My Highlander My Love "The Re...

By Soulmates2

122K 9.1K 1.1K

No warrior has ever loved as strongly and passionately as Hawk. When his eyes for the first time fell on Ness... More

Blue Eyes
When the Heart Answers
Dance With Me
Monday Morning
An Unforgettable Evening
Three Months Before
When the Heart Calls
Nessa's Heart
Sweet Revenge
Bad Decisons
The Invisible Cord
Romeo and Juliet
Silver Balls
Tantric Sex
The Holy Grail
1,2,3 Oh My!!
Three Times the Fun
To Be In Love
Meet the MacNeils
Young Love
Love Bares No Shame
Treasures at the Village
Breathless love
Dark Days Ahead
Torn Apart
A Rivulet of Tears
Quick Decisions
Miserable Mistakes
Whats a Girl to Do?
Lovers Lost
Two Soulmates
Trouble on the Etheral Plane
Till Death Do Us Part
The Angry Macintosh Women
Touch Not the Heart
Anger Has No bounds
The Clever Mistress
The Adultress
Lady Margaret
Love Me Not
Save My Soul
New Beginings
Plan In Action
Love is a Mystery
Death in the Air
The Masters
Prayers and Magic
Lessons to be Learned
Dark Days of Grief
The Exchange
The Harvest Days
The Heavens
Love Me Not
Gabriels Words
The Crown Prince and His Sister Princess Amina of Shetland island
What Awaits the Heart
The Heart Reveals Itself
Mistakes Repeated
Love Knocks on Closed Doors
A Fays Heartbreak
Total Eclipse
Garden of Eden
The Shadows of Evil
Dark Days Ahead
Too Much to Handle
Picking Up the Pieces
You Reap What You Sow
It Was Fate All Along
From Ashes to Ashes
Truth Be Told
Tiny Miracles
A Fools Dream
Lies, Lies and More Lies
When Love Interferes
The Wedding Gift
The Stone
Zara the gypsy beauty
Paris France
Tears of Regrets
Actions Speak Louder than Words
Sworn Enemies
Green With Jealousy
Forbidden Love
The Kings Men
The king
What Ever Will Be, Shall Be
A Way to Love
A String Of Lies
Marrige By Proxy
Wedding Blues
To Love Thee
A Woman Scorned
The Outskirts of Heaven
The Morning Tide
The Gypsie Princess
Crazy is the World
Raid Against Humanity
Slave Not My Heart
Feel Not My Heart
Keeping the Faith
To Love and be Loved
Love Me Tender
To Love Her
A Twist of Fate
When a Man Loves a Woman
Hidden Desires


993 75 9
By Soulmates2

Paris was all that one dreamed it to be, it was well known as 'the city of love and lights. The Eiffel Tower, a monument of incredible engineering, lit up the streets, as lovers strolled through them. The musicians played on their accordions and violins, the melody lightened one's heart and they fell in love all over again.

Thoughts and dreams, it was all much too magical for Melania as she stared up at the beautiful Eiffel Tower and sighed, for truly it was a beautiful sight indeed.

Taking the last puff of her cigarette, Melania dropped it on the ground and stepped on it. Blowing the smoke out of her lungs, she swore to herself that this would be the last time she smoked a cigarette.

Reaching for her red umbrella that lay near her feet, she opened it quickly just as the first raindrops pelted against the streets of Paris. She walked past the musicians that were quickly putting away their instruments, past the coffee shops and through the romantic streets of Paris.

The rain came down hard just as the doorman of the Ritz Hotel opened the glass door for Melania. She smiled at the handsome man and for an instance she pitied him, for a man of his looks should have been on the cover of some magazine and not opening doors for people.

Her heels clicked and clattered lightly on the marble floor, as she walked through the lobby, and held everyone's attention with her beauty, and smart outfit that revealed every inch and curve of her petite body.

Soft whispers of compliments, drifted through the air around her and she smiled to herself.


"Madame." The clerk nodded in her direction and smiled, "Cle'?"


The handsome, young man who was dressed in black trousers and sported a white shirt with a black tie around his neck, smiled at the beautiful woman and handed her the key.

