Nothing Lasts Forever

By ShivyMay27

358K 2.3K 554

Simone had been on her own for a few years since leaving home. Her mother, a devoted Christian, who prayed da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
12Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 ~ Part 1
Chapter 27 ~ Part 2

Chapter 22

8.7K 46 4
By ShivyMay27

OK so we are coming close to the end and I have a few ideas on how I want to end the story, keep the feedback coming and give me more ideas please.

Do enjoy, and vote, comment please!!!!!!!!!!



After talking things over with Chris I felt relatively better but I still had this nagging feeling like I was not completely safe. I was even contemplating getting a gun for protection and taking shooting lessons.

I didn't want to be helpless any longer and I needed something to make me feel in control again but I still wasn't sure about the gun thing, I was never a fan of them and watching Patrick get shot was the image I kept replaying in my head.

What if I got the gun and accidently hurt someone I loved, I mean crazier things have happened but I seemed to be a magnet for trouble these days.

But then while Chris and I were talking I got this urge to ask him to pray for me. Maybe I needed the power of something bigger than myself to fight my battles instead of taking things into my own hands; I mean that is how I got into this whole mess in the first place, by doing things on my own.

After Chris had finished praying I decided to ask him if he didn't mind me tagging along with him to church, he had been inviting me for a while now and I wasn't ready to be around too many people but now I think I needed to go.

He seemed so happy when I asked him and immediately said yes, we then made plans for him to come and get me tomorrow morning early.

After he left I sat quietly thinking about my life and how great it was until I messed it all up, I was always an outgoing happy person. But since being held hostage I had practically become an introvert.

Thankfully my boss was understanding and told me to take a month off and if I needed any therapy I could use the company's Psychologist. This seemed so generous of him and I truly appreciated his concern.

The one thing that was missing from my life before this whole mater took place was that I had no special someone in my life. I mean I had dated a lot but no one seemed to be right for me, I was really picky and couldn't quite put my finger on what wasn't quite right about these men, they were good looking, successful, nice and some were downright sweet but they didn't appeal to me.

I decided that I had wasted enough time sitting around, so I quickly got to my feet and headed to my room, when I walked into my closet I had so many choices but I wanted to wear something that was conservative but not stuffy.

I found a green dress with black trimmings; it was a little wavy at the bottom, knee high and it showed off my curves without sticking to my body like I was on display. It had a square neck line, with elbow length sleeves. I paired it with my black manolo blahniks and a black clutch. I gave the dress a light steam press and then decided I would watch some television before going to bed.

I knew Simone was coming in the morning and I couldn't wait, I wondered if she was going to come to church with us or if she was going to be too tired, but either way once she got here I was going to be happy, that is until she left again then I would be alone in this house once more.

I decided that there was no point in me sitting here worrying so I called it a night and headed to bed. I prayed for sleep to consume me so that I no longer had to think, I also hoped that Patrick was doing alright and that he wasn't in too much pain.

Then finally my mind gave into how tired body felt and I drifted off to sleep.



I spoke to Sisi later on to get the flight information so that I could pick her up in the morning, I was excited to see her, and even more so to take a trip with her to see her family. I do hope that everything goes well.

But I needed to get to bed or I would be too tired in the morning for church and both Simone and Kate were going to be coming, this was an incredible blessing.

I picked up Simone early that morning; I could tell she seemed a lot more relaxed than before she had left, I guess the trip to Atlanta worked wonders for her, we chatted quietly, and she seemed really excited to be going to church and more so that Kate would be joining us.

After I dropped her off I headed back home to take a shower, get some breakfast and then dress. I checked my clock and saw I had enough time to do my morning devotion and spend some quality time with God before I went to get the girls around 8:30 am.

Besides I had a lot to thank the big man for, especially since both the girls returned safely and now they were attending church, I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to happen but now Simone was baptized and Kate was coming, I prayed that the service would touch her heart and make her want to come back.

