Back To You (Thranduil Fanfic)

By xTheExecuter

163K 5.3K 1.6K

"What do you mean a child jumped off the bridge?" This is where young Lúthien's story continues, after experi... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One
Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Part Twenty Seven
Part Twenty Eight
Part Twenty Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty One

Part Six

7.8K 264 112
By xTheExecuter


"I know you're hiding, why do insist on staying up so late to read these stories, when you have all the time in the world?"

"Because I don't have all the time in the world." She said refusing to tear her eyes away from the story "And I'm not hiding, I'm sitting in this corner so grumpy old elves don't bother me."

"Yes, well you have lots of time to read. But an elfling like you needs rest."

"No please, I need to finish this chapter!" Lúthien pleaded

"All right Lúthien, but as soon as you're done, I am taking you straight to your chambers. And you must promise to stay there." Thranduil said sternly

"Whaaat? Are you saying I leave my room?"

"You think I am unaware of your whereabouts? I know you sneak out of your room periodically to come up here and read."

"But this library is filled with millions of stories I have not read yet! How could I not?"

"You will get your sleep Lúthien, I will make sure of that. Even if it means I need to stay by your side the entire night."

"But then you won't get your sleep, and you're the King of this realm. If I'm not mistaken, it is you who needs the most sleep. If you do not, the Kingdom may fall."

"Enough of your sarcasm child! Read your story or I will take it from you and spoil the ending by reading it out loud." Lúthien gasped in shock and disgust

"How could you say such a horrible thing!?"

"Read!" Thranduil pointed at her book, sitting down in a chair across the table

"Whatever you say your wickedness."

"What did you say?!"

"Just that this book is so utterly fascinating." She was quick to return to her book, flipping the pages constantly.

Thranduil was proud of how much his Lurielním had grown in her short time here in the Kingdom. When she first arrived, she had been completely illiterate and now, she was reading comely stories that not even he had bother to read. He often enjoyed watching Lúthien read, it was amazing how quickly she could finish an entire series of books in just a few days time. Thranduil respected her love for a books, he often wished he loved to read as much as her when he was a child. Now he just didn't have the time to read as much. His favorite part about her enjoyment of reading was whenever she'd finish a story, it would be all Lúthien would talk about. She'd go into depth about what she had read and how much the plot impacted her thoughts and emotions. There were times though, that he wished she didn't read as much. Especially whenever Lúthien would read a story she didn't understand or wasn't supposed to read.

Of course he didn't know every single book in his library and he wasn't there all the time to know what she was reading exactly. There was an incident once where she had read a book about a boy who killed himself because he was cursed to feel no emotion. So he thought that maybe he'd at least be able to feel death. And the story ended with him in the afterlife and he had got what he wished for, to feel something. But the catch was that he was now cursed to be lonely, and he wandered endlessly through darkness.

Thranduil didn't understand why it upset her so. It was just a story to him, but to her, it was more than that. And when he asked her why she had shed tears for this book, she answered simply, "I do not shed tears for this book, I weep because all the boy wanted was to be loved and now he's wondering around in the darkness all alone. I want to accompany him Thranduil!"

"No Lurielním, don't say such things." He said gently, putting the book aside and placing her on his lap

"He's scared! I don't want him to be lonely anymore, please I just want to see him smile." She spoke softly, tears continued spilling from her eyes "Why can't he be happy?"

"Please Lúthien, do not cry over this measly book. It isn't real." He pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her little frame.

"Then why do I feel so sad?" She attempted looking up at him, but he quickly placed his palm on the back of her head, holding it in place beneath his chin. God, he hated seeing her like this, it made him want to scream in rage. All he wanted was for her to be safe and well. And here she is sobbing over some book, he'd eventually have to burn it so Lúthien would never have to experience this again.

"Don't you ever say that again. Promise me you'll never go to darkness Lurielním...." she only responded with a few sniffles. Thranduil said, letting go of her so that he could get a good look at her face. Once he could regain his composure, he looked Lúthien in the eye, searching for conformation. "Promise me?" He asked wiping the final tear from her cheek.

"I promise."


                            ~6 months later~

It was nearly dawn when Lúthien had awaken from her surreal dream. She had fallen asleep at her desk, on top of her Dwarvish Literature book. One of the many things that came along with her exile was to learn variety of different languages. The candle that was lit had begun to dim, the wax melting with every passing minute.

Lúthien sat up sluggishly, pushing back the messy strands of hair that covered her face. After a few moments of sitting in silence, she finally decided to get up and start her chores early.

