is between you and me ONLY."

Stacy smirked. "Finally.. you're showing some anger... do you know how long I've waited to hear you say something harshly towards me?"

"Way too long..  you are the worst grudge holder in history.." grumbled Mordred.

"Coming from the Knight who went crazy and got obsessed about murdering her father?" said Stacy. "You're no better than me.."

"Wrong, you haven't let go of your grudge, I have.. and she's now one of the people I most wish to protect.." Mordred said. "Though I admit.. you're right in some respect.. cause I have a new grudge, against somebody new!"

"Really now? who?" said Stacy.

"Who do ya think?" Mordred snarled, standing up and glaring at Stacy straight in the eyes. 

Stacy grinned menacingly. "Wanna go?"

"OH.. gonna send your junkyard Star Wars pal to do some more?" Mordred said.

"Oh no.. I'd like to fight you myself.." said Stacy.  

"Mordred NO." said Mikoto. "Please, "

"She's done NOTHING but take advantage of you and hurt you!" Mordred growled. 

"And she's also smart.." Mikoto said. "Haven't you thought she might be trying to bait you into something? "

Mordred continued to scowl.. but she sat back down..

"That's it Mikoto.. call back your uncultured attack dog.. I'm sure she wants a belly rub for all that loyalty." said Stacy. "Truth of the matter is.. I didn't want to pick a fight with her... I wanted to pick a fight with you."

Mikoto looked up at Stacy, a tired and sad look on her face. "Stacy.. stand back and think for a minute.. "

"Yeah yeah.. blablabla.. you're a Level Five.. you're also a DemiServant" said Stacy. "Big whoop.. Let's just say.. once more.. I've beaten you in something yet again.."

"I don't care." said Mikoto. "Stacy,  this was never a competition.. please.. I get your pain is a lasting one.. but.. can't we just move on and..?"

"NO!!" Stacy snarled, her expression becoming angry and wicked. "We end this competition with one winner.. ME.. and ONLY ME.. I'm entitled to that much!! Either we go out.. and you put up your gloves.. or I make life for your friends as MISERABLE as possible..  that illusion from that Caster Class Servant showing Mordred supposedly following my work orders was QUITE convincing.. it would be a shame.. if those sexual encounters that never happened showed up all over the web hmm?  From the Knight who killed Camelot, to a stupid slut.. how's that for a downgrade?"

Mikoto stood up quickly, breathing fast.. her fists clenched, as she did.. a lightning bolt blasted from her bangs and blew up a section of the Dairy Queen counter, causing an employee to jump away screaming. 

Never.. had she been so angry at Stacy.. not since she accidentally ripped off her teddybear's arm when they were 3..

For the first time.. uncontrollable rage was clouding her immense sense of guilt regarding Stacy. 

"Alright." Mikoto growled, heaving with fury. "You want to go.. then let's go.. let's end this.."

Stacy grinned confidently. There was something wrong about that confidence, she knew Mikoto was a Level 5.. and all things considered, while Espers  who didn't have Mikoto's special circumstances were bad at magic due to the overloading blood vessels effect,  compared to most mages, Level Fives were the epitomey of combat specialists, possessing abilities that could take down entire armies... which Mikoto had in fact done during World War 3, taking down an entire wave of Russian Tanks. 

And to top it off, she was a Servant..  

If Stacy knew all that and was expecting to win, that was a bad sign.. but Mikoto wasn't thinking clearly.. all she knew, was that right now she wanted to rip Stacy limb from limb.. 

"It's night.. I've already magically influenced invisibility spells on all traffic cams.." said Stacy. "It can be like a real battle for the Grail against the New York and Academy City factions... well.. come along.. "

"Mikoto.. are you sure about this?" Mordred said.

"Thought you wanted her in pain.." Mikoto growled.

"Yeah.. but she seems way too confident.. oi.. Mikoto!" Mordred said. 

Mikoto wasn't listening, she was following Stacy out the door.

"Oh damn.. something's rotten in Denmark.." Mordred muttered, running after her friend. 

Mikoto and Stacy stood apart in the large street, in the slowly flickering streetlights..

"Feeling confident aren't we?" said Stacy, licking her lips. 

"Shut up and throw your worst at me.." Mikoto spat.. as sparks ran down her fingers.

Stacy smirked. "Very well...  My worst you said?"

Stacy exploded with immense golden light and the earth trembled. "FINE!! HERE'S MY WORST!!!"

Stacy stepped out of the light.. she now wore a strange looking golden armor on her shoulders and waists, with black clothing.. and golden bands... the armor itself... it looked familiar... as if it belonged to..

"GILGAMESH!?" Mordred stammered.

Mikoto went speechless as Stacy laughed... 

Multiple golden portals..resembling the Gate of Babylon.. only these one had reddish edges in their energy..

"A little something you should know about my version of Gate of Babylon.." said Stacy, her eyes lighting up with power.  "I don't play with my food.. so.. I'll send up far more of a hellstorm  than that gold bastard ever did.."

"FFFFFFOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!" A massive rain of weapons exploded from the portals at vicious force.. each one a powerful Noble Phantasm.

Mikoto exploded into her Saber Form and swung up Heaven Caliburn.. Lightning blasted out.. and an electromagnetic field slammed against the incoming blades. 

However, some of the blades made it through, the immense power of Gate of Babylon sending them forth.. 

Mikoto gasped as several blades surged past her electromagnetic field and slashed scars in her sides.. ripping parts of her armor apart.

"MIKOTO!!!" Mordred screamed, exploding into her own Servant form. 

"Oh for pete's sake.." said Stacy, rolling her eyes and snapping her fingers. 

Another giant set of portals opened and multiple weapons exploded out point blank in front of Mordred before she could react. 

"NOOOO!!" Mikoto screamed.

In instantaneous speed, Mikoto turned into her Sakura form, and sent out a slash with her ever sharp blade..

A slashing shockwave cleaved through the air.. cutting the very air in half so cleanly, it looked like the wind itself.

The countless weapons were split down the middle in mid air.. scattering their halves around Mordred .. 

Stacy's eyes widened slightly. "Well.. well... that's new.."

Mikoto raised her blade which shone black and glimmered, it's cutting edge gleaming with bloodthirst. 

"Being able to cut Noble Phantasms to pieces.. hmmm not bad.. not bad at all." said Stacy. "Quite an  unusual blade you have there cousin.."

Stacy chuckled as more golden Gate of Babylon portals began open around her like ripples of water in the air. "You thought YOU were the unique one didn't you? The only person to ever survive Iselia's Demiservant procedure? Well look at me now Mikoto.. I'm not just a Demiservant.. I'm a stronger Demiservant then you'll EVER be!!"


"Hmmm?" Gilgamesh looked up.

He was sitting in a hotel room, unwrapping his bandages, and checking on his wounds which had accelerated healing thanks to him being a Servant.

"Huh. still sore.." muttered Gilgamesh, rubbing his shoulder. 

"Serves you right.. foolish Demigod.." Smaug had returned, in human form.. wearing an ordinary jacket, shorts, and a cap that said "I Love NY" on the front. She held a bag of groceries in one hand and a box of Chinese takeout in the other.

"Fighting the New York Saber  in such a disadvantageous position." Smaug growled "It is astonishing that you aren't dead.. "

"He was quite powerful wasn't he? This Darth Vader guy.. the last person I ever met who I could consider even lose to his level was my sworn friend and rival Enkidu." said Gilgamesh. "I wonder... if Enkidu would've liked Vader.

Smaug rolled her eyes.  "Such a fruitless longing.. battle.. you who has so much gold and treasure.. should be happy beyond measure.. a hoard like yours makes the Kingdom of Erebor look dry.. and desolate in comparison. "

"What use is having all the treasures of the world and not being able to use them in some way..?" said Gilgamesh. "You should know all about using treasures... Elise.."

Smaug froze. "I thought I told you... not to call me that.. or I would BURN you!!"

"Sorry." said Gilgamesh with a chuckle. "Say.. though.. you feel that?"

"Hmm?" Smaug said. "Feel what?"

"A power... similar to mine.. is being used.. it's... almost as if somebody is drawing the vast vaults of my treasures at this very moment.. using them.. " Gilgamesh muttered. 

Smaug sniffed the air. "I don't feel it... but I smell it.. unmistakable.. the treasures of Babylon.. all that gold.. being turned on another target.. a long ways way from here. "

"Going to check it out?" said Gilgamesh. "heheheh.. how wonderful.. bring me back a souvenir.."

"Spoiled kings.. I will dethrone them all." snarled Smaug to herself as she turned into her Servant form in a burst of  flames and flew out through the open window. 


Multiple Noble Phantasms littered the streets. craters and smoke wafting upwards.. as a bleeding Sakura Railgun panted, kneeling in front of Archer Stacy, who had called up a large golden Throne using the Gate of Babylon, resting there casually, her head on her fist, smirking.

"Well well.. I expected to kill you in a matter of 2 seconds.. but that glorious blade of yours.. it's so sharp.. it can cleave apart every Noble phantasm I throw at you.. what IS that bloodthirsty thing?"

"You piece of.." Mikoto growled.

Mordred stood next to her.. her armorless form bleeding too, holding Clarent and resting it's blade on her own shoulder.

"You jackass, ya said Iselia's experiments?" said Mordred. "how the HELL did ya get mother's notes? And not to mention.. Gilgamesh's friggin' body parts!?"

"I know plenty of people.. " said Stacy. "You see, Cousin Mikoto's not the only person I want to exact vengeance on.. Kibito.. I also have my sights set on him..and in order to achieve that, I need political power beyond my wildest dreams.. influence beyond imagining to outdo his own.  and the extent of that influence has allowed the excavation of Gilgamesh's confirmed burial site."

