40 Motivational and inspiring...

By Circonstances

2.8K 172 2

I share here 40 quotes that will motivate you and inspire you to live the life you dream of. I also count for... More

first quote
2. everything is in you
3. "Never give up"
4. "Do it now"
5. "if you really want to do something, you'll find a way"
6. what matters most? failure or success?
7. "think and implement"
8. what will happen in 20 years?
9. start is the most important
10. how to achieve things?
12. the important thing is to move forward.
13. "being strong is our only option"
14. focus
15. "A vision accompanied by action can change the world"
16. the desire
17. to surpass oneself
18. can the future be predicted?
19. make some sacrifices
20. "start it"
21. impose your own rhythm on life.
22. how start ?
23. act well
24. jeff bezos
25. "you can not stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"
26. failure is normal when we want to innove
27. to dream is not reserve to a certain type of person
28. Be yourself
29. perfection doesn't not exist
30. it is our inaction that makes things difficult.
31. give your own sense to life
32. "It seems impossible until it's done"
33. what is the really difficult part ?
34."believe in you"
35. how not to give up?
36. when will my dream come true ?
37. why not avoid failures?
38. why start to run ?
39. "darkness does not chase darkness"
40. "Better the end of a thing than its beginning"

11. how to get everything I want?

78 5 0
By Circonstances

"Everything you've always wanted

is beyond your fear."

George Adair

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