Perfectly Imperfect | Kellin...

By warpedtuor

9.3K 126 42

Marie Alexandria Carter and her best friend Taylor Marie Emmerson go to Warped Tour having the time of their... More

Chapter 1- Meet Marie
Chapter 2- Warped Tour Part 1
Chapter 3- Warped Tour Part 2
Chapter 4- Back to School We Go
Chapter 5- Making Up For Lost Time
Chapter 6- All School Picture Goes Wrong
A/N: Society Is So Cruel
Chapter 7- Mayday
Chapter 8- Tickets
Chapter 9- Terror on 27
Chapter 10- Concert Time
Chapter 11- Happy Halloween
Chapter 12- Suspended
Chapter 13- Winter Break Part 1
Chapter 14- Winter Break Part 2
Chapter 15- Truth Be Told
Chapter 16- Youtube
Chapter 17- Business
Chapter 18- Megafest
Chapter 19- That Little Kiss You Stole
Chapter 20- Recording
Chapter 21- With You By My Side
Chapter 22- I'll Be Right Here Waiting
Chapter 23- All You Wanted Was Me
Author's Note: Sorry Not Sorry (Not A Chapter)
Chapter 24- We Are All Sinners & The Blackest Beautiful
Chapter 25- This Heart Is Yours
Chapter 26- Sweet Serenity
Chapter 27- This Generation Needs A Hero
Chapter 28- Your Love Makes Me Stronger
Chapter 30- Hold Me Close

Chapter 29- Give Me Therapy, I'm A Walking Travesty

116 3 3
By warpedtuor

Song: Therapy by All Time Low

Chapter 29- Give Me Therapy, I'm A Walking Travesty

-Maria's POV-

If I thought I looked hot when we left for the studio, I should call myself sexy now. I know, you're probably thinking, 'you're so full of yourself'. And guess what? I'm not! I just know when I look good.

I stand in some light wash high waisted shorts that show off my long, perfectly tan legs well, with a tight, grey crop top that shows off my belly ring nicely. My hair is kept down, even though towards the middle of the concert I will put it up from getting so sweaty and hot. My feet are covered with a pair of grey Vans, and my lip stud is grey also.

My makeup is light, consisting of a thick layer of mascara on the top and bottom with a thin layer of eyeliner on the top. The grey around my blue eyes are popping more, due to the cateye line. My cross-body bag is slung tightly over my shoulder, and my iPhone is gripped in my hand.

I walk to Tay's room, to see her taking a quick selfie with Alan who kisses her cheek. They are so cute, my gosh. "It's time to go." I give them a small wave before they follow me downstairs to greet Kellin who looks sexy as hell.

He is styled in a pair of tight black skinny jeans with a black Foo Fighters shirt, and his original grey TOMS. His hair is left in it's natural state and he has his iPhone in hand. "Got the tickets?" I nod my head. "Okay then, let's head out!"

We all pile into Kellin's car, because Alan's car was brought back to their hotel by Austin. "So who is going to be there?" Tay asks eagerly.

"You'll see." Alan laughs when I don't tell her.

"Are we seriously going to torture her like this?" Alan asks, making me nod my head.

"Yeah. I mean, why would I tell her? It's been one of her favorite bands for years. I'll just let her figure it out on her own." Tay kicks the back of my seat out of anger. Oops.

Once reaching the venue, we park the car and start walking towards the stadium. Screams errupt when Kellin and Alan are spotted.

"Kellin! I love you!"

"Fuck me Alan!"

The disturbing comment makes me burst into fits of laughter. Why would someone ever ask that in front of the person they're talking about? I would be so embarrassed. Alan laughs along with me, embracing his inner and outer sexiness.

Suddenly, a girl around my age calls my name. I turn around, tugging Kellin with me to the girl. "Would you mind taking a picture with me. You are both huge inspirations to me and-" I cut her off with a chuckle.

"Of course." I take her iPhone and hold it out in front of me, Kellin and I pressed against each other as the girl poses with us. Once the picture is snapped, I hand back her phone and sign a few things from other people, Kellin doing the same before we meet back up with Tay and Alan.

"Come one guys, sound check starts soon." I just nod my head, taking out the lanyards for backstage access and show them to the security guards once we make it inside. They nod their heads, letting us through.

We head up stairs and through a door, to be greeted by four crazy Mexicans running around, and two chill bands sitting and chatting. I laugh when Tony's hat it stolen by Jaime. Why am I even friends with these people?

"Let's go get our spots in front against the barrier and watch soundcheck!" Tay grabs my hand and pulls me away from Kellin. I wave bye to him, and quickly catch up with Tay.

After everyone's soundcheck, fans are let in and start piling in behind Tay and I. I didn't exspect so many people, expecially boys. There are so many of them. But mainly the overly annoying girls.

