Embracing Sin

By AuthorXandraCage

203K 6.3K 485

Shattered Pieces presents 'Embracing Sin.' This isn't the typical alpha man saves the lost unhinged female. ... More

Author note
26. *11 months later*
Coming Soon \\\ La MΓ©xicana
Special scene
β€’part 2 - Special scene
Part 3 special scene


10.4K 284 42
By AuthorXandraCage

Song- How to love -Lil Wayne

                      Days have come and gone after the horrible night of losing my patient. But the family reactions still haunted my dreams but unfortunately as the days passes it's just became easier to move on. That's what this job did to you.
As I walked closer into the place can eat you whole there not to far stood my two best friends. The stood before each other bickering as usual about the latest hot resident.
They both had no filter and I swear if I didn't stop they get sue one day for sexual harassment. But they bickered like an old marry couple who couldn't stand each other more than ten minutes but yet couldn't live without one other. An endless love and hate relationship..

"Doctor De Campo, did you see him?"

My dark hair pale face Best friend Emma asks with Wednesday Addams smirk.

"Really ? Did we become all formal all of sudden?"   
I sarcastically responded

                "Well, did you see him?"     Shes asks again as her hands move to her hips determined to know the answer.

       "No es importante. "
  ( it's not important)

By this time I'm beyond annoyed at the third degree questioning knowing damn well residents students were not my forte.
Her face reek of disappointment as I continue to walk away not only her but both of them. It wasn't about the lack of not wanting the best for me it was because they didn't want me to be alone. Ironically This overbearing setting me up came from two women who a good time consist petting their neighbors cat while drinking wine out of a box.

So, it was easier to give up on dating scene not to mention the inhuman way people reject you, it was always the same thing.
intelligence was too intimidating and annoying or you seem to uptight. But what was the point of settling down when my soul and heart have never known love, my dreams and lack of Visions took over my whole life. There was no purpose any more when I couldn't figure who or what I was. All I have ever known is to keep my nose in my books but wasn't a surviving technique or did my mother really wanted to see me grow?
All I did was lose moments and it was easier to memorize what I read then figure out how I missed almost 13 years of my life.

So I wasn't going to apologize for the way I spoke to men who main pick up line is, "my place or yours."

"Emma, Ni siquiera se supone que debo estar aquí, solo déjame trabajar en paz esta noche."

( "Emma, I'm not even supposed to be here today, just let me work in peace tonight." )

I spill with annoyance as my back now turn away from her like a scorn teenager
Trying to run away from her parent harsh reality comment.

It wasn't as if I needed to be here but more of a want.
Work could have easily been done at the place I should call home but it wasn't.
Such a lonely place.
Or am I the only thing lonely thing in my whole apartment.
I shake my head trying removed them lonely thought out of my brain,
'Don't forget to check your emails about the job offers.'

"Gia, your vagina is going to dry up!"       

Yup, there it was a text from Emma massive ego Such a scandalous comment, the worse part was she didn't care whose feelings she hurt but it was more of self projecting comment plus you had to have a heart to get hurt by her ego.

I mentally round my eyes as I take the
longest hellish cold hall to my office. The ice to the hell was people called on way to my office, I knew I was the talk in this whole place. The hospital bitch of hell was what some called me.
I look do to well manicure nails turn the knob to the place I called home.
As usual the first thing I notice was the reason my heart beat and only one who can put a genuinely heart filled smile on my face.
His curly wavy blonde with a hint of brown highlights and a smile who can make any old lady to pitch those cherub cheeks. A boy who was mine but we grew up together, the only reason I know how to love.
As quick as smile appeared the echoing sounds of rapidly klunking klunk of over priced alligator boots moves closer and faster to my way.

Footsteps I grew to be familiar, the only colleague who dare come my way and who deeply naively thought we were friends.
A tall slender blonde who grew up West Texas, the typical all Texan pageant girl.
Which explain her upstage personality.

I shook a little inside while she said my name with her strong Cheerful Texan accent
"Jessica. Hello, Nice to see you too."

Her smile cover most of her face as she plopped her body on my corner chair as she cross her legs and dusts her legs as if politely saying "you're dirty."

