His Name

By xXFakeLies

151 33 0

Every time I try to help, it falls apart. Every time I try to open up, it was taken advantage of. Every time... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: War
Chapter 25
Chapter 26: Battle (1/3)
Chapter 27: Battle (2/3)
Chapter 28: Battle (3/3)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Special Chapter (1/2)
Special Chapter (2/2)

Chapter 1

23 2 0
By xXFakeLies

"Hey, Wake up!" I shouted at my brother.

We were going to be late but he still isn't moving.

"Yeah, yeah! Couldn't just wait for 5 more minutes." he mumbled.

I just glared at him while he was rubbing the sleep off of his eyes.

I am Chariza Subarashi, Cha for short. I am 15 years old and a Junior at Stardom. I have shoulder-length wavy hair and I wear glasses. I live with my Kuya Austin, Mother, and Stepfather.

"Austin, Make it fast! Your food is getting cold!" Our 'mother' shouted from the kitchen.

"Ma, just wait! I'm putting on my pants" He shouted back, panicked. He was looking for his stuff because he didn't prepare it yesterday.

"Where the hell is my ballpen?" He irritatingly asked me whilst searching at his drawers.

"That's what you get for staying up late! Get your priorities straight!" I threw his ready-made bag, that I fixed in the previous night, at his annoyed face.

"Hey!" He shouted.

"Hey back!"

We went downstairs afterwards to smell the most annoying scent in the world-fish.

"Hey, I'll just wait in your car! I think mom doesn't want me to eat." He nodded and gave me his recess.

Even though we keep on arguing, we care for each other. We're all we got.

"Ready?" He asked as he hopped in the driver's seat.

"Yeah, just waiting on you." So we went to school without talking to each other. It was a sensitive topic to both of us to talk about our family so we avoided it as much as possible.


"Best!" My Best Friend since 5th grade called out to me, Belladine Nichole Sydney. Bella for short, is younger by a year. She is a sophomore and 14. She's kinda small-I love you Bella!- with shoulder length curly hair with manang glasses. She is a perfect example for a nerd.

"Best, did you know?" She suddenly turned to me and asked.

" know what?" I asked back.

"That you're so mean? You didn't call or text me during our break!" She complained.

"Eh? Haven't I told you? We went to Japan! Just thank me that I got you a souvenir!" I rolled my eyes. I threw her paperbag that was filled with manga.

"Like what I said, Thanks Best!!" She replied while hugging me. The bell rang and most of the students scrambled to go their classes.

"Let's go, I don't want to be late!" she said while releasing me. We had the same building but we had different classrooms. I'm one floor above her and she's on the floor below mine.


I looked for a vacant seat at the back next to a window. I settled in and fumbled with my phone.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" A boy approached me and pointed to the seat next to mine.

"No" I answered simply, then ignored him for the rest of the time being. Thankfully, the teacher entered and started talking.

"Hello class! I am Ms. Senbi, your adviser." Our teacher introduced. "As I call your name, please raise your right hand." We only had attendance and introductions.

The boy who asked me a while ago, he was a new student from the enemy school of Stardom, Coastline Academy.

"Ms. Subarashi?" I raised my hand when my name was called

"Okay, good thing you are all present. I don't know what I'd do if one was late or absent on the first day." Then, she started teaching us about poetry. It was going fine when she gave us an assignment on the first day.

Isn't that unfair? I mean who does that? Giving out homework at the first day of classes. Well, we need to get used to it because we are in fact in Stardom.

And with that, time passed without me noticing.

"Girl, you're so slow, you know?" Bella complained as we met in the staircase.

"Tell me something I don't know" I said with matching hair flip.

We were going to our secret spot when we heard noises.

"Next time, look where you're going!" One of them shouted.

"Bro, obviously he didn't look where he was going." Another one said.

They were continuing to bully the freshman student. We were supposed to leave and ignore it but our -or should I say 'my'-conscience would bother me.

"Best, hold on to my Fita, will you?" I said while handing her my food.

"Girl, make sure you don't kill someone again, okay?" I nodded in reply and went to the group.

"Excuse me, what's happening here?" I asked them.

"Don't meddle!" Someone shouted from behind. I mentally rolled my eyes heavenward.

"Let me handle it," The leader said coolly , "Its nothing, really. This dude just didn't look where he was going so he tripped and he spilled his juice all over me. "

"Did you do it on purpose?" I asked the victim but he didn't answer me. "I see, when you said he tripped, did he tripped accidentally or did he trip because your foot was on the way?"

I wasn't surprised when one of his lackeys lunged at me. He seemed pissed.

He attempted to punch me but I was quick, I kicked him in his stomach. I smiled when he coughed up blood. I punched his face with my right hand and catched his fists with my left.

Two more ran in my direction. I was able to avoid the first one but the second pulled my hair. I got a hold of both their heads eventually so I smacked both of it. Hard. The others ran away so we helped the victime go to the clinic.

"Best, your Fita" Bella handed me my Fita with nothing but the wrapper itself.

"What the hell, Bella? That was my recess! If you're going to eat it, eat the wrapper as well."

Someone tapped my shoulder so I looked at whoever that bastard or bitch was.

"Excuse me, do you want my recess?" Matt offered. Why was he in the clinic?

"Matt? It's alright. You don't have to worry. Just eat it" I shrugged him off, though I was curious of his reason for being inside the infirmary.

"Do you know this guy? Why is he following us?" Before I could hear his reply, Bella pulled me away and whispered.

"Yeah, a classmate of mine." we glanced at him and he was still waiting, "But I don't know what he's doing here."

We glanced at each other as to say 'keep up your guard'. We nodded at each other and walked back as if nothing had happened.

"As I was saying, don't worry, these are my extras. I always pack extras. So, I insist." I looked at the food, then at Matt, then at Bella, then at the food, then at Matt.

"I won't take 'No' for an answer" He said with a smile.

No choice. I sighed and took it from him.

"You wanna eat with us?" I asked.

"Really?" his eyes full of sparkles, "Can I?"

"Yeah, jusy follow us" Bella replied.

Once we were on the rooftop, I opened it and saw...and s-saw.......FOOD!

I ate the food, ignoring there laughters and stares.

"See, you liked it! Bella, eat her lunch again tomorrow, ok?" he said while looking excited at Bella.

"Sure! I'll totally eat her recess tom-Wait, What?" Bella was surprised while Matt was just laughing at us.


"Next period is about to start. I'm going now, bye best!" she said to us while waving her hand.

"Let's go?" he offered. I nodded and we started to walk.


"So when x=3, y=4, and z=2, what is the solution to this equation?" the subject teacher asked us. No one raised their hands so the teacher chose me randomly

"Chariza, please stand up and solve this expression." I stood up and walked to the board. I was about to solve when a teacher excused me.

"Ms. Subarashi, please go to the principal's office now." the teacher instructed as we got out of the classroom.

I made my way and I wasn't surprised that I saw the bully and the victim inside. The principal noticed me and gestured me to sit down.

"Ms. Subarashi, thank you for putting a stop to the bullying that happened this morning. But the way you did it is no different from the bullies." she pointed to the boy who had jet black hair. "So please cooperate with us here. We will talk about your punishment as well. "

I really don't care about my punishment because I got used to it. Happens a lot ever since grade school.

It all started with Hailey

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