Good Girls Love Bad Boys (Zay...

By 1DJbwriter

533K 13K 1.7K

Zayn malik is a bad boy; he smokes, lives in a house with his also not-so-good friends and tries to take adva... More

Good girls love bad boys (Zayn Malik)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Capter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Final Author's note

Chapter 52

5.6K 118 6
By 1DJbwriter

I didn't sleep after all that drama. All my hopes in gaining just a minute of sleep faded when my alarm sounded in the morning. We had to do quite a lot of stuff today, too.

We had to get a house phone, go grocery shopping so we don't starve, get some jobs and call the company that fixes refrigerators. We had the welcoming ball and dinner tonight also, and we are both really excited.

I haven't heard anything about Zayn, I do know he is still here, I can feel it. Yesterday night was horrible in every aspect. I hate to fight with him, I despise it.

When I told him he saved me, I wasn't lying either. I hate the fact that we had one of those maybe-this-is-the-end fights. I really have no idea if this is the end though. I don't want it to be, but I don't know if we are going to recover after all of this.

He had to punch Riley in the eye to find out I was here, I guess he was pretty pissed.

I want to hug him, and tell him everything is going to be okay at the end, but I am mad at him. I don't really know if I am mad at him, the cheating kind of mad is gone now.

"Goodmorning" I sighed and sat in the couch next to Aaron.

"I heard the shouting"

"Yeah, I'm sorry"

"It's okay. Are you alright ?"

"Sincerely no. But we have to go out, we have a ball to attend tonight" He looked worried, I would be if I saw myself like this. I stood up walking towards the bathroom and took a shower.

The bathroom was not perfect but, you could use it. The water wasn't hot enough though. I got out of the shower, with my head of curls dripping wet and got a text message on my phone.

I will be here for three days, text me if you want to talk.

He sounded really serious, maybe he is still mad at me. But I don't have time to think. I changed into casual clothing, and went out with Aaron. We first went to Starbucks, were Aaron got this awesome job three times a week with pretty good pay.

He went to get the phone by himself while I went to the libary. It was cold inside, and there were a lot of people gathered around a shelf full of The Fault In Our Stars copies. I walked to what seemed to be the main desk.

"Hi, my name is Valerie"

"Hello Valerie, what can I help you with ?" The women seemed nice. She had ombré hair and really pretty nails.

"I was wondering if I could get a job here ?"

"Oh yeah ! We are actually looking for some help. Let me just give my boss a call and I'll tell you in a second" she said nicely and grabbed the phone, so I walked over to the contemporary novels section and looked around for a bit before going back to the

"You've got the job !" She smiled brightly. "Lets talk about your schedule"

"Umm, I have college from 10:15 to 1:00 so I can come in the afternoon or maybe a little later.

"What college are you in ?"


"Oh good" I nodded.

"I guess you can come from 2:00 to 5:00 or something like that. We have this really cute restaurant just around the corner and you can have lunch there with me maybe"

"Perfect ! I am so excited"

"I am excited to have a friend too" she smiled "if I can consider you a friend of course"

"Yes you can" I smiled, she was very nice.

"Valerie" I extended my hand.

She took it "Ariel" She said. She had big curly black hair and huge sunglasses. She did look like a bookworm. She told me my dress code, which was pretty normal; no too short skirts or shorts and no clevlage. So basically anything in my wardrobe.

I called Aaron and told him about the job, he congratulated me and told me he got a yellow phone he thought I would love. We had lunch at the place Ariel told me was pretty good, and yes it was indeed. After lunch, we went to this furniture store and got one of the employees in a cab with us to fix the refri, how Aaron calls it.

The man had this blue and white shirt and a massive tool box with his name in it. David.

I helped Aaron with the phone at first, while Dave worked his magic in the kitchen. The phone was pretty, it had this velvety testure to it and had a 're-dial' button, which I kind of loved

"You should go start getting ready while I help David" Aaron said opening the door with the old set of keys and letting the man in.