I drop my bag on my desk as I log in to my computer hoping if I pretended she wasn't there she'll go away. Other hopeful wish.

"Gia, you know my boyfriend Jackson."

Again she thought we were friends and I should know this 'Jackson' but for second time I rolled my eyes at her as I blankly stare at her perfect fake face.

"He has an older brother."
She states in a matter of fact tone as this brother was the reason Jackson was only the boyfriend not the husband.

"And well I want you to join us for dinner tonight."

No wasn't a question but a demand because Jessica wasn't known to ask for permission shit, I don't even think she even knew how to ask forgiveness.

Was this Jessica's helping me or helping herself? I let go of small chuck as her blue eyes sharping stab me in the eye.
Oh, Jessica famous death stare, "Well Giah - Jackson's family is rich, I mean o' school Texan Rich. They own tons of oil wells and farms. Girl, Farms!"

I almost expected her to cheer the last sentence as her pitch became higher when she said farms as if farms was the best part of this whole conversation.


Did my mouth just agree to what my Brain was going to say "get the fuxk out."
Did my body just betrayed me to get her out of my face?
"Okay be ready tonight at nine, I'll send for a car."

I still couldn't believe I was standing before the doors entering to a Double date with Jessica and Jackson.
If that didn't scream elite best Texan couple of the century then you couldn't understand rich Texan culture.

I look at my phone one more time to make sure Emma would call in exactly in a hour to my escape goat I mean who else then the woman who lived to shame me, my annoying best friend.

The dark amber wooden doors swing up letting me in to place only she would pick.
A Good Ole' fashion Steakhouse.
You know a place cover with death from the ceiling to floor. Reminding every customer of the barbaric practice of eating. Not to mention the methods of taking life's, guns and knives filled the walls and taxidermy dress up as Lewis Carroll's white rabbits on center of table.

Jessica hands waved me down as she's spotted me before I change my mind and run away from hunters heaven and my personal vegan hell.
I make my way to finish wanted I started when two men stood from the table as respectable way to let world know there's a lady Coming. A other southern custom
Two men dress from head to toe the typical douch bag rich ranchers, black blazers and dark denim jeans and most expensive George Strait hat.

Of course I stood out like thorn rose flower growing out of their bluebonnet garden. As stead of my usually power black and red suit I wore exactly how I felt defeated. White tight dress move with me as it felt like it wave back and forth. "I surrender."
Because after I agree to something I knew I didn't want to go.
"I'm so glad you made it."
Almost if she was surprised I was there but after all this was pretty much kidnapping she did order a car to bring me to her.
"Well this my boyfriend Jackson."
She again said as if to reminded of a person I forgot but we were friends, we never spoken we just worked together.
" Well, this here is Garth."

She spilled his name with a mix of disgust and fake happiness to wanting to call him future brother in law.
I shake the skinny tall slender cowboy as I let of go of a fake smile as if this wasn't the first time I met him but I knew my perplex look would give him the hint, 'I have never met you before until now' look.

I come face to face with Garth she was so persistent to hook me up with. My hand extend forward to strong jaw line country white boy. When I say boy I mean it
He had a sharp jaw-line but his eyes glisten as the smile cover his face changing to a happiest moment of his life.
Reminding me of boy with his favorite toy.

"Well goodness little lady, that grip is tighter than a fleas ass over a rain barrel,"

A return a fake smile as his typical southern sayings. A hardcore Texan, I mean to the core.
I looked between both men as they seem day and night. Jackson fit the typical rich rancher but Garth look as if Arnold Schwarzenegger had a baby with Shirley Temple. Sharp muscular edges and soft face. He held his body with complete control; with define muscle tones where Jackson lack.

He was completely easy on the eyes and if football Mr. American Muscle was your taste then he was your man. Not mine.
We all sat down as he pushed my chair in and he ruffed his wavy blond brown highlighted hair then all of sudden reminded of my son.
His blue eyes sharply look at me as I now just turn away from his she the one look.

