Back To You (Thranduil Fanfic)

By xTheExecuter

163K 5.3K 1.6K

"What do you mean a child jumped off the bridge?" This is where young Lúthien's story continues, after experi... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty One
Part Twenty Two
Part Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Part Twenty Seven
Part Twenty Eight
Part Twenty Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty One

Part Five

7.9K 254 164
By xTheExecuter

"You're not going to say goodbye?" Elros asked

"There's no point in saying goodbye. She'll return eventually. Besides, I wouldn't do that to her."

"Don't you mean yourself?"

"I don't need you here to patronize me Elros, now leave."

"You know you're really going to hurt her by not joining me downstairs right now, to say our goodbyes."

"I said leave." The King sighed with a lazy wave of his hand

Elros had obeyed his King's wishes and left Lúthien's chambers to say goodbye to her. He knew deep down that Thranduil was in pain, but he felt even worse about it. With the knowledge that she had no intention of returning, Elros knew that it'd break him. As of now, all he could do was walk away.


Thranduil had made his way over to Lúthien's chambers to say goodbye, but by the time he had arrived, she was already downstairs. He didn't want to make a scene by following her there, so he chose to remain where he was.

She had left the curtains open, the sunlight shone throughout the entire room, it was warm. Similar to her presence, warm and inviting. And that warm and inviting trait of hers had vanished, Thranduil could begin to feel the emptiness growing inside of him.

He looked over at her bed, it had been made, not a single crease or wrinkle. It was perfect, and there sat her little stuffed rabbit, right in front of her pillows. The more Thranduil looked at it the more it depressed him, it's left ear was folded and the poor thing was hunched over. It looked lonely without Lúthien, something he could relate to. Thranduil had made it for her and if he was completely honest with himself, the fact that she didn't take it with her hurt him.


"Dear one, come out. There's no need to be afraid."  The young King pleaded with the small elven child who currently hid beneath the covers

It had been weeks since she was rescued from the river and still she refused to speak to anyone besides Elros. Nobody else could get her to talk, not even when Thranduil attempted to bribe her with sweet bread. Even though he had a short temper and hardly any patience, he seemed to be quite capable of handling her so far.

Thranduil couldn't understand why she was so apprehensive. He searched high and low for anything that might be considered frightening.

"My good friend Elros informed that your name is Lúthien, is that true child?" Thranduil sat there collectively, awaiting a response. Slowly, she lowered the comforter, revealing the most cautious look he had ever seen. But soon enough, he got the confirmation he was hoping for.

Lúthien only lowered the cover enough for him to see her eyes before nodding a few times.

"Lúthien? Hmmm." Thranduil hummed at the magnificence of her name "It is a beautiful name, a beautiful name indeed." He couldn't see but she had been smiling behind the cloth.

"You're quite the reckless spirit Lúthien. I heard you jumped off the bridge at the front gate. You had come running in the middle of the night because you were being chased by spiders." But as he said the word 'spiders' Lúthien retreated behind the covers and began trembling in fear

"Don't fret Lurielním, they won't harm you here. You're protected inside these walls." Thranduil said sincerely, attempting to reassure the apprehensive child. "You know I brought you something today, but I'm not so sure that you'll be able to see it through that comforter."

The trembling Lúthien, revealed herself once again. Even though she was still shaking like crazy, she couldn't help but be intrigued. He chuckled to himself, seeing her such distress even though there was absolutely nothing to fear. If he was honest, it was quite adorable.

Thranduil sat on the edge of the bed, holding the surprise behind him as Lúthien began to come out hiding. She was confused to find that there wasn't in fact a surprise there.

"All right, I'm going to give you my surprise. But you must promise to always take care of him, because he will always be there to watch over and protect you." Thranduil advised, he realized that the more he spoke, the more Lúthien became distracted and forgot to be afraid. "Do you swear to always care and love him?"  She nodded her head eagerly, not even knowing what he was holding. The little elfling was so sure about this, she looked like she couldn't possibly want anything more in her life.

"Okay, here it is." Thranduil said holding the stuffed rabbit in front of her face. Lúthien sort of stared at it for few moments, he assumed she didn't like it at first. Soon after she gasped in excitement, grabbing hold of the soft animal. Even though she held it, Lúthien didn't dare snatch it from his hands. "Go on, it's yours." Thranduil smiled down at her and she gently pulled it from his grasp.

