Elena's Fantasy Diaries

By mandzipop

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Elena's fantasy diaries are mostly regarding her illicit dreams about Damon throughout the show, & appear in... More

Friday Night Insights
One Good Man
Miss Mystic Feels
Hot Blooded Brother
The Monster Returns
Bad Man Rising
Bed of Roses
The Seduction
Damon Issues
The Last Dalliance
As I Lay Dreaming
The Kindling
Smells Like Teen Seduction
Smells Like Vampire Seduction
An Ordinary Couple
I'm Coming
Our Time
All My Insecurities
In The Heat of Darkness
Knowing Pains
The Memory
The Stripper
The Two
We All Fall Madly In Love Sometimes
My ex Lover's Brother
Ravish Me
I Remember That One Night
Passion and Adventure Without the Danger
Hello Lover

The Big Day

4.1K 33 3
By mandzipop

Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

Dear Diary

It's been a while since my last diary entry. I thought the dreams would become more frequent, but I was wrong. Maybe spending quality time with Damon has helped, if you class quality time as arguing and bickering. Even though he still flirts with me, things have changed, I have changed. I find I can be myself with Damon. I guess to some extent I could with Stefan, but his expectations of me were always high, and I had to live up to those standards.

Damon's standards are different. As long as I'm honest and don't put up a facade, he accepts me for who I am. However, Damon has been omitting a few truths over the summer while we were looking for Stefan. I understand why, because it's not his story to tell, and Stefan should have told me in the first place, but he didn't. Damon just did what Damon always tries to do, protect me and make me happy.He knew telling me the truth would hurt me, which is why he kept it from me. After I confronted him, we got into a huge row about it, and Damon gave me what he thought to be the truth, although I don't think he knows everything.

He's been tracking Stefan all summer, and telling me the leads Sheriff Forbes gave us were dead ends, when they weren't. It turns out, he believes Stefan had left a trail of bodies up and down the eastern seaboard. He said Stefan was a 'ripper'. But what does that mean? Is it like Jack the Ripper? He told me Stefan's humanity is off. Does that mean he's like Isobel? I know he's exaggerating because Stefan called me last night. He didn't say anything over the phone, and the number was blocked and definitely not Stefan's number,but I know it was him. This morning I called Caroline's mom and asked her to chase the number to see if it's from Tennessee, which is where the last lead was from. If it is, I'll confront Damon and see why he thought Stefan had turned his humanity off, because why would he call me if he'd flipped the switch? I don't think he's the one who has been killing people, it must be Klaus, although I admit Stefan wasn't keen on telling me everything about his blood issues, and if Jonathan Gilbert's journal is anything to go by, it's worse than what he originally told me. I though he was just like Damon when he arrived in Mystic Falls, but apparently he was worse.

So onto my dream and why I think I had it.

Yesterday was my 18th birthday and Caroline threw a birthday party for me at the boarding house. This is when I found out he'd been tracking Stefan, but I digress. Other than the stuff with Stefan(which I've already gone through), and the party, 2 things happened.The first one might have been part of what triggered the dream,although it wasn't in it, but is did make it more realistic. The second thing that happened was what my dream was about. It was something that not only surprised me, but scared me at the same time.It was something I'd never thought about in my life, not even with Stefan, but I saw it with Damon.

I'll explain the first thing that happened.

After Sheriff Forbes gave me the lead for Stefan, I took it over to give to Damon. And oh wow, did Damon give me a birthday surprise. Regardless of what my future holds, it is something that will remain etched in my memory until the day I die. When I got to the boarding house I put my bag down in the parlor and Damon said good morning from behind. When I turned around, he'd clearly just gotten out of the bath, he was covered in bubbles. But that's all he had on his body, bubbles. He didn't bother to wrap a towel around his waist, even though I know he knew I was there.

Yes, Damon was stood there in front of me completely naked.And to make things worse, he was smirking. Although I admit, he had good reason to be smug.

None of my dreams were even close to how perfect Damon's body is. And I have to say he's...even more gorgeous naked than I could possibly imagine.

I just stood there, like an idiot staring at him for about 5seconds. I couldn't take my eyes off his body and especially his...lets just say it was clear he was slightly turned on. I was so embarrassed. It's not like I'm a virgin or anything, I've seen Stefan's and Matt's. But neither of them were as big or as impressive as Damon.

Eventually I turned around and threw him a blanket to cover himself up, I covered my eyes with my hand, but yes, I admit, I peeked a little. I couldn't help it. He just looked too sexy for me not to.

By this point I was getting a little hot and bothered, and I was a little turned on by his show. My heart was racing, I could barely breathe in his presence, I wasn't able to hide the fact that just the sight of him had gotten me all turned on. So when he came over to me to take the lead for Stefan, he knew how he'd made me feel. And he made it quite obvious he was aware of what effect he was having on me because he stood as close to me as possible without touching me. I could barely look him in the eye. Instead I kept looking down at where he'd covered himself up, although he'd made sure he'd left his hips and treasure trail uncovered. Between them,they might as well have been a red neon arrow saying 'stare at my dick!' I know I don't normally say things like that, but there's no other way to put it. What made it worse, and what he doesn't know, is that I'm having these dreams about him. Ugh!

Anyway, after that, he just took the lead, mocked me and left me in the just standing there!

I know, ever since the kiss and what Katherine said about loving them both, he's been dying to test the theory out, to see if she was right.

Well he got part of his question answered. He now knows that I'm sexually attracted to him! The question is, what is he going to do with that information? Thankfully, last night, other than our huge argument, he was a perfect gentleman.

