Transmigrated Into An Otome G...

By Ayanami09

49.7K 2.3K 510

Miyazaki Naoki, 16 years old. He has appearance, wealth, great both in academy and sports, many friends, popu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author Note & Apology
Uhh... Sorry?

Chapter 5

4.5K 231 29
By Ayanami09

Naoki walks down the hill to find the village. He decides to find a place to rest there and seek the information he needs as much as he needs to adapt in this world before he can be leading the heroine. Although he hesitantly doing this roles, he has no choice but to do so. He doesn't want to die young.

Naoki is afraid that if he directly involved and meets them, he will change the story or event that isn't in accordance with in the game. Even his existence in this world alone has the possibility of influencing the course of the story. That's why he decided to leading the heroine quietly and indirectly from behind even without having to meet her and some important character who play an important role in the course of the story (like captured character, supporting character, rivals character or villains.) Naoki already makes a list of various strategies that can help the heroine run the story in important events.

Along the way to the village, he checks his magic status after several times against monsters in the forest before.

-- Status --

Name : Miyazaki Naoki
Age : 16 years old
Race : Human
Gender : Male

• Profession :

• Talent :
+ Intelligence (87)
+ Speed (60)
+ Strength (65)
+ Magic (90)
+ Luck (5) +15
+ Charm (99)

The remaining points left : 35

• Blessed by the God of Creator •

Title :
[The World Traveller]
[The One Who Lead]

Element :
Fire | Water | Wind | Earth | Light | Darkness

God Skill :
+ Appraisal (lv3)

Ultimate Skill :
+ Dimension Box (lv1)
+ Navigation (lv4)

Rare Skill :
+ Earth Wave (lv1)

Skill :
+ Fire Ball (lv5)
+ Wind Slash (lv3)
+ Water Shoot (lv2)

It seems that the magic used earlier against the monster turned into a new skill in its status such as Fire Ball, Wind Slash, Water shoot and Earth Wave. Even some skills level up from 1 to 2-4. It isn't weird for Naoki as he constantly uses the same magic to attack his enemy and manage to level up the skill. What surprised him was the skill category.

After seeing the enormous power generated from his magic, Naoki thought that the magic he used was a high or rare category of magic. Knowing The God of Creator and Unknowns is giving a cheat ability, it is not strange that he gets a new skill that is categorized as a high skill. (Naoki can no longer count how many times he was shocked by the God of Creator and Unknows.) But seeing that the magic turns into a low-skill category ... Naoki begins to questioning himself whether this is normal or not. (Then again the situation where he got himself transmigrates into this world is not normal.)

Fire Ball, Wind Slash, and Water Shoot are in normal skill category, while Earth Wave in Rare skill category.

Fire Ball skill, manipulating fire by concentrating collecting fire element energy at a certain point and when used its effect will be like a small bomb but with higher heat level than the small bomb in general (though naoki do not really know the size of the explosion from the small bomb.)

Wind Slash Skill, manipulates the wind by forming wind element energy into wind wave forms and can slash enemies.

Water Shoots Skill, manipulates water by firing the energy of the water element formed from the droplets and then fired quickly into the target.

Earth Wave Skill, manipulates the earth by collecting a large amount the energy of earth elements into a big earth's wave that can bury the opponent into the ground (Naoki uses this skill only once when he is almost trapped by a huge bunch of monsters.)

He also using Appraisal skill to identify his surrounding such as plant, animal, and monster when looking the way out of the forest along with the help Navigation skill to navigate the location or the path he has been through in order not to get lost easily. The Appraisal skill can also be used to identify the weaknesses of the enemy in case of being attacked by a new enemy and help him defeat the enemy.

As for Dimension Box, he haven't using it by storing an item or taking out something. Naoki is too busy fighting monsters and beasts who attack him and try to avoid another one that might attack him again.

After evaluating the previous incident, Naoki begins to consider raising the talent points on the luck. He may be lucky by getting a cheat like abilities, but somehow he also unlucky enough for always getting himself involved in unfortunate situations and bringing another problems. So he decided to added another 20 talent points in Luck on his status.

"I hopes with this maybe I can avoid another unfortunate situation as before and maybe the Lady Luck will love me this time." Said Naoki as he added another talent points to his Luck.


He takes back what he said.
Maybe the Lady Luck already hate him so much by cursing him so he will always involved in new problems.

"Tch! Don't avoid it!" The man said as he keep attacking Naoki using his sword.

"If I didn't my head would have been detached from my body!" Naoki shouted back as he tried to avoid the swinging sword that almost reach his neck.

