The Cursed Prince |ON HOLD

By Tris_fire

3.1K 207 258

"Each One Of Us Is Cursed" A sci-fi fantasy novel. Meet Nova: a skilled assassin from the future who has bee... More

Part- I
The Beast - 2
The Assassin -3
The Cursed boy -4
# Surprise and Thanks

The Trapped Prince- 1

512 46 154
By Tris_fire

Dedicated to

During a cold night in the peaceful city of Embers, ran a masked figure.

The city was mostly deserted tonight save for some drunken men and barking dogs-- for everyone was at the palace. Attending the 'Third Grand ball ' in two decades. The streets were yet to be cleaned. Scattered leaves and torn papyrus lay on the sides of the footpath. The avenue was lined with multiple dome shaped buildings resembling the Roman architectural designs. The streets were lit up by strange lightworms. A genius idea.

The light breeze made the crimson and gold leaves dance in the air. A girl, draped in a warm brown coat, was smelling the sweet air that was all around her--probably from the blooming winter flowers. Her black hair flew in different directions. She tucked her hair behind her ear and went down her own merry way, towards the now closed bakery.

The peace within the kingdom was shattered by the incessant clacking of heels.

(Apparently running in heels is the latest trend)

It was the magic hour. The time were supernatural phenomenons occurred.

There was magic in the air. The little ash girl ran faster.

Tick tock tick tock.

Nova was running late. Only thirty minutes until midnight.

She would lose her last chance.
No she wouldn't.
She would do it this time.

Her gold high-tech metal slippers finally hit the footsteps of the palace. Nova was apparently the last guest.

Click clop click clop.

Her footsteps stopped.

The guard eyed her sweaty brows and crumpled dress dismissively "Name?"

"N-"Nova hesitated. The elites possessed a name of class and elegance which not only put a name like 'Nova Vittosky' to shame but also raise suspicions , which was the last thing she needed tonight.

She quickly gathered her witts and thought of the first name she could recall from a childhood story that her mother used to tell her. "Synderella D'Angelo of Rein."

"Rein? Is it newly formed?" the other guard raised his eyebrows in suspicion.

"Um yeahh.. its recently formed so not many people know of it. Its ah also quite far so if you will excuse me, I am already late." Nova said as she stepped ahead.

The guards blocked her path with their spears. "Not so fast My Lady. Where is your invitation?"

She mentally facepalmed herself." Of Course how could I forget?"

She tucked out her invitation from her purse. The purse was the one and only gift from her stepmother. It didn't belong to her century so she didn't have much use of it. Why would one when you could just open up your Void in time- space and take what you need.

She had modified the purse to be a 4-Dimensional purse. Kind of like the Voids except that she had to carry it with her everywhere. It also had a limit unlike the Voids.

The Voids however could not be opened in any other century. Thus the purse was finally of some use today. Before that it was just an artifact, that showed her that her stepmother had been kind once, after that day.

Cared about her once.

But all of it changed after her father left.

It's no good to dwell upon the past.

Damn did the 1st century have purses with them?

The guards were looking at the purse like it was a bomb. Again were bombs supposed to exist here?

She smiled at them sheepishly. "Uh it's the latest trend in our kingdom. There's one for men too." She removed a mens wallet from her purse and showed it to them.

"See. You can keep all your money here and it fits into your pock-" Did they have pockets in this century? What did they even have here?

"Never mind." she glanced at the clock.

She only had twenty minutes to do her job. Twenty minutes to save everyone. Twenty minutes to catch that bastard.

Tick tock tick tock.

Nova sprinted towards the double doors that led to the grand hall. Her golden metallic slippers clanking against the polished marble tiles of the interior. For a moment she was struck blind by the sheer beauty of the palace.

The palace was as grand inside as it looked from outside. The interior was decorated with gold tapestries that seemed to tell her a story about knights and witches and dragons. Dragons of different types were drawn with knights riding them. There were no horses in sight. Crystal chandeliers hung on the gold and crimson painted ceilings and scattered light into thousands of different needles suspended in air. The pillars were polished to perfection and had elaborate carvings of strange symbols and roses. Roses of all flowers. She went rigid as she glanced at the carving of a familiar tower.

But she dismissed it. She didn't have time to think about this stuff.

She had a princeling to kill.

Nova threw the door open and walked in, plastering the biggest smile on her face. Her face was already flushed from running and her legs hurt like hell. (Running in heels does that to you.)

She searched the room for that basta- the Prince. She curled a strand of her honey blond hair around her finger. Her hair had grown long. She needed to cut it soon.

The ball was in full swing. Women and men were drinking wine and dancing together. Their masks were shining in the lights. There were a variety of masks, some shiny, some feathery, some mysterious and some looked ethereal as if made from the finest fabrics. She gazed at a particularly beautiful mask of peacock feathers. The wearer of the mask was sipping wine and staring at a man who had a silver mask that seemed to shine under the light of the chandeliers.

