His Monster

By 00LemonMan00

102K 5K 882

•BOOK TWO OF SHIFTER SERIES• ~COMPLETED~ Theseus Castellan was stolen in the dead of night by a mysterio... More

Recommendations <3
Author's Note, please read


3.1K 184 33
By 00LemonMan00

|T H E S E U S|

As Theseus slowly made his way down the stairs, clinging to Blade, no, Axel, his heart rose into his throat. He swallowed thickly, blinking. Was he really ready for this?

Theseus casted an anxious look up at Axel. Axel gave him that reassuring smile he always did when he knew Theseus needed it. Theseus regained a little bit more of his confidence and returned the smile half-heartedly.

Axel gave Theseus's shoulder a little squeeze as they reached the bottom of the stairs. There waited the rest of the crew- Cain, Emerson, Braden, a werewolf that Theseus vaguely remembered Emerson telling him who was the former Alpha named Jameson, and one of Bryden's bulky cow friends that looked like she could through a wall easily.

Theseus stopped stiffly as he examined them all. Cain was clutching onto Emerson in a similar way that Theseus was holding onto Axel, rubbing his swollen tummy with his free hand. He offered Theseus a smile that was sweeter than sugar. Emerson, however, only gave him a slight nod that could barely even be considered that.

Braden looked tense, his muscles pulled tight together like coils- ready to lash out and attack. He was gritting his teeth and kept on glancing at the door. Theseus wondered subconsciously what was bothering him.

Alpha Jameson, however, was glaring daggers at Theseus. If it wasn't for Axel being right at his side, Theseus might have been a little intimidated. "What's your problem?!" He snapped.

Alpha Jameson's thick eyebrows that already resembled a unibrow knitted together. "My problem is you." He sneered.

Theseus made a face. "If it wasn't for my amazing fu- freaking idea, you would all be slaughtered by my father and his clan."

"If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even be in this situation! I vote we just end you know and send your body back to your pops in a bag. Makes my life easier," Jameson spat.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you come over here and bite me, b*tch. I'd like to see you try and get rid of me, you filthy werewolf!" Theseus hissed, his eyes flashing with anger.

Jameson made a move to come forward and attack, but it seemed someone else had a different idea about that. Axel was on him in seconds, twisting his one arm behind his back with one hand, pressing a blade to his throat.

"Do you know why they call me Blade?" Axel asked, a cruel smirk marring his beautiful features.

Jameson swallowed anxiously. "N-no?"

"Because I am rather well known for my skill with sharp objects. Would you like me to show you?"

Jameson's eyes widened. "No thank you!" He stammered out.

The cow girl at Braden's side snickering quietly to herself. "This guy's a complete coward. I say we ditch his skinny little a$$ and pick up Tony to stand in for him."

Braden pursed his lips. "Normally I would agree, but Tony... You know how she is. Especially with the sh*t going down between us. Maybe we should bring Lexa?"

"Look, I only brought Jameson along because he used to be the Alpha of our pack. I figured he would be able to act maturely enough to not pick fights with cranky kittens and big a$$ exotic dudes that are the size of tanks. Seems I was wrong," Emerson said, sounding like he was chiding a young child that should have known better.

Theseus scoffed. "Look, wolfy, not a kitten. F*ck, I'd say I'm older than you! So you can stop calling me kitten, and you're right- my babe over here is a big a$$ exotic dude the size of a tank. So watch it."

Axel smiled at Theseus. He tucked the dagger he had held to Jameson's throat into one of the many pockets that adorned his clothing. He then stepped back and took his place at Theseus's side.

"Enough bickering. I am oldest here and I say the to work." Axel said firmly. Theseus rolled his eyes, but still kept his trap shut.

Everyone stood awkwardly for a moment before Theseus's cleared his throat. "Guess it's time to dangle my fine a$$ out as bait now, isn't it?"


Theseus couldn't see a thing. His breathing was harsh as he tried to suck in air through the rough fabric of the burlap bag that was pulled over his head. His wrists we're bound tightly behind him, straining his arms. It reminded him of his time with Blade, which oddly sent a wave of calm over him.

Theseus struggled, the rope burning against his skin. He let out a defiant yowl, spitting curses at my 'captors'.

Theseus fell to kneeling position as he felt Emerson kick the inside of his knee. He whimpered, silently swearing to get the mutt back for it. He could have been a little bit more gentle!