This action made him forced to quickly take a step back and almost lost balance. The man noticed this and immediately took his chance to attack him again by thrusting his sword toward Naoki's heart area. Naoki's body reflexively avoids the attacks by lowering his body to the ground. He quickly tried to drop his opponent by kicking his legs but he quickly jumping backwards away from naoki and manages to avoid the kick.

After ensuring a safe distance between them, each of them giving a signals through the eye. they still keeping their guard up and observe each other's condition. The man looked exhausted by seeing how his body was sweating a lot and worn out. The clothes he wear become dirtie with some torn or burn marks. Naoki is not much different from the man but overall his condition is much better than him. After a while, Naoki decided to speak.

"Can you stop attacking and listen to me for a moment?" Naoki said almost pleading as he get getting desperate every second passes.

"There's no need for someone like you" his opponent said while glaring at Naoki. Though from the outside he seemed unaffected, but inside his heart screamed with fear. The man then continuing his attacks while reciting some skills to strengthen his attacks. Naoki also did it using his skill to maintain his defense while he silently crying inside for getting in another mess.

Several minutes ago, Naoki has finally reached the village he found and ensured that the village is a village of human race. Naoki take a note how the village has a building like in medieval with european style. The place did not seem too crowded but not too little. Without thinking, he walked to the village gate and found two people there.

As he approached the gate, he noticed that their faces were shocked for a moment then went pale as they looked toward him.

They whispered to each other for a moment as they glanced sideways at Naoki with one of them has his eyes filled with fear while another one has a glint. Naoki can't hear the exact conversation but feels something is wrong with the way they look at him. He was about to ask why they are looking at him like that when suddenly one of them running to the village while the other one looking at him and preparing his weapon (which is a looking like standards sword).

"Who are you, what do you want from this place?" Asked the man. He is wearing one set of dark brown suit with white skirt underneath. A black sword belt fastened to his waist and using black shoes. He has a handsome face with a blonde hair. His eyes has an obsidian coloured eyes.

Naoki didn't know why he react like that to him, but he answer his questions gently and tries to show that he has no evil intentions.

"I am Naoki, an Adventurer." Naoki said calmly as he remember the profession he chose before coming here He give him a gestures that he is harmless by lifting both his hands up. "I was attacked by a bunch of monster in a forest on the hill and end up losing my way here when trying to run away from them." He added half truth.

"Don't lie and just tell me the truth! Did you plan on attacking this place?!"

Naoki was taken back by this and quickly reply, "Of course not! Why do you think I will do that?!"

"I can feel your aura of magic from the moment you showed up. You're dangerous opponent with the way you suddenly show up and openly poured out powerful aura of magic." Said the man as he narrowed his eyes at Naoki surprised face.

'Did he say I have constantly poured out aura of magic? That's why he can tell his magic strength? Looks like the other one from before can feel it to. Maybe there's a way for the people in this world to sense other magic. If so, then there's must be a way to hide it. I must quickly find it now before more people found out my strength and bring another problem.' Naoki thought as he keep note this information in heart.

Then he looking carefully back at the man face. Now that he noticed it, his face is rather familiar. He didn't know why but he feel like he have seen him before. Naoki silently wondering about this for a while.

As if answering Naoki thought, the man spoke again seeing Naoki silent.

"My name is Edgard of Cethelyra Kingdom. That much power can be a threat to our kingdom, therefore I can't let you wander around now." The man said as he getting in position to attack. This makes Naoki panicked as he tried thinks a way to settle this without a fight before he suddenly realized something.

'Edgard...Cethe..lyra Kingdom...? Where did I heard-Wait... Oh, no. No No No!'

Naoki didn't noticed it before but he hope he is not the one who he think is. Naoki screamed inside as he starting to despaired at this, though he didn't plan to say it loud.

"Don't tell me he is really Edgard Di Carbell the second son of Duke Di Carbell and third princess fiance!"

Edgard who hearing this widened his eyes at the last statement for a moment before glaring at Naoki "How do you now that? No one should know about the engagement beside Di Carbell household and royal family. Who are you? Why did you have this information!"

'Shit. He didn't mean to say it loud. Of course neither he can tell him about the game nor the role that has been given by the God of Creator. No, that will makes the story in mess. What should I do?'

Edgard Di Carbell. The second son of Di Carbell Duke family in the Cethelyra Kindom of human race. He is one of the captured character and in his world he was ranked 3 of the most popular character in The Lost Pandora. He is famous as a hard working character with tsundere personality.

He always forced himself in training and likes to says something harsh to other people, especially to the heroine. But in reality he didn't mean it until he meet the heroine. After meeting her, he didn't know how to show his fealing or what he want to do, so he still often expressing something contrary to his true feeling but less harsher.

Naoki never expected to meet him in a place like this. Especially this soon!