"Are you sure ?" I said. He nodded and continued with the man to the kitchen. He's nice, he is really nice. Also, we have to admit here than he is kind of hot. I totally see him walking down the red carpet for some reason.

I went into my room, looking at my terribly sleepy face in the mirror. I will have to work some magic in myself to look somehow presentable for the ball. I laid down the dress and shoes for tonight at the edge of my bed.

Long-sleeved, floor-length fancy red dress, paired with black high heels, like really high. I hoped into the shower, locking myself in and detangling the mess in my head. I hoped out, dried my body, went into my underware and started straightening my hair with this aweosome flat iron that also dries your hair, best thing my mom has ever bought.

After making sure every single strand of hair was perfectly straight, I did my makeup, keeping it low on the eyes and getting stronger on the lips with red lipstick.

I just winged my eyeliner a bit, only eyeliner and mascara on the eyes, a little blush and concealer. I could hear Aaron showering. I wonder what he will look like, maybe he looks hot in a suit.

I went outside, in my underware, just to check if David was still working. He wasn't so I took a cookie from the packet table top.

"Umm.." Aaron said from behind me. I turned around, slowly and trying to cover my naked-- almost naked body. He was in his boxers too though.

"Ups ! I'm sorry, I was just checking to see if David had finished" I said.

"Yeah, he said it was just a little broken from this weird tube.."

"Okay, I'm going back to my room real quick"

"You have cute abs" He said the second I passed him in the door to the kitchen.

"Yours are cute too" I smiled. Cute my ass, his were hot, six pack to be exact. It was kind of awkward, being in your underware in front of your roomate.

I went back, carefully getting in my long dress. I talked to Mrs. Anderson before I left about the welcoming ball/dinner, she told me there were going to be a couple of really important english majors and other students, freshmen, sophomore and seniors specially. She said they love those kind if events.

She also told me to not use anything too short or inapropriate, because important people wouldn't treat me seriously.

I guess I'm good to go. I stepped into my heels, and then placed my lipstick in my clutch, together with my phone and breath freshner, just in case some english major wanted to talk to me.

"Ready ?" Aaron knocked in my door and picked in.

"Yes sir" I walked out to the living room.

"You look... Breathtaking" He stared me up and down.. And back up and back down.

"You look hot too"

"Thanks. Are you nervous ?"

"Kind of"

"Same" He took my arm under his carefully and opened the door for me, leading the way out. I checked my phone while he called a cab.

"We should rent a car sometime"

"You're right" He opened the car door and let me in.

The ball was supposed to be in a hotel, in this gigantic room but they changed it to a supposed 'palace' or something, all I know is it is big enough to fit all these college people.

The floors were bright, bright enough to let you see your reflection. The ceiling was high and filled with shiny big chandeliers.

The room was full of people in suits and with glasses in their faces, everyone looked intelligent.

"These people scare me" He said next to me, still with my arm laced with his.

"Freshmen ?" A girl with a pixie cut and really bright earings asked me.

"Yes, you ?"

"Sophomore. Alice, nice to meet you" she extended her hand to me, which was full of rings. "I saw your paper online"

"They published it ?" I was kind of surprised the had, it kind of sucked to me.

"Yeah, I heard someone say it was brilliant"

"Thank you" Aaron left me and went to talk to his own people.

"I didn't say it was brilliant"

"So it sucks ?"

"No, I actually liked it, you have quite an imagination" She turned on her heel and walked away.

She was wearing a really short black dress, she looked kind of daunting.

"Would you like a coctail Ms. ?" I turned around.

Not again. Zayn, in a suit, the same suit the waiters were wearing.

"What are you..."

"Hello to you too"

"What are you doing here !" I shout whispered.

"Helping" He said in a duh tone.

"Do not bother me please, I beg you. I have to give a good impression here"

"Okay, I'm not bothering you"

"Okay" I turned around and walked to Aaron, who was talking to a professor.

