Into Skyrim

By littlemomouse

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WHY AM I EDITING? It was so bad. So, so bad. Just a whole lot of cringing tbh. I promise my writing has impro... More

Chapter 1: The Trio
Chapter 2: The Carriage Ride
Chapter 3: Helgen
Pointless A/N with cat pics
Chapter 4: Family Reunion
Chapter 5: Quest Accepted
Chapter 6: Bleak "AF" Falls Barrow
Chapter 7: An Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 8: The 7,000 Steps of Hell
Chapter 9: Divine Luck
Chapter 10: Ustengrav
Chapter 11: Cutting Through The Bullshit
Chapter 12: Sight Seeing
Chapter 13: Diplomatic Idiocy
Chapter 1: The Daydream (translated for kicks)
Chapter 14: Finding Esbern
Chapter 15: The Battle for Karthspire

Chapter 16: Meddling Kids

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By littlemomouse

"There's always a sub quest, isn't there?" I ask rhetorically as we walk up the cobblestone road to Markarth's gates.

"Well, I wanted a break from the main quest anyway," Elizabeth says with high spirits, "Plus we needed to get more health potions."

"I suppose you're right" I sigh. "Anyway, when we enter the city, I need you to not panic."

"Uh, why would I?"

"You'll see," I say as we watch two guards pull the giant metal gates open for us. "Come on."

We pass through the stone archway into Markarth's busy market.
Citizens roam around us, talking, shopping, going in and out of Arnlief and Sons... Then I see him. Weylin.
I watch as he draws his iron dagger and stalks towards a woman. The woman, Margaret, shrieks in horror and surprise when she sees me stab Weylin in the back. Everyone is witnesses him choking on his own blood as it drips down his chin onto his shirt.
His body falls when I tear the dagger out of his flesh.

The guards rush over and try to calm the citizens and, to our surprise, ignore Elizabeth and I almost completely.

Elizabeth and I exchange glances before Margaret runs up to us.
"By the gods, that man nearly killed me. You saved my life. Thank you. Here, I was going to bring this to my sister, but I think you should have it," she says, offering Elizabeth a silver and emerald necklace, which she graciously accepts.

"Do you know why he was after you?" I ask Margaret.

"No," she answers. "I don't have any idea. I was just shopping for a pendant for my sister back in the Imperial City. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong," I say. "How about you head over to the inn? You look like you could use a drink."

"Yes, thst does sound quite nice right now," Margaret laughs. "I hope to see you around town. Farewell." she says and walks to the Silver-Blood Inn.

"C'mon, lets go, Elizabeth," I say, turning to where my friend once stood. "Elizabeth?" I call out as scan the now empty streets for her.

"Your Orcish friend left with a man who gave her a note. I am surprised you did not notice," a young Breton girl with a bob cut says.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Oh! I'm sorry, my name is Muiri," The girl says apologetically. "I'm Bothela's assistant at the Hag's Cure on the other side of the city."

"Nice to meet you," I say, shaking her hand. "So you said you saw Elizabeth walk away with a man?"

"Yes. I don't know him personally, but I've seen him around while I do Bothela's shopping. I think his wife works at the Treasury House," Muiri says. "Just between you and me, I've heard that shes with child. Isn't that exciting?!"

"Oh shit," I say quietly. "Hey, uh , which way did you say Elizabeth and the dude went again?" I ask.

"I saw them walk up those stairs over there ," she says pointing to her right. "It looked like they were heading towards the crag in the center of town."

"Thanks, Muiri," I say, waving back at her as I run off to catch up with Elizabeth. When reach the crag, I spot the door I'm looking for. I pull open the giant Dwarven metal door and step into a dimly lit, dust-filled temple. At the bottom of the staircase I spot Elizabeth talking to another Breton. As I walk closer to them I begin to make out some of the conversation.

"You're an outsider. You're dangerous-looking. You'll do."

*Elizabeth's POV*

"Do you know why he was after you?" KK asked the lady she saved from the murderer.

"No," she answers. "I don't have any idea. I was just blah blah blah blah blah."