"Lizzie can you please fetch some eggs from the chicken coop."

"Lúthien already did that, the basket of eggs is on the counter. She even fed the chickens."

"Oh really? And the milk?"

"I'm assuming she already milked the cows because there's a fresh pale sitting right there, she even milked the goats too. Can you believe she's fed all the animals, Lúthien is one hard worker."

"Well how easy has she been up?"

"Well...I sort of promised her I wouldn't say..."

"Lizzie.." Loraine warned, placing her hands on her hips

"Ohhh okay fine. She said she's been up since before the sun."

"My word! That girl will tire herself out from working so hard!"

"She's not like humans mum, she's a lot stronger."

"And how do you know this?"

"She told me, the only reason she hasn't mentioned it is because she doesn't want to make Will and Peter look bad."

"She sure is disciplined that's for certain." Loraine said watching Lúthien carry two hay bales from the shack to the barn.

"Morning mum." Will came walking into the kitchen along with Peter, both of them seemed a little groggy.

"Now wha? You're just going to start waking up whenever you feel like it now?"

"Mum it's nearly ten, what are you going on about?"

"You're supposed to be up at seven and staring your chores! Lúthien has already finished yours, you numbskulls!"

"And she's almost down with hers." Lizzie cut in

"Oh shut it Lizzie! Its too early for your nonsense!"

"You boys have been slacking ever since Lúthien's arrival. She can't do it all herself you know. It takes a lot more than just an elf to run this farm."

"On the contrary mum, she's been doing great so far."

"Get your asses out of here! I don't care what you do, just do something." Loraine said slapping both of them behind the head "I want this house cleaned before noon!"

"Mum!!! Are you mad!?"

The boys finished cleaning the house, not before noon of course, but they completed their task eventually. When they did stop to take a break, Will could see Lúthien loading supplies into the wagon that their shire horse was hooked up to. In which he immediately, walked out side with a glass of water.

"Here. I think you might need this." Will said holding up the glass, she took it graciously.

"You're right, I did need that. Thank you Will." Lúthien said, continuing her work

"You know you work harder than any farm boy I've ever met. My mother says you're the most disciplined person she's ever met."

"I'm still learning discipline, it's not one of my favorable traits. The only reason I'm here is because I lack discipline."

"Well despite what you've told me before, you seem to be doing well."

"If I had the fortune of rethinking my choices, I would have. But now I must live with the consequences of my actions."


As the months continued rolling forward, the more open Lúthien became. Before she was confined to the Woodland Realm, but as of now she felt like she could go anywhere and do anything.

Of course she kept up the hard work, not just on the farm but in her studies as well. Lúthien didn't just excel, she flourished with all the knowledge she had been consuming. She learned all the languages of middle earth, including a few dead ones (which she learned on her own) And at the same time she was learning to fight in all sorts of different styles using complicit techniques.

Even though it was rough, for Lúthien it was also rewarding. With every passing day she learned or experiences something new and different. Whether it was learning to fight with a heavy axe, or with just her hands. Reading complicated text in another language. And when it got tiring, all she needed to tell herself was that she'd never get anything similar to this back in Mirkwood.

Lizzie, Peter and Will all grew closer to Lúthien, so much so that they even called her family. She didn't remember what it was like to have one such as this, it made her feel a sort of happiness she had never felt before.

Whenever they weren't working, training or studying, all four of them would sometimes build a huge fire in the fireplace and sit around and talk about their plans for the future. Lizzie wanted to be a princess, as for Will and Peter...They wanted to run off and join a group of pirates. The two of them dreamed of  seeing the ocean and discovering something other the grassy hills.

There was this one time though, on the Eve of Lúthien's birthday that Will caught her acting strangely. She hadn't said much that day supper time came, she asked to be excused. After Will had dismissed eating, he had gone to check up on her. He became worried when he heard no response after knocking three times. So out of worry, Will walked in and realized that she wasn't there he panicked.

"Lúthien?" Will asked, his tone shaky


Will turned around to see that her face was in the window. She had been sitting in the roof the entire time, Lúthien was fine.

"What are you doing our there?"

"I um." She began, pressing her lips together "I'm admiring the sky." Lúthien turned around to look back up at the heavens

"May I join you?"

"Of course, please sit."

"What are you waiting for Lúthien?" She didn't reply, she only stared at the sky. "You know, I've always wondered." Will began "Why you always appear so sad, even in your happiest moments."

"I'm not going to lie, the life I left behind was a good one. I mourn for it sometimes, but only briefly because I know the one I have now is even better."

"And what is it you're waiting for?"


