~.:Fictional to Nonfictional...

By Spearist

137K 6.1K 3.8K

Being an Otaku and living by yourself is hard. You would wish that your life could be just like your favorite... More

The Mysterious Man.
A New world.
A New World Pt. 2
Things are different here.
Living Together.
Knowing You.
Sudden caring.
Unexpected encounter
The New Man
The idiots and an Uchiha.
Questions left Unanswered..
Tremors Part 2.
Tremors pt. 3
Tremors Pt. 4
Tremors Pt. 5
Tremors: Final
Madara's Little Task.
Little Gift.
An unexpected Call.
Arrival Of the CEO
Open House.
Family Times.
Final Decision. (Updated)


4.9K 228 124
By Spearist


Due to things happening here on my end, the next chapter will be update later. For now, enjoy this mini side series from a series I personally enjoy~!

Third P.o.v

You stretched as the movie you five were watching, was now over. Shoyo enjoyed this series calles Tremors. You did not care for these movies, but agreed to watch it anyways.

You turned your head to the three travelers, as each one held an unsure expression

"Madara, Hashi, Tobi?"

You called out to the three of them. Harshirama slowly lowered his head, shaking terribly. Both Tobirama and Madara held a disgusted reaction from it. Their faces turned in a grim and dark as they did the same as Hashirama.

"There are things like those giant ass reptile or whatever they are, that eat us?!"

Hashirama yelled out and fell back on the little blankets behind you all.

"Nii-san... I am sure those things do not exist... Right... Shoyo... (F/n)?"

Madara looked towards you and Shoyo, both waiting for confirmation. Shoyo laughs and you do as well.

"I promise you, this is just a fictional movie. There is no way those insects exist. You three on the other hand, are execptional. You all can calm down. Right (F/n)?"

You nodded and stood up from your spot. Stretching more from the lack of no movement in a while.

"He is right, Graboids are something we made up to provide entertainment for those who enjoy these type of series. Kind of like Jurassic Park, Terminator, Walking Dead, etc. There is no absolute way they would exist."

Hashirama quickly stands up, running towards you and places his hands on your shoulders. He then begins to shake you like crazy, as if the world going to end.

"Are you sure (F/n)?! We were also Fictional too! What if these Grabiods come to life and start going on a rampage, eating everyone they could get!?! We three were trained since the day we could walk and talk, but you and Shoyo don't know anything so we couldn't protect you two from those things!!IfthosethingssomehowgettousYoutwocouldntkeepupwithusandmightgetconsumebythosethings!!Wearenotfastenoughtosaveyouortheotherand-"

Tobirama smacked Hashirama's head, as he lets go of you. Madara places his hands on your shoulder, providing support to your dizzy self.

"Idiot, if (F/n) and Shoyo said these things does not exist. Have some trust in them."

Madara sighs after he scolded Hashirama a bit. You soon shook your head, ridding of the dizziness and turn towards Madara. A smile forms on you, letting Madara know that you are fine.

"Whoa! It's passed 3 in the morning! I didn't think we would stay up that late... Hey (F/n) mind spending the night here, I am only 5 minutes away from the school on foot. That way, you can sleep till 7:30."

You nod your head, a small yawn came from you as the four followed your lead.

"Guess that means it's time to catch some Z's!"

You said in a cheerful yet tired voice. The other four nod and Shoyo informed you that you can have his room. He can sleep in the living room with the other three. Well mostly because, someone needs to watch them too.

You head towards his room, taking the white t-shirt and shorts Shoyo gave you. As you entered the room, closing the door behind you, you then undressed and redressed in the spare clothes.

"At least I brought some spare clothes for tomorrow... Kind of glad our school has a free day. I do not have to worry about my uniform.."

You yawned once again, crawling into Shoyo's bed, getting under the blankets and falling asleep. Little did you know, something was about to happen to you 5 tomorrow...

The Next morning, a loud bang was heard from the door. You groaned from the noise but decided to get up anyways. You slowly approached the door, grabbing the knob and twisting it to open it up. You rubbed your eye, still filled with drowsiness and a small yawn escaped your lips.

"(F/n)! We are late for school! Its 7:55!! Hurry up or we'll be late!!"

Your whole body finally was awake, due to the word late being used. You slammed the door in front of Shoyo's face and quickly grabbed your spare clothes before darting out of the room.

Finally getting dress and ready for the day, Shoyo and you were running toward the front door. Madara and Tobirama both were awoken by the hassle you and Shoyo made. You turned to them as you were heading out of the door.

"You three be good! I do not want to see Shoyo's house in a mess again! Do you hear me!"

Both adults nodded and you quickly closed the door, running to catch up with Shoyo.

Madara P.o.v

I looked to the left side of me, as tooth brush and I stared at each other for quite a bit. We heard a groan and instantly looked down toward the idiot who was now waking up.

"Oh... Good morning Tobirama and Madara.... You know... I had the strangest dream ever... Those bugs that we saw from the movie.... They came alive and I kept one as a pet~!"

I blinked at the idiot's stupid dream... We all should know you can't keep a Grabiod as a pet... They've even shown the reason why. Those things are dangerous, so why would he be able to keep one as a pet..?

"Nii-San, you do remember what happen when they did keep one... As a pet... Right?"

I watched as Hashirama's face turned from that child cheerful face... Into a frightened one. Tch, and that idiot suppose to be my rival...

I decided to look for the remote, curious of what today's weather will be like. Also to keep update with this world's technology or discovery they have. Who knows, probably politics are arguing over useless things again.

Once I found the remote, I turned on the T.V and changed the channel to the news. While I landed on the news, I walked over to the kitchen and started to make Coffee. I never knew I would ever like Coffee, especially the dark one. What's it called again..?

"Oi Madara!! Come look at this, it's very strange!"

I walked back into the living room, seeing the idiot and toothbrush staring at the screen. I also notice they were serious about something.

"What is it Hashirama?"

I saw him point at the T.V and I trailed my eye over to it.

"We've recieved numerous reports of gaint insect creatures like seeming to be roaming around in the city. We have no clue what these things could be, but they are considered to be very dangerous. I recommend that everyone either stay inside or-"

The next thing we know it, something grabs the news reporter person. It took her into the sky, as the cameraman takes off. The live report there then cuts off, as the main reporters seemed to be shocked.

Toothbrush turns off the T.V, as silence entered the room. We all looked at each other, blinking.

"W.... Was that....."


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