So, onto the 2nd thing that happened yesterday relating to Damon, which was last night's events. This is what triggered my dream. Seeing Damon naked, just meant I got an accurate depiction of what he looked like naked.

Last night was the party Caroline had arranged for it to be at the boarding house, and Damon let me get changed in Stefan's room. I was almost ready to join the party. I was stood in front of Stefan's mirror, just checking to see if I looked okay, when I saw Damon in the reflection, waiting for me, looking hot as usual. He'd come to give me my birthday present. I'd told him not to buy anything, so he managed to go one better. He gave me back my vervain necklace.Apparently it was in Ric's loft.

I realized it must have been really hard for him to do that. I know he's in love with me. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if the President of the United States probably knows he's in love with me.But he still gave me the one thing that represented me and Stefan. It was a completely selfless act, and it meant so much to me. Not only that, with the candles all around us, it was a little bit romantic.

It was when he put the necklace around my neck that it hit me.Katherine was right, I do love Damon. The crazy part though, is that I could imagine spending the rest of my life with him. I've never even thought about having a future with Stefan. Not sure why, maybe I didn't consider it an option. I know I told Damon it would always be Stefan, but even then I was always looking at the here and now, not looking to tomorrow. I will always love Stefan, even if we never get him back. But there is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. Right now, I'm not sure if I know the difference. I'm not experienced enough or old enough to understand.And until I do, I shouldn't be able to think about a future with anyone. Yet for some reason I could imagine it with Damon.

I think that's what triggered my dream. I just wonder what it all means.


The previous night's dream...

Elena stood in front of the mirror in Stefan's bedroom, taking in her reflection as she took a deep breath before smoothing down her white lace dress which she'd chosen for the occasion, as if it would make any difference to the reflection in front of her. Today was a big day for her, signaling the final step into adulthood. No longer a teenage girl mourning her parents, but a young woman with responsibilities, and she knew the moment she stepped out of that door, it would be time to face the music. Elena no longer cared about other people's opinions about how to live her life. She had made her choices, and if other people didn't like them, well she had no room for them in her life. Fortunately, even her friends who disagreed with her had stuck by her and were here to celebrate her big day. The time had come to say goodbye to the past and embrace the future. One where Stefan would only be a ghost resigned to her distant her past,until the day he returned from Klaus's evil clutches. A twinge of guilt washed through her, as if she'd somehow betrayed him by moving on with her life, but he'd been the one to insist she lived it to the fullest, which is what she'd eventually done after he'd done the right thing and left her to save his brother.

She checked her hair once more which was loose in waves, to make sure it was perfect before sighing and closing her eyes. When Elena opened them again the reflection in the mirror told her she was no longer alone. Damon was stood behind her, he'd changed his clothes from earlier and was now wearing black pants and a dark blue shirt,which brought out the color of his hair and eyes. He leaned against the door-frame, his arms folded and a sad look on his face, a look she understood, because they both knew Stefan wasn't coming bac kanytime soon.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna lose it." Elena assured him."At least not before the cake." she smiled.

"It's your day, you can cry if you want to." he shrugged as he walked over to the table and picked up a photograph of her and Stefan, taken just after they'd gotten together and he'd joined the football team. "Ah, Stefan. Such a pack rat." he sighed before putting the picture back down and turning to look at Elena. "I got you something." he told her. "I know I promised not to buy you anything so don't worry. I didn't pay for it." he smiled, walking over to her with a small box in his hand.

"You made it?" Elena asked in surprise.

"No!" Damon laughed as he held out the little box to her. "Found it." he grinned, opening it to reveal the vervain necklace Stefan had once given her.

"My necklace." Elena gasped in shock. "I thought I'd never see it again." she smiled.

"Ric found it when he was clearing out his loft earlier." Damon told her. "Considering how long ago that was, I'm beginning to worry about Ric's ability to clean his own place, although he claims he found it under a floorboard." he said, raising a giggle from Elena. "I thought given the circumstances, you'd be happy to have it back" he smiled, taking the necklace out of the box.

"I am happy, Thank you." Elena thanked him, her voice almost choking up with emotion.

"You're welcome." Damon replied.

"Can you?" Elena asked, holding the necklace out to him so that he could fasten it for her.

"Of course." Damon smiled putting the box in his back pocket as Elena turned around and pulled her hair up, allowing him to put the necklace on her. Damon fastened the necklace and Elena turned around as he offered his arm out to her. "Shall we?" he asked.

Elena took in a deep breath. "Lead the way." she said as they walked out of Stefan's room and down the stairs.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Elena was greeted by a small group of familiar faces, clapping, cheering and congratulating her. Elena had been very specific with Caroline about keeping the party small. Only close friends and family were invited. It had to be kept quiet as even after all this time, she was still concerned about being discovered by Klaus, although that problem wouldn't remain an issue forever. Her concerns regarding the party size had still remained as she'd left Caroline to planning the party, and her best friend's version of 'keeping it small' might as well have been written in a completely different language. However, on this occasion, Caroline had obeyed her orders. Nothing too lavish, just close friends and family.

Damon turned to Elena and squeezed her hand, giving her a small smile of encouragement. "Don't worry, it'll all be over soon."he whispered in her ear reassuringly.