Stacy laughed as he throne hovered in the air as if she were Thanos from Marvel. "I cannot believe it.. I've gone from destitute orphan to the Queen of her own form of Empire.. Lord over her wretched ingrate Cousin... it is the most beautiful day of my life!! HAHAHAHA! And the best part is.. I can kill you with a mere snap of my fingers!"

Stacy snapped her fingers to make a point.. and more Gates of Babylon opened up.. multiple blades peeking out of the portals, preparing to fire. 

"Now... goodbye cousin.. I was hoping to make you suffer a WHOLE lot more.. but I guess you're too tenacious for that." 

Stacy chuckled. "I guess I'll take pleasure in the fact I took down that bitch over there next to you too..  and I'll be able to kill that silly Saber class Servant of yours as well when you're good and dead. 

At these words, Mikoto's rage grew to massive levels, she let out a vicious scream, and lightning burst from her body.

"Blade of endless bloodthirst.. it shall draw all to it's call.. none can escape the cutting edge!! TENSA JUUCHI YOSAMU!!"

As Stacy fired her weapons once more.. a ginormous magnetic force exploded from Mikoto's blade.. and in an instant.. all the Noble Phantasms were sent hurtling to that single point.

"WHAT!?" Stacy said, her eyes widening. "It's a goddamn Magnet!? What kind of stupid function is-!?"

"SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!" In one fell swoop all the Noble Phantasms were cut into ribbons.. turned into finely sliced pieces that fell to the ground like golden and silver snowflakes. 

"She draws weapons to her blade forcibly with the magnetism, and the blade's sheer sharp nature takes care of the rest.. " said Stacy, raising an eyebrow and grinning with interest. "So it functions like a trap, allowing her to instantly disarm her opponents, or take care of metal projectiles.. not bad."

Stacy clapped her hands as  Mikoto glared up at her savagely. "Not bad.. not bad.. but against something not so metal... you've got a bit of a problem don't you?"

"SHUT UP!!! JUST SHUT UP!!!" Mikoto screamed, launching herself at Stacy, electricity exploding around her.  "I'LL KILL YOU!!!"

"I wasn't able to achieve Ea unfortunately.. that is exclusive to Gilgamesh himself.. but as with every Demiservant.. we always get something unique.. " whispered Stacy, her eyes glowing. "I am Queen of All!! A Light upon the beasts of the Air and Dirt. The Cedar Forest holds every Beast I have dominated... GATE OF HUMBABA!!!"

A ginormous greenish gold portal opened behind Stacy.. and... out came a MASSIVE Dragon. It was an unusual looking dragon.. it's wings were feathered, with the main of a lion around it's snub nosed lizard-like snout and jaws filled with rows of dagger like teeth.  His front feet were like lion paws as well, and it's back legs were like scaly vulture talons.. and it's long dragon's tail ended in a snapping viper head..  black shining bull horns curled out from it's head 

(when I think of Humbaba, I think of the Teostra from Monster Hunter XD)

The dragon Humbaba prowled out, growling, as flames hissed from it's jaws, flames also hissing from it's paws.  It charged up flames in it's jaws.. and breathed such a deadly flame, that even the most heavenly and holy metals would melt upon it.. 

Even the deadly blades of Muramasa..

And any Servant with powerful magic senses knew that, but Mikoto, blind by rage, kept charging towards the flames... 


"I'm in the mood for Fried Railgun tonight.. " said Stacy .  "right Humbaba?"

Mordred let out a yell and dashed at Mikoto, jumping up and grabbing her in mid air, while gritting her teeth as MIkoto's furious lightning coursed through her body..  and the two fell to the ground. 

"NO!! MORDRED LET GO!!" Mikoto screamed.

"OH SHIT!!" Mordred exclaimed as she saw the approaching wall of ever consuming fire. She would have to throw Mikoto out of the way, but there wasn't time.

But then.. in a flash of extreme speed, Okita Souji appeared next to the duo.. grabbing both Mordred and Mikoto and dissapearing in a flash of speed.. as the flames carved through the street, melting it into nothing. 

"S.. Sister..?" Mikoto stammered. 

"QUIET!" Okita growled. "You.. and I have a LOT to talk about Missy!!"

H.. Hah?!" Mordred stammered. "Missy!?"

Mikoto knew that tone.. back when Okita trained her, that was the tone she took when Mikoto messed up big time.. and she could guess what Okita was furious about..

Mikoto had broken one of Okita's number one rules about combat.. not to lose your cool and fight blindly on rage. 

Humbaba turned to look at his three escaped prey... growling.. flames gushing out of his jaws..

"Mordred.. keep Mikoto back.." said Okita. "I'll handle this.. "

Stacy smirked. "So I get to kill the samurai lady first.. or rather.. my dear pet does.. very well, let's see how this turns out.. "

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