After about ten minutes, Of Mice And Men takes over the stage. "What the fuck is up Oregon?" Austin screams into the microphone, directly in front of me. He looks down and winks at me, making me chuckle. A few girls slowly start to recognize that i'm Kellin's girlfriend and freak out.

It didn't surprise me, and most of them were pretty sweet. "This first song is one of my personal favorites, and I want all of you to scream the words if you know them." The chords of Let Live start up and I scream.

"I was all for you, you fell over my love. I just can't afford it this time." Aaron sings and I scream the words.

"Come on, jump!" I do as Austin commands, jumping around to the beat. A pit forms a few feet behind me, but I just ignore the people and look up to Alan playing the guitar right in front of Tay.

"I want to see a pit during this next song, go!" Many people crowd surf and hit me in the back of the hit, but I honestly don't care. Bones Exposed plays and in the middle of the song, Austin makes the drum beat keep rolling. "When the music hits, I want you all to jump up, so sit on the floor!" I sit next to Tay who smiles at me.

"Leaving bones exposed!" The whole crowd screams, and we all jump up and continue moshing. I scream the lyrics and feel the adrenaline pumping through my body.

After two more songs I decide that I want to go crowd surfing so I head back a bit and ask some guys around me to pick me up. They simply understand what I want and pick me up, sending me straight back to the stage. I connect hands with Austin, re-living the old concert of their's that I went to the night Liam died.

Austin knows what i'm thinking, but still screams the words in my face. I look down to see Tay help holding me up and a security guard grabs me. I show him my lanyard and hop back over the barrier, not exactly caring if it wasn't aloud.

After Of Mice and Men's set, I spot the one and only Adam Elmakias snapping pictures a little ways down from the middle of the barrier/stage. "Adam!" He looks over and walks towards me, smiling. "You are my absolute favorite photographer." I gush.

"Well thanks! You're Kellin's girlfriend right? Maria?" I nod my head and he shakes my hand. "Well nice to meet you. Could I get a picture of you and your friend?" He gestures to Tay.

"That's Tay,  and sure."  Tay and I hold up the rock sign, sticking out our tongues as kids behind us join into the picture.

"Great! Thanks guys." I give him a small wave before he walks away. I realize that Pierce The Veil is up next and get really excited.

Vic walks onto the stage and starts the beginning of his set with a surprise. Not everyone knows that Kellin's here, which means that they are probably going to do King For A Day together. "I would like to have my good friend Kellin join me on stage for this one. Come on Kell!"

Kellin appears on stage, microphone in hand and heads over to stand in front of me. Vic starts off the song, and Kellin grabs my hand, singing to me. I smile at him, and he winks. "The thought of you is no fucking fun. You want a martyr, i'll be one. Because enough's enough, we're done!" The song goes on, and i sing every word.

After a couple of songs, Pierce The Veil does one of their older songs, Stay Away From My Friends. I'm not even going to lie, because i cried while singing along to this song. It has so much meaning to me and I can't believe that i am lucky enough to be meeting all of these amazing people and being able to sing with them completely over does the overwhelming feeling.

It's unbelievable.

There's a long pause to set up All Time Low's set, so Tay and I head backstage. We can get our spots back anyways. "Kell!" I walk up to give him a quick kiss and hug, but pull back quickly because we are both sweaty and disgusting. "You did great." He gives me a smirk.

"Well, yeah! Of course I did." A chuckle errupts from me. I spot Alex talking to Jack, so I head over and give him a hug.

"I'm having a great time. Thank you so much for inviting us."

"No problem. But I need to ask you something quickly." I give him a questioning look. "Will you sing Remembering Sunday onstage with me? Please?" My eyes go wide.

"Oh my God, of course! Thank you so much Alex!" Jack comes up, shaking my hand.

"I'm Jack. You're dating Kellin right?" I nod. "Well it's going to be great having you up on stage with us. Good luck." He may be a goofball in the internet world, but when it comes to business, he's such a sweetheart. I grin, grabbing Kellin and Tay's arm, dragging them out into the crowd with me.

I instantly regret it because girls we grabbing onto him with me standing right there. We weren't exactly in the crowd, but in-between the barrier and stage. Security removes girls that try touching him. I used to be one of them. I laugh at the thought, because I used to love it when band members came to this spot by the stage.

Jack, Rian, and Zack all head onto the stage, and I smirk when Alex comes out. Soon enough, the set starts, and Vic comes out to do A Love Like War. Remembering how just earlier today I was hanging out with half of these people, recording songs with them.