"Mercie." Melania took the key and walked away.

Taking the elevator to the fifteenth floor, she closed her eyes for a moment to rest them. It had been a long day and all she wanted to do was undress, take a quick shower and drop dead on her bed. Tomorrow was going to be another long day of meetings and paperwork and she was exhausted.

Locking the door behind her, Melania threw her Gucci purse and red umbrella on the couch and headed straight to the bedroom. She slipped out of her heels and undressed. On her way to the bathroom she stopped and gazed for a few seconds at her naked body in the mirror, before she went to the bathroom to shower.

The therapeutic, warm water fell against her skin caressing it softly, as it danced and massaged her body. Melanie took a moment to close her eyes and relax, under the hot shower. All the anxiety and stress she felt throughout the day was washed away and a soothing effect engulfed her.

Her fingers glided softly up her thighs and slipped inside her private domain, and a soft gasp escaped her lips as she enjoyed the pleasures of self satisfaction. Her left hand cupped her firm and round breast, the left one first and then the right one until spasms of electricity claimed her entire body and she moaned out loud with pleasure.

She remained in that position until the quivering stopped and the hot water was slowly turning cold, before she quickly turned off the shower and pulled the shower curtain aside. Grabbing a towel, she quickly dried herself and ran across the hall to the bedroom to retrieve her pajamas.

Her body temperature had dropped and she was shivering by the time she slipped into the bed and covered herself, and as soon as she closed her eyes she fell into deep sleep.


"Dinner was fabulous."

Clark's eyes bore with love into Asia's as he opened the passenger door, "Yes it was."

Asia slipped in the car and her boss closed the door and then he walked around to the other side and hopped in the car. Clark turned on the radio and Mozart was playing, as he sped down the street.

"Would you like to come over for a night cap?" Clark's stopped breathing as he waited for her answer, he wanted to mate with her tonight and make the connection and hopefully she would overlook his horrible mistakes and not run for her life once her memory was intact again.

Asia didn't answer right away, the truth was that she was very attracted to her boss, but wondered if it was smart to mix business with pleasure, what if things went wrong, she wasn't excited about the fact she would have to find another job, she loved the one she had now.

"I'm not sure that would be a good idea Clark, I mean, it's late and we have to be in the office early tomorrow for the Kramer case."

"It will be a quick night cap and then I'll take you home!" He lied, as he merged into the highway and stepped on the accelerator.

"Fine, but we must keep track of time." I would love to jump your bones, she thought to herself, without a doubt he was the kind of man she would want to give you her virginity to.

Twenty minutes later Clark pulled up to the driveway and jumped out of his car. He opened the car door for her to get out and after slamming it shut, they walked up the driveway to the front door of his modest mansion.

Clark fumbled with the key and he nervously slipped it the key hole. He quickly stepped inside and flipped on the light switch, "Please come in."

If the rest of the mansion was anything like the foyer, Asia thought, she would move in with him and beg him to marry her.

"Something wrong?" Clark asked, "You seem thoughtful."

Yes, I'm in love with you and don't know how to tell you!

Embarrassed, Asia replied, "I was admiring the foyer." Her eyes scanned around the huge foyer once again, "The chandelier is exquisite, is it from Europe?"

"Yes, I bought it on one of my trips to France, have you ever visited there?"

"No, but it is number one on my bucket list."

I'll take you there on our honeymoon, the Fay thought.

"What else is on your bucket list?" He asked, as he made his way into the family room.

Asia walked close behind him and she couldn't help but notice how beautifully decorated his home was, ignoring his question, she asked him, "Who decorated your home?"

"I hired a Interior decorater," the Fay motioned for her to sit down. "Can I get you a drink?"

"No thank you," placing herself comfortably on the couch, Asia smiled up at Clark, "your decorator done a marvelous job, when I get rich enough, I too will hire her."

"I'll be right back, I'm going to change into something more comfortable." He told her.

Disappearing through the hallway, Asia found herself wondering what her boss looked like naked. She suspected he had abs of steel, and wanted to know what it would feel like to lay in bed with him and make love, was he a sexy lover, she thought, does he possess a huge dick?

