Prince in hidding

By lsebourn

1K 34 8

Katie is a regular high school nerd that nobody pays attention to. Tray is a transfer student that is secretl... More

Chapter 1 : Birthday bash
Chapter 3 : New home
Family time
Chapter : 5

Chapter 2 : He got away

173 9 3
By lsebourn

Pov of the Unknown

I sat at my desk looking over the plans that I had already memorised when there was a tentive knock on the door.

"Come in." I said not bothering to look up from the papers in front of me knowing it was Carson coming to report.

"S-sir" said Carson in a tone that told me I was not going to like what he was going to say.

"Well how did it go." I said and looked up and studied him. He was obviously nervous and clearly didn't want to be there. This told me loads as far as how it had gone.

"He got away." He said quickly and barley more audible than a whisper.

"What went wrong? Was there a problem getting past the guard, or some other complication."I asked.

"No sir it was the boy." He said

"How? He is a sixteen year old with no were near as much training as the team has." I was aggrivated that it had been the kid that had stopped the plan. I turned away from him and looked down on the papers that had been hours of planning for nothing.

"The team didn't expect a problem so they sent in one to retrive him and the rest stayed in the van." He said.

"What!?" I yelled and whipped around to face him anger surging up in me.

"How could they be so stupid to do that." I said my voice still raised in anger. I took some deep breaths to calm myself knowing we could always try again it would just be hard.

"Was the inside cover blown?" I said after I was calm.

"No." He said with a bit more confidence seeing that I was calmer and that the news was better.

"Well at least that's still intact." I said trying to figure out what to do next, we couldn't attack again soon, and there would be more security now.

"I want the team that took on this assignment to be fired now." I said dismissing him by opening the door but he just stood there.

"One more thing sir." He said.

"What?" I said impatiently.

"Our source says they are moving the kids to the states to live with the queen's brother." He said tensely. I smiled which he clearly didn't expect this was good if he had security it would be suspicious so he would be less protected.

"The more the merrier. Tell Millie to come see me I have a job for her.


Hey guys I know its a short chapter and that it's been so long. I'll try to update more often, but it will help if you tell me what you think about it so I can improve and add. Thanks for reading hope you enjoy it. -L

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