Seeing Naoki didn't say anything, raised Edgard's suspicion.

Before Naoki can thought an idea to get out from this problem, a sword suddenly attacking straight to his chest. With atletic's insting he have, Naoki manage to avoid the attack. His heart skipped fast because the shocked he get as he almost dead if he was late to move by a second.

"Hm! Not bad. Let see how long can you avoid it!" Said Edgard as he swinging his sword with a grace and trained. Without waiting Naoki's reply, he quickly shortened their distance and started to attacked. they continue to fight (though Naoki is reluctant) in a while up until now.

Edgard slashed his sword toward Naoki's face but Naoki barely dogde it to his left side. The tip of a sword thoughtfully scratched his cheek when he avoided it and blood slowly flowed down to his chin.

Naoki tried using his Wind Slash to counter another sword's attack from Edgard then using a Fire Ball to surprised his opponent and give a chance to get away from him, just like before how he used this strategies to get away from a bunch of goblins in the forest. It seems successful as Edgard lowering his guard down. Naoki using this chance and took advantage of smoke that was created as result of his Fire Ball.

But as soon as Naoki did that, a blast of water preventing him for getting away and another voice come from behind Edgard, "Where do you think you're going to? It's rude to leave like that just when I arrived here. Don't you think so, Edgard?"

"This voice... Lucas nii-sama!" Edgard excalimed as he turn around to face him. Naoki did the same.
The smoke cleared a bit and revealed a man who has a feature similiar with Edgard, dressed upscale with long white robes and long black boots. He has a straight blonde hair but a bit long than Edgard and his bangs split in the middle. His eyes a bit narrowed and has a bright like clear blue sky's colors.

Naoki immediately recognized this person.

He was another capturable character, Lucas Di Carbell. The Eldest Son of the Di Carbell and half older brother of Edgard.

The head of Duke Di Carbell married two time as his first wife which is Lucas biological mother, died of illness when Lucas was still 3 years old. Then his father remarried with the second wife and give a birth of the second son, Edgard.

Because Lucas is the oldest son and the only child of the first wife, he become the heir of Duke family and gets a lot expectations from his surrounding especially his father. His father is strick with him and always forced him to always perfect at anything.

The pressure he got is too much until it make him developed a cold and twisted personality (though contrary with his personality, he secretly love sweets.) He rarely smiled at other or rather prefer to smirk. And that is only happen when he using it as mask to fool people or enjoyed the despaired look of his opponent or people who defying him.

When he is interested in something, he will make sure to get it no matter what. When he become obsession with it, he will keep it and never let it go.

His character setting is set as a yandere character and ranked 1st of the most popular character in The Lost Pandora. Why girls in his world love this type of character, Naoki had no idea. The girls is mysterious creature.

But isn't it dangerous? In short time he just meet two important character! Not only both of them are capturable character, buat one of them is the guy he must avoid at all costs. To make it worst, now he must get away from the two of them at once?!

Naoki curses his luck's for getting himself in unfortunate situation three times in just one day and bring another problem.

'I just increased my Luck points and this is what I get?! Actually what have I done to get this shit?!'


Note :

Well... How do I say...
*Bow to the ground while crying

I am soooowwwwrrrrryyyyyieee!!!!!
I know am late updating this, but.. it's not my choice (T.T)

Actually I have been writing up to chapter 8 with the edited version of the previous chapter. But the things is my house got robbed last week, and the theif took my computer and smartphone :((

All of my important data in there along with the stories! Even right now I am still cursing them while writing this.

And sooo, I have to fix it ALL OF IT from zero! Ughhh I hate this.

Anyway thank you for still sticking up with my story love you guys~

And thank you for those who reminding me some mistake in my story, really really thank you~
Hope you can keep reminding me that

Oh right, I got the wrong guy in last chapter 4. The one who should make that scene actually Edgard not Lucas. Sorry for the clumsiness of mine
(- w -")

Here another bonus for my apologies~
(T w T)/

Name : Edgard Di Carbell
Race : Human
Age : 17 years old
Gender : Male
Zodiacs : Capricorn
Height : 186 cm
Weight : 60 kg
Hobbies : Practicing sword and magic
Fav. Foods : Nothing in particular as long as it's isn't sweet
Mottos : Winner is for the strongest and the strongest ones are those who giving his best and effort

Name : Lucas Di Carbell
Race : Human
Age : 19 years old
Gender : Male
Zodiacs : Scorpio
Height : 188 cm
Weight : 61 kg
Hobbies : Researching magic
Fav. Foods : Secretly love any kinds of sweets
Mottos : Nothing is more beautiful than seeing someone get their hope up only to be crushed as soon as possible in despair

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