It Started In Gary IN. (a Mic...

By Groovysm00thie

12.6K 305 60

(Starts in 1987) When Michael Jackson and his family go back to Gary, Indiana, Michael meets a girl in the WE... More

Chapter one: Ready for church, Mrs. Henderson?
chapter two- Her Voice
chapter four- A weird Meeting
chapter five- Nice To Meet You
Chapter six: No Where In Particular
chapter Eight- The Hospital Room
Chapter Ten- Adjusting
Chapter Eleven- Gettin Out
Chapter Twelve: Emergency stop
Chapter Thirteen: Welcome To Kentucky
Chapter fourteen: Smile
Chapter fifthteen: Beat It!
Chapter Sixteen: Rapist
Chapter seventeen: Going home
Chapter eighteen: The Pastors Daughter
Chapter Nineteen: Birthday surprise
Chapter Twenty: Telling Her Parents
Chapter Twenty one- Dancing in my bedroom
Chapter twenty two: Welcome to Neverland!
Chapter Twenty three: Model
Chapter Twenty four- First Day
Chapter twenty five: Decisions
Chapter Twenty six- Secrets
chapter Twenty seven: Fixing the Problen
chapter twenty eight- EAT
Chapter Twenty Nine: That Slut!
Chapter Thirty: A New Friend
Chapter thrity one: Weaves have been snatched
Chapter Thrity two: Talking
Chapter Thrity three: Healed
Chapter thirty four: halloween
Chapter thirty five: finding out
Chpater 36: The word is out
Chapter 37: Really Jermaine?
Chapter 38: Bad News
Chapter 39: Jolene
Chapter 40: Will you?
Chapter 41: The Grammys
Chapter 42: Girl or a Boy?
Chapter 43: Victim of Tatiana
Chapter 44: Letter
Chapter 45: Horribly wrong
Chapter 46: Gone to soon
Chapter 47: without you
Chapter 48: baby
Chapter 49: Adopting
Chapter 50: Breakdown
Chapter 51: Janet to the rescue
Fun fact
Chapter 52: Wedding
Chapter 53: Dem Babies
Chapter 54: Tabloid Image
Chapter 55: Getting ready for Matthew
Chapter 56: big brother
Chapter 57: Christmas
Chapter 58- 1989 recap
Chapter 60: in trouble
Chapter 61: thunder storm
Chapter 62: It Gets Worse
Chapter 63: Show Off!
Chapter 64: final chapter in this book

Chapter Nine: Waking Up

344 8 0
By Groovysm00thie

Still Michael's POV

Loretta, Greg and I talked for about another 20 minutes before a doctor came in. He was tall and thin, and looks to be around 40 years old

"Loretta, Greg, Michael," he nodded to us like we were nothing, I was okay with that.

"Im Dr. Rothenberge, and im here to help in anyway possible, so how long has Shelby been out for?" he asked
"Since Loretta found her," Greg answered

"okay," he said writing on a clipboard

he then got up and pulled open Shelby's hospital gown, showing terrible bruises and blood patches. it was the worst thing I had ever seen.

"Our recent tests from this moring show severe damage to the stomach, right around here," he said pointed to the lower part of her stomach. it was terrible the mark that had been embedded into her skin and body. It made me want to cry. Dr. Rothenberge explained a few other things about the bruises, and then he left. Shelby has been a sleep for a very long time now. I was not her boyfriend or anything, but I sure did have a huge crush on her. I began to worry, what if she doesnt wake up? What will I do? What will her family do? It was all to much and then-

"No where in particular!!" Shelby screamed, sitting straight up in her hospital bed.

"Shelby my baby!" Loretta said hugging her gently

"oh we missed you Shelb! how do you feel?" Greg said

"ohhh!" She screamed grabbing her stomach

"Whats wrong?" I said, getting up from my seat.

"my stomach, hurts.....really.....BADLY!" She said

"Do you want me to go get the doctor?" I asked her

"no, no im okay," she said, laying back down

"I got you these," I said, setting the flowers on the table next to her.

"awww thank you so much!" she managed to say, blushing.

We sat back down and started to all talk. It was more a friendly conversation about my career, and about Gary, we didnt really want to talk about what happened to Shelby, but then she said:

"You know, I should have ran last night, I really should have," She said

"Now dont tell yourself that, none of this is your fault," I said to her

"Well it wouldnt have happened if I had stood my ground," she said

"Shelby, Its not your fault that man thought that he had the right to come at you like that, no one does. You cant blame yourself for something that wasn't your decision," I explain to her

"Oh guess your right," She said

"Owwww!" Shelby said grabbing her stomach.

"The doctor?" I said

She nodded a yes

I left the room and speed walked down the hallway to try and find a the certain doctor, nothing. And then I saw a little girl crying—the one from the elevator.

"What's wrong, child?" I asked, bending to her level.

"My daddy passed away!" She said, crying her eyes out. All I could do is hug her. That was terrible.

"Where's your mommy?" I asked her
She pointed to a door.

We walked in together, and the woman from the elevator was sitting there, crying.

" I found your little girl outside in the hallway, I'm very sorry for your loss," I said, placing the girl in her lap.

"Thank you so much!" She said, full tears in her eyes

"I've gotta run, but I hope I see you all around, okay?" I said, running to fide the doctor. I found him and told him what happened with Shelby, and we ran back to the room.

He explained that it was gonna be hard for her to eat for a while and she would need assistance.

We all sat in the room for a bit when a nurse came in and said.

"Sorry to tell you all, but only one guest can stay with the patient tonight, there's a really bad virus going around here and we don't want it to spread anymore," she said and then walked off.

"What are we gonna do, Loretta?" Greg said

"I don't know, one of us needs to stay with her," She said.

I could tell Loretta and Greg didn't want to be apart right now, but they both didn't want to be away from Shelby.

"I'll stay, I'll help her eat and walk better before you know it, I am paying ya know?" I said to them

"Well that's a great idea, Michael! Sounds like a plan," Loretta said

"Alright Princess, good night and goodbye," Greg said, kissing her forehead. Loretta did the same.
And then they left and it was just us two.

"Soooo," She said


"Wanna watch a movie?" She sai

"Sure, what do you wanna watch?" I asked her

"Ohh let's watch a Nightmare On Elm Street!" She said happily

"Okay let's do it!" I haven't seen theses movies in years! I sat on the edge of Shelby's bed as we watched and she but her face in my chest EVERYTIME something scary happened. It was so cute to see her doing this. I had to admit, I really liked her, and wanted to ask her out, but now is NOT the time. After the movie ended, it was alround 11 o clock pm. After the movie we stayed up till like 1am talking and getting to know each other. okay, I REALLY liked her, but, how do I tell her?

"You're really cool Michael," She said to me with a huge smile.

"You to, Shelby," I giggled

"I wish we could have met in the park today," she said sadly

"Me to, but I'm here now," I said.

"The doctor said That you had around 3 or 4 more days left before your discharged, so maybe after we could get some dinner or something," I say to her

"Hmmmm a date with Michael Jackson?" She said

Oh no, she's gonna say no!

"Hmmmm.....yeah! ill go, we're gonna have so much fun,......APPLEHEAD!" She said laughing.

APPLEHEAD? Where did she get that nickname

"Where'd you come up with that?" I said laughing.

"I don't know, it's just a cute name, for a cute man!" She says

Oml my cheeks look like an exploded red ink pen.

A/N Hope you enjoyed! Don't mind the typos xoxo

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