"I'm back." Clark said cheerfully, and he noticed that Asia's face flushed when she looked up at him. "I'm going to pour myself a drink if you don't mind, are you sure you don't want one?"

"I...I..." Asia was too embarrassed to talk, "Please, yes, I'll take a shot of whiskey, make that a double!"

Raising an eye brow, Clark wondered what happened to Asia, she looked nervous, "Are you sure you can handle a double?" He joked.

"I won't know until I try."

Clark poured a double shot of whiskey for Asia and a double shot of vodka for himself, walking across the family room, he handed the whiskey to Asia, "I suggest you swallow it in one gulp, it will burn your throat, but at least you'll be done with it." Clark laughed, but the reason he told her to do that was so her throat will burn a lot and she would swear off liquor for the rest of her life, he didn't want her drinking hard liquor.

Melania took the small shot glass from Clark and brought it to her lips, she swallowed the contents in one gulp just as Clark had suggested and asked for a refill.

Clark was blown away, she didn't even flinch when she drank the whiskey which gave him an idea. Without asking questions he hurriedly went and refilled her glass and handed that to her, and he watched as she swallowed that too without a hitch,

His lips curved into a smile, tonight he was going to fauck her brains out. "Would you like another shot?"

"Sure, I don't see why not." She answered, even though her vision was starting to blur.

Clark noticed that her speech was slightly slurring and his eyes shined bright with laughter, as he poured a third round for her. "Enjoy."
He said after he handed her the shot glass and watched as she swallowed that too.

Clark knew that she was hammered and he did feel a tinge if guilt, but he glorified that with the notion that he had to sleep with her so they could connect as soulmates, and since her memory will be intact afterwards, if she was drunk she wouldn't rebuke him right away and he could spend at least a night of lovemaking before the shit hits the roof.

"Can I get you another one?"

"Aren't you drinking with me?" She slurred.

"Of course." He quickly went to get her another shot, but in his glass he poured water to make it look as if it was vodka, he didn't want to be drunk during the night while he made love to her, he wanted to worship every inch of her while he was sober, because he didn't know when she will allow him to touch her again after her memory is restored and she realizes that he was the reason she had died in her past life.

"Here you go, bottoms up!" He smiled and watched.

Asia by now was seeing doubles and triples, and the room was spinning. "Um Clark?"


"I'm not feeling well."

"Really?" Clark acted concerned, "you might need to rest a bit, would you like to go inside and lay down, it might do you some good."

"Well I.........."

She didn't even finish was she was going to say, Asia passed out on the couch and Clark quickly pulled her in his arms and took her to his bed. Lust over powered everything inside him when he undressed her and she lay naked on his silky, ivory bed sheets.

He quickly removed his clothing and jumped on the bed next to her. Blane's breathing was thick and his shaft was swollen beyond belief, this is what he had waited for all these months.

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he loved her more than life itself. Blane hated that he had to get her this drunk, but it was the only way to make love to her without her rebuking him.

He was desperate to connect with her, everything inside him pleaded for the connection. Lowering his head, he kissed her lips and then his tongue licked her entire body, every inch of her. Her breasts were round and firm, her nipples were perked in anticipation even as she slept, and his tongue glided over each one. Blane groaned with pain wanting desperately to just slam his shaft inside her, but he wanted first to familiarize himself with every inch of her body.

When his tongue glided all the way down to her private domain, he gently pulled her legs apart and his eyes feasted on her before he slipped his tongue inside inside her honey cave.

Asia moaned out loud and Blane shaft was about to burst, but he continued eating her until waves of pleasure claimed her and her body trembled. Only then did Blane glide his powerful body above her and thrust desperately into her without mercy.

As soon as he was inside her, every cell in his body came to life. The invisible, electrical cord danced around them charging its power to prepare for the connection. Millions of cells restored themselves to powerfully connect the soulmates, and finally Blane's seed exploded inside his soulmate, and made a complete and powerful connection.