As Margaret drags on and I begin to zone out, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and come face to face with a guy with some awesome war paint.
"Excuse me, but I think you dropped this," The man says, handing me a folded up letter.

"Sorry, but you've got the wrong person. That's not mine," I say, trying to give the note back.

"No, it's yours alright. I saw it fall out of your satchel."

I sigh and rip the letter open to read it.
"Meet me at the Shrine of Talos."
I look up to question the guy, but I see he's already walking away. I look back at Kayleighn before slipping away to follow him.

I tag along behind the man until he entered through a door under a rocky archway. After looking around to make sure no one was following us, I go through the door as well into a shrine to Talos.
My heavy steel boots clank as I walk down the slanted walkway to the Breton standing beside the eight-foot-tall bronze statue.

"What are we doing here?" I ask as I stop a few feet away from him.

"You want answers? Well so do I. So does everyone in this city. A man goes crazy in the market, everyone knows he's a Forsworn agent. Guards do nothing but clean up the mess," he says. "I'm sorry to drag you into Markarth's problems, but after that attack in the market, I'm running out of time. You're an outsider, you're dangerous-looking. You'll do."

"She's not doing anything yet." I hear Kayleighn's voice behind me. She looks angry.

"Oh, heyyy," I say somewhat awkwardly. "How's it going?"

"It'd be going a hell of a lot better if you didn't run off without telling me," KK sasses, placing a hand on her hip.

"Well, it seemed like you were kinda busy!"

"Whatever," She says before turning her attention to the man behind me. "You're Eltrys, right?" She asks him.

"That's right. Do I know you?" The man, Eltrys, asks in return.

"No, but I know you," She answers.

"Wait, how do you know me? I've never even seen you before."

"It's a long story. But we can't help you, not now, not ever," Kayleighn states, "And you'll stop digging for answers about the Forsworn if you care even a little about your wife."

"What about my wife? What are you talking about?!" Eltrys yells, his voice echoing throughout the abandoned temple.

"What I mean is, if we help you, you'll end up getting killed," KK says sadly, "I have tried to stop it multiple times, multiple ways. There's no changing your fate if we choose to help you."

"But this has been going on for years, and all I've been able to find is murder and blood. I need help. Please. You find out why that woman was attacked, who's behind Weylin and the Forsworn, and I'll pay you for any information you bring me. So will you help me?" Eltrys finally asks.

"... No." KK says, walking away.

"Kayleighn, hold on!" I yell as I run after her. "We have to help him and-"

"And what, Elizabeth?" She says whipping around to face me, a serious look planted on her face. And get him inevitably killed and make his wife a widowed mother? No, I can't let that happen."

"What if we can protect him though? What if we can prevent his death?" I ask.

"And how do you plan to do that? I have tried every possible way I can think of and its useless."

"That was before, KK. We're in this now, we can do stuff we couldn't do before just like Zepp said. If there is a will, there is a way!"
Kayleighn stares at me with a face like stone, unchanging and unwavering. But I could see the gears turning behind her eyes. She wants to help him just as much as I do. "Please, Kayleighn?" I ask using my puppy eyes.

"... Do you realize just how derpy you look making that face?" she says finally.

"Dammit, KK, can we please just help the dude?!" I beg.

Kayleighn sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Fine. What were you thinking?"

*time skip*

"You guys hired me for this?" Cosnach asked. "To watch this man while you two get to have all the fun?"

"Damn right," I say enthusiastically, a confident smile on my face. I give KK a thumbs up. "You two just stay here and protect Eltrys."

"Fine, fine, if that'll make you happy," Cosnach says with resolve. "I expect some free drinks after our deal is through, Eltrys."

"It would be my pleasure," Eltrys says. "Take care, you two. I'll have your payment waiting when you get back."

"Let head out," Kayleighn says to me. "I already know where to ask around for information."

"Okie dokie!" I answer.

"Let me know as soon as you've found anything," Eltrys calls out as we head for the door, leaving he and Cosnach behind in the inn.

