Hot 4 Teacher | Johnny Depp [...

By DarkGuardian_15

120K 3.3K 835

Raven goes back to college for the third time. She's excited about seeing her old friends and making new ones... More

The New Teacher
A College Night Out
White Rabbit, White Flower
Day Off
Almost Late
Staying Over
The Picnic
Cuddles and Kisses
Sneaking Around
The Party
All Grown Up
The New Place
Garden Party

Mr. Brown Eyes

10.2K 274 108
By DarkGuardian_15

Raven's POV:

I walked through the front doors of the college, and I wondered if Mr. Depp got his classes all sorted out. I doubt that he did, especially since he's the only art teacher. I just hoped that not as many people showed up to the other art class I have today. The best part of college is that you don't have the same classes every single day. What classes you have on Monday you don't have again until Wednesday; the classes you have Tuesday you also have on Thursday, and almost everyone has Fridays off. My creative writing class started off with reading the first few chapters in Murder On The Orient Express and ended with a brief discussion. "So, I guess Mr. Depp is as attractive as everyone is letting on." Garrett said as we got our food. "Yeah, but I don't know why everyone's drooling over him. I mean... he could be a total jerk for all we know. It's not like anyone knows him personally." I said before taking a bite of my food. "Yeah, but you know none of them give a shit about his personality." He said. "All they care about is what's between his legs." I said, and he laughed. "You can say that again." He said before he took a drink of his water. We talked about today's classes. He told me what a dick his history teacher is, and I told him about my cool creative writing teacher. Once we finished eating we headed to our graphic design class, which was the best class to have after lunch. Having a creativity based class with an empty stomach is the worst. Well.... having any class with an empty stomach is the worst. Garrett and I spent most of the day hanging out since all of our afternoon teachers kept letting us leave early. "When's your last class?" I asked Garrett curiously as we shot some hoops. "Six o'clock." He replied. "So is mine." I said with a sigh. "Is it another art class with sir hotness Depp?" He asked in a British accent, which made me burst out laughing. "Yes, actually it is." I replied in a British accent as well. We weren't making fun of British people; we're both huge Sherlock and Harry Potter fans. We mostly just laugh at how bad we are at accents. After shooting hoops, we went our separate ways. He had math while I had Biology. I've always loved science, especially since I had the most awesome science teachers in existence in middle and high school. Mrs. Anderson went through the motions as all the other teachers have, and then she started the first chapter. The majority of the class consisted of note taking, but I didn't mind. I find note taking oddly relaxing in a way. She kept us all the way up to the class time limit, and I had to hurry to the art wing. To my surprise, there weren't as many people in this class. And there were more boys as well. Probably because it's sculpture and printmaking. Personally, I hate sculpture and printmaking, but it's a requirement for my career pathway. Mr. Depp gave me a quick smile before making sure everyone on his list was here. "Alright, this is an improvement for the class you had with me yesterday isn't it?" He asked me curiously. "Absolutely." I said with a slight laugh. "I bet they were packed full of... those kinds of girls." One of the guys said, and I said yes. We joked around a bit before Mr. Depp described what we were gonna do in this class. "We won't be doing anything with clay." He said. "Thank God." I said, which made him and the others laugh. "What? You don't like pottery?" A girl with a skater vibe asked me. "No. I had to do a little of it in high school and just loathed it." I replied. "It is pretty difficult to do." A dark skinned guys said. "And you have to take your jewelry off to do it." Mr. Depp said with a smirk and a wink, which made us laugh. He ended up taking us into the next room, which is where the sculpting and printmaking tools are. He showed us where everything was, so we would be prepared for when we eventually started working on projects. Even though he showed us where the tools were, he said it was alright if we asked him if we forget where something is. "Alright, I won't keep you guys any longer. It's a pretty late class, so we'll probably never stay the full class period. Sometimes we might though, it all depends." He said as we packed up our stuff. We said our goodbyes, and I ended up being the last one in the room. I slung my backpack on and was about to leave when Mr. Depp stopped me. "Hey, let me see your rings. I haven't been able to get a good look at them." He said, which surprised me. "Sure, okay." I replied. He walked up to me, and I was suddenly aware of how much taller he is than me. I held out both of my hands so he could see them. "Those are some cool rigs. I like your bracelets and necklaces as well." He said. "I like your jewelry too, and your tattoos." I said, which made him smile. "Thanks." He said as he smiled and looked down at the floor. He ran a hand through his hair just like yesterday. Our eyes met, and I felt as if I were hypnotized by his big brown orbs. It was if... his eyes were drawing me in to tell me a secret only for me to know. "Well, you better get going before anyone starts worrying about you." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah. Um, see you tomorrow Mr. Depp." I said with a smile before I left the room. As I walked towards the cafeteria to grab something to eat for dinner, and I found Garrett sitting at a table eating. "Hey, watch my stuff while I get in line." I said, and he said sure. Garrett and I talked while we ate, but my mind was somewhere else. I couldn't get Mr. Depp's brown eyes out of my head. They looked so soft, yet vibrant and soulful. "Earth to Raven." I heard, which took me out of my thoughts. "What? Sorry, sorry I was just thinking." I replied. "About what?" He asked curiously. "Nothing much really. It's just stupid." I replied. "Okay." He said with furrowed brows. I knew he didn't believe me, but I was grateful that he didn't try to force an answer out of me. I looked over towards the other side of the room and saw Mr. Depp walking in. My heart skipped, and I quickly looked away. Garrett looked in the same direction I did, and then looked back at me with a smirk. "Oh, I see. He's wearing you down isn't he?" He said, and I felt my face heat up a little. "What? No. You're insane." I replied, but deep down I knew he was right. "Raven, hey." Mr. Depp said as a smile graced his handsome features. "I'm gonna tell him you're falling for him." Garrett whispered. "If you do I'll kill you." I whispered back. "Hey, I guess we both decided to get something to eat." I said with a slight smile. "Yeah, I'm starving. Who's this?" He said, glancing towards Garrett. "This is my friend Garrett." I replied. They talked for a few minutes before Mr. Depp left to get in the growing line. "Damn, I'm a guy and I think he's hot as hell. If you don't end up sleeping with him by the end of the year, I'm gonna be so disappointed in you." He said, and I just laughed. He laughed as well, which made me smile. Mr. Depp said his goodbyes once more to me and Garrett before leaving the cafeteria. "Slap dat ass." Garrett said as Mr. Depp was walking away. I thanked God that he was far enough away that he didn't hear what Garrett said. I ended up laughing to hard that tears started forming in my eyes. After we finished eating we headed over to the adventure sports building, where he decided to go swimming. I just sat on the sidelines and watched, because I don't know how to swim. I decided to start on the homework I had, which wasn't much. "So, what did Mr. Dreamy do to make you start thinking about him?" Garrett asked me curiously. "Well.... I don't know really. We just sort of made eye contact, and I just started thinking about his eyes." I replied before I went back to my work. "I didn't even notice his eyes when we were talking with him. What color are they anyway?" He said, taking me away from my homework once again. "Brown.. a really beautiful chocolate brown." I replied. "You're totally gonna end up falling for him by the semester ends." He said with a smirk before he swam off to the other side of the pool. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and finished up my assignments. I ended up saying goodbye to Garrett and heading home around eight thirty, which was later than I planned. When I got home I took a quick shower and got ready for bed. I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. As I got out of bed, I noticed that it was raining. I honestly love the rain, especially during thunderstorms. I got ready for the day and put on my favorite Doctor Strange t-shirt along with a pair of ripped blue jeans. I decided to wear my all black vans and a plain black jacket as well. After I was dressed I headed downstairs to get myself something to eat for breakfast and a cup of coffee. I was getting ready to brush my teeth when my phone buzzed.