I look at the menu as they all spoke about god knows what, but each subject end with some southern metaphor. It wasn't the worse date I've been on but it wasn't the best.
As our orders were taken and only thing I can order was a house salad "are you sure?"
Asked the waitress three times almost in disbelief I wasn't going order the reason I was there for -meat.
"I'm sure."
I said four times as almost wanting to say 'please free me.'
Jessica let go of nervously feminine laughter as it wasn't lady like just to eat what she called rabbit food
She excuse her self as the waitress left with our order, "Giah, Can you escort me to ladies room."
Again not really asking more like demanding me to follow her.

"What do you think of Garth, isn't he nice."

She says loud enough for him to hear her commenting on how nice he is.
I pushed the doors open to ladies room to wash my clammy ladies, I turn the knob all the way on hot it can let me. I look at myself in the mirror as if hot water can turn me warm hearted. But I'm shut off from the World and my reflection showed defeated once again .

"Look, I gotta go."

Gotta, who says that word?
It was if proper English jumped out of my brain and the reminder of I grew up in poor side of town spilled out as if my insecurities showed.

There she was on my reflection look at me with her dark Valder look disgust that I couldn't help out a friend or the fact I told her no.
She says my name right for the first time since I met her three years ago.
"Give him a chance."
She pled here case of, 'need you keep him busy.'
"Y'all are a lot and I can tell he likes you already."

At this moment she confirm exactly what she was done. Setting up the two black sheeps together.
"He can't stop staring at your Latin curves"

Excuse me?
At this moment the water turn cold reminded me exactly who I was.
I said a nickname she hated when I first met her almost four years as she enter to help me in my slums of hell MY ER, "Hi guys I'm Jessica West of Texas please don't call me Jessie I'm not a boy."
"I'm leaving, good luck."

She loudly pouts as her right foot slammed the ground as she speed walk out of the ladies room.
Again I don't know why she made me feel defeated. What was I really running away from ? Love or set ups?
I walked to excuse my self from Texan Ranchers blaming an emergency at the hospital & I was on called in.
Again I can feel Jessicas' dark glazes at me knowing damn well I'm lying since we work at the same hospital.

I ask the car to take me nearest liquor store on way home. I wanted to drink my Unfulfillment sorrows away until the next working shift in couple days.
I jump out of car as night sky was filled with light rain and fog in the air. As If Texas weather was just as confuse as me.
I pulled the glass doors open as the bell above me rang as it was ratting me out to world "alcoholic."

I took the aisle as I knew exactly where to go I need something strong and fruity to balance it out well at least that sounds good to me.
I take the two bottles to cashier as confirmation I am going drink away my demons.
Was what the cashier tag read and couldn't help to let of small smile at the irony. "It's going to be one of those nights?" He ask with sly smile as he winked before he ended his quesitos.
Read the cash register as I left a three twenties and walking away with the drug of my choice.

"stuck up bitch."

He mumbled as I walked away I scoffed third time I heard that this week alone.
But I have to say this was first by called a stuck by bitch by Jesus himself.

The driver look back at me as I held to unbag bottles showing him I was just as bad as anyone who walked into liquor store.
The car drove right to front of my lonely apartment as I quickly grab my bag and let my defeated body into the place where I lay low from the outside world.

I kicked my shoes strip naked jump on my bed with my only companionship I ever had in this place.

The famous cringy scene pop up on my television as soon I plopped on my bed.
"It's been nice knowing me, has it?"

Even Anastasia had a man! Okay maybe not the most Saneness thing for her but good for him for trying .
A quarter passes one a.m and still taking swallowing big gulps of the strong liquid fire. The numbness on my cheek tells me how far I have already gone.
Tequila the drink of my people. I say as I cheer in the air to my ancestors as I take other gulp from the bottle.

At the corner of my eye I still the thin Hp staring at my face almost taunting me as I haven't blankly stared at the electronic screen.
I swing it up as I really looked around my sad apartment that only had tv screen in my room. Maybe some unless trash from Craigslist would tacky up this place ?


Maybe Gia will find a Funk leg lamp for her apartment?       
This story starts slow but I promise if you stick around the next stories that link we'll blow your mind . Spoiler 🚨 alert; This scene is extremely special in another story !! "Paying for Sins!!!" Check it out !!!

Lol I saw this meme I had to post lol

FYI I'm huge supernatural fan lol

Final revise 12/20'

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