What I'm Hiding - Horror!Edd...

By A_Spoonful_Of_Salt

60.8K 1.9K 1K

//most of this sucks// #1 in Bodyhorror 5/24/2019 "Demons are shifty and clever creatures. They find you in y... More

17. (H!E Bomb P.1)
18. (H!E Bomb P.2)
19. (H!E Bomb P.3)
20. (H!E Bomb P.4, Final)
The Phone Situation
Ending Author's Note

25: Epilogue

1.5K 59 74
By A_Spoonful_Of_Salt

Matt was curled up in his apartment, clutching green and blue hoodies to his chest.

Three months. That's how long it had been since his friends had- since that had happened.

It had taken weeks for police to sort out anything that had taken place. Matt had tried to tell them what happened, but they had passed off the story, claiming it was just the babbling rambles of a traumatized murder witness.

Had they not seen the mutilated body of what Edd had become? How could they mistake what had happened for some run of the mill serial murder?!

An intense shiver ran through the ginger.

Or maybe they were right.

Maybe he was crazy. Maybe his memories were all jumbled up and mixed together, creating a warped version of reality.

He fisted his hands in his hair, squeezing his eyes shut as his chest rose and fell rapidly. Something between a sob and a hysterical laugh erupted from his lungs.

He didn't know what happened. All he knew was that Edd and Tom were gone and he was alone.

There was no one around to laugh with, to watch TV with, to eat breakfast with, or to go on adventures with.

Not even Ringo was around anymore.

The silence was crushing and absolute, broken only by the sounds of his rapid breathing.

He buried his head in the hoodies,  breathing in the lingering scents.

"Why?" He mumbled into the fabric, "Why would you leave me like this?"

He cried and he didn't stop for many hours.


It was one in the morning when he heard a sound other than his own heartbeat. It was like a faint, tiny whisper.

He heard it once more. A voice calling out to him.

"You don't have to feel lonely," it said, "You have me. And I won't ever leave you, Matty." It sounded like his own voice, except deeper and more menacing. Matt blinked, thinking for a few moments.

"You won't?" He asked it.

"Of course not, silly!"

And Matt believed it.

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