Four hours later, after the cake cutting, dancing, drinking and food, all of the party guests had finally left. There had been tears for the people who were missing who should have been there, Stefan, her parents, aunt Jenna and even John. However Elena was still thankful for the people who were there to welcome her final transition into adulthood. Ric and Jeremy however, were staying at the boarding house for the night, both very drunk and having already gone to bed. After checking they were both wearing the Gilbert rings,Damon had threatened to snap their necks if they went wandering around the house during the night or vomited anywhere other than the toilet.

Elena had made her way up to the bedroom as Damon was still saying goodbye to the last of the guests. Her feet were killing her after a whole day in the most unbelievably uncomfortable pumps, which Caroline had chosen to match her dress. She was stood in front of the huge full length mirror and kicked off her shoes, eyes closed, a sigh of relief emerged from her lips as the soles of her feet touched the floor. When she opened her eyes, she saw Damon approaching her from behind with a smile on his face.

"Has everyone gone?" Elena asked.

"Yup." Damon replied as he stood behind Elena and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Ric and Little Gilbert are sound asleep snoring in their beds." he added as he nuzzled hi shead into Elena's neck. "That means Mrs Salvatore, you and I have the house...all...to...ourselves..." he peppered kisses along Elena's neck between words.

"Mmm...I'll never get used to you calling me that."Elena moaned closing her eyes with pleasure, covering Damon's arms with her own, as he kissed up the side of her face and on her temple,before resting his cheek against hers.

"Did you enjoy your big day?" he asked with a small grin.

Elena sighed. "It was our big day until the vows."she insisted, stressing the word 'our'. "After that, it was all about keeping our friends and family happy." she added as Damon raised one eyebrow at her. "Okay, it was mostly about keeping Caroline happy." Elena laughed.

Damon removed his arms from around her waist and took off the necklace he'd given her earlier. "I wanted to keep a part of my brother with us during the wedding party." he said as he placed it down on the table next to the bed. "But he's not being a part of whats coming next." he smirked.

"And what's that?" Elena asked innocently as Damon began to slowly unfasten the buttons on the back of her dress, his mouth kissing every inch of skin which appeared in place of the dress.

"Well technically..." he mumbled into her back before looking up. "We're not officially married until we've consummated our vows." Damon told her.

"Didn't they used to have a bedding ceremony where people would watch?" Elena asked laughing.

"Ooh, kinky. I like it." Damon grinned.

"No!" Elena laughed, turning and slapping Damon on the arm, who pouted and rubbed the affected area, pretending to be hurt." Stefan gave me that necklace to protect me from you." she said, pointing at his chest. "Now I know why."

"Didn't work." Damon grinned, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her in close.

"No it didn't." she smiled, winding her arms around his neck as they kissed one another just as passionately as if it were their first kiss.

"Okay, so lets get you out of this dress." Damon grinned, changing the subject, pulling away from their kiss as Elena frowned. "And into something a little more comfortable." he smirked.

"Uh oh. What are you planning?" Elena asked wearily.

"Nothing too daring." Damon replied, placing his hand on his heart. "But a little blonde birdie told me your feet might be a little bit sore after spending an entire day in a pair of ridiculously uncomfortable shoes." he went on. "So I figured we'd start the evening's proceedings with a foot massage." he smiled sweetly.

"I know you Damon Salvatore." Elena warned. "And you're up to something." Damon fluttered his eyelashes innocently. "But whatever it is, it's worth a foot massage. So help me get out of this dress!" she demanded.

"Yes ma'am!" Damon replied as Elena turned around to face the mirror and Damon continued slowly removing her dress,kissing her back and shoulders as he revealed more flesh. "What's this?" Damon asked as he suddenly stopped with a look of horror on his face.

"It's a corset." Elena said confused. She'd picked out a white satin and lace strapless corset, with old fashioned laces at the back in the hope he'd like it, but her heart sunk when she saw the expression on his face.

"I can see that." Damon frowned. "Did Little Gilbert lace this up by any chance?" he asked, his face trying to suppress a smile.

Elena frowned. "No, Caroline did it, why?" she asked as Damon turned her around to look at Caroline's terrible efforts in lacing up a corset. "Oh." she said as she looked at lacing which bore a resemblance to how sneakers were laced. Their eyes met through the reflection in the mirror before they both burst out laughing.

Damon removed the white wedding dress, which pooled to the floor before she stepped out of it. Damon picked it up and gently placed it on the chair, taking care not to damage it. Although he wasn't the sentimental type, it represented the best day of his life and he was going to make sure it remained in pristine condition. He walked back over to where Elena was standing in her bridal underwear. With the corset came a matching thong, a garter belt and white silk stockings with lace trim, topped with a blue garter. The overall look was that of sexy innocence, Damon's jaw dropped.

"Fuck Elena." he growled. "If I'd have known you were wearing that underneath your dress, the guests would have been sent home straight after the vows." he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her into his body and began to kiss her neck once more.

Elena's head lolled back and rested in the crook of Damon's neck to give him better access. His lips made their way around to her throat, something Damon already knew she loved him to do, while he slipped one hand inside the front of her thong and gently ran his fingers along her slit, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her. She could feel his erection pressing into her back through the material of his pants.

"You're already wet." he murmured into her throat as he continued his kisses.

"You tend to have that effect on me." Elena replied,closing her eyes and rotating her hips against Damon's hand as he began to gently massage her nub. "Mmmm...that's good." she whispered.

"Well I'm afraid you're going to have to be a little patient Mrs Salvatore." Damon teased.

Elena groaned in protest and put her arm behind her back, and found the outline of his erection and began to run her hand up and down it through the material of his pants.