Garrett: I ran into Mr. Brown eyes this morning. He asked about you. ;)

Me: Lol. XD

I sat my phone down on the counter and squeezed some toothpaste on my toothbrush before he messaged me again.

Garrett: Aren't you curious about what he asked about you?

Me: Fine. What did he ask?

Garrett: He asked how you were. XD Lol

Me: I figured that was the extent to his curiosity about me. Lol

I finished brushing my teeth and then left the house. The whole day seemed a little off, but I wasn't quite sure why. Everything seemed pretty normal, but I couldn't help but feeling like something wasn't right. 'It's probably just you.' I said inside of my head. All of my teachers were generous with the amounts of homework they gave me as well, which was nice. I knew that would change as the semester went on. "Wish me luck in art. I hope I don't get mauled by a bunch of hormone crazed girls." I said as I gathered my stuff. "Good luck." Garrett said with a slight laugh. I left him to his rock climbing and made my way to my art class. This time I wasn't the first one in the room, Mr. Depp was sitting at his desk writing on some papers. "Good evening, Mr. Depp." I said as I took my seat. "Good evening Raven. How are you today?" He asked with a small smile on his face. "Good." I replied. "That's good. I'm tired as hell." He said with a slight chuckle, which made me smile. "Well, at least we're your last class." I said, hoping it made him feel a little better. "Thank God." He said as he went back to his scribbling. Students flooded in, and I was relived that that there weren't as many people this time. Half of them weren't there. Mr. Depp called out our names and then collected the little homework assignment he gave us last class. Then he pulled up a PowerPoint on our first assignment. Even though the lights were off, I could see Mr. Depp fairly well due to the lights in the other room. He was wearing a dark purple buttoned shirt with a black vest over it and black jeans. 'He looks really good today.' I said inside of my head. 'Shut up! He's your teacher, besides he has enough girls drooling over him as it is.' I said inside of my head. The project was for a realistic charcoal drawing of flowers or some kind of scenery. I was pretty excited to show off my art skills especially to those who just joined the class because of Mr. Depp. I think all of the true art students was feeling the same way to be honest. After the PowerPoint ended, we went ahead and started making little scenery set ups at our desks with the provided materials. I picked out a vase with flowers, an apple, and an empty glass bottle. After I had everything set up the way I wanted it, I started sketching out some rough drafts. The classroom was filled with the sound of graphite on paper and erasers. I could hear a few of those girls complaining about how difficult the project is. "Alright guys, I think we've reached a good stopping point for today. Go ahead and get everything cleaned up and put away." Mr. Depp said. I added a few last minute details to my pictures before shutting my sketchbook and putting it in my backpack. Then I carried everything back to the prop table before grabbing my backpack. "Have a good day Mr. Depp said kindly. "You too, Raven." He replied with a smile before I left. On my way down the hall phone buzzed, so I stopped by the piano room to see who it was. I don't trust myself to walk and text, because I have a fear of running into someone or something.

Garrett: Hey, let's see a movie tonight.

Me: Alright, what did you have in mind?

Garrett: How about Truth or Dare? >:3

Me: Sure, sounds cool. Meet me at the main entrance, we can take my car.

Garrett: Alright. See ya in a little bit. :)

Me: See ya. :)

Garrett met up with me and we headed to the movie theaters. The movie was pretty good, but I really wasn't all that engrossed in it to be honest. I love horror movies, but I guess I just wasn't in the mood to watch it. I didn't wanna turn down an opportunity to hangout with my best friend though.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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