There were some resting near the refreshment table while others chatting animatedly with someone who interested them. The music was serene and she soon found herself bobbing her head with the tune. She would have danced too if not for her task at hand. Nova moved through the sea of people. She was careful not to draw too much attention to herself.

Her mask was a dazzling electric blue with streaks of midnight blue on the sides and small pearls at the extreme edges. It matched perfectly with her midnight blue gown. Her clothes were made of a particle that turned her invisible. But they usually drained energy. The particles functioned on one's body's energy. She was wearing her combat pants-that were capable of absorbing shocks- underneath the dress.

She didn't think it would draw much attention. She was right. She blended in perfectly. Though a few heads were turning and a wink or two were passed.

She finally found the Crown Prince talking to his advisor. Dressed in a black suit made for royalty's and a gold mask that certainly gave off princely vibes.

What's more she could still see the scar peeking out of his collar. He certainly looked the part of the Prince.

Its as if he felt her gaze and turned to look.

Their eyes met and she tried to look delighted. He turned sideways whispering something to his advisor and dismissed him. All while he still held her gaze.

The Crown Prince made a beeline for her. In one long stride she was face to face with him. More like nose to nose.

"Nova?" he said her name in a whisper. Afraid she might disappear any second. Afraid he was hallucinating.

She froze. That voice. The way he said her name. That could only be one person inside that mind.

"Alex?" She whispered back afraid she was dreaming. Her heart beat escalated as her blood turned cold with horror.

No that couldn't be possible.
Not now.

She couldn't kill her best friend.

Her face betrayed her thoughts. Nova averted her eyes. She couldn't look at him. How had she not noticed that twinkle in his emerald eyes when their eyes met? Or the smile that lit up his face and made his eyes crinkle?

"Nova please. Look at me." he raised his fingers and lifted her chin up to face him. She was met with his piercing gaze filled with longing and sadness.

Alex knew his fate had been sealed.

There was no way out.

"I can't do it Alex. You are not supposed to be in there. You were supposed to be dead. If I had known....I wouldn't-" she couldn't speak. Nova was choking herself trying to hold back her tears.

"We have ten minutes Vittosky. You know as well as I do, my fate is sealed." He grabbed her shoulders and squeezed them hard.

"Kill me now while I am myself. Or else The Beast will awaken and kill everyone." His eyes held fear and his face had drained of blood. He tightened his hold on her and brought her closer.

Tick tock tick tock the clock ticked away.

The prince-Alex took her hand in his and grabbed her waist. Swaying with the rhythm, Nova Vittosky danced her last dance with the crown prince. The air around her was filled with static and she wanted to close the space between them and hug him till death.

The song was a slow one. Everyone danced together and they certainly turned many heads their way. She could feel the glares of the many ladies draped in fine silk. She guided them away towards a more secluded place. Still crowded but it would do.

"No, I can save you. There must be another way. I lost you once I can't..." Her voice shook with emotion. She couldn't imagine going through all of it once again without her best friend by her side.

The crown prince stopped dancing. His eyes held fear and the hand holding hers, shook violently. " We can't risk it. These people will die and this will be the city of the dead, "He said, while gripping her hands tightly.

She noticed the dark circles beneath his eyes which made her livid. He was suffering.

Her gaze locked on his eyes which had become bloodshot like the demons rage itself was being displayed in front of her. The hands clutching her had turned dark--black like coal. The veins in his hands were popping out and his nails had turned crooked and black. His grip on her tightened as he clenched his jaw and bit his lips from screaming out loud in pain.

Alex closed his eyes and concentrated on taking control. Slowly he opened them again as his pain faded.

Time was running out. The beast would awaken soon. She needed more time.

Tick tock tick tock.

"How did you recognise me Alex?"

She changed the topic. Trying to buy time. They all were living on borrowed time anyway.

Alex laughed. In what must be a lifetime later she had seen him laugh so heartily. Nova smiled taking in his laughing face.

I don't wanna lose him again.

" Oh c'mon four years of torture can't make me forget you Nova. The way you ran in with heels and the purse at your side gifted by your stepmother in this century gave you away," He said, his eyes containing an emotion she couldn't recognise.

"But I can recognise you anywhere, even with a mask. The way you walk with a slight swagger and a dash of clumsiness. The way you curl your hair along your fingers. " He grinned and tucked a strand of her blond hair behind her ear.

He continued, cupping her face in his palms.

"The way you put on that fake smile when you are onto something. The way your eyes light up when you see someone you like. I could go on and on about you Nova, but we have limited time and in case you were wondering, that clock was built by me. I couldn't imagine living without knowing the time." He added with a hint of smugness on his face.