When I arrived at their building I could see them standing in the lobby, they were chatting and seemed happy, I honked my horn and stepped out the car to open their doors. Kate had lost so much weight since the whole thing happened but she was gradually putting it back on, but today she looked lovely, the green and black dress she wore was a perfect fit and showed off her curves, plus the color of the dressed only brought out her eyes.

She had that sparkle in her eyes again, I am not sure if it was because we were all together or because she was going to church, whatever the reason, I was glad to see the old Kate resurfacing.

She smiled at me before sliding into the back seat, and I gave her a friendly wink, "you look beautiful Kate, as always."

"Oh, thanks so much Chris, I was hoping this dress would be alright." She seemed a little self conscious when she said that.

"Well it's perfect and you look great." With that I saw her visibly relax and settle back in the seat.

Sisi was still in the lobby, she and the door man were discussing something, and when she walked through the door, a gently breeze blew and picked up her hair. I was beginning to wonder if I was dreaming but honestly she looked like an angel, which made me smile to myself because her middle name was quite fitting.

She moved so gracefully and her face lit up when she focused her eyes on mine, I had always wanted to see heaven and angels and if God made something this perfect here on earth I could only imagine what heaven was like.

When she came closer, she placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, tip toed and placed a kiss on my cheek, "thanks again for coming to get us and as always you like dashing."

"Well I always have to look my best to keep up with you two lovely ladies." I stepped aside and opened her door, allowing her to get in, I then quickly went around to the driver's side and we were off to church.

While driving I quickly turned to Simone, "I forgot to mention that you look absolutely beautiful." She looked over at me and beamed with a sparkle in her eyes and a little blush.

"Thank you" she replied sweetly.


As we walked in to church I kept an eye on Kate, she was arm in arm with Simone and I was on the other side of her making sure she wasn't too overwhelmed.

But she seemed pretty happy to be there and even greeted everyone with a warm smile and a slight wave taking care not to release Simone's arm. I smiled to myself, I knew she was under a lot of stress lately I was just happy she was willing to come out and prayed for this experience to be wonderful for her.

When we took our seats I sat on the end of the pew with Kate sitting in the middle of Simone and I. I sang and prayed, greeted others all while making sure that I still kept an eye on Kate to make sure she was still doing well. Whenever she saw me looking she would smile and give me a little nudge which let me know she was doing great.

The service was now at the part where the pastor delivers his sermon. I can't lie at first I wasn't listening too much to Pastor Mac; I kept watching Kate trying to judge her reaction but she seemed enthralled by it, so eventually I settled myself and paid attention to the man of the hour.

I have to say, every Sabbath that Pastor Mac preaches it's as if God himself is talking to the congregation, he is so vibrant and articulate and our hearts always stir. I know that throughout the week I always try to apply the sermon to my life, I feel encouraged and energized to face the days. It is always spiritually up lifting.

The most important part however is how humble he is, he wants us to see him as the instrument and God as the musician and I do, that is what's so amazing.

Bringing myself back to the present, I glance over at the girls and I see Simone's arms around Kate. At first I wonder why but when I look a little closer I see that tears are running down Kate's cheeks.

Leaning over I mouthed to Simone who looks up at me at the same time, "Is she alright?"

She smiles and nods her head, so I relax and sit back and listen. When the sermon is over the pastor calls for anyone who is interested in being baptized to come forward, and I close my eyes and pray that souls will be willing to give it all to the Lord.

I hear a few amen's and praise God, still keeping my eyes close, I hear the pastor then ask if there is anyone who may not be ready but wants prayer at this time to help them prepare to accept Christ, then please come to the altar.

I feel someone tap me lightly on the shoulder, opening my eyes, I stare into Kate's watery green ones and she smiles, "excuse me Chris I would like to pass."

I smile at her and step out the pew and she and Simone walk up to the front and kneel for prayers.

I step back into the pew, get on my knees and start praising God for touching Kate's heart and I pray also that she finds peace and comfort in his loving and capable arms.

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