"Hey that's not fair." Damon complained.

"Who said anything about playing fair." Elena raised her head and smirked at their reflection in the mirror until she took in the entire scene.

The vision in front of her was one that could only be described as highly erotic. Damon's eyes were dark with lust, which tended to give him an ethereal look. He was staring at her as if she were his prey,she loved it when he did that, because technically she was, and yet she had no fear, he was the only person in the world she trusted not to hurt her. This was due to her feeding him, not by giving him her blood, instead she fed his humanity and made him a better person.However it couldn't remove instinctual the predator in him, that still had to be fed. So they had been confined this part of Damon's true nature to their bedroom, which in turn had led to some interesting, and highly erotic games. Their trust in each other ran so deep, that there were few sexual boundaries they weren't willing to explore, as long as it were just the two of them as neither of them were prepared to share. These sentiments were so far unsaid, but were fully understood by both of them, even though they hadn't thus far tapped into anything which could be described as 'overly kinky'.

Heat flooded to Elena's core just by the dark seductive look Damon gave her, she knew he had something planned other than the foot massage (which she suspected would now be put on hold after his recent discovery of her bridal lingerie).

"Remember Elena." Damon whispered into her ear. "I'm still the big bad vampire around here." he warned. "Just because I love you, it doesn't mean I not capable of doing terrible wicked things with you." he added.

"Big bad vampire my ass." Elena taunted him. "You're just a pussycat." she smirked, knowing what was likely to come next.

"Your ass is very beautiful my dear." he teased, slapping one of the cheeks of her behind, only hard enough to cause a pleasurable sting and turn her on even more.

"Ouch!" Elena pouted dramatically.

"You know you like it." he growled. "And I'm definitely no pussy. Although...I do like to eat yours for breakfast." he smirked.

"Ewww." Elena winced.

"Don't knock it until you've tried it." Damon grinned as he removed his hand from her thong and sucked her juices from one of his fingers, closing his eyes while savoring the taste. "Mm..hmm.Delicious." he remarked as he licked his lips before moving the other finger to Elena's mouth. "You try it." he said,although she could tell by the tone of his voice it was more of a command than a request.

Elena took his finger in her mouth and began sucking it, tasting the saltiness of her own juices, mixed in with a clean sweet but spicy flavor which could only described as uniquely Damon. Elena loved tasting his body, she'd never pass on an opportunity to have his fingers in her mouth.

Damon slid his other hand inside her thong and began to play with her nub, while Elena continued sucking Damon's finger as she reached behind her back with her free hand and began to undo his button and zipper. Once she'd completed her task, she slipped her hand inside the waistband of his boxer briefs and began to stroke the velvety soft skin of his very erect member, eliciting a moan from his mouth which prompted even more heat to build inside her.

"Fuck Elena..." he whispered as she saw the whites of his eyes turn red, veins appearing on his face as his natural vampire form came out to play.

Elena loved it when his vampire side made an appearance, as far as she were concerned, it made him look even more beautiful. It usually happened when he was extremely turned on. He didn't do it very often because it took every ounce of self-control not to do what came naturally to him when he was in this state, which was to feed. Elena had offered to let him feed during sex, but he'd refused claiming she wasn't a happy meal even though she knew Damon could make it feelgood for her. Although Elena was willing, much to her disappointment,not indulging in full vampire role-play was his boundary. This was partly due to her needing to drink his blood to prevent her skin from being scarred from his bite, and he was concerned something might happen to her and she'd accidentally turn against her will. He'd told her, 'No matter how good the sex would be, it wasn't worth the risk of ruining her life.' So Elena had dropped the subject in the hope that one day he'd change his mind, although she didn't hold out much hope, Damon was as stubborn as she was.

As Damon's fangs descended, he licked a spot on her jugular where he probably would have bitten her if he were going to feed. The thought of him doing so made Elena considerably wetter than before, a fact which had not escaped Damon's attention.

"Fine, you win, I'll let you play with the vampire just this once." Damon sighed, as if he had read her mind, his face returning to it's human form. "However, you are not to leavet his room for the next twenty four hours. You're not even allowed to go out onto the balcony. I can't risk it." he instructed as Elena nodded breathlessly. "To do this safely, I will need to have complete control." he told her.

"Yes Damon." Elena replied, her heart pounding in anticipation.

"Do not question anything I ask you to do." he went on." I need you to submit to me in every way."

"I will." Elena whispered.

"And no matter what happens...Do not try to run and do not scream, apart from when you come." Damon warned her. "Do you understand me?" he asked.

"I understand." Elena nodded, suddenly becoming a little concerned over his warnings. She began to wonder how far was he prepared to take this little game.

Damon removed his hand from her thong and pulled at her wrists,removing them from his pants. "Close your eyes until I tell you to open them." he commanded which she obeyed. She heard him turning the lights out followed by the sound of striking matches. Once he'd finished with whatever he was doing with the lighting, she heard him searching in the closet. Elena was tempted to open her eyes, but she knew if he caught her, he'd stop proceedings, as it would be a sign that she was likely to defy him at some point. She'd waited too long for this, so it wasn't something she was prepared to risk.

Everything he was doing was to minimize the risk to her safety. To reveal his full vampire nature and feed, he had to prevent the monster within from engulfing him and cause him to flip the switch.If that happened, he'd either kill her or turn her. Elena knew if she ran, the monster would take over and Damon would lose control. She'd never seen it happen, however Damon assured her he'd killed prey since they'd known each other simply because they ran from him,although he had admitted he'd compelled them to run for fun.

