Cheater Fem Various x Male Re...

By ZoomQ21

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Sweet Tooth

7.2K 50 9
By ZoomQ21

A/N: Cheater Andriod 21. This seemed impossible, but here it is. Also doesn't she look great with short hair? Also this chapter might suck, but it's basically to feed your eyes since I have something special coming up!


You'd think that after everything I did she'd be grateful, and that she would at least thank me for it, but you'd be wrong! After Goku talked to King Yemma she came back with a large smile and gave me a bone crushing hug. It was here that I would confess to her and she gladly returned the feelings...or at least, that's how I saw it. A couple of weeks ago she didn't seem like herself, but like the Evil 21 that Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Z Fighters fought. She always eyed the fighters with this certain look in her eyes and it made me very uncomfortable. She's also been getting into the robotics field recently and it never really bothered me that she found something which interested her...until a few days ago. I bet all of this information is hard to visualize right? How about I show you.


"Hey Bulma!" Goku yelled as he walked into the room with a smile on his face. "If you're looking for Vegeta then he's training with Trunks." For some reason this made Goku gasp and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. Goku then gained a smile and said "I'll go get Goten! Maybe we can have a little fusion battle!" He flew off and I rolled my eyes "Well I think I should go. I hate staying out late, especially when 21 worries about me." Bulma giggled and winked at me "You two are so adorable together! So when are you gonna tie the knot?"

I blushed and walked away "Tell her I said hi!" Embarrassed, I left her home and began to swear under my breath.

Time Skip

I unlocked my door and hopped on to the couch with a sigh. Before I could even get a word out, my door get blown down by...18? "I have to show you something Y/N." She grabbed my hand and began to fly "I don't like heights!" She sighed and gave me a sad smile "You won't like this either." I stared at her in a questioning manner, but then I stopped when she began to descend "Well that was quick." She ignored me and, once again, blasted the door off of its hinges, but this time my eyes went wide from shock...and hate. It turns out that 21 had been creating more clones for another purpose.

"2-21!" She took the...object out of her mouth and smirked "Hey Y/N. Mind helping a girl out?" She shook her ass and winked "Help?! You want me to help you?!" The clone to his...thing out of her ass and nodded before walking away and falling to the ground. The other clones did the same and 21 stood up "If you want we could do this somewhere private." She tried to wrap her arms around me, but 18 stood in front of me "After everything we did for you, you pull this shit!" 21 rolled her eyes and put her glasses on "It's not like I don't love Y/N. It's just something I wanted to try for awhile."

"Awhile?!" She nodded and pushed her glasses up "I've watched porn before so I've always wondered what it would be like to sleep with multiple men at once. I've slept with men separately when I was with Gero so why should it matter now?" I could feel tears well up, but I wouldn't show them here "I'm... I'm done. I'm done with this damn relationship!" I ran off, but 21 used instant transmission to get in front of me "You can't end this! I won't let you!" She tried to grab my arm, but then 18 hit her with a solid punch.

"Y/N, leave now!" She took a capsule from her pocket and threw it onto the ground. A motorcycle spawned and I took no time leaving. I hope they don't hurt each other too bad. Actually I hope 18 isn't hurt that much since 21 is a cheating bitch.

End Flashback

Done? I bet your wondering "Is this guy breaking the fourth wall?" My answer is this. Kind of, but not really. I've stayed within the realm of Dragon Ball and I haven't said anything about the other realms so far except of now. Okay I kinda lied, but I didn't. The machine I helped Bulma make had been another Time Machine. I had to bribe both Whis and Beerus so I could go get the dragon balls for that material Bulma needed.

Right now I'm in a whole other timeline in which 21 never existed and where I also never existed. Crazy right? "You okay Y/N?" I turned my head and smiled "I'm fine Serori." Did I mention that I have a girlfriend?

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