All of a sudden, everything slows down when Alex calls my name. "And to do this next song with me, I would like to introduce Maria Carter to the stage!" The feeling is so surreal to have everyone scream out of complete happiness. I never expected any of this to happen. I head to the stairs, walking up them and onto the stage, feeling a bit nervous.

I grab an extra microphone during the process, and sit on a stool next to Alex. He gives me a big smile before the chords from the guitar sound out the entire arena.


He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes
Started making his way past 2 in the morning
He hasn't been sober for days

(Alex & Maria)

Leaning now into the breeze
Remembering Sunday, he falls to his knees
They had breakfast together
But two eggs don't last
Like the feeling of what he needs


Now this place seems familiar to him
She pulled on his hand with a devilish grin
She led him upstairs, she led him upstairs
Left him dying to get in

(Alex & Maria)

Forgive me, I'm trying to find
My calling, I'm calling at night
I don't mean to be a bother,
But have you seen this girl?
She's been running through my dreams
And it's driving me crazy, it seems
I'm going to ask her to marry me


Even though she doesn't believe in love,
He's determined to call her bluff
Who could deny these butterflies?
They're filling his gut


Waking the neighbors, unfamiliar faces
He pleads though he tries
But he's only denied
Now he's dying to get inside


Forgive me, I'm trying to find
My calling, I'm calling at night
I don't mean to be a bother,
But have you seen this girl?
She's been running through my dreams
And it's driving me crazy, it seems
I'm going to ask her to marry me

(Alex & Maria)

The neighbors said she moved away
Funny how it rained all day
I didn't think much of it then
But it's starting to all make sense
Oh, I can see now that all of these clouds
Are following me in my desperate endeavor
To find my whoever, wherever she may be


I'm not coming back (forgive me)
I've done something so terrible
I'm terrified to speak (I'm not calling, I'm not calling)
But you'd expect that from me
I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt, now the rain is just (You're driving me crazy, I'm)
Washing you out of my hair and out of my mind
Keeping an eye on the world,
From so many thousands of feet off the ground, I'm over you now
I'm at home in the clouds, and towering over your head


Well I guess I'll go home now...
I guess I'll go home now...
I guess I'll go home now...


I guess I'll go home

I look out into the crowd to see thousands of camera's flashing and recording the moment Alex holds up my hand. The crowd screams, which surprises me. I didn't think I did all that great. "Give it up for Maria, ladies and gentlemen!" The crowd screams louder, making me smile big.

Everything is so surreal. How did I get so lucky?

I exit the stage after saying thank you, and head back into the crowd and join Tay. She gives me a big hug, and soon fans join in. I thank all of the fans who tell me that I did great, also signing a few papers.

After the show ends, I put my hair up and follow Tay backstage to meet Kellin. "Do you want to go get the tattoo right now?" I'm taken aback by him.

"Right now? I'm all hot and sweaty Kell!"

"Please?" He pouts, his eyes staring into mine. Why does he do this to me?

"Fine." He smiles, pecking my cheek. Tay says goodbye to Alan, and we head out to the car. Driving to the tattoo shop was nerve wrecking. I only have three so far, so it's still a bit scary but also exciting. I already have in mind what I want, so I don't need to take forever to pick.

When entering the shop, Tay gasps. She has never been to a tattoo shop, and definitely hasn't got a tattoo so everything is a bit surprising for her. "Hey guys. I'm Jake, and I will be doing your guys' tattoos tonight. How may I help you?" Kellin walks up, discussing prices since he already knows what i'm getting.

After he's done, I head up, since mine's simple and will probably take only about twenty minutes tops. "I want a small heart right on the inside of my pointer finger." I show him where, and he grins at me.

"Alright, follow me." I head to the back with him, walking into a room and he shuts the door.

After thirty five minutes of pain, and numb tingles, my tattoo is finished. He wraps it up and sends me out. "How does it look? Did it hurt? Are you okay?" Tay shoots questions at me, and I giggle at her.

"No, it doesn't hurt Tay. Here." I show her and Kellin comes over to join her.

"That's cool looking babe." I blush at his comment, heading out to the car after Kellin pays. I tried to pay, but he simply wouldn't let me, which was really frustrating.

Once arriving home, Kellin and I leave Tay downstairs and head into my room to take showers. Once we are both dried off and laying in bed, he starts nibbling my neck. "Kellin? Kell- oh my God." I moan as he sucks on my sweetspot.

"Do you like that?" He smirks, knowing exactly what he's doing to me. I nod my head quickly and he rolls over, straddling my waist. Kellin leans down, pressing his pink lips to my own. I wrap my legs around his waist; the need to feel every piece of clothing off of his body becomes stronger.

I know where this is heading, and I don't want to stop.


A/N: i hope all you little sexual fucks like the next chapter because SMUT WILL APPEAR

peace out xx -Saisha

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