The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)

By stefymay

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I always thought that when you die that would be the end and you would see a bright light and the pearly gate... More

Authors note...
The deads love Poem
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chpater 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 17

10.6K 248 27
By stefymay

Hi all,

So this chapter is erm... interesting.  :)

Sorry it took me forever to upload it, was a tad busy, but hopefully after this everything will get easier.

So without any delay... Enjoy!




Ciao ;)




We walked into the dining room and the first thing I noticed was the massive fire-place with a massive bonfire lit. It was some what normal with white marble lining the edges of the fir-place and a gigantic portrait of the four horsemen riding on their horses through the ruined earth. This room was rather warmer than the foyer maybe because of the bonfire, but I left Ethan’s jacket on, because it was comforting having his smell around me. The room was very large and with black curtains draping the windows and black and white marble tiled the floor. There was a huge chandler, draped in crystal; it was so beautiful, a total change from the blood fountain and dead people hedges at the entrance.

“Violet, we meet again.” I heard more than saw Ethan’s uncle, which was hidden by his massive high-back seat at the head of the table in front of a roaring fire, causing him to appear as a silhouetted figure, but when he lifted his face, the light of the flame caught his features and I saw his weirdly colored eyes. His eyes where rapt on me, with a sinister gleam shining in his eerie silver-blue mercury color eyes.

And as he smiled at me with his white teeth, I immediately felt like a very small fish in a very big pond filled with hungry sharks.


Chapter 17

“Please do join us, sit, sit.” Ethan’s uncle said, while everyone, besides him was tense. So it wasn’t just Ethan that had a problem with him.

“Th-thank you.” I mumbled while I reached for a chair farthest away from him, but before I could even touch it Ethan’s uncle said,

“Not over there child, sit here, next to me.” He indicated the seat next to him and a servant appeared out of nowhere to pull the seat out for me to sit. Just brilliant!

I gulped, taking a deep breath and slowly walked over to D and Ethan was right beside me. He leaned in and whispered, “That’s Henry pulling your seat open. He’ll be your server for the evening.”

I nodded stiffly not in the least worried about who my server was; I just wanted to not be so close to that man.

Ethan noticed my discomfort,  grabbing my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, he leaned in again and whispered, “Don’t worry Ducky I’ll never leave your side.” I nodded a little more relaxed and gave him a grateful smile.

As I neared, the server I thanked him for seating me and then sat stiffly fiddling with the edge of the table cloth. I turned my head slightly to see Conner, Jonathan and Marcus take their seats a little father away from D. Conner and Jonathan sent me small encouraging smiles as they entered and seated themselves. It wasn’t long before Tatiana and Brandon walked in with Brandon’s arm slung casually around her shoulders. Are those two dating?

“Ah Princess and Speedy, finally you join us.” Tatiana scowled at him while Brandon glared. Brandon seated Tatiana before taking his seat next to her, never taking his eyes off of D, while D just smiled coldly at him.

Once everyone was seated he clapped his hand together and said, “Now that we’re all seated, let’s eat shall we.” As soon as he said that our food was served, a delicious array of beef in pomegranate sauce and a side of warm salad. The food was really good and soon I was engrossed in my meal. I noticed a woman come in like she was looking for something, then she started calling “fluffy, fluffy, where are you?” she then started looking under various tables and even under the throw rug in front of the fire place. What is up with this place and all the loonies? I heard D mutter something and I turned towards him

“Excuse me.” I asked not sure what he said or if he was even talking to me.

“I said something is off about you since we last met.” Okay, I just looked at him confusedly; while I notice Connor and Jonathan glance at Ethan. None of them giving anything away in their facial expressions.

“What have you done or where have you been since I’ve last seen you at the library yesterday?”

“I erm… went to school, then to a restaurant to eat; going home, then straight here.” I left out the bit about the pool with the waterfall, guessing it was none of his business what Ethan and I did in our private moments.

The woman that was calling for Fluffy came closer to me and was still looking. She was sort of starting to give me the creeps now. 

“Hmm…” D said still looking at me, making me a little uncomfortable, with his ever changing silver-blue mercury eyes but I turned back to my plate not really knowing what to say and carried on eating.

“Tell me, where were you before the library?”

“D is it necessary to question her like she is a suspect in a murder trial?” Ethan asked sounding slightly irritated.

