Gabriel & Athena, Book One: F...

By NMBooks

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FORMERLY TITLED "FATUM" Chosen as a Wattpad Featured Story in May 2017 There's a reason high school senior At... More

Letter to the Fans
Update: November 30, 2017


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By NMBooks

Chapter Soundtrack - Chapter 13: "F**k Em Only We Know" by Banks


            "Okay, let's go over this one more time," I said, pacing back and forth.

            "Athena, enough already," Gretchen moaned.  "We've been over the plan a million times.  I'm confident I've got it down."

            "I just want to make sure we have all our bases covered," I explained.  "I can't take any chances here."

            "Fine," Gretchen muttered, rolling her eyes as she sat up in her queen-sized bed.  "You told your parents you were coming to my house for dinner and that we'd be studying together for our exam tomorrow.  Your car is parked in my driveway, just in case anyone decides to check up on you, which I think is completely unnecessary.  I mean, I know your parents are mad, Athena, but I don't think they're going to be watching your every move."

            "No, my parents won't be watching, but according to my father, the rest of the town will be.  I can't be too careful.  If something goes wrong, it could cause me to really not be able to see Gabe anymore.  I can't let that happen, Gretchen."

            "You really like him, don't you?" she said thoughtfully, more as a statement of fact than a question.

            I smiled at her.  "Not what you expected, huh?  Me falling for, what was your description again?  Oh yeah, the hottest bad boy in this state."

            "Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little surprised at how serious things have become," Gretchen answered.  "But like I said before, I think he's good for you.  I can already see this ethereal glow about you, goddess."

            I chuckled.  "I tried to get him to stop calling me that, but he's stubborn."

            "Oh, guess you're not as different as you thought," she said.

            "Guess not," I agreed, grinning.  I glanced at the time on Gretchen's desk clock: 6:45 p.m.  "Time to go," I said.  Gabe and I would be meeting in the parking area of the forest at seven.  Gretchen only lived five minutes away from there, so she would drop me off on her way to her own date.  We were telling her parents we were going to the library to study.  I wasn't comfortable with all the lies, but I had no other choice.  My only other alternative would be to not see Gabe at all and that wasn't an option as far as I was concerned.

            As I sat in the passenger seat of Gretchen's red convertible Beetle, I could hardly contain my anticipation.  The last time I had really spoken to Gabe face-to-face was Sunday morning at Robertson's and it was now Thursday.  Since then, communication between us had only existed via phone conversations, text messages and email.  Between my shifts at work and school, today was the first opportunity I'd actually had some time to meet up with him without it looking suspicious to my parents. 

            One good thing that had come from Gabe and I keeping our distance was the gossip about us was starting to fade.  I was no longer receiving looks of death from Kristy and the rest of the secret service.  Even Jackson had backed off.  I wondered if Gabe turning the tables on him during the chase had shaken him up a little.  Whatever it was, I was glad he was leaving me alone.

            I saw Gabe leaning against his car as we pulled into the clearing.  I instantly felt my breaths start to quicken as I placed my hand on the door handle, ready to jump out as soon as the car stopped.  Before I even had a chance, Gabe opened the door himself, practically pulling me out of the car and into his arms for a quick kiss. 

            "It's been too many days since I've gotten to do that," he said.

            "Agreed," I replied, trying to catch my breath. 

            Gabe let me out of his embrace long enough to poke his head down to speak to Gretchen.  "Thank you for delivering my girl to me right on time.  Your promptness is much appreciated," Gabe said, giving her a wide smile.

            I could see Gretchen blush.  Who could blame her?  Gabe was the most enigmatic person I knew, making it hard for anyone to not fall under his spell.

            "You're welcome," she mumbled.  "Don't forget, I'll be here at ten sharp."

            "We won't forget," I promised.  "Thanks, Gretchen, you're the best."

            "No problem.  Have fun," she said, a wicked smile on her face.

            "Oh, don't worry, we will," Gabe replied, matching her sinister grin with one of his own as he shut the door.  He waited for Gretchen to drive away before pulling me into his arms again, this time giving me a very different kind of kiss.  Much too soon, he pulled away. 

            "Hi," he said, smiling down at me while still holding my body tightly against his.

            "Hi," I breathed.  It was a good thing we were alone, otherwise we would have had a very captivated audience.

            "Ready to go to our secret hideaway?"

            I laughed.  "I seriously feel like I'm in a movie or something."

            "Why?" he asked, chuckling.

            "Well, not too long ago, my secret hideaway was the school library.  Now it's this abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods that I'm running off to so I can spend time with a guy who apparently has superpowers.  Things like this just don't happen to me," I informed him.

            "Finally realizing how much you underestimated real life?" he questioned.

            "Yes, I'm starting to find it really fascinating," I said, playfully mocking him.