Theseus's finally sagged down, putting up an act of submittance. But in reality, he was preparing himself for war.

As he felt the rope leash Emerson was holding him by grow limp, his nimble fingers got to work at the tricky knot. Why the h*ll did they have to tie it so good?

While he worked on quietly freeing himself, he heard the soft approaching footsteps of his werecat brethren. Suddenly, the burlap bag was ripped from his head. He squinted, blinking as his eyes adjusted to his surroundings.

He reeled back slightly at the sight of so many from his clan facing him. They came here for him? To rescue him? His heart swelled in his chest. He hadn't realized how much his clan cared for him. It almost made him smile, but he grimaced instead to cover it up.

All those warm thoughts were swept away as a tall, lean man emerged from the ranks of the thirty or so werecats. His face was stern, thinning salt and pepper hair slicked back like it always was. His cold gray eyes swirled with a hidden darkness that made Theseus want to hide behind his nurse's skirt like he did as a young child. But instead he put on a brave face.

"Father." He said, his voice much weaker than he would have preferred.

"Son," he said in distaste, barely sparing Theseus a glance. Instead he glared at Emerson.

Emerson was flanked by Conner and another high ranked wolf from his pack. All three looked almost bored, crossing their arms and tapping their feet. It was all an act.

"Emerson Jackson. What is this blasphemy? Tell me why you have captured my son and why you did not return him to me sooner when we first tracked his scent to your territory!" Caeser demanded.

Emerson yawned, flicking a piece of hair out of his face. "Oh, Theseus here? This is the son you were talking about? Not Orion? You know, I just got confused, with you throwing out practically all of your children."

Caeser tensed, as did the rest of his clan. Emerson certainly had their attention now. Quiet murmuring was exchanged between suspicious werecats. There already were quite a few rumors swirling around Caeser.

"How dare you speak my deceased stepsons name! I shall carve out your tongue! It is well know that Orion was stolen away as an infant, his corpse found only days later," Caeser hissed.

Theseus continued to undo his bonds, almost finished now. This show was about to get really started...

Out from behind Emerson stepped Cain, otherwise known as Orion, a shy smile set on his lips. Gasps erupted between the clan and Caeser paled. It was obvious just from his appearances he held some relation to Theseus. It became even more apparent when he took a step forward, standing beside Theseus.

"I-I was found d-dead? Why, so unfortunate. But it seems as if I'm standing here today..." Cain said, quirking his head to the side.

Caeser sputtered, trying to regain control over the situation as his clan was slowly turning against him. "This- this domestic kitten is obviously an imposter!"

Cain made a shocked face, his eyes sliding across the clan, meeting eyes with seemingly every member. "Did h-he just call the ri-rightful heir to our mighty clan an imposter?!"

Caeser sneered. "I am leader of this clan! And my boy, Theseus, is heir to this clan. You are just some bastard child! We will no longer listen to your lies. We clearly out number you, just hand Theseus over and we will be on our way!"

Emerson laughed, except the noise was anything but cheerful. "Are you sure about that?"

With those five words, the entirety of Emerson's pack that was in appropriate shape emerged from behind the trees, as well as Braden's herd. They made Theseus's clan look puny in comparison.

Now it was Theseus's turn. The undone ropes fell into a pile behind him as he got to his feet, brushing himself off. He flashed his clan a dazzling smile, waving.

"Hi guys! Did you miss me? I sure missed you guys. You guys might want to sit down. I've got a little to tell you. And Caeser?" He said, his grin turning feral.

Caeser suddenly looked afraid. He glanced around, as if looking for a way to escape.

"Don't even think about running. My mate here, Blade as you know him, is much faster than you and very handy with a knife."

Axel stepped forward, taking his place on Theseus's other side. Just having him there immediately strengthened him.

Cause narrowed his eyes at Axel, sniffing the air as if to check to see if their bond was legitimate. His face twisted in disgust as his concerns were proven to be true.

"Now grab your popcorn, guys! I'm here to tell you all about my darling father here and all of his dirty deeds."

<3 Eeeek! Almost finished with this story! Hope this chapter was worth the wait. I'm sorry for all the hold up, my life's been a mess recently. Don't forget I love all of you guys! If any of you ever need someone to talk to you can always hit me up in the pms! Mwa! Kisses and hugs!<3

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