It Started In Gary IN. (a Mic...

By Groovysm00thie

12.6K 305 60

(Starts in 1987) When Michael Jackson and his family go back to Gary, Indiana, Michael meets a girl in the WE... More

Chapter one: Ready for church, Mrs. Henderson?
chapter two- Her Voice
chapter four- A weird Meeting
chapter five- Nice To Meet You
Chapter six: No Where In Particular
chapter Eight- The Hospital Room
Chapter Nine: Waking Up
Chapter Ten- Adjusting
Chapter Eleven- Gettin Out
Chapter Twelve: Emergency stop
Chapter Thirteen: Welcome To Kentucky
Chapter fourteen: Smile
Chapter fifthteen: Beat It!
Chapter Sixteen: Rapist
Chapter seventeen: Going home
Chapter eighteen: The Pastors Daughter
Chapter Nineteen: Birthday surprise
Chapter Twenty: Telling Her Parents
Chapter Twenty one- Dancing in my bedroom
Chapter twenty two: Welcome to Neverland!
Chapter Twenty three: Model
Chapter twenty five: Decisions
Chapter Twenty six- Secrets
chapter Twenty seven: Fixing the Problen
chapter twenty eight- EAT
Chapter Twenty Nine: That Slut!
Chapter Thirty: A New Friend
Chapter thrity one: Weaves have been snatched
Chapter Thrity two: Talking
Chapter Thrity three: Healed
Chapter thirty four: halloween
Chapter thirty five: finding out
Chpater 36: The word is out
Chapter 37: Really Jermaine?
Chapter 38: Bad News
Chapter 39: Jolene
Chapter 40: Will you?
Chapter 41: The Grammys
Chapter 42: Girl or a Boy?
Chapter 43: Victim of Tatiana
Chapter 44: Letter
Chapter 45: Horribly wrong
Chapter 46: Gone to soon
Chapter 47: without you
Chapter 48: baby
Chapter 49: Adopting
Chapter 50: Breakdown
Chapter 51: Janet to the rescue
Fun fact
Chapter 52: Wedding
Chapter 53: Dem Babies
Chapter 54: Tabloid Image
Chapter 55: Getting ready for Matthew
Chapter 56: big brother
Chapter 57: Christmas
Chapter 58- 1989 recap
Chapter 60: in trouble
Chapter 61: thunder storm
Chapter 62: It Gets Worse
Chapter 63: Show Off!
Chapter 64: final chapter in this book

Chapter Twenty four- First Day

165 3 0
By Groovysm00thie

Shelby's POV
JULY 15th 1987

Today was the big day! I had my first shoot as a model! I was so happy to have a man like Michael my life, he just made everything happy. Lord, being in the same room as him always put a smile on my face.

"You ready Shelbs?" Michael said, he was taking me today.

"As ready as I'll ever be!" I said, kissing his cheek.

"Alright then, let's go, My Little Model," He said

That name Made me so happy!

As we got there, we walked in to meet the photographer.

"Hi I'm Hans, it's nice to meet you two," an Man said

"Hi I'm Michael and this is Shelby, my little Model," He said smiling.

"What a beautiful couple! Now let me show you to your manager, Miss. Shelby," Hans said, leading us to a smaller women in a business suit.

"Hello I'm Ella Cartfield, your manager, it's very nice to meet you,"

"Nice to meet you to," I said, shaking her hand.

"Now, let's get you all dolled up for your first shoot! Places everyone! Places!" She said like this was some movie.

She lead me to a dressing room, where Michael sat on the couch, while they had Karen, his makeup artist do my makeup, and boy was she good!

"Shelby you don't need makeup! You are beautiful as it is, girl!" She said smiling, Karen and I have been friends for a while.

"Oh thank you, Karen," I said.

"Almost, and done!" She said, turning me to the mirror.

"Oh my goodness, thank you so much, Karen!" I said, admiring myself (lol)

"You look absolutely gorgeous, Shelby! What do you think, Michael?" Karen asked him as I got up from the chair and he got up from the couch.

"I think she looks stunning, absolutely stunning," he said, kissing my forehead.

"Awww thanks Applehead," I said

"Alright Miss.Shelby we start in five," Ella called from the door.

"Okay, thanks!" I said.

Michael and I walked out to the main room where the shoot was happening.

"Alright, be a star, Shelby," Michael said smiling.

"I will," I said

"Alright, places!" Ella said as I was pushed onto the white background.

I was a natural to this. I don't even know how, but I knew what to do and when it do it.

We took about 100 pictures and Hans said they would be sent to the magazines.

I was so excited!

"So, how'd you like your first shoot?" Michael asked me in the hallway.

"Oh it was absolutely amazing!" I said kissing his lips.

"I'll be right back, im gonna use the restroom, I won't be long," he said

"Better not," I laughed.

As I was standing there, from the corner of my eye, I could see Ella and Hans talking, and then, I heard my name being thrown out, so I kinda ease gropped on them.

"You know, I REALLY don't like this one, she just so....fat," Ella said

Wait, what? I'm not trying to be defiant, but I was pretty skinny.

"I know right! I've seen so much better, she's not even that pretty, that girl needs more work then her boyfriend has," Hans said

Okay, this has gone to far, but I loved modeling.... what do I do? I guess I'll just have to eat less, and maybe I do need plastic surgery.......

This was all to much, I walked back to where the bathrooms were, and I just collapsed to the floor, I didn't faint just I couldn't breath, and I started panting.

"OH MA GOD, SHELBY!" Michael said as he came out of the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" He asked, putting me in his lap.

"It's-it's I'm just ready to go home,"

A/N PLOT TWIST!! Hope you enjoyed xoxo

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