He watched happily and she admired the stuffed rabbit in awe. After a minute, Lúthien was already hugging the soft creature as if it were the only precious thing in the world.

"Lu...Lur..." she mumbled, completely shocking the Eleven King. Lúthien furrowed her brows in frustration and she attempted to say this word. "Luriel...ním? What does....Lurielním mean?"  She asked holding the rabbit close to her face, almost as if she was afraid he'd get upset if she said the wrong thing.

"It uhh..." he couldn't believe she was finally speaking after all this time. "It means little spirit. I'm not exactly sure why I said that but, it just seemed to me like it would suit you."

"Little spirit?" She asked, her eyes sparkling

"Yes, the little spirit from deep within the forest."

"I like it." Lúthien smiled happily at the Elven King "Thank you sir." She said sheepishly

"No Lurielním." He corrected softly "My name is Thranduil."


"That's right."

"Thranduil...I promise to take good care of this bunny."

"Alright then, never forget it Lúthien. Remember he'll always be here for you, so you won't be afraid anymore."

"Okay!" She giggled, forgetting that she had been terrified earlier. The rabbit really was helping.


"I guess she's not afraid anymore." The King said to himself, leaving Lúthien's chambers...

In almost one weeks time, Lúthien and the guards rode up to the small farm that sat in the middle of nowhere. It was just grassy green hills for miles on end. As the approached the farm, they could see cows and horses grazing peacefully.

Lúthien sighed to herself, but then quickly remembered that she'd only have to spend a few years here. She'd only have to stay until she fulfilled her requirements. So the faster she'd master everything that she needed to, the faster she could leave.

She knew the human couple couldn't possibly live for the entire one thousand years she was exiled. Lúthien wondered what she'd do with the rest of the time she had to spend.

"We're finally here." One of the guards said, totally snapping Lúthien out of her thoughts

She dismounted her horse, keeping an eye on the large farm house, it seemed nice. Lúthien half expected Thranduil to send her to some rickety old farm.

"It seems like a nice place."

"There are worse places to be exiled. The family gets paid very well for their services for the Elven Royal families." Answered a guard

"They don't know you're exiled here. They were told that you've come here to learn. So if you don't want them to know, it'll save you a lot of embarrassment if you don't mention it."

"Good to know. Thanks." She said with sarcasm saturating her tone. If she was his net with herself, Lúthien did really care whether they knew or not

The front door opened as they walked up to the porch. An older looking man walked out with a smile on his face.

"Hello there!" He said extending his hand out to the guards

"It's been quite some time Ed." One said, shaking his hand. They've obviously met before.

"You must be Lúthien." He said averting his attention to her

"Uh yes, it's a pleasure to meet you sir. Thank you for being so kind as to allow me to stay here."

"Oh no no, please call me Ed. This is my wife Loraine." A middle aged woman walked out, making her way towards Lúthien

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you! We've heard so much and we're happy to have you here."

"Thank you for having me."

"Oh, she has such good manners. I wish our children were like that, don't you agree Ed?"  He just nodded his head slightly and continued talking with the guards.

"So, I know you're elven and all. How old are you?"

"I um...I might look like a teenager. But in reality I'm around 2000 years old."

"Oh wow, Elves are so beautifully fascinating. Never get old. You must've had a tiring journey, are you hungry?"

"A little actually."

"Well then come along inside, I'll fix you up something to eat."


But before she could pass the threshold of the door, one of the guards stopped her.

"Lúthien." One began "You take care now, the King-"

"I don't want to hear another word about the King. Now goodbye to you all and have a a safe trip back."

"Wait, you couldn't possibly leave now! Will you not stay and rest? One weeks travel must be exhausting." Loraine cut it, the guards sort of exchanged glances with one another. As much as they wanted to stay and rest, for they were so very tired. They also didn't want to spend another moment with Lúthien, for they were still upset with for for acting so foolishly.

"Thank you for your hospitality, but our King waits patiently for our return. We really must be getting back home."

