Perfectly Imperfect | Kellin...

By warpedtuor

9.3K 126 42

Marie Alexandria Carter and her best friend Taylor Marie Emmerson go to Warped Tour having the time of their... More

Chapter 1- Meet Marie
Chapter 2- Warped Tour Part 1
Chapter 3- Warped Tour Part 2
Chapter 4- Back to School We Go
Chapter 5- Making Up For Lost Time
Chapter 6- All School Picture Goes Wrong
A/N: Society Is So Cruel
Chapter 7- Mayday
Chapter 8- Tickets
Chapter 9- Terror on 27
Chapter 10- Concert Time
Chapter 11- Happy Halloween
Chapter 12- Suspended
Chapter 13- Winter Break Part 1
Chapter 14- Winter Break Part 2
Chapter 15- Truth Be Told
Chapter 16- Youtube
Chapter 17- Business
Chapter 18- Megafest
Chapter 19- That Little Kiss You Stole
Chapter 20- Recording
Chapter 21- With You By My Side
Chapter 22- I'll Be Right Here Waiting
Chapter 23- All You Wanted Was Me
Author's Note: Sorry Not Sorry (Not A Chapter)
Chapter 24- We Are All Sinners & The Blackest Beautiful
Chapter 25- This Heart Is Yours
Chapter 26- Sweet Serenity
Chapter 27- This Generation Needs A Hero
Chapter 29- Give Me Therapy, I'm A Walking Travesty
Chapter 30- Hold Me Close

Chapter 28- Your Love Makes Me Stronger

109 2 2
By warpedtuor

Song: Rhyme Or Reason by Closure To Closure (Kellin Quinn)

Chapter 28- Your Love Makes Me Stronger

-Maria's POV-

"So why did you call us over?" Ben asks as him and Danny sit on the couch in front of Kellin and I.

"I wanted to discuss Warped Tour." They nod, urging me on. "First of all. I would really like to go on tour, so i accept the offer. Second, I would only want to go to the Michigan date and on because I want sometime after recording to myself and then start touring. Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah! But how many days until the Michigan date?" Danny asks.

"19 days. Kellin has already agreed to do a couple songs with me." I smile at them, Ben nodding.

"Great! Are you going to announce it?" Ben asks.

"Yeah, probably later tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for the offer. I don't think I would be where I am now without any of you." I give them a smile, and they return one.

I'm going to be performing at Warped Tour. Woah.

-Ben's POV-

I glare at Kellin who is whispering things in Maria's ear, her giggling and squirming under his grip. I honestly don't understand why she has to like him. I want her, and I always get what I want.

Maybe her going to Warped Tour will help. Maybe I can get her to be mine.


-Maria's POV-

Kellin has just got off the phone with Kevin Lyman, the man in charge of Warped Tour, and has now informed me that I will be playing Acoustic Basement for July 18th and up. I screamed, hugging him tightly and kiss him passionately on the lips.

I couldn't ask for a more perfect boyfriend.

 Here, we are, sitting on the patio outside, watching the sunset as Danny and Ben play soccer in the grass. What surprises me is to see Tay and Alan walk outside, joining us in the chairs. Clearly those two had some fun last night, if you know what I mean.

"You fucking suck Danny!" Ben screams, grabbing the ball and throwing it at the ground when Danny scored a goal. 

"Shuddup, you fucking idiot." Danny responds, making Kellin laugh out loud, and look up at him, my amused smile catching his attention. He just gives me a questioning look, making me stare at him.

And I knew in that moment that I loved him, and i wouldn't want to be with anyone else. He makes me happy and I can't believe I am able to be with someone as special as he is. He means the absolute world to me.

I love him so fucking much. 

"What?" Kell asks, taking a sip of his drink.

"I love you Kellin." He gives me a breathtaking smile, leaning in and pressing his plump lips to my own. I wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. He pulls away, pressing a quick kiss to my temple before turning back to watching Danny and Ben.

"I love you too Maria." I give him a small smile.

The thought comes back to me of being on tour with Ben all summer. He can't, and won't have me. I don't even like him. Sure, he may be hot as fuck but that doesn't mean that I want to be with him. I love Kellin, and I would never have any intentions of ruining what we have together.

Kellin gets up, and heads inside, along with Danny, Tay, and Alan. Why am I always stuck with Ben? Damn it. "What are you thinking about love?" I turn around to see Ben heading towards a seat next to me.

"Nothing." I mutter, not wanting to talk to him.

"Tour is going to be great with you on it. We are going to have lots of fun together." He wiggles his eyebrows, making me sit up and head inside. Why can't he just leave me alone and take the hint that I don't like him? Now I see why Danny calls him an idiot.

"Hey Ben. We have to leave. Sam called us saying he wants to start recording the new album." Danny says, making Ben grabs his things and head out of the door after thanking us for having them over and sent a wink my way.

"Do you want to go finish recording the last two songs with the last two artists?" Kellin asks, making me jump up from the couch.

"Yes! But I need to get ready first, okay?" He nods, going back to scrolling on his phone. I head upstairs and hop into the shower.

-Hour & A Half Later-

I honestly look really good. 

My outfit is completed with some black ripped high waisted shorts and a white crop top with black combat boots. My hair is curled, with my bangs pulled back in a low, half ponytail, letting my ear piercings show. My belly button ring is in, along with my lip stud, and all of my tattoos are on show. 

I look hot. 