Blane's body shook violently above Asia's, as the explosion hit its mark, and the Druid pulled his head back and a masculine, loud moan escaped Blane's sculpted lips. Asia opened her eyes and stared blank up at Blane's. She moaned softly and allowed the spasms in her body to run its course but she was too drunk to speak.

Every cell in her body was intact now, as it restored all her memory of her past life. She remembered absolutely everything vividly, but was not in her right state of mind to do anything but lay there and enjoy the way her body was feeling.

The love Blane felt for his soulmate was now so intensified, and overpowering that when he pulled out of Asia, he couldn't help himself and he broke into tears. Pulling his soulmate close to him enjoying every second he spent with her, he lay next to her until the wee hours of the morning while she blissfully slept, and feared the moment she will wake up and lash her anger out at him.

Would she scream how much she despised him, would she spit in his face, or will she grab a knife and stab him for everything he done to her in her past life.

"Lord have mercy on me," he whispered to himself, and tightened his hold on her.


After spending the entire morning at the Abby, Valerie decided to head back home before someone noticed her disappearance.

"Promise me you will return, it was so good to see you!" Pracheeta exclaimed, "I will miss you greatly and but I will look forward to seeing you again soon."

"I promise I will return, stay safe and be careful."

Pracheeta watched as Valerie hugged everyone including Cook, before she exited the Abby. The nuns walked her out and helped her on her horse. The rain had subsided and the sun shined over Scotland, and Pracheeta was glad that her friend would ride in the sunshine and she wouldn't catch her death cold from the wet rain.

"Pracheeta!" Sister Mary yelled, "get back to your duties or I will see to it that you stay up all night until you lick the floor clean!"

When Pracheeta hightailed it back to her tasks, Cook could not help but say, "You think I don't know what you're doing?"

"What are you talking about?" Sister Mary turned to face Cook.

Cook rolled her eyes and sighed, "Do you think I can't see though right through you?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about!" Sister Mary snapped, and walked away from Cook.

"Deep inside you love that child, but you torture her for her own good."

Sister Mary disappeared down the corridor and Cook shook her head with dismay, she knew sister Mary's heart and knew enough to know that the nun sympathized and adored Pracheeta, but sister Mary harden her heart for fear of one day losing her the same way everyone loved and lost Valerie once she returned to Sterlingshire.


Sidri rolled over Sereia and pressed his lips on hers again, Sereia wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes, "Tell me again that you love me Sidri."

The king pulled his lips away from hers, "I have always loved you."

"I'm scared."

"Nay, do not be scared, I am here and will not let anything to happen to you!"

"Salah almost whipped me, no telling what he will do next, I fear him Sidri, he is boiling with rage, I suspect he knows the truth deep down in his heart and he might lash out at me!"

"You think so little of me that I will allow for you to get hurt?" His voice was deep and hoarse, and didn't go unnoticed by the queen.

"If Salah decides to hurt me there is nothing you can do about it, he is a powerful king Sidri and he can kill me in an instant!"

"I will bring down his Kingdom if he so much as lays a finger on you!"

"Nay Sidri!" Sereia yelled and pushed the king off her, lifting herself in a sitting position she said, "Promise me that you will not come anywhere near Dryad, please, you must swear to me Sidri that you will not come to save me, swear it!"

Sidri looked into her golden eyes and wondered why he ever let her go all those thousand of years ago. "I will not swear to you, do you honestly believe that I will just stand by and allow him to end your life, what kind of a man do you think I am?"

"If you love me as you say you do, then you will swear to me that you will not come near Dryad land!"

"Nay!" Letting her go, Sidri jumped to his full height and looked down at his soulmate, "I will not lose you again!"

"You have never lost me Sidri, I have never stopped loving you!" Sereia confessed, and she too lifted herself to her feet. Placing her hands on his muscled chest, Sereia begged one more time, "Please, you must not come on my land or I swear I will take my life!"

Grabbing her by her shoulders, Sidri's love hazed eyes bore into hers, "Then promise me something if you want me to stay away!"

"Anything you want."

"Promise me you will not allow Salah to touch your body ever again!"