"I admit, Elizabeth, this is a pretty good plan," KK says with a small smile, "Maybe Eltrys will live to see tomorrow after all."

"See? You don't give me enough credit," I say, sticking my tongue out at her.

"Yeah yeah, shuddup," she says sassily and leads the way.

"So what's the deal? Where are we going?" I ask Kayleighn as I follow her left towards Markarth's smelter.

"The Warrens." She answers curtly.

"Ooookaaayyyy. What exactly are 'the Warrens'?"

"It's like the Ratway, but with slightly fewer skeevers," She explains.
We walk down a path of Dwarven stonework to an almost cave-like area under the big _ in the middle of the city across the river from the smelter. Beneath the overhang, a big metal door that was rusted around the lock and hinges.

Kayleighn walks up to it and pounds on the door a few times before slowly opening it and poking her head inside before giving me the all clear.
I heave the door open the rest of the way for my short friend and we walk into the dark, dank and awful smelling home of the homeless, the Warrens.

Sick people of all ages and races lay or sat on the ruble and dirt-covered ground, coughing and groaning in pain.

"Ugh," I say, "I'm glad we don't have to live down here..."

"Yeah, tell me about it." Kayleighn answers.

As we stare at a woman and her baby huddled on the floor, another man in ragged clothing comes up to us. "Who are you? If you're looking for a place to stay, I suggest you check out a room at the Silver-Blood Inn. The Warrens isn't a place for your type," He says.

"We aren't looking to stay," KK explains, "We're here looking for Weylin's old room."

"Weylin? Did you know him?" He asks us.

"Yeah," I lie, "He was our cousin."

"Your cousin?" The man questions us, looking us up and down. Weylin was a Nord, right?

"Er, we were adopted into the family," KK covers, but gives me a nasty glare.

"Weylin never mentioned having any living family. What did you say your names are?" He asks us suspiciously.

"I'm Elizabeth, and this is Kayleighn," I introduce ourselves. "And you are?"

"... I'm Garvey, I pass the keys around down here," he says hesitantly.

"Wait, so do you have Weylin's key?" KK asks.

"Yeah," Garvey answers, "But I can't give it to you. I already have a new occupant lined up."

"It's important. Trust me," Kayleighn persuades. "Please, Garvey, it'd mean a lot to us if we could go through his things." she says, slyly placing a hand on his arm in a seductive manner.

"... Trust is hard to come by, but all right," Garvey agrees, "Here's the key. I'll show you to the room."
We follow Garvey through the dark tunnels past more of the sick and poor.

We come to a door at the very back of the communal area or the Warrens, and Garvey steps aside to let us unlock it. Kayleighn puts the key into the lock and turns it until it clicks, allowing us to swing the door open.

"I'll give you two some time alone," Garvey says before heading back to the main door.

After the door closes behind him, KK and I get started scouring the room for clues about Weylin.

As I'm clearing the busted up dining table, Kayleen gives a quick whistle to get my attention.
I go over and look over her shoulder as she reads off a piece of paper she found folded under some tattered clothes in a chest.

"Weylin, You've been chosen to strike fear in the heart of the Nords. Go to the market tomorrow. You will know what to do. Signed, N." Kayleighn reads aloud before stuffing the letter into her bag.

"N? Who is N?" I ask.

"Nicholas Hoult," Kayleighn says with a look that says she's messing with me.

"Why can't you just tell me and we can go get 'em?" I ask her.

"You'll find out," Kayleighn says nonchalantly.

"Ugghhh!" I groan with annoyance.

"Is everything alright in there?" We hear Garvey ask from outside the door.

Kayleighn stands and brushes the dirt off of her trousers and goes to open the bedroom door.
"Hey, Garvey. Everything is fine, we found our closure," She says, adding a fake sniffle and wipes a tear from her eye for effect.

"Ah. I'm glad I could help," He says with a small, sympathetic smile. "Are you done in there?"

"I think so," I chime in, brushing a stray hair out of my eyes. "We should get going, right KK?" I ask her.

"Yeah," Kayleighn agrees. "Here's the key back, Garvey. "Thanks for your help."