“Of cause it is Ethan, you are interested in her. The first time I’ve met her she was practically on your lap and your hand was nearly up her top. I’m just looking out for you.” I noticed Tatiana, Marcus and Brandon raise their eyebrows; while Conner choked on something while Jonathan knocked his back to try and help him. I just went blood red and seemed to find my food more interesting, practically burring my head in my plate. Can this getting any more embarrassing?

“Looking out for me? Please, as if you know the meaning.” Ethan sneered and I had never heard him take that tone ever, it was kind of scary. He sounds so deadly, like someone you would never in a million years mess with.

“I know well the meaning Ethan, I took care of you, saved you from that river so long ago, or have you forgotten?”

“I remember all too well, I have regretted that day ever since.” Ethan spat out through gritted teeth.

“Regretted that I have saved you? Regretted meeting this lovely harlot because of it?” He said waving a hand towards me. I gasped, did he just call me a harlot, isn’t that like a prostitute?

Ethan stood up, the force knocking his chair to the ground, “Do not call her that?”

“What? A harlot? She was … entertaining you in a very public place and you did say you were just using her, did you not say that, because I know you were there when you said and I quote, ‘she is nothing, not even an acquaintance. I was just using her to get off.’ Is that not right little pet?” Ethan’s jaw twitched but he didn’t deny it. Did he really say all those things to his uncle about me? Did he really use me? God I needed to get out of here.

“I’m leaving.” I said and I stood to leave D grabbed my wrist and I gasped. His touch was cold as ice, even though he sat right in front of the fire. I felt him squeeze my wrist and turn me toward him. I noticed the other’s standing when D reached out and grabbed me, they looked panicked and tense, like there was about to be a major fight.

“Let me go.” I said trying to pull my wrists free.

“There is something …different about you from the first time I had seen you. What is it?” He demanded peering deep into my eyes and seemingly looking into my soul.

“She was at the hospital the day you had seen her and today she never went near that place.”

“Hmm… that could be it. I cannot sense death around her. Tell me child, who is it that you visited? And do not lie to me, I will know.” And oh dear god help me but I believe he would. His eyes seemed to move faster, the liquid mercury color swirling until I couldn’t tell the white of his eyes from the iris’, the pupils kept dilating until it looked like it took over the whole iris’ as well as most of the white, then it would shrink to pin points. Ever moving, his gaze never leaving mine. It was unnerving and I felt the little pin picks of panic move across me scalp.        

“I-I visited my mother, she’s dying.” I stuttered out while not breaking eye contact with him, seemingly in an unbreakable fearful trance.

“Ahh… I see.” He said with a smile and released my wrist, I pulled my hand back rubbing my wrist where his skin touched mine, trying to get the cold away from me. It felt like the cold seeped all the way to the bone and twisted it until all that was left was a numbing pain. I remained standing; not trusting D for one second and so did everyone else. D got an evil glint in his eyes and he smiled at Ethan like he just found out something big. Then he turned to me and said, “That must be it. Sit child, enjoy the meal. You will sleep here tonight.”

“Like hell I will.” I shouted not meaning to shout it out, but I really didn’t like this guy, he was like the douche of the century and not to mention beyond creepy.

“I like her, she’s feisty, I see why you like her Ethan.” Then he turned to me still smiling and said, “You will stay the night, the weather is not safe to travel in tonight.” I looked out towards the window and noticed the mother of all storms. When did that happen?

“I can drive her, she’ll be fine.” Brandon offered because he seemed to notice my slightly rising panic and took pity on me.

“Now Speedy, remember how you got in this situation in the first place? Do you really think it wise you get behind a steering wheel with a passenger, especially with your background? Besides there’s a tree blocking the entrance and you know all too well that a car can’t go through a tree right?” D smiled all teeth at Brandon while he brought his wine to his mouth, like he was telling the private joke of the century. Brandon seemed to be seriously pissed off; I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

He stepped closer, seeming to look like he was about to launch himself at D, but with seemingly a monstrous amount of effort he just glared at D, “I’m done here, if that’ll be all… uncle.” He snarled at his uncles as he spoke.

“That’ll be all, nephew. You may run along.” D said as he made a walking motion with his fingers.

Brandon stormed out of the room without a backwards glance and Tatiana watched his every move as he left, clutching her eating utensils like they were daggers.

