The Party

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Raven's POV:

"Are you alright?" Garrett asked me curiously as we walked up to one of the fraternity houses. When he asked if I said wanted to hangout this weekend, I had no idea he meant he wanted me to go to a fraternity party with him. "Yeah, I guess. Parties really aren't my thing." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "Oh, I forgot. I hope you don't mind though. I'm sure this party will be fun; they usually are." He said. As we got closer to the frat house, I could hear loud music playing from inside. A small group of people were standing on the front lawn drinking out of red solo cups, which were probably filed with some kind of alcohol. I had no doubt that the inside of the place smelled of marijuana. Even though those things aren't allowed on campus people bring it anyway. 'Yeah, I'm sure it'll be fun.' I thought in my head sarcastically. Garrett really isn't the kind of person to go to parties like this, and I couldn't help but wonder why he wanted to go. "Not to be nosey, but... why did you even wanna come to this thing?" I asked him curiously. He let out a deep sigh as he stopped on the sidewalk, and I stopped as well. "There's this girl I've been wanting to talk to, but I'm too shy to. She's always around better looking guys; I just... I just feel like I'm invisible to her." He said as he ran a hand through his hair. "Garrett, anything is possible. Take it from me, I should know better than anyone." I replied with a small smile. He smiled as well, and I gave him a few more words of encouragement before we walked into the building. Like I thought, there was a pungent smell of marijuana in the air, which made me wrinkle my nose. To me it smells like skunk piss; I don't understand why anyone would wanna smoke that stuff if it smells that horrible. But I guess some people like it I guess. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind and ventured around a bit. "Oh my god, there she is." Garrett said, and I turned to see him motion towards her. She had fire red hair and jade green eyes. Her skin looked like porcelain, but she she has a few freckles just on her nose. "What's her name?" I asked him curiously. "Rebecca." He replied with a look in his eyes that I recognized. Johnny had looked at me with that look a lot of times, and I couldn't help but smile. 'Garrett loves this girl.' I thought inside of my head. "Go and introduce yourself." I said. "What? No, I'm scared to death!" He said, and I could tell he was nervous. "If things start to go south, I'm right here. Just take a deep breath and introduce yourself to that girl." I said with a smile as I patted him heartily on the back. He took a couple deep breaths and walked over to the couch where Rebecca was sitting. I stood there and leaned against the wall just got watching Garrett make his move. Deep down I desperately hoped that things would go well between Rebecca and him. They started talking and he ended up joining her on the couch. 'Yes!!' I thought inside of my head. "Excuse me. I don't think I've ever seen you around campus before, but it might be because it's my first year here. Anyway, I really like your shirt." I heard a male voice say. I looked over to see a guy with blue emo styled hair. He was wearing a black Rob Zombie t-shirt with ripped black jeans. There was a small smile on his lips, and I realized how pale he looked. I figured that I probably looked just as pale in this lighting. "Oh, thanks. I like your shirt as well even though I don't really listen to Rob Zombie." I said with a smile. "Thanks. My name is Mark by the way." He said as he held out a hand for me to shake. As I shook his hand I noticed how skinny he was; he looked like nothing but skin and bones. "My name is Raven." I replied with a smile. "It's nice to meet you, Raven." He replied, and I said it was nice to meet him too. We ended up taking for a while, and we walked into the kitchen where I grabbed a bottle of water and he did the same. "You don't drink alcohol either, huh?" He asked curiously as we both opened our waters. "No, I really don't see the point it really." I said before taking a drink. "Neither do I, but I'm fine if someone does just as long as they're being responsible." He said, and I agreed. We stood there and talked for a few more minutes before my phone buzzed.

Garrett: It was a success!!! Did you hear me? It was a success!!! I can't believe she actually has her eye on me as well! I'm so happy right now! Omg!!

Me: Lol. XD I'm so happy for you!!!

Garrett: Where are you? I want you two to meet!

Me: I'm in the kitchen.

Garrett came into the kitchen with Rebecca by his side. It turned out that her and Mark are actually brother and sister, which I thought was cool. "Are you two brother and sister?" Mark asked Garrett and I, and I said no. But that would have been interesting, especially since we're almost like family. After we got to know each other more we exchanged numbers and agreed on hanging out sometime. "I think I'm gonna head out." I said, and they groaned in disappointment. We said our goodbyes and I headed towards my car. Garrett and Mark offered to walk me to my car, but I said I'd be fine. I carry a pretty large pocket knife with at all times anyway. The night walk was nice, especially when I got far enough from the frat house to hear the crickets chirping. As I walked into the parking lot I spotted someone leaning against my car, and I felt anxiety in my stomach. "What are you doing at a party like that?" I heard a familiar voice say, and my anxiety disappeared. Johnny was standing there with a hat on, and he was dressed pretty nice. "My friend Garrett wanted me to go, so I did." I replied with a smile. "That was sweet of you." He said with a small smile. "What are you doing here?" I asked him curiously. "To see you." He said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest and breathed in his lovely scent. 'I love you, Johnny.' I said inside of my head. "Spend the night with me." He said softly in my ear, and a shiver ran up my spine. "I don't know, Johnny. My parents are sort of cross with me; I'm not sure if they'll let me stay over at a friend's place tonight." I replied, stepping back to look in his beautiful eyes. "Come on, please?" He said as he pulled me closer to him. "Maybe, let me call my mom." I said as I took my phone out of my pocket. It rang a few times before she picked up, and said hello. I talked to her for a while before I said I was gonna stay over at friend's house. To my surprise she seemed alright with it, and I quickly said goodbye before she could change her mind. "Well, what's the verdict?" Johnny asked me curiously after I put my phone back into my pocket. "I can stay with you tonight, but I'm not going home to pick up anything. I'm too afraid that my mom might change her mind if she sees me." I said, and he chuckled lightly. "It's alright sweetheart. I'll give you some clothes you can borrow." He said sweetly. We made a plan that I'd follow him in my car to his place, and I suddenly started to feel nervous. 'This is the first time I've been over at his place.' I said inside of my head as I followed him out of the parking lot. I pressed my thoughts to the back of my mind as Nights in White Satin played through the speakers in my car. Before I knew it I was pulling into a long driveway; I was actually pleased that he lives a good ways away from town. It meant that no one would see us together unless they followed us. After I parked my car I shut the radio off and got out. Once I locked my doors I followed Johnny onto the front porch where he unlocked the door and switched on the lights. "Welcome to my humble abode." He said, and I laughed slightly. He smiled and lead me through to the living room after he shut the door behind me. His house looked nice, especially since it wasn't like a cliche single guy house. It looked lived in and very artsy. My favorite part was the many bookshelves that were spread throughout the home. "Make yourself at home," He said sweetly, and I took a seat on his dark gray couch. "Would like something to drink?" He asked curiously. "Sure." I replied with a smile. He asked me what I wanted and I asked for a water. He left for the kitchen and brought me back a bottle of water. He had a glass of something clear, and I had a brief suspension that it was vodka. I didn't care though, because I doubted he'd get drunk. We cuddled on the couch while we watched tv, and I ended up falling into a deep sleep. I woke up the next morning and found Johnny's arms wrapped around me, which made butterflies stir in my stomach. I opened my eyes to find Johnny's brown ones looking back at me and I smiled. "Good morning sweetheart." He said in a raspy morning voice. "Good morning, Johnny." I said with a smile as I snuggled into him. Everything about him just makes me so happy, and I hopped I made him feel the way he makes me feel.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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