"It was my pleasure."
Garvey escorts us back to the main entrance and holds the door for us as we leave.
"See you around," He bids us farewell.

"So what do we do now?" I ask Kayleighn.

"We wait." She says, for some reason handing me her quiver, bow, and sword to hold.

"What are you giving me these for?" I ask, confused.

"So I have both of my hands free," she answers me.

"Hey, you two!" A deep voice calls from ahead of us. A man with a mohawk and studded leather armor comes up to us, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. "You've been digging around where you don't belong," he says, "It's time you learned a lesson."

"You first, Dryston." Kayleighn challenges him, raising her fists.

"Let's go!" Dryston yells before taking a swing at Kayleighn's face.

The punch lands on the left side of KK's face, the impact forcing her head to snap to the right.
Kayleighn recovers and draws back her arm to hit back. She throws a punch, hitting Dryston square in the nose, knocking his head back. She hits him again in the stomach with the other hand and knees him in the crotch while he's down.

Dryston bends over in pain before standing up straight and hitting back with a fist to Kayleighn's jaw.
She staggers back and spits out the blood that entered her mouth from a fresh split in her bottom lip, the bloody saliva dripping down her chin.

"Fus ro dah!!!" She shouts at her opponent. Dryston's eyes widen in fear and goes flying backward when the shout hits him. He lands in the rushing water with a splash and bobs to the surface, only to have Kayleighn pull him out by the collar of his under-tunic.

"Ugh. You mangy piece of pit-bait! You're the fucking Dragonborn," Dryston says between coughs. "What the hell would a Dragonborn be doing in Markarth?"

"We want Madanach," Kayleighn growls in his face. "Who sent you? Talk, or I'll send you to the Gods," She threatens, taking the dagger from her boot and holding it to his neck.

"I was sent by Nepos the Nose! The old man hands out the orders. He told me to make sure you didn't get in the way. That's all I know, I swear!" He says, fear showing in his eyes as he holds his hands up in surrender.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Now get outta here!" She yells at him, shoving him back into the water. "Let's go, Elizabeth."

"Yes, ma'am," I say in awe. I had no idea she was that strong. I stand and watch Dryston run into the Warrens before following along behind Kayleighn to I'm guessing Nepos' house.

"We're going to Nipples' or Napoleon's or whatever his name is, right?" I ask.

"Nepos, yes. But first," Kayleighn says, stopping in front of a shop whose sign read Arnleif and Sons Trading Company, "I need to pick up something."

Kayleighn enters the shop leaving me baffled.
"... Something like what?!" I holler before going in after her.

We walk in on the shopkeeper and her assistant discussing ledgers behind the counter. Kayleighn coughs to gain their attention.

"The loss of shipments from Forsworn attacks are- oh! We have customers," The shopkeeper says in surprise. "Imedhnain, why don't you go sweep up the back rooms."

"Yes, Lisbet," The young assistant says.

The shopkeeper, Lisbet, turns to us.
"How can I help you, girls?" She asks kindly.

"I'm looking for a spell tome, I was hoping you might have one," KK says.
I look around the dusty shop while Kayleighn barters. I pick up a copy of Kolb and the Dragon and begin flipping through the pages to pass the time.

"It should all be there" I hear KK say placing a fat coin purse on the counter.

"Thank you for the business!" Lisbet says as we leave the store.

"Sooo why do we need a spell book?" I ask finally.

"So we have a bit of an advantage over the Silver-Bloods," Kayleighn answers seriously. "C'mon, let's go talk to Nepos." I follow behind as Kayleighn leads me up some stairs carved out of stone much like the rest of the city.

Before can reach the door, we hear a ruckus coming from theinn across the way. Kayleighn says nothing as she sprints to see what the heck was going on, leaving me standing awkwardly in front of Nepos' house. I look between the door and the stairs contemplating whether to stay put and wait or join my best friend.
"Yeahhh, I'm too lazy to walk right now." I say aloud to myself as I sit on the ground.

This turns out to be a grand mistake.

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