            "And this is only the beginning," he whispered, the promise of more to come in his voice.  Before I could respond, he grabbed my hand.  "Let's go," he said, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead and pulling me behind him as he made his way into the cluster of towering trees.  "Make sure to pay attention this time," he called back to me.  "You're going to need to know how to get to and from the cabin on your own, just in case."

            "I'll try, but it's kind of confusing since there isn't a path to follow.  Whoever built that thing really didn't want to be found," I commented.

            "Whatever their reasons were, we owe them a big thank you."

            His words were so true.  If it wasn't for the cabin, there would be no way for me and Gabe to spend any time with each other.  Venturing off into the woods after being chased by Jackson and finding the cabin had not only given us shelter from the rain that night, it had been the answer to a problem neither of us had foreseen coming. 

            Maybe fate was on our side after all.  I had never really thought about whether fate was real or not, but now its existence seemed more possible, almost definite.  What other explanation could there be for the series of events that had taken place in my life recently: Gabe moving to Sparrow of all places in the world, the feeling I had the first moment our eyes had locked together, the way he hadn't given up when I tried to push him away, how he defended me against Jackson and the night in the cabin.  Even when I thought all hope was lost after my parents had forbidden me to see him, he still refused to give up. 

            Fate was all around me now.

            "You're quiet.  What's going on in that busy head of yours?" Gabe asked, side-stepping some fallen branches.  The grass was tall and a lush green from all the recent rain.

            "I was just thinking about fate," I said.

            "Ah...fate.  Are you a believer now?" he questioned, turning his head to wink at me.

            "I'm not sure I'm being given a choice," I replied sincerely.

            He made a right turn and I could see the cabin in the distance.  I had been so lost in my own thoughts that I hadn't focused on how to get here.  Now I would have to pay more attention on our way back, even though it would be completely dark by then.

            As we approached the cabin, I could see a glimmer of light coming through the window next to the door.  "Gabe, I think someone may be in there," I said, pulling on his hand to keep us from moving forward.

            "No worries, goddess, we'll just kick them out," he replied nonchalantly, leading me to the entrance.

            "What do you mean kick them out?" I whispered in disbelief.  "It's probably the owners in there."

            "Eh, I can take 'em," Gabe answered.  He turned the knob and began to walk in. 

            I kept my feet firmly in place, but his hand was still holding mine and despite my efforts, he pulled me in behind him.  Once inside he became more accommodating, allowing me to stand still and fully take in my surroundings.  The cabin was filled with white candles inside of glass holders, flickering rays of golden light in every direction, illuminating it in a surreal glow.  I let go of Gabe's hand and walked towards the living room.  They were scattered on every available surface from the table in front of the couch to the small kitchen counter and the nearby round wooden table, as well as on top of the small bookshelf.

            I walked around in a wide-eyed stupor until my gaze met his.  "When did you do all of this?" I asked, unable to control the emotion in my voice.

            He had a smug grin on his face.  "I came early to set it up.  I remembered there was no power here and I thought candles would provide a better atmosphere than that old flashlight we used last time."

            "Better atmosphere?" I asked coyly, placing my hands on my hips.

            Instead of explaining himself, he took a few steps in my direction and wrapped me in his arms.  His warm lips steadily moved with mine and after a few minutes we both pulled away at the same time. 

            "Thank you," I finally said, resting my head on his chest.  "It's beautiful."

             He tightened his hold on me with one arm as he raised the other to run his hand through my hair.

            "We're going to have some serious cleaning to do before we leave, though," I observed, "Who knows when the owners might show up again."

            "That's strictly up to you," he said.

            "Why would I decide when the owners are going to make their next visit?"

            "Because we are now the proud owners of this place.  I'll leave it up to you to decide when our next date will be."

            I looked up at him, a shocked expression on my face.  "You bought the cabin?" I exclaimed.

            "Since this is the only way we get to see each other, I wanted to make sure we didn't lose it," he explained, smiling down at me.

            "But how did you even know who to call?" I asked, shaking my head in disbelief.

            He brought his face close to mine, the glow from the candles circling around us highlighting the halos in his eyes.  "In addition to superpowers, I also have connections."

            I just stared at him for a moment, shaking my head in disbelief.  "You know, you're going to spoil me with all of these grand gestures you keep making."

            "You think this is a grand gesture?" he asked. 

            "You don't consider all of this and everything you did when you brought lunch for us at the library grand gestures?  No one's ever done things like that for me before, Gabe.  In fact, I can't think of anyone else I know having things like this done for them.  You may not consider them grand gestures, but for me, they are."

            He led me to the couch and sat down, pulling me down next to him with my back against his chest.  I tried to relax but my body shivered as I felt his lips on my hair, making their way to my ear.  "The things I've done so far aren't grand gestures.  Consider them tokens of appreciation," he whispered.