"Come here little spirit, there's something I want you to pay very close attention to."

"And what's that?"

"Tonight is very special, do you know why?" Lúthien shook her head in confusion

"It's a very important night because it's the eve  of your birthday. Here in my kingdom, ones birth is something to be celebrated for days on end. And on the eve of such an occasion, you light a lantern just like this one." The King said, holding up the lantern. "You say everything that you're grateful for and retell your fondest memories you've had in the past year. Right before you send it up to the Valar, you say one thing that you're hopeful for in the year to come." 

"Woah..." Lúthien said in awe as Thranduil lit the lantern. The flame flickered, sending rays of light in all directions. "Pretty..."

"Come on, let's send this one to the heavens." The King smiled down at her before rising to open the balcony doors.

Lúthien watched as his tall frame rose from the bed, making his way over to the doors in just a few short strides. When he opened them though, the cool air rushed in sending chills up her spine. Thranduil stood in the center of the balcony, awaiting her presence. But as he stood there in the darkness, with only the lantern to protect him from the beasts, Lúthien grew apprehensive. When he looked back into the bedroom, he could see her little figure holding onto the edge of the bed frame.

"Lúthien?" He said simply "What is the matter?"

"The darkness, you mustn't go out there! The beasts will find you!"  The King chuckled to himself softly.

"Do not be afraid." Thranduil said, getting down on one knee "Come into my arms, I will protect you from the darkness."

Lúthien let go of the bed frame and cautiously began making her way over to the doors. Once she was in the threshold, the King held out his hand for her to take. Hesitantly, she inched closer to him, eventually taking his hand. And in one gentle sweep, Thranduil picked her up, holding her safely against his chest.

"I promise you, that where we stand now, is far from darkness."


"You're going to have to trust me now, won't you my Lurielním?" Even though she trusted him with all her being, she was still afraid of the darkness. Lúthien clung to his robes like a tiny kitten. "Do you place your trust in me?" She gave a small nod in response

"Alright then..." he smiled, and brought the lantern closer to her with his other hand "hold onto the lantern now, we cannot have it flying away before it's time now can we?"

"Lúthien what are you thankful for?"

"I am thankful for being taken in and saved. I'm thankful for being accepted here in your kingdom."

"And your favorite memory?"

"When you have me my bunny!" Thranduil chuckled again, smiling to himself

"And your hopes?"

Lúthien paused momentarily, thinking hard about the question being asked.

"I hope...that I get to live a long happy life here in Mirkwood. And that I'll always have you here to take care of me."

"Very well, shall we let this lantern go then?"

"No, no no! Don't!" She said terrified

"What's the matter? Don't you want to let it go?"

"But if you do, our light will be gone. The darkness-"

"Shhhhh Lurielním, I am here with you. You have nothing to fear. I can promise you that we won't be in total darkness."



The two of them lifted the lantern above their heads before letting go. Lúthien watched as the only light protecting her from the darkness floated away. But she trusted the King with all of her being, his presence was quite comforting. When she continued watching the lantern fly away, Lúthien realized that her surroundings indeed got darker. After a while of letting her keen eyes adjust to the the darkness, little while sparkles in the sky became visible. They were becoming so bright, she felt like she could almost grab one and hold it in the palm of her hand. Lúthien got so excited about the beautiful stars, she had completely forgotten how afraid she was of the dark. In those moments of Lúthien's excitement, Thranduil couldn't have been happier. Seeing his little spirit in awe of those magnificent stars, he wished she could stay so little forever. He quite enjoyed spending his days with her, with Lúthien his life seemed less dull and full of life. He too had hoped that he could care for her forever. But he knew that was not likely to happen, though he'd enjoy these moments for the time being.


"Where I come from, on the Eve of ones light a lantern and basically say everything you're grateful for and retell the fondest memories you've had in your last year. After, you say one thing that you're hopeful for before letting it float off into the darkness."

"So you're waiting to see a lantern?"

"No, even with my keen sight, I could never see a lantern from this far away. Not all the way from Mirkwood. I'm looking at the stars." She said simply

"They're quite pretty, I must say that I don't often stop to look at them."

"I hope to become a star one day, looking down at the world below."

"Become a star?"

"That's what I hope will happen to me, yes." After a few moments of silence, Lúthien stood up and climbed back into her room with Will not following to far behind.

Lúthien didn't fall asleep that night, she had been to busy recalling all of her favorite memories from this past year. She often thought of Thranduil and how he was doing. Sometimes she wished he'd come to her in a dream, but of course it never happened. She wasn't going to see him again.

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