On Top Of The World

By PeacexLovexSmiles

365 6 0

Welcome to Ella Andrews world. Because she doesn't wear dresses that finish just below her butt or she doesn'... More

On Top Of The World
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

30 1 0
By PeacexLovexSmiles

‘Hey!’ he said coolly which I totally did not understand. How the hell can he be so casual and smooth when I am lost for words? If I had anything to say then the words would probably be stuck in my throat anyway, but I was speechless. My new next neighbour was possibly the hottest guy in town.

‘Who is it?’ Another voice, a sexy voice may I add, echoed through the hallway. My gaze diverted to another freakily hot guy bounding down the hallway with an enormous grin on his face. He had the same colour hair as Mitchell, except his went for the spiky style, whilst his eyes were a deep blue – much like mine. His eyes trailed down my body and then back up again, his grin enormous. ‘Who are you?’ he asked, not in a rude manner, just a casual question. I literally couldn’t say anything as I stood at the front door, in front of two incredibly hot guys choking on my words. They both looked at me expectantly.

‘Ella Andrews.’ I answered eventually, ducking my head as my cheeks flamed.

When I looked up again Mitchell was laughing. I crossed my arms.

‘What?’ I demanded.

‘Nothing.’ He said, holding back laughter. ‘You’re just too cute.’ He said, chuckling a deep sexy laugh. I smirked, feeling my cheeks heat up.

‘Do you know her?’ the other boy asked. Forgetting he was there, I looked over in his direction and he was looking between the two of us questionably.

‘Yes, we are very close.’ Mitchell said with a signature smirk.

‘Oh. Bummer! Can’t have her all to myself.’ He pouted and I couldn’t tell if he was being serious.

‘Don’t worry about him.’ Mitchell said with a roll of the eyes before proceeding to invite me in.

‘My name is Ashton.’ The blond said with a big grin. I couldn’t help but laugh at his childish attitude.

‘Nice to meet you Ashton!’ I said, containing my laughter.

‘Why thankyou except you can call me Ash!’ he broadcasted proudly, and I let a bark of laughter escape my lips.

Once we reached the kitchen, I got a good chance to look around. It was really beautiful to be honest. I never really had a chance to look around here. The people that lived here before Mitchel and Ashton moved in were old and to be honest, quite cranky. I remember when me and Eva were five or six and we were going around the neighbourhood for Halloween, they were the only people we didn’t get candy from. Quite depressing for a sweet tooth like me.

‘Oh. My mum said to give you guys these as a welcoming gift – you know.’ I said awkwardly and before I knew what was happening, the basket was taken out of my hands and being ripped apart by Ashton. I rolled my eyes and noticed the disapproving look from Mitchell as we watched as Ashton started digging into the feasts like a starving puppy.

‘Thank you so much.’ Mitchell sighed, throwing me a thankful smile. I shrugged.

‘It’s cool.’ I replied before the awkward silence set in.

‘Well, I better get home.’ I said slowly after a while. They both looked at me surprised.

‘Oh! Don’t go home!’ Ashton whined causing me to laugh. I like him already.

‘I am sorry, Mum will think you guys kidnapped me.’ I smirked.

‘Ooh! Now there’s an idea.’ Mitchell pipped in. Laughing, I made my way down the hallway, Ashton galloping (yes, galloping) beside me, and Mitchell not far behind. When  I got to the door Mitchell opened it.

‘Are you guys twins?’ I asked curiously. They didn’t look very different in age, I mean it’s a possibility. Mitchell shook his head.

‘Nah, I am 17, and Ash is 5.’ He said, sending a smirk in Ashton’s direction.

‘I am not!’ Ashton said, puffing out his chest. I couldn’t, really, I couldn’t. My gaze trailed over his well-built body. After a few moments of silence, I realised I was checking him out, and snapped my attention back to their faces. One amused, and the other blank and it didn’t take much to figure out who’s amused and whose was emotionless.

‘Thanks for the feast!’ Ash said cheerily. I cast my gaze over to Mitchell who was staring at the ground blankly. My cheeks were still flushed from my earlier stunt, and to save my self from further embarrassment, I decided it was my cue to leave.

‘It’s okay, see you around sometime?’ I said, heading for the driveway.

‘Yeah,’ Ashton called.

‘Bye Ash, bye Mitch’ I said before turning around and trotting up the driveway. As I departed, I could hear a conversation start, and instead of going home and let them have privacy like I should, I edged closer so I could hear better, and listened in on their conversation.

‘She so has the hots for you!’ Ashton said with the click of his tongue.

‘She does not! She was practically flirting her ass off with you!’ Mitchell muttered his reply.

‘No, bro, I saw the way she looked at you.’ He replied and Mitchell huffed. There was a momentary silence before Ashton spoke again. ‘Oh my god bro! No way! Was she the chick you almost kissed at that party?’ he cried.

‘Yeah, but then she got dragged away, so it didn’t happen.’

‘But still! That only further convinces me that this chick is so into you. Lucky son of a bitch!’

‘No. Believe me, she was drunk. Why do you have the hots for her.’