Nova laughed while her eyes finally shed the tears that could no longer be held.

He wiped her tears with his calloused fingers. "Don't cry please, it's time to let go. But..."

Alexander Le Vane hugged her one last time. His warmth enveloped her and brought back happy memories. She couldn't understand why it had to happen to them, of all the people in the world.

Obviously because we were fools to think it's no good.

Tears flooded her pale face. He pulled back and cupped her face." Shhh don't cry it will be over soon," he whispered against her lips.

"There must be-"

"We don't have time Vittosky! I can feel him stirring. I can't hold him back any longer. I don't want to be trapped in their again. The black void of nothingness. It drives me mad and you couldn't imagine the horrors of my the Beast's..right? It couldn't be me. I am not evil! Right?" He almost screamed but Nova shut his mouth with her palm. Alexander's eyes widened in fear and he tightened his hold on her.

Nova withdrew her hand and placed it back on his shoulder.

"To be trapped within, where every minute is torture. My soul is consumed little by little by the beast each day. Living like that is worse than death Nova. You don't know how it feels to just watch. Watch and wait. It's torture. It drives me insane. These hands have done so much. Please if you don't want me to suffer. Kill me no-Ahhhh" his hands flew out and clutched his chest. His face had turned ashen and tears slid down his cheeks as he moaned in pain.

Nova felt as if her heart was being pierced by thousands of tiny needles. She had never seen Alex so much pain. Not being able to do anything to help, to stop the pain, it tore her heart apart.

She wanted to hug him and say that he would get better. She could stop the pain, she could cure his curse. But those were lies and he hated liars.

She was confused, not knowing what to do in this situation. Torn between duty and friendship, Nova's heart and mind were at war with each other.

Tick tock tick tock.

"Nova. Do it NOW!" Alexander screamed in pain and a guttural sound erupted from his mouth.

Nova's heart tore into two.

The people around her gasped. She could faintly hear them calling for the guards and the royal healer. " The Prince is dying! Christ help," one shouted. The music stopped playing and there were just prayers that filled up the air.

"Move aside, I'll call the healer. you young people are good for nothing, " an elderly lady said as she went to call the healer. A healer that wouldn't be necessary. Not today. No one can bring back the dead.

Nova slid her dress sleeves up to reveal a blade that gleamed wickedly in the light of the chandeliers. Her eyes held tears but her resolve strengthened.

More gasps this time. She could feel the glares and fear of everyone near her. Most stepped away from her in fear that she would harm them, but some brave stupid individuals were slowly approaching her.

"This is not the time to toy with blades young lady" One of the masked guests scolded her.

"Stay away," She shouted" I mean no harm to you all," she said , her voice hoarse with tears.

He has suffered enough.

She lifted her blade and in one swift motion ,stabbed him in the heart. Everything was a blur. Her tears wouldn't stop and she fought the urge to scream. People around her began to panic.

"I am sorry Alexander....I am so sorry"

"It had to be done Nova. There was no other way. Thanks you." The little ash girl shook her head and held him close to her. The guards were here now. Whispered shocks filled the air as they tried to take in the situation.

"Drop your weapon Lady and step away from the prince," The Captain ordered

She hated that she had to be the one to kill him. She ignored their warnings.

"I--wish we h-had time," he whispered his last words and then he became limp in her arms. His emerald eyes glazed over. They no longer held the light that made him who he was. His legs buckled over and she gently lay him on the floor.

Tick tock tick tock the clock continued to tick faster.

Nova hadn't realised the utter silence in the ballroom.

She hadn't heard the gasps and whispers around her.

She hadn't heard the Captain barking orders to capture her.

She only had eyes for one person and that person was dead.

The gifted warlock, best friend,Crown Prince, Alexander Le Vane was dead and she had killed him.

Tick tock tick tock.

Tick tock.

The clock struck twelve.

The little ash girl-Nova Vittosky-Synderella D'Angelo- prepared to run and become invisible. But a blackened hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. Her heart came up to her throat.

No. Her adrenaline surges so fast that she almost vomits .

No. Her breath quickens with each passing second.

"You can't get rid of me that easily Assassin"

The Beast had awoken.
Hey how was it? Don't worry this isn't the end. There will be more to come soon :)

Vote and comment if u liked it.
Updates will be irregular.


An Amazing writer that I love 💕
You should totally follow her !! :)
And read her After Series! It's awesome! It's also a fairytale retelling full of mystery and fantasy.

*Note: The scene between Nova and the guards ...I had some help with the description from HalcyonTears. He helped me with the sentence structure and stuff. (He reviewed the 1st few chaps and helped me improve).

*Note 2 :
Nova Vittosky-->little ash girl-->Synderella D'Angelo.

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