Once Lost... Twice Forgotten

By KaylaArd

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Once Lost... Twice Forgotten
Chapter one : Rude Awakening (2 yrs later)
Chapter Two: Mates? HA NO!!
Chapter Three: Starting Over
Chapter Five: Sad Story
Chapter six : Not Forever
Chapter Seven: Stary Night
Chapter 8 Never gone???
Chapter nine Lost

Chapter Four: Many Moons

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By KaylaArd

I dont know how long i slept, but it felt like ages. I listened to the soft pitter patter of the rain and the soft breathing beside me. Ari must have gotten scared and came in here with me, ever since i met her she has been afraid of storms. She moved and wrapped her arm around my waist, hold on this was a muscular arm. I looked at the face and saw the chissled features of a man, i looked at the wall infront of me and saw my daggers. I leaped into the air grabbed the daggers, one in each hand, and ran back to the man in my bed. He only moved when i placed one of the daggers to his throught and the other poised to strick him in the heart.

"What the... oh its just you." he said relaxing

I presssed the daggers further into his skin and he winced, i couldent reconise this man but my wolf surly did. She was prancing around and trying to get me to stop and let him hold me, to try and let him explain. I know he could see the battle in my eyes, but i could see in his that he liked the way i was croutched (strattling him). Ugg men always had one thing on there mind even with daggers at their heart, sheesh.

"Who are you and what are you ding in my bed?!" i shouted at him

"Well you  know who i am and why i am here... fine its me eric ,your mate i might add.", i pressed the daggers drawing blood when he said mate, "I followed you here caouse you seemed upset, and when you fell asleep i was going to leave but the storm him and i couldnt see crap. Then when Ari came home she let me stay in your room."

I knew he was telling the truth, but some part of me said that if i back down he would see me as week.

Kya i know someone has hurt you in the past but the past is the past you have to get over it, and trust me... your mine and no one else will have you i wont let any one hurt you again

What do you know Eric! You didnt get beat by your father for three years the shift intio you enemys wolf!

I could see the astomoshment on his face when i said that.

Yeah eric thats right my mother slept with another man then when i shifted at the year two she left the next day, and my fathers beatings got worse the only time he ever spoke to me was when i did something bad! and you want me to trust people again just ask Ari how long it took me to trust her!! Ask the rogue pack!!  But dont you ever tell me to trust you so far all you have done is make me feal like i dont belong!! so you know what you can go to hell for al i care!!

I slashed one dagger down the side of his face and jumpped off of him, i ran through the window with tears streaming down my face.

"KYA!!" it was Ari\

I almost turned around when i heard his voice talking to her, the closest tree to me held holsters for my daggers i put the holsters on my back and slide the daggers in. I shifted and ran over the border to the rising dawn pack, I knew they smelled me becouse they started howling. I didnt care i kept running, I soon lost my self in the run. The only thing that mattered was the sound of my heart beat, the rain falling off of tree leaves and hitting my fur. It was like slow motion, the crackle of light in hte sky, the thunderous boom, and the lightning stricking a near by tree. I jummped out of my trance just in time to see the tree that was struck fall in a ball of flames. The rain did nothing to stop the fire from spreading, i turned and ran as fast as i could away from the quickly sperading flames. It was like someone poored down lighter fluid and lit a match.

The sound of tumbleing came through my skull, i knewi was falling down a revine. The pain shot up through my leg and to the tip of my tail, i tried to run but stummbled. I came to the conclusion my leg was broken, the sound of flames approtched slowly. They came over the edge of the ravine from all sides, it looked like a wave of lava eruptiing from a valcano. It was soon at the bottom were i was standing, I tried to run but the smoke invaded my sences. I was soon  surrounded by the flames and the smoke was makeing me light headed, i colapsed in the ravine. The flames circled around me tounting me to run so they could engulf me.

I could barly hear it over the rore of the flames, a howl. My heart lept i knew who it was, eric was here but to late. The flames were to close, i knew i wouldnt make it mutch longer. I looke at the top of the ravine and saw a figure a wolf, thoug it looked familerar i could not place it.

doughter walk with me the flames will not touch you, even if they do it will not burn.

who are you and why do you say they will not hurt me

Kya marie i am your mother and please belive me when i tell you they will not harm you

well news flash "mother" i cant climb my leg is broken

i didnt notice the fog from my mond gone.

you are my daughter you can do anything

I slowly looked around the flames were no longer teaseing they were portecting, the smoke was no longer fogging it was clearing my mind. I slowly stood forgetting about my leg and colapsed, i looked at my mother and growled at her in frustration. The only thing she did was roll her eyes at me, i say her look behind her and shake her head torwards me. I looked down at the ground and tryed to get up, i almost fell again if another wolf hadnt helped me stand.

walk forward kya it is the only way to get home

i have no home

i looked at him with sad eyes and found eric behind them.

with me you will have a home you will have everything you never did you will have someone love you from as long as we live i will portect you with my life i know you may not love me kya but i love you and i will wait for you to love me back no matter how long it takes

I hadnt relized we stopped until he talked no longer

eh hmm do you mind get ing your love bird butts up here i have some esplanen to do

And with that my mother left us. 

come on you first i will help you from behind.

I started up the ravin only to slide backward, true to his words he putt his head to my back side and pushed me up the hill. Each step was pure agony, but fifteen minuts later.

Follow me doughter we have things to talk about

Mother what about Ariela is she ok

Kya she is in the hospital with sevear burns

is she ok eric what will happen to her

Why should you care doughter she is a low lifemy doughter shouldent be playing with that pup

My mother walked off and down a hill i was ready to leap and attck her when eric stepped infront of me.

she is not worth it lets just deal with her later.

fine have it your way

i walked ,limped, beside eric down the hill. He had to get in front of me to keep me from falling, we finally got to the village. We got to the village that would change my life forever.

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