I grab my iPhone and cross-body bag, slinging it tightly over my shoulder before meeting Kellin in the living room. He stares at me, and that's the exact expression I expected out of him. "You're so fucking beautiful." He kisses my cheek as we lock up and get into the car, driving to the studio.

"So I was thinking that as a reward for finishing your first album, we go and get another tattoo." He gives me a smirk.

"Are you serious? You're the best. You know that?" I tell him as we reach the studio. He just nods his head, making me giggle. "I'm honestly so excited to meet Vic. I haven't saw him since Warped last year."

"Now don't go ditching me babe." Kellin says in a serious tone.

"I would never do that." I kiss his cheek before opening up the door to Vic and Shayley. Oh my God.

"Maria! It's been a long time. Kellin won't stop talking about you when he's texting me. It's quite annoying. Alex is here somewhere. He should be back any min-" I cut him off with a hug but quickly pull away.

"Alex Gaskarth is here? Oh my God. Why?" I ask in excitment. He nods his head.

"Yeah, of course. He wanted to join me since he doesn't have anything else to do. Well, until our concert tonight of course." I look at him in confusion.

"What concert?"

"It's a random concert with Of Mice and Men, Pierce the Veil, and my band, All Time Low." Alex joins the conversation, making me smile big.

"I wish I could go, damn it." I pout when Kellin laughs at me.

"Well you're in luck, because I have backstage passes right here. Three actually. Would you like to come?" Alex asks, and the smile grows bigger on my face, if that's even possible. I quckly take them, setting them in my purse.

"Hell yes! Kell, you and Tay are coming with me." Kellin just nods his head. "Now, before this concert, let's get my recording finished, okay?" Shayley stands up, heads over and shakes my hand.

"I'm Shayley. Do you have a song in mind that you want to do?" I smile, nodding my head.

"Yeah, My Understandings?" He agrees, and I follow him into the recording booth. Kellin starts the recording, and it's my cue to start singing.


I don't mind it, I don't mind if you're overrated
Or if you're staring at the edge of the world.


Keep in mind that I'm a sore eye with blurry vision.
But I can see it has to be you love, that I've been dreaming of.


And if we climb this high, I swear we'll never die.

(Shayley & Maria)

I don't mind it, I don't mind if you're overrated
Or if you're staring at the edge of the world.
Keep in mind that I'm a sore eye with blurry vision.
But I can see it has to be you love, that I've been dreaming of.
And if we climb this high, I swear we'll never die.


I'll never die.

"Fuck, that was better than the original version." Shay says, letting out a nervous laugh.

"I don't think so. The original will always be better." I say, having Shay leave and pull Alex and Vic in. "We're doing A Love Like War, alright?" Vic smirks.

"Sounds great." I give Kell a thumbs up, making him start the instrumental.


Make a wish on our sorry little hearts
Have a smoke, pour a drink, steal a kiss in the dark
Fingernails on my skin like the teeth of a shark
I'm intoxicated by the lie


In the chill of your stare I am painfully lost
Like a deer in the lights of an oncoming bus
For the thrill of your touch I will shamefully lust
As you tell me we're nothing but trouble


Heart's on fire tonight
Feel my bones ignite

(Alex & Maria)

Feels like war, war
Feels like war, war


Heart's on fire tonight
Feel my bones ignite

(Alex & Maria)

Feels like war, war
Feels like war, war


We go together or we don't go down at all
We go together or we don't go down at all
We go together or we don't go down at all, whoa

(Alex & Vic)

Fail-safe trigger, lock-down call
Wipe the dry clean-slate, quick, sound the alarm
No escape from the truth and the weight of it all
I am caught in the web of a lie

And the bitch of it all is that I'm running from
The desire of the people to whom I belong
At the end of the day you can tell me I'm wrong
'Cause you went to all of this trouble


Heart's on fire tonight
Feel my bones ignite

(Alex & Vic)

Feels like war, war
Feels like war, war


Heart's on fire tonight
Feel my bones ignite

(Alex & Vic)

Feels like war, war
Feels like war, war


We go together or we don't go down at all


We go together or we don't go down at all


We go together or we don't go down at all, whoa


(Let's go!)


Heart's on fire tonight
Feel my bones ignite
It feels like war (it feels like war)
Love feels like war (love feels like war)


Heart's on fire tonight
Feel my bones ignite


Feels like war, war
Feels like war, war


Heart's on fire tonight
Feel my bones ignite


Love feels like war, war
Feels like war, war


(one more time!)

(Alex & Vic)

We go together or we don't go down at all
We go together or we don't go down at all
We go together or we don't go down at all, whoa


Is this the end of us or just the means to start again?

"That was awesome! Great job guys." Kellin congratulates us as we walk out of the recording booth.

"Thanks babe." Vic says, kissing his cheek. I gasp, smacking Vic's arm.

"Excuse you! He's my boyfriend." Kellin gives me a cheeky grin, pressing his lips to mine.

"Should we go home and tell Tay about the concert tonight?" I nod, grabbing my bag and phone, heading out to the car with Kellin and quickly driving home.

"Tay! We have exciting news for you!" I scream once I open the front door. Tay comes pounding down the stairs, Alan following. Oh, he's still here.

"What is it?" I give her a big smile.

"Be ready to leave in two hours, we have a concert to attend baby!" I scream, running up the stairs and locking myself in my room, deciding on letting her find out who we're going to see when we get there.

Alan gives me a smirk, knowing who's it is due to him being one of the few people actually playing in it.

Tonight should be fun.



there may or may not be smut idk

i will start writing the next chapter now bye -Saisha

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