"You know the King Loraine, keeping him waiting for so long isn't good." She frowned down at her feet

"Well at least take some food with you." She pleaded, rushing back into the house to grab some loaves of bread and water.

Lúthien had left the company of Ed and Loraine on the porch and wandered into the kitchen. It was lovely, lots of the furniture looked like they were hand crafted from wood. There were designs carved into almost every table, chair and doors. As she continued exploring, she came upon a little cat spread out lazily on the sofa.

"Hello there little one." She said kneeling on the ground beside it. Lúthien was never allowed to have indoor pets, because the King forbade it. "You're so soft." When she stroked the creatures back it began to purr.

"I think she likes you." A voice said from behind her, Lúthien was quick to rise to her feet.

"She's my sister's cat, her name is kitten if you'd believe it. Lizzie named her herself, Incase you couldn't tell."

"It's very original." Lúthien said looking over at kitten and back at the boy

"Will." He said putting out his hand

"Lúthien." She took his hand, shaking it firmly

"So you're the elven girl who's going to be staying with us. They say you're here to learn, but everything you've been sent here to learn, you could've studied back in Mirkwood." Perceptive...."So what are you really doing here?"

"I've been exiled." Lúthien said bluntly

"Wait what!?"

"Yeah, surprising I know. But it doesn't really bother me too much anymore." The lies "It's only for a five thousand years, nothing too frightening."

"Five thousand years is absurd! What happened? Did you kill you kill someone?" He asked suspiciously

"No, but I....almost did. And it was over something really stupid, so now I'm here with you I suppose." She said smiling at the end

"Do you miss it?"

"Mirkwood?" Will nodded

"It's not like I'm ever going back there, so I guess I don't miss it. Besides, even if my exile ends, I won't be welcomed there ever again."

"Do you have a family?" Lúthien remained silent momentarily before answering. She thought about it carefully, thinking about Elros, the King and even Artex.


"Did you have a family?"

"I....." Looking back at her past, she didn't remember a whole lot. Lúthien couldn't remember anything before the night she was chased by the spiders.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to pry. I know we just met."

"No, no it's fine. I uh don't remember them much. We sort of got separated when I was really young, so yeah. I don't think I'd recognize them if they stood in front of my face."

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry, can't mourn something you don't even remember right?"


"Lizzie!" Loraine called, shortly after a young girl came skipping into the room.

"Yes mum?"

"Would you mind taking Lúthien up to her room? I think she'll need some time to get settled before supper."

"Of course not, follow me!" She said taking Lúthien by the hand and pulling her up the stairs

After walking up the long set of stairs, the child continued holding Lúthien's hand until the arrived at a door at the end of the hall.

"This is to be your room!" Lizzie said cheerfully "I hope you like it! I cleaned it and made it all pretty for you!"

Lúthien stopped in the threshold, scanning the entire room. It was definitely smaller than she was used to, but it was so much brighter and happier. It comforted her a bit, which was a good thing considering she was going to be staying there a while. It even had its own bathroom, which she was absolutely thankful for. There was a twin bed with a pretty blue bedspread with a nightstand sitting next to it. Across the room there was a desk alongside a tall bookshelf completely filled with all sorts of different books.

"Do you like it?" Lizzie asked, concerned

"Do I like it?" She asked, kneeling down to meet Lizzie eye to eye "It's more than I could've possibly hoped for. Thank you very much! It was Lizzie right?"

"That's right!" She replied excitedly

"My name is Lúthien."

"You have such a pretty name, I think Elven names are so beautiful. Even the boy names!"

"I'd have to agree with you, they are very elegant. But you have very pretty name as well."

"Lizzie you little pest, what are you doing in there? Are you bothering our guest?" An irritated voice asked. Lúthien looked over her shoulder coolly before rising to her feet. Whoever this boy was, seemed pretty surprised by Lúthien's height when she finally rose.

"I wasn't bothering her Peter! Honest! Lúthien was just telling me how pretty my name is."

"I'm Lúthien, it's a pleasure to meet you Peter." She said shaking his hand a little too firmly

"The pleasure is all mine. I've come to tell you that supper is almost ready." Peter backed away and scurried down the stairs

"Mum is making chicken soup tonight! You'll come join us won't you!?" Lizzie asked

"Absolutely." Lúthien smiled

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