‘Well, we just met her, but she is hot, and has a nice personality.’ Ashton said and I could imagine him shrugging.

‘I know. Man, this is going to kill me. I need to see that girl again.’ He said with a sigh before they headed inside. I let out a deep breath only just realising the conversation was about me. With that in mind, I ran home, and had a long think about it.


It was Monday morning, and I was in a crappy mood. Why? Well, because it was Monday of course. There is nothing worse than having a great weekend only to start a crap day at school the next day.

I was hanging around with the popular group when whispers started to circulate the group.

‘What’s up?’ I asked only to be ‘shushed’ by numerous girls. That’s when my eyes met those very familiar indulgent brown eyes that never failed to make butterflies swell in my chest. I inhaled sharply as my gaze flickered to the boy with the piercing blue eyes, who was strutting behind Mitchell like some goddess. Three words – Oh. My. Gosh.

Excited chitter-chatter started up around me but I was too hazed to even breath. Oh shit! Step 1: Breathe! I slowly inhaled and then exhaled as oxygen filled my lungs. A blush dusted my face and I bowed my head. Why had they not told me they were attending Fairway High? Or, more to the point, why had I not thought about the fact that perhaps these guys might actually go to school?

Tiffany and Leah strutted forward first, hitching their skirts up and making sure their cleavage was well seen. They went up to the brothers, and immediately, attached themselves to them, not even waiting ten seconds to play the flirting game. What annoyed me more, was the twinge of jealousy that was pulling strings inside of me.

Around me, everyone couldn’t compose themselves. They were like a bunch of love sick puppies. ‘They are so hot!’, ‘I bet he’s good in bed’, ‘Oh, it was about time they got some good looking boys at our school!’ Up until the bell rung, all these comments were constantly ringing in my ears, but I kept my head down. I could not afford to snap at them.

When the bell rung, I stood up, brushed my backside to make sure there wasn’t any dirt or dust on it, and headed toward homeroom.

‘Hey!’ a voice behind me called. I spun around to crash into a very hard chest. He steadied me as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Looking up, I got lost in his indulgent brown eyes – again. I pulled back a bit. If I stayed like that any longer, I would have kissed him. Something I am not going to lie about, but I had been fantasizing about all week.

‘Hey.’ I answered more smoothly. Out the corner of my eyes, I could see a group of girls muttering, and I knew they were jealous. It was just weird to think anyone could be jealous of me.

‘I didn’t know you went here?’ he said, grasping my hand and tugging me along. His touch sent sparks through me and butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

‘Surprise!’ I laughed and he joined me.

‘Yeah, but it’s good to see a familiar face.’ He said smiling. My mind flashed back to the conversation that the brothers had had the day before but before I could think any further, a wait was on my back and I stumbled forward. Again Mitchell came to my rescue, wrapping his strong arms around my waist and pulling me back.

‘Hey El!’ Ashton’s voice cooed and I rolled my eyes.

‘Hey Ash.’

‘Do you know who Mr Allen is? I have homeroom with him.’ He asked, a funny expression of confusion plastered on his face.

‘Yeah, I’ll take you there, I have homeroom there too.’ I grinned and he beamed. Mitchell frowned.

‘Oh, I don’t have homeroom with you.’ He said, sounding disappointed.

‘Don’t worry about it; I am sure you will have class with us for other periods.’ Ash said reassuringly. Mitchell gave a half smile, but still looked disappointed, like he was missing out on something...

‘Yeah, and Mr Allen is the worse let me tell you that much, what teacher do you have?’ I asked, peering over his time table.

‘Miss Anna.’ He replied and looked up at me for approval.

‘Oh! She is amazing. I am so jealous. She is my home economics teacher, she is really awesome. All the guys like her.’ I said giving a wink but he didn’t seem satisfied. Sighing, I gave up and we departed.

‘You so have the hots for him.’ Ashton remarked and I swivelled around to face him.

‘What?!’ I squealed alarmed. No!

‘You know what I said.’ He smirked before trailing on like he hadn’t said anything. In homeroom I felt myself squished between Ashton and Amy.

‘You know them?’ she asked pointing to Ashton. I decided it was safest to say no so I shook my head.

‘Yeah, well Tiffany is going to ask the other one out. I think his name is Mitchell?’ she said and my world froze. Tiffany was going to ask Mitchell out?

‘Really?’ was all I could muster up. I didn’t want this. I shouldn’t feel jealous but I was. What did this mean? Did I like him? No, I couldn’t – I had only know the guy (hot guy) for a week or something. I couldn’t possibly have feelings for him? Could I?

‘Yes! They would be so cute together.’ She gushed and I felt tears well in my eyes. What is wrong with me?! I blinked them away.

‘Yes, I know right? So cute.’ I forced myself to say. So what if he was going out with the school’s biggest sl*t, I shouldn’t care. But I did...That was the problem.

:)(:       :)(:      :)(:        :)(:

Hey, how is everyone doing?

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Update: I am thinking tomorrow?

Anyway, thanks guys! See you later! xoxo

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