Sereia did not fail to hear the pain and torture in her soulmates voice, "I swear to you my love," she lied, "I will never allow for him to touch me ever again!"

Sereia knew that she couldn't keep her promise because her husband would torture her and their son if she disobeyed him. She prayed that Sidri will never find out, knowing very well that her soulmate will try recklessly to save her and he will be throwing his life away, for Salah was very powerful and could destroy Sidri in a blink of an eye.

"I have to return before I am missed."

Sidri kissed her one last time before he watched her disappear into thin air. A vein popped on his neck, he knew that Sereia lied to him to keep him safe. He had heard of Salah's appetite and knew that he will force Sereia if she were to deny him her body, so he made the decision right there and then to destroy the land of the Dryads and all who occupy it.


Leathan pushed a strand of hair away from his soulmates face, "I adore you." He whispered hoarsely in her ear before he plunged deep inside her until both of them trembled with waves of pleasure until they were spent.

Tanisha was overwhelmed with love for her husband, but remained quiet as she looked into his handsome face.

"You and the girls are my life."

"I know my husband, and you are my life as well."

"Then you will obey my every command?"


"I want you and the girls to prepare to flee Fay land immediately when I give the word."

Tunesha pulled herself on her elbows, "What? When?"

"There is no reason to be alarmed yet," he told her and kissed the nape of her neck.

Pulling her self to a sitting position, Tinesha said sternly, "Tell me now what is bothering you or I will get off the bed and get dressed right now!"

Leathan sighed and cupped her breast.

Slapping his hand away, Tinesha warned, "I mean it Leathan, tell me now!"

"Trouble is brewing and it's only a matter of time before we have war on our lands, I want to keep you and the girls safe."

"What do you mean trouble is brewing!" She asked him and pushed him away when he tried to kiss her again.

Leathan had no choice but to tell her the truth and Tinesha's eyes popped open, "Are you serious?"

"Aye, tis true, but I will place you and the girls on Oasis island and you will be safe there."

"And what about all the other fairies?"

"They will go to Seelie land until it is safe to return here."

Tinesha raised an eye brow, "and Kalan is ok with that?"

"He will help because he wants to keep Maria and Christian and will not want to piss them off by denying their people a safe haven."


Ariel walked in the forrest where he felt most at peace. Ever since his arrival on earth he couldn't seem to relax.

"Melania." He whispered to himself over and over again.

The semi archangel was at a lost for what to do, he wanted to go to her, but was afraid she would deny him, she was much too young to understand his feelings for her.

There was however something else he could do, he could always go to the future and find her when she is older, but not too old he told himself, he would have to go to her when she is around twenty two years of age.

Then another question clogged his mind, should he disguise himself or should he go as he is, would she recognize him now in his older stage of life, and if she did, would she rebuke him or would she accept his friendship and possibly fall in love with him?

Bikers rode past him on their bike trail and Ariel envied them, they looked carefree and happy, as if they had not a care in the world, while he carried the burden of the entire world on his shoulders.

He wished he was just a normal human being living his life and not faced with the troubles of earth. He would have been a different man, and mayhap Melania would have accepted his love for her more easily.

He knew she was in Paris, France, just starting a new job and a new life, what if he goes to her and tells her how much he loves her and she laughs in his face, what then? How would he be able to bear that pain?


"Master you were right, Melania is a huge distraction for him."

"Aye she is, we must take matters into our own hands right now or nothing on earth will get done."

"But Master, you promised Gabriel that you will not interfere with their love story."

"Aye I promised I would not interfere, but I never promised no one else will." The Master said cleverly.

"What do you mean by that?" The student asked, secretly disappointed that Ariel will have to suffer once again.

"I will have another angel help me with this."

"Master you are risking too much, if Ariel finds out that you are behind it he will rebel."

"Ariel has a lot of growing up to do, he is a man now and must do what is right for the good of mankind." The Mastwr explained.

The student didn't like what was about to happen, but decided to clamp his mouth shut. He didn't want to upset the Master, he wanted to graduate with honors to the next level.


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his hand fumbled to grab the

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