            "Appreciation for what?"

            "That you're even willing to be here with me.  That you didn't judge me based on my family or the gossip.  That you're lying to your family and everyone else in Sparrow, except for Gretchen, just so we can be together."

            I closed my eyes and gave in to the spellbinding feeling coursing through me thanks to his mesmerizing voice.

            "Believe me, when I make a grand gesture," he breathed, "you'll know it."

            "Okay," I murmured, not able to say anything more.

            We sat there for a while, neither of us speaking.  My head was settled in the crook of his neck and every now and again he would give me little kisses in my hair or on my cheek.  I suddenly remembered I had a surprise for him as well.  I reluctantly rose from the couch to retrieve my purse.  I had borrowed a large one from Gretchen so fitting his gift inside hadn't been a problem.

            "I didn't give you permission to move," Gabe said sternly.

            I chuckled as I walked back and sat on the couch, this time facing him.  "I have something for you," I revealed, pulling out a neatly wrapped blue package.

            He began to protest, but I quickly cut him off.  "The last time we were here, you said that you wanted to be an architect.  I thought maybe I could help you get started," I said, giving him his gift.  "It isn't much," I explained as he ripped it open.  

            I waited for some kind of reaction, but he just sat there, staring at the sketchbook in his hands.  He almost looked upset.  Of course, I try to repay him for all the kind things he had done for me and somehow I manage to screw it up.  "Um...look, it's okay.  I can tell you don't like it.  I'll just take it back," I rambled.

            "You're right.  I don't like it," he finally said, running his fingers down the hard black cover.  He raised his eyes to mine.  "I love it."

            I let out a small breath of relief, thankful there was actually something I could give him that could make him happy.

            "It's the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me.  The thing is...."  He paused for a minute, obviously trying to choose his words carefully.  "When I said I wanted to be an architect, it was kind of like letting you in on one of those wild fantasies people have, but aren't really serious about."

            "Then, you don't want to be an architect?" I asked, confused.

            "No...well, yes, but..."  He put the sketchbook on the table and moved closer to me.  "Athena, I would love to someday design some of the greatest buildings and houses in the world, but there is a better chance of Jackson Montgomery being inducted into sainthood than of that happening.  We both know what my future will most likely be."

            "Wait a minute.  You said you would think about it first, Gabe," I cried.  "We had a deal, remember?  You said you finally felt you could have a different future.  Now it sounds like you're saying the exact opposite," I accused, crossing my arms and giving him a glowering stare.

            "Yes, I remember the deal, and it still holds.  I'm just trying to be a realist, like you," he said, half-smiling. 

            I didn't smile back.

            He sighed.  "All I'm saying is there is a chance that having this normal career as an architect or something else might never happen."

            "And there's also the chance that it can happen, Gabe.  Maybe, when the time comes, you'll make the decision that will allow you to have it."  I picked up the sketchbook and placed it back in his hands.  "It's just paper," I pointed out.  "You don't have anything to lose by sketching out all of those ideas in your head.  Think of it as a way to pass the time."

            "I can think of other ways to pass the time," he said suggestively.

            The next two and a half hours were spent talking about a hundred different things, as well as some time spent not talking.  As much as I pleaded with time to stand still, it remained uncooperative and inched its way closer to ten.  Before I knew it, the cabin started to become darker as one candle after the other was blown out. 

            There were only a few left when Gabe stopped and looked at me.  "You know, goddess, you haven't told me what you want to do in the future."

            "You mean like a career?"

            "Sure.  What do you want to be when you grow up?" he asked, his face filled with intense curiosity as he walked over to the bedside table to blow out another candle.

            I hesitated for a moment.  "Promise you won't laugh?"

            "I would never laugh at you," he vowed, ignoring the candles as he made his way towards me.

            "Well, I can see myself doing two different things.  Since I have the experience working at Roberston's, I think I would probably like owning a bookstore of my own one day."

            I could see his lips twitching.  "You promised you wouldn't laugh," I cried indignantly.

            "I'm not laughing," he said, breaking out into a low chuckle.  He was clearly holding back.

            I walked over to him and playfully punched his arm.  "Just for that I won't tell you my other career aspiration.  You'd probably break down in tears."

            I moved to walk towards the kitchen counter, but he grabbed me before I could take more than a few steps.  "I'm sorry," he said, hugging me.  "C'mon, tell me the other option."

            "No," I said, still irritated with him, although his embrace was melting it away fast.

            He started to run his fingers through my hair, starting at the top and slowly moving down, slightly rubbing my back as his hand made it to the bottom of the strands before repeating the movement.

            "Please," he pleaded.

            "Um...I don't think so," I mumbled, trying to stay focused.