Elena shivered at the thought as she began to wonder what would happen if the monster took over and he compelled her to run. Suddenly fear began to creep into her decision. Was the sex really going to be worth it? She wondered. As these thoughts crossed her mind, she felt Damon reappear and stand right behind her.

"I'll let you open your eyes in a moment." Damon told her, his voice low and seductive. "But I need to put this on you first." he said. "Can't have me compelling you can we?"he joked as she felt him move her hair and place a chain of what felt like cool metal around her neck. Some type of large heavy pendant hung from it, which rested just above her breasts. "Open your eyes." he whispered as she obeyed and gasped at what she saw.

The pendant consisted of a large single heart shaped diamond,surrounded by smaller ones, similar to her engagement ring. The chain itself was made of a white metal, which she suspected would be platinum like both her engagement and their wedding rings. The chain had diamonds interspersed every couple of inches. The beauty of the piece took her breath away.

"It's beautiful." she whispered, before her mind turned to more practical thoughts. "How is this supposed to protect me from you compelling me?" Elena asked.

"There's a tiny compartment hollowed out in the back."Damon explained, turning the pendant over and pointing it out to her."There's a small amount of vervain in there. Enough to protect you." he smiled.

"You didn't have to go to all this trouble." Elena frowned. "You promised not to buy anything." she insisted.

"Of course I did." Damon shrugged. "You deserve nothing but the best." he added. "And it benefits me too."

Elena raised an eyebrow at that comment and wondered how long he'd been planning this little role play, however she decided not to ask. "Thank you." she said in a small voice as she suddenly noticed her surroundings.

Candles were lit all around the room, which made it much darker than usual. He'd lit the fire, even though it was the middle of June,although it was more for effect as the room was air conditioned, so she needn't worry about getting too hot. The fire gave a red and orange glow around the room, the flames flickering, revealing dark shadows across the walls. The lights in the bathroom had all been turned off, leaving it just a pit of darkness. Elena noticed something was placed on the bed, but she couldn't tell what it was as Damon had also changed the sheets, which looked to now be made of black silk, although she couldn't be sure as he was blocking her view. The whole effect was romantic, yet a little creepy at the same time.

Damon cupped Elena's face and kissed her chastely on the lips."Whatever happens, I love you Elena." he whispered. "And you need to trust me when I say that I will never hurt you."

"I love you too." Elena replied as she kissed him back."I know you won't." she whispered.

Suddenly all words were forgotten as Elena's world seemed to have turned upside down. One minute she was stood in front of the mirror kissing Damon, the next he'd vamp-sped them across the room and she was pinned up against wall. He held her wrists above her head and his face was fully vamped out. Elena had seen Damon's face in it's vampire form lots of times, yet she'd never truly felt fear when she saw it, right up until that moment.

Damon looked breathtakingly beautiful, yet terrifying all at once.The whites of his eyes were now a deep red, his pupils were so dilated from lust and the darkness of the room, that the blue of his irides had all but disappeared, and were almost invisible to Elena's human naked eye in the dim light of the room. His overall appearance was truly frightening. He gave her a wolfish smile, his razor sharp fangs on full display to complete the look. Elena's heart began to race. For the first time in her life, she was afraid of Damon and what he could do to her.

Damon pressed his body tightly up against Elena's, preventing her from being able to run. He nudged her legs apart and ran his nose up against her jugular, breathing in her scent.

"You're scared of me, I can smell your fear." his voice was soft and dangerously low. "And so you should be." Damon warned. "Because I don't sparkle, instead I drink human blood to feed and I like to fuck." he growled as he pushed the crotch of her thong to one side and gently ran his fingers through Elena's slick folds. She whimpered, a mixture of fear and pleasure, he clearly in some sort of control as he knew exactly where she liked to be touched. "Mmm, it seems like you still want to fuck me. Am I right Mrs Salvatore?" he asked.

"Yes." Elena replied, her voice barely audible although his question had somewhat allayed her fears. Damon was still asking for her consent to continue the game they were playing, even while he was trying to make the danger feel as real as possible.

"You know, when I came back to Mystic Falls..." Damon said. "The first conversation I had with Stefan was about how much I'd like to taste your blood." he told her. "The only time I found out was when I was hallucinating, so I can't remember how good you tasted, I dreamed about it ever since." his placed his mouth against her ear. "I bet you taste divine." he whispered slowly, sending a shiver down Elena's spine. "Shall we find out?" he asked as he spun her around so she her cheek was pressed up against the wooden panel of the wall.

Damon was still being forceful, yet Elena could tell he wasn't using his vampire strength. Even she could press a person up against a wall with more force than Damon was applying. What Elena was unsure about was whether his gentleness was his protective instinct over her or him ensuring he was in full control and keeping the predator at bay. She suspected it was the first option, but decided it wasn't worth putting the theory to the test.

"Face the wall." Damon commanded, as Elena turned her head so she was staring at the dark wood.

Elena felt him move her hair to one side of her neck and him place kisses on her back, causing her to almost melt into his touch. His gentleness however, didn't last long as he let out a feral growl and grasped hold of the corset she was wearing before ripping it apart before throwing it out of the way. Damon's arms slid around Elena's chest as he began to palm her breasts, pinching her nipples until it was borderline painful yet simultaneously erotic, Elena desperately wanted to moan at the mixture of pleasure and pain, but she chose to remain silent. She knew she couldn't feed the monster.

