All Grown Up

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Raven's POV:

The weekend went by fast, which was a little disappointing. Garrett and I hung out and looked at a few other apartments even though I was already sold on a the last house I saw on Friday. As I looked through my closet I heard my phone buzz on my bedside table. I walked over and checked who was texting me, and I was thrilled that it was Johnny.

Johnny: Hey, sorry I didn't message you all weekend. I was busy with grading art work.

Me: It's fine. How are you this morning?

Johnny: I'm doing alright. A little tired though. How are you? How was your weekend?

Me: I'm good, but tired as well. My weekend was nice. I hung out with Garrett all weekend and ate half of my body weight in pizza. Lol

Johnny: It sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Mine was boring.

Me: I wish you were with us. Garrett would have made a bunch of dirty jokes, but that's beside the point.

Johnny: At least I wouldn't have been bored to death if I was hanging out with you two.

Me: That reminds me, I have to talk to you about something.

Johnny: Really? Oh god, now I'm nervous. You aren't breaking up with me are you?

Me: No, absolutely not! I'd be insane if I wanted to break up with you. You're so sweet and I love you so much! <3

Johnny: Thank god! I don't think I could go on if you ever broke up with me.

We talked for a little while longer before I had to get ready to go. I didn't wanna be late for my classes. After talking to him I picked out a Sherlock t-shirt, a pair of black jeans, and my black and white converse. I slipped on a plain black jacket as well before I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. My parents still wasn't back from their business trip, and I figured they'd be back later tonight. Instead of making by own breakfast, I decided to go to The White Rabbit and pick something up. Once I locked the house up I got inside of my car and turned on the radio before pulling out of the driveway. I got a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel and a large black coffee at the cafe before driving to college. I desperately hoped that my teacher didn't mind if I ate breakfast in class. Plenty of other students do it, but you know how teachers can be; they can be different sometimes, I guess it all depends on the mood their in. My first classes went well, and I was able to enjoy my breakfast without any problems. As I started walking towards the cafeteria I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see a familiar shade of blue hair. "Oh, hi Mark! I said with a smile as I stopped and waited for him to catch up with me. "Hey, how are you today?" He asked me curiously. He was wearing a pair of ripped black jeans, a black buttoned t-shirt that was tucked in with the sleeves rolled up, and a Nightmare Before Christmas bow tie. "I'm good, how are you? I love your outfit by the way." I said with a smile as we walked towards the cafeteria together. "I'm doing pretty good actually. Thanks! I like your outfit as well." He replied with a smile. I thanked him and we joined Garrett and Rebecca at our usual lunch table. Rebecca was wearing an AC/DC t-shirt with a faded jeans jacket and a pair of white ripped jeans. Mark and I got in line to get something to eat after we dropped our backpacks off at the table. I ordered a salad and Mark ordered a burger. After we got out food we sat down at the table and talked with Garrett and Rebecca. We talked about our weekends, our classes, etc. As we ate I spotted Johnny walking into the cafeteria looking handsome as ever. My heart skipped a beat and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Garrett spotted him and smirked at me. I gave him a shut up or I'll kill you look. Johnny looked over at us and gave me a sweet smile that made me blush slightly. I smiled back, but I didn't want it to look obvious to anyone else. He got in like to get something to eat and then left. When we all finished our food we went into the library and hung out in a study room. We watched YouTube while we did our homework, and we helped each other out on certain things. Before I knew it I was heading to Johnny's classroom. Once I got there I started on our current project and put my ear buds in to listen to music. The class went by fairly quickly, and I ended up helping others clean up like I did the last time and the time before that. "I think we should go to my office. The last time we had a little talk it almost went badly." Johnny said once everyone had left the room. "I agree." I replied with a slight laugh. I grabbed my backpack and followed him out of the classroom and towards his office. He opened the door for me and when I walked in I took a seat in a chair that was facing his desk. After he closed the door he walked behind his desk and took a seat. "So, what did you wanna talk to me about?" He asked me curiously with a small smile on his handsome face. "Well, I finally decided to move out of my parent's house. Garrett and I were looking at apartments and houses all weekend." I said with a small smile. "That's great! Did you find any place that you like?" He said happily. "Yeah, I actually did find a place that I like. I just have to wait a little while to get the money I need to make the move." I said. He told me that he was happy and proud of me for making such a big decision. "When I move out you can come over and stay whenever you like." I said with a smile, and he smiled as well. We talked for a while before I had to go. I wanted to tell my parents tonight about all of this, especially since I'd be able to access the money my great grand father left for me. If I had a nice meal ready for them, it might cushion the blow. He gave me one of his perfect hugs and kisses my forehead sweetly. I kissed his cheek before I left; I really wanted to spend more time with him, but I knew it wasn't a good idea. Especially since I was seen leaving his office by other teachers. I headed home and took a quick shower before I changed into a pair of sweatpants and an oversized plain black t-shirt. My parents weren't back yet, so I started cooking a meal for us. As soon as the food was done my parents came into the house. "Something smells amazing." I heard my mom say. 'Yes!! Everything's going good so far.' I said inside of my head. She walked into the kitchen and gave me a hug as she asked how my weekend was. I said it was good, but I didn't mention the fact that Garrett stayed over. They went and took their stuff to their room as I sat the table and got everything ready for them. I even picked out a bottle of wine for them to drink. As we ate they told me about their trip and everything, and I pretended to be interested. Most of their business trips are just plain boring. After we ate I washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen so my mom could relax in the living room. 'Alright, let's do this.' I said inside of my head. "Hey mom... dad. There's something I have to tell you." I said, which caught their attention. "What is it honey?" My mom asked me curiously as she shut the tv off. "As you know, my birthday is coming up and I'm not a kid any more," I started. "What are you trying to say?" My dad asked me curiously. "I've made the decision to move out and give you two your privacy. There's no need for me to be underneath you guys anymore; I'm old enough to live on my own and take care of myself." I said, hoping they wouldn't overreact. They sat there silently before they glanced at each other with a knowing look in their eyes. "I figured this day would he coming sooner or later, and I want you to know that we're okay with it. You need to live your own life with your mother and me being there all the time." My dad said with a kind smile. I was honestly surprised that they were alright with me moving out, but I was glad they were. We talked about finding a place to rent, and I told them that I already found a place that I like. I guess they finally accepted the fact that they couldn't control my life the way the did when I was younger. Even though I knew things would be different once I moved out, I was excited and ready to start my own life.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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