He was saying something about law and court stuff before introducing me "This is my roomate Valerie"

"Hudson ?" The old man asked me.

"Yes sir"

"I read your entry, you have a really good writing young girl"

"Thank you so much" I smiled. My paper wasn't that amazing, though. It was a poem about the seasons, called The Seasons. So original.

"Are you kids staying at campus ?"

"No, we have an apartment together" Aaron answered. They talked some more about the law department before the man left. Some of the waiters started gathering everyone to the dinning table which was super long and wooden.

Aaron and I sat together next to Alice who seemed to be with some other friends. Her friends looked kind of daunting too, maybe they have a bad boys and girls club like Zayn and the lads.

"Good evening everyone" Said someone who looked like the dean.

"Dean ?" I asked Alice.


"We are all gathered here to welcome and congratulate the people who join us today, the freshmen" He said, taking his wine glass in the air and toasting the profesors and other important people.

"We are going to start the dinner with the Chef's speciality, shrimp cocktail" The waiters started walking towards us, each with a big plater of cocktail glasses filled with orange stuff that didn't look appetizing.

I know there were all these people in the room, I mean it was crowded, and all the waiters looked the same, and although I had a recent fight with him, my pair of eyes kept looking for the same person all over the room.

I saw an arm from the corner of my eye, serving the cocktail in Aaron's plate, suddenly, it dropped, all over his lap and suit.

"SON OF A--" He said. Zayn, I thought not even looking up at him. The lights went off, some girl screamed, and another someone grabbed me by the waist.

I screamed, and kicked my legs, but he held to me strongly.

"Fucking hell, stop it you are going to break my new suit !"


"Nope" He sounded so innocent and cute, although he just kidnapped me from a college dinner. The lights were still off, and I could hear the dean screaming at the waiters to turn the lights on.

I kept kicking my legs, until he put me down gently.


"Calm down. I did you a favor though. That shit looked boring"

"Where are we ?" I sighed, trying to clam down, massaging my temples. He reached to his right, turning the light switch on and off almost immediately.

"Master bedroom" He got closer to me.

"How'd you get in here ? What are you even doing here ?" I took a step back.

"Getting you back" He got closer, kissing my neck forcefully.

"Zayn stop.." He kept kissing and sucking and grabbing and squizzing.

"Not until you give up" He squizzed one of my breasts, hard, so hard I whimpered from the pain. I looked into his eyes, they were not the same golden eyes I fell for.

"Zayn for real.. Stop it" I tried taking his hands off of me, but he was too strong. He kissed my jaw and lips, and I tried not to kiss him back. He let go of my butt and gathered my skirt with one fist and tried taking my panties off, I tried shoving him off but he held my wrist, so I hit him with the other one, hard, on his face.

It made this awful sound, the guilt filled me, but it was all his fault. I smacked him.

"What is wrong with you" I half screamed. My eyes were watery, and you could see the guilt in his.

"I...I'm sorry"

"I am sick of this" I paced around the room, turning around from him, taking my head in my hands.

"I am sick of the fights, I am fucking sick of all the back and fourth"


"I am sick and tired of having to worry every single time you get mad at me because of all this stupid stuff that has happened" I got closer to him, so he could see the tears going down my face, so he could feel the pain.

"You know why I worry ?"

"Why ?" He asked carefully and low, almost like a whisper, as if he were scared I'd hit him again.

"I worry that you get into some type of trouble, and I have to get you out of it" I stormed out of the room, but he grabbed my arm.

"I am sorry, I really don't know what got into me Valerie" I jerked back.

"Stop the dumb excuses Zayn, they are already unworn, all of them" He let go of my arm, and that was when I knew he was giving up.

On me, on us, and I felt every single thing inside of me collapse. I felt like drowning, I actually felt really bad, like this was the end. And with Zayn you never really know when is the end, I actually almost feel it every single time we fight.

And the feeling was bigger than ever, and I couldn't help but sob my way down the stairs to the empty streets.

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