"Much better." he whispered in her ear as he suddenly swooped her up bridal style and vamp-sped them over to the bed, and threw her down on top of the silk sheets.

Elena finally was able to see the items laid out on the bed, which had caught her eye earlier. Three lengths of red silk lay placed next to one another alongside a red silken blindfold. Looking around,Elena noticed hooks protruding from the tops of the wooden posts at the bottom of Damon's four poster bed. Elena's eyes widened with fear as they locked onto Damon's, who just smirked as he carefully selected one of the pieces of silk climbed on top of her.

"Wrists!" he commanded as she held them out to him.They'd tied each other up before, and used blindfolds, but adding Damon's vampire nature into the mix added an extra element of danger.

Damon tied the end of the piece of silk around Elena's wrist before threading it through the headboard and tying it around the other, ensuring her arms were secured above her head, although the length of silk was still slack. Next he picked up another piece of silk and tied it around one of her ankles, before threading it through the corresponding hook and trying it around the bottom of the bedpost. Damon adjusted the silk until Elena's legs were spread wide apart, practically doing the splits and her hips were now slightly elevated. Damon then walked around to the furthest side of the bed,picked up the silk blindfold and sat down on the bed next to her head.

"I'm going to ask you one more time." Damon said softly."Are you sure you still want to play with the big bad vampire little girl?" he asked bending down to whisper into Elena's ear."I've heard he doesn't like to play fair." he said as his fangs retracted, although the rest of his face remained in full vampire form.

"I'm willing to take my chances." Elena smiled pretending to be braver than she felt.

"And what would you like the big bad vampire to do with you Mrs Salvatore?" Damon asked as he lifted Elena's chin and began kissing her throat and between her collar bone.

Elena's mind went blank for a moment as the heat of his kisses went straight to her core, causing her walls to begin to throb,desperate for his touch. Eventually she regained her composure to form a coherent answer. "I want him to kiss me, lick me, fuck me, feed from me, and to make me come." she begged. "I want to taste him too. I promise, I'll do anything" she added with a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Well today's your lucky day." Damon grinned. "The big bad vampire is feeling...accommodating." he nodded. "As long as you wear this." he smirked, holding the blindfold in front of her.

"I told you, I'll do anything." Elena pleaded.

"Fine." Damon replied as he placed the blindfold over her head.

As soon as the blindfold was in place, Elena felt Damon's mouth upon hers, his tongue hungrily demanding entry as she parted her lips to welcome him. He cupped her face with both hands as the kiss became fierce and intense, their tongues entwined in a familiar, yet erotic dance, to a tune which was only known to themselves. When Damon pulled away from the kiss, Elena moaned at the loss of contact.However she could tell from the dip in the bed, he hadn't stood up.Instead she could hear what sounded like a box of dice being shook up. She frowned wondering what Damon was up to when the noise stopped and she got her answer which caused her to nearly scream.

Damon was rubbing what felt like an ice cube over her nipple,causing it to pebble. He replaced the ice cube with his mouth, the warmth of his tongue swirling around her areola, a direct contrast to the hard, cold piece of ice, which was currently being used on the other breast. He gave the nipple a gentle tug with his blunt teeth before discarding the ice and moving his mouth to work on the other breast while his fingers pinched the first nipple. After he'd given both breasts equal amount of care and affection he got up from the bed.

Elena heard the noise of a zipper and what sounded like clothes falling to the floor, suggesting Damon was getting undressed, much toElena's annoyance. She loved undressing him, touching and tasting him as she went along. Yet on their wedding night, he was denying her that luxury. Instead he was offering her the fantasy she'd been begging for them to enact for the last six years, which he'd repeatedly denied.

"I want you in my mouth." Elena complained, desperate to taste him, even if it were just for a moment. Elena felt the weight of the bed shift as it became clear he was climbing over her to accommodate her desires.

"Just a taste." he warned her. "Don't want to keep the big bad vampire waiting do we?" he asked, a trace of humor in his voice.

"No we don't." Elena replied as she opened her mouth, waiting patiently for Damon to gradually lower his length into her mouth.

Elena didn't have to wait long, she sensed him long before his shaft met her mouth. She stuck out her tongue to explore the possibility of him being close enough to reach, which fortunately for her, he was. Elena swirled her tongue around the tip of the head,tasting his pre-cum as he lowered himself into her mouth as far ass he could comfortably take him as his member was long and thick.

The position wasn't particularly conducive to their given activities, however Elena did her best to compensate for the awkwardness, all the while Damon gently stroked her hair. Elena didn't have to try compensating for the awkwardness for very long as Damon pulled away and got off the bed, prompting Elena to moan at the loss.

"I told you, just a taste." he chided. "The big bad vampire is knocking at the door, and he wants to come out and play, that's if you still want to." he said, Elena could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"Of course I do." Elena replied. "I've only been asking him for the last six years." she chuckled.

"Fine." Damon sighed as he kissed her forehead before she heard the sound of his feet on the rug, quietly walking to the bottom of the bed.

Elena felt Damon's hot breath fanning waistband of her thong before he began to kiss the material of her panties, making his way down to the crotch and licking the already damp material. Suddenly she felt the thong and garter belt being ripped away, leaving a slight sting where the elastic had tugged against the skin.

"They were in my way." Damon growled, offering an explanation to his new found somewhat destructive behavior towards Elena's lingerie.

Damon pulled Elena down the bed, the length of silk above her head becoming taut, allowing her hips to rest on the bed once more as Damon bent her legs at the knees and ran the palms of his hands down the inside of her thighs. He licked the crease of her groin on both sides before his tongue traced the line along the slit, causing Elena to gasp.