            "Then I guess I'll just have to convince you," he said.  He placed both of his hands on my face and started kissing me very slowly.

            "Will you tell me now?" he asked, his lips breathing out the words next to mine.

            "Mm, no," I said, half-smiling.  My stomach flip-flopped uncontrollably.

            "Playing hard ball are you?"  He started kissing me again, one of his hands moving to the back of my neck, pushing me closer to him.  His lips were a little more urgent now, clearly trying to coax me into giving in.  He quickly broke away, leaving me gasping for air.  "Now will you tell me?"

            I looked at him for a few seconds, letting him think he had won.  Then I slowly shook my head, a cunning smile forming on my lips. "You know, city boy," I teased, "I'm a lot tougher than you think."

            He shook his head, a playful look of regret on his face.  "Well then, goddess, you leave me no other choice.  It's time to play dirty."  His right hand moved to my stomach and before I knew it, he was pushing me against the wall, his left hand shielding the back of my head from hitting the hard surface.  He brought his mouth next to mine, but stopped just short of kissing me.  Instead he moved his right hand away from my stomach and placed one finger on my wrist, slowly trailing my skin upward.  His eyes never left mine and his breath was warm against my lips.  I tried not to gasp as his finger lightly moved up my arm, over my shoulder and across my neck.  It stopped its travel at the v of my t-shirt.  I leaned heavily against the wall, thinking his mission was over, but apparently it wasn't.  He lifted the arm of mine that was now burning with the aftereffects of his touch and started kissing his way across the same path, beginning at the same point on my wrist as he had a moment before with his finger.  He purposely made every kiss excruciatingly slow, his lips soft against my skin.  As he placed his mouth against the side of my neck I trembled, wrapping my arms around his waist.  He ended in the same place, his last kiss placed on the skin right above the v of my shirt.  "Are you finally ready to surrender?" he whispered against my ear.

            "I'll tell you whatever you want to know," I sighed, resting my forehead on his chest.  He gave me a few seconds to recover from what can only be described as the sweetest type of torture.  I looked up at him.  "You don't fight fair," I declared accusingly.

            "Complaining?" he asked, a satisfied smirk on his face.

            "Never," I responded, smiling.  "Okay, so the other career choice I would be interested in is possibly becoming a book editor.  I love reading, so I figure I might as well try to make a living from it."

            He was staring at me, no trace of laughter in his eyes.  "Now that's a little more like it."

            "Becoming an editor you approve of, but owning a bookstore is comical?"

            "It's not that I approve or disapprove of either.  The only reason I laughed when you mentioned the first is because, well, I just can't picture it.  Not that it would be an unworthy way to spend your life," he explained hurriedly, "but I think it would be unchallenging for you.  Too easy.  Being an editor seems to fit more."

            "Well, either way, I still have to graduate high school and get through college."

            "Any thoughts on where you'll go?" he asked, this time trying to hide his level of interest by casually looking around the cabin to make sure we hadn't forgotten anything.

            "Not really," I answered, also remaining equally aloof.  "I know I want to leave Sparrow.  I just don't know where I want to go.  It'd be nice to move somewhere on the west coast, maybe California or Oregon.  But there are also some great universities in the Midwest.  It's all kind of up in the air right now.  How about you?" I asked.  As soon as the words left my mouth, I desperately wished I could take them back.  He had never mentioned going to college.  I shouldn't have just assumed he would with his future being in its current state of turmoil and uncertainty.

            He noticed the look of apprehension on my face and gave me a half-hearted smile.  "I've been looking into a few in New York, but it's kind of up in the air for me also."

            "Oh," I said awkwardly.

            "It's almost ten," he said, checking the time on his cell phone.  "We shouldn't keep Gretchen waiting.  I have a feeling she's going to be a great ally for us."

            "She is pretty great," I said.

            "Oh, so there is something you two have in common.  I was beginning to wonder." 

            I grinned as he took my hand into his and led me out of the cabin, shutting the door behind us.  We made our way back to the makeshift parking lot where Gretchen was already waiting.  As Gabe and I walked towards her, I held onto his hand tighter, hating that soon I would have to let him go.  He opened the passenger door and said hello to Gretchen, thanking her again for helping us.  Then he turned to me and gave me a wide smile. 

            "Until our next great escape."

            "I'll call you tomorrow so we can decide on a day," I promised.

            He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and held onto my hand as I slid into the passenger seat, finally releasing it and gently shutting the door.  I slipped on my seatbelt as Gretchen started to drive us back to her house.  "How was your date?" I asked, laying my head against the grey leather seat, reveling in the aftermath of time with Gabe.

            "Obviously not as good as yours," she commented, studying my face.  "I've never seen two people our age act like you and Gabe, except in the movies.  What's your secret?"

            I gave her a knowing smile.  "Fate," I revealed.

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