“You may follow your lover Princess. I can see you want to.” Wait, they’re lovers? Aren’t they cousins?

“I have asked you to not call me that.” She said in an emotionless tone, her voice never wavering.

“Oh but it’s so… you. Wouldn’t you agree your majesty?” D did a mock bow and Tatiana stared emotionless back at him and said nothing as she left the room.

No wonder Ethan doesn’t like his uncle, he’s like the biggest dick I have ever met, and by the looks of things, no-one here likes him either.

“The rest of you sit. Now.” He said and glanced around the room at everybody, his mercurial gaze ending on me. Something told me not to argue with him and I attentively reached for my seat and sat down, ever cautious of D’s eyes on me. I noticed everyone else taking their seats and tried to carry on with their meal.

“So Violet, Where were we?... Oh yes, tell me about yourself. How do you find… life?” What an odd question.

“I find life… is full of surprises, never sticking to one chosen path always varying, like a raft in a rushing river.” Just like your assholish attitude.

I noticed another person come into the dining room, this one kept looking around at everything, he didn’t say anything. He looked to be about in his mid-twenties and he seemed a bit depressed as he walked around the room, like it was an art gallery. He seemed to be holding a pack of playing cards, that he idly played with.

“Hmm… true, so true. And what of death? What are your thoughts on death?” D seemed really interested in my answer to this question and I thought for a moment before answering.

“Well, death is inevitable, as long as there is life there will always be death. It’s how thing just are.” He seemed pleased by my answer and said as he sat back,

“You have a wise one here Ethan.” He smiled over at Ethan, showing his pearly white teeth.

I noticed he hadn’t eaten a single bite of his food and I was only the only one really eating, while Ethan and the others nibbled or pushed their food around on their plate, seemingly lost their appetites. I don’t blame them, it’s only been about twenty minutes with this guy and I’m ready to bolt.

The women looking for fluffy walked up to me and she started looking under the table cloth by me. I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat as she kept calling for fluffy next to me.

“Fluffy, fluffy are you there? Young Miss have you seen my Fluffy?” She asked me sounding so sad, I almost opened my mouth to tell her I haven’t but I remembered what Ethan made me promise. Don’t talk to her Vi, Ethan didn’t introduce you, don’t talk to her.

“Young Miss please tell me have you seen my Fluffy?” She touched my arm and I jumped at the coldness in her touch. It felt like a wet dense fog touched me and I couldn’t help the shiver that ran through me.

“So Violet, my dear any near death experiences?” D asked looking very closely at me and I got a sense that he was trying to find out something. It was a very… weird question.

“No I haven’t had any.” I lied easily, I had a feeling I shouldn’t tell him, and in any case it was a personal matter, one I didn’t want to remember.

“Are you sure? Missy isn’t bothering you, is she?” He asked seemingly interested in my answer.

  “Erm… I’m sure, I would have remember a near death experience and who’s Missy?” I don’t know what made me ask that. It’s hard to explain, but I got a feeling that he wanted me to acknowledge the woman calling for her pet, but Ethan warned me not to.

D didn’t say anything, he just had a thoughtful and slightly confused look as he sat back, seemingly satisfied with my answer. Dinner went smoothly from there on and the woman eventually went away, still hollering for her pet Fluffy.

Dinner ended with death by chocolate and it was really good and once I finished we all left, D said goodnight and left us to do whatever asshole-ish thing he does whenever he’s alone.

Ethan led me upstairs and I couldn’t help but ask him about what D said,

“Did you really tell your uncle those things about me?”

“Yes.” He said reluctantly and looked at me worriedly

“Why?” I asked a little hurt.

He sighed. "He’s not a person whom you diverge your love interests to. I didn’t want him to know about you in case he … hurts you.” I stared at him for a few minutes, wondering if he was serious, but I could see he was dead serious and he was looking at me with concern and regret.

I nodded in understanding, after spending an hour with his uncle it wasn’t hard to believe that.

“You believe me?” Ethan asked, looking a little nervous at what my answer would be.

“I believe you. After that dinner with him I can completely understand where you’re coming from.” I smiled up at him. I would have most likely have done the same thing. I saw him sigh in relief and he grabbed my hand as we continued walking up the stairs and I couldn’t help but notice the paintings. They were all about the horsemen of the apocalypse and some looked like paintings of hell and some was just pictures of Death. Okay most of the paintings were of death or just people dying. Saying that it was unsettling would be a serious understatement.

“Where will I sleep?” I sighed, emotionally drained from the worse dinner of my life.

“You’ll sleep with me.” Ethan said without skipping a beat, but I stopped dead in my tracks.

“Say what?” I asked a little shocked that he would just assume I would sleep with him.

“Oh, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that you will be sleeping in my room, unless you wish to sleep alone?” He asked and I saw the woman with the butcher knife walk passed and I gulped and shook my head no moving closer to him, “Your room sounds perfect.” I said never taking my eyes off her.

We were quiet for a bit and I couldn't help asking after the um-teenth Death painting.

“Your uncle seems to be obsessed with death.”

“You have no idea.” Ethan snorted as we walked down the long dark, creepy corridor to his room.

“Don’t take this the wrong way or anything, but your house is super creepy, like scarier than the haunted house at World Disney or the scary house in thirteen ghosts.” I gave a shiver thinking about that movie, I nearly peed my pants when I watched it.

“Yeah, I know.” He smirked down at me.

We stopped at a door close to the end of the hallway and he opened it, stepping aside to allow me to walk in first. His room was very minimalist, not what you would expect from a teenage boy. There was just a bed, and a few furniture. His room was rather big, with grey slate walls with a warm fire burning, keeping the room warm, and a large couch in front of the fire. There was a frosted glass door within the slate wall and on closer inspection I deducted that that was the bathroom, which seemed just as spacious as the bedroom and on the other side was a black covered king size bed, that seemed to be floating off the ground. Behind his bed was a few stairs leading to a second floor, where there was an elegant designed bookshelf. There was also a desk with notes and a laptop as well as a desk lamp and in the one corner was a table with three chairs around it, like a dining table or a café’s table. There was also a comfy looking three seated black couch in the center on the area facing a large flat screen TV mounted to the wall. It was a really large and comfortable looking room. Other than the furnishings, there was no posters or pictures or sporting equipment, not even a baseball, something you would expect in a boy’s room, only an empty looking room, devoid of any color except the depressing grey and browns of his walls and furniture. I looked over to the enormous bed again which seemed to grab my attention, with its invitingly soft looking bedding and intriguing design. It looked like the only thing holding it up was the wall and a sturdy looking wooden pole that seems to be attached to the base of the bed. It looked so awesome.

“What are you doing?” I heard Ethan ask from the door, sounding amused.

“Oh… I was wondering how your bed is still standing. It looks like its floating.” I blushed. I hadn’t realized that I had walked over to look under the bed.

“I assure you it’s very sturdy.” Ethan smiled as he walked in and closed the door behind him with a deafening thump. I gulped as I realized we were alone… in his bedroom and we would be spending possibly the whole night… together… alone.

“So when are you going to call Vicky?” He asked as he walked over to the bed and leisurely laid on it, facing me, with his elbows holding his upper body up as he eyed me with hooded eyes.

What? Vicky? Oh right she’s babysitting. Shoot she’s not going to be too happy about this. Maybe she could take Lily with her to her place tonight if she didn’t want to stay there alone. I think that would be safer.

“Right… I’m on it.” I fished my phone out of my purse and walked up the three steps to the top level of his room to a seemingly more private area and start dialing her number.

“Vi everything okay?” She asked sounding worried. I sighed at her concerned voice and the fact that I’m trapped in this spooky house.

“Everything’s fine. Listen, I’m sleeping over here tonight. Will you be okay looking after Lily the whole night until tomorrow?”

“Why are you sleeping over? Did something happen?” She asked sounding worried.

“Well you can say that, a tree got uprooted and landed right in front of the gate so I’m kind of stuck here for the night or at least until they clear the entrance.”

“Yea that freak storm came out of nowhere. So …” I could hear the mischief in her voice when she said so

“Yes Victoria?” I asked dreading what she was going to say.

“Where are you sleeping?”

“I…erm… In Ethan’s room.” I mumbled into the phone.

“Oh… and er… where’s Ethan sleeping?”

“Erm… in Ethan’s room… with me?” making it sound like more of a question than an actual answer. Then there was a loud squeal and I pulled the phone away from my ear before I became deaf.

“You are finally going to get laid. And it’s with Ethan Leeds. I’m so proud of you girl.”

“Whoa what