"Fuck you taste good." Damon growled as his hands opened her folds and he began to greedily lap at her juices.

Damon placed his thumb on Elena's nub and began to massage the swollen bundle of nerves, meanwhile he slipped his tongue inside her entrance, and literally began to fuck her with it. Elena desperately wanted to grab Damon's hair and pull him closer to her core to allow her to ride his tongue, but the silken shackles thwarted her efforts,causing her to groan in frustration. Damon placed his hand on her stomach to restrict her movements even further as he removed his tongue from Elena's core, and slowly drew it up her slit until he reached her nub.

"Do you want me to fuck you with my fingers?" he asked softly.

"Please Damon." Elena begged, as Damon inserted one finger inside her and began to stroke her inner walls while his mouth clamped down on her nub, causing Elena to yelp with the heat building up inside her.

"What do you want me to do to you Elena?" Damon asked,his voice becoming slightly menacing, which for some reason was making Elena wetter.

"I want you to make me come with your fingers and mouth."she panted, knowing this was exactly what her husband would want to hear as Damon slipped a second finger inside her.

"Where do you want my mouth?" he asked.

"On my clit." Elena cried. Damon was keeping her on the brink of an orgasm, yet he was cruelly not allowing her to fall over the edge.

"Tut tut Elena." Damon scolded her. "That's not how a vampire makes a woman come. Would you like me to show you what a vampire does?" he asked.

Elena was past the point of caring what the difference looked like, all she needed was for him to give her the release she was desperately seeking. However she suspected he would keep her on the precipice of her climax if she didn't watch.

"Show me." she whispered, knowing it was the only way.

Damon leaned over and removed her blindfold, the dim lighting of the room helping her eyes to adjust quickly to the light before she saw Damon's face, which was now in it's full vampire form. His fingers were still pumping her, keeping her at the brink. However the flash of his teeth sent her heart racing with fear, as his he angled her so she could see what he was doing as he lowered his head between her leg and licked the crease of her groin once more. It then occurred to Elena what he was going to do.

He gave her a wolfish grin and locked his eyes onto hers as he circled her nub with his tongue. His mouth clamped down onto her skin as she felt his razor sharp fangs pierce her flesh and into her femoral artery. The excruciating pain lasted barely a second before Damon began to drink from the puncture wounds and the agony turned to ecstasy. The blood rushed to her core and nub caused the throbbing between her legs to threaten to turn into something significantly more powerful than any orgasm she'd ever experienced before.

Elena began to writhe and moan with pleasure as Damon placed his free hand on her stomach and spread his fingers to enable his thumb to reach her nub, which he began to massage. Elena thought she was going to pass out from pleasure, her body was past the point of no return. Her body was on fire as her insides started to spasm, however her climax felt different, it wasn't just running through her core,the spasms seemed to run up through her spine.

"Aargh...uh..." Elena screamed as she felt the white hot violent spasms of her climax take over her body, causing her back to arch as her body went rigid. "Oh my god, oh my god...Damon."she cried out as he suddenly removed his fingers, and stopped taking her blood, which was probably just in time as she was beginning to get a little lightheaded.

Damon stood up, his face still in vampire form as he pumped his length before stroking it up and down Elena's soaking wet slit,coating it in her juices, and thrusting in all the way to the hilt.Elena cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure as the last remnants of her orgasm milked Damon's shaft as held her hips tightly he pulled out and thrust inside her once more.

Fuck Elena..." Damon growled. "You're so tight and wet."he moaned as he began to repeatedly thrust in and out of her,initially setting a steady pace which only he could control as Elena was still trussed up in silk.

The heat was quickly building up in Elena's body, as if she hadn't experienced her release from her orgasm, she certainly wasn't sated by it. If anything she needed more. Damon had once explained the saliva contained some type of chemical which temporarily heightened sexual desire, which was even more potent when mixed with adrenaline and various endorphins. Whatever was the cause, Elena needed relief and quickly.

Damon was clearly aware of Elena's predicament as he licked his fingers and began to gently massage her nub, albeit at a furious pace. Suddenly the release Elena desperately needed came to her as her eyes rolled into the the back of her head and she screamed out Damon's name as if her were the god of sexual pleasure and was answering her prayers. Burning spasms erupted throughout her core as her back arched before her body went rigid, her walls beginning to milk Damon's shaft prompting him to pull out.

Damon continued to gently massage Elena's nub as she came down from her high before removing the silk ties from her ankles and wrists. He picked something up off the nightstand and showed it to Elena, which turned out to be a large needle.

"What's that for?" Elena asked as Damon studied it.

"It's to cut my skin." he told her as Elena frowned. "I decided my neck would be more suitable." he said. "When I cut into my skin, I need you to start sucking immediately to stop the wound from closing up." he explained. "Then I will feed from you." he smiled.

"How will I know when to stop?" Elena narrowed her eyes.

"Trust me, you'll instinctively stop." Damon told her with a knowing look. "You ready?" he asked as Elena nodded.

Damon picked Elena up and helped her straddle his hips, before gently lowering her onto his shaft as they both moaned in unison with pleasure. They stayed sat up a Damon tucked Elena's hair behind her ear, exposing her carotid artery and licking up and down the area to help with making it pleasurable. While he was busy preparing Elena for her bite, he sliced open his neck with the needle, blood oozed from where he had made the incision. Elena did exactly what Damon told her, she latched her mouth onto his neck and began to drink.

Elena was expecting the blood to taste coppery, however much to her surprise, and joy, it tasted like Damon, she could even make out the faint traces of bourbon, a taste she grown to love over the years. Just as she was beginning to get used to the flavor, Elena felt the slight pain of the pricking of Damon's fangs on her neck.Momentarily a sense of fear overtook her before an overwhelming feeling of love poured through the flow of his blood as she realized her was sharing his emotions with her. Not one to be outdone, she tried to convey to him how much she loved him. Elena could tell he felt it as a sense of happiness engulfed her mind. The emotions he was sending her were clearly how a vampire felt, as no human could feel love and happiness like Damon was showing her.

Both Damon and Elena's bodies were also responding to their actions, his shaft was harder than she'd ever felt him before and her core was throbbing more than she'd ever experienced. The combination of emotional and physical union was a heady mixture which no drug on earth could ever match. Their hips moved a slow rhythmic tempo,restrained by their dual feeding. As the minutes ticked by, Elena's physical needs were becoming greater by the moment, she could also tell Damon's physical needs were going to require sating as he hadn't found his release yet.

Simultaneously, they detached themselves from drinking from each other. Damon, his face now in its human form, moved them at vamp-speed and pushed Elena down onto the bed, her arms above her head as he laced his fingers through hers. He hovered above her and swiftly entered her as his mouth crashed down upon hers. The taste was of their blood mixed together, yet it wasn't unpleasant. To Elena it represented an emotional union, so powerful, she had practically been unable to comprehend until that moment. Now she knew how Damon felt about her, and it was the most thrilling experience of her life.The emotional pleasure added an extra element to the growing sexual pleasure as Damon began to slowly move his hips in such a way it brought Elena back to her desperate sexual needs.

Elena began to move her hips in unison with Damon's as they began to build up a tempo. Their eyes locked on one another as they began to finally make love for the first as husband and wife. A sense of happiness, peace and home washed over Elena, powerful enough to make her want to weep with joy, however Damon pressed his fingers to her lips to stop her before lowering his mouth to hers once more and engulfing her in a fiery kiss.

Heat flooded to Elena's core, as Damon's pulled away from the kiss to allow Elena to breathe. He pressed his forehead against hers as their fingers untwined before their arms wrapped around one another,trying to increase the friction and closeness of their bodies. The house was silent bar the sounds of their moans, panting and the noise of slapping sound of their flesh, they couldn't get enough of each other.

Damon ghosted his fingers down the side of Elena's body, hooking his hand behind her thigh and lifting her leg so it wrapped around his waist, allowing for deeper penetration. Their bodies were so in tune with each other, they simultaneously increased the tempo of their thrusting. The burning, throbbing sensation in her core was so wonderful, it was threatening to overwhelm Elena.

"Damon...I think I'm going to come." she moaned, arching her back in anticipation.

"Me too." Damon replied breathlessly as he slid his hand between them and began to massage Elena's nub.

It was enough to send her over the edge as a kaleidoscope of colors seemed to explode in Elena's mind, while her body burned hot and the spasms of pleasure taking over her core and spreading throughout her body.

"Yes...yes...Damon...Oh my god." Elena cried out."Aargh..." she screamed, pressing her body into Damon's, her back arched as she went rigid as the orgasm engulfed her body,and her climax began to milk Damon's shaft.

"Elena..." was all Damon could whisper as his face creased up in a beautiful combination of agonizing pleasure, his release confirmed by the sensation of his hot seed spilling inside Elena's womb.

They both trembled with pleasure as they began to slow their movements, coming down from their sexual and emotional high. Damon's head dropped into Elena's shoulder as they began to regain their breath, before Damon pulled out his softening member and Elena curled up against his body. They were silent for a few minutes, as they recovered from their intense love making. Eventually Elena broke the silence.

"You promised me a foot massage." she pouted as she nestled her head into the crook of Damon's neck.

"How about we get in the tub and I'll give you one there."Damon replied, kissing her on the forehead. "Who knows, I might throw in a neck rub for free." he winked.

"You know something Mr Salvatore..." Elena smiled. "I love you." she said, kissing him on the chest.

"Hmph. You only married me for my neck rubs." Damon grumbled.

"Guilty." Elena laughed as Damon moved to sit up.

"I'll tell you what." Damon started. "I'll go and make breakfast, you get a little more sleep. And then we'll relax together in some nice hot water with beverages of choice." he grinned.

"Sounds good to me." Elena smiled as Damon put on at-shirt and sweat pants before making his way out of the bedroom to leave Elena to get some more rest.

Elena seemed to only have had her eyes closed when she heard a knocking on the bedroom door.

"Lena." she heard Jeremy's voice call out.

"What's the matter Jer?" Elena replied as she opened her eyes and realized to her disappointment she was back in her own bedroom.

"It's past nine and I'm just off to work my shift at the grill." Jeremy called back as Elena sat up and rubbed her eye sat the sun pouring in through her bedroom window.

"Okay Jer. I'm getting up." Elena sighed. "Bye."she called out.

"See ya." Jeremy replied as he ran down the stairs and out the door.

For the first time, Elena was not only upset the dream wasn't real, but confused about how it made her feel as she bent down and pulled up the floorboard removed her diary. Even if the dreams hadn't become more frequent, they'd grown more intense and possibly were signaling some change inside her. Now the diary wasn't just a means to look back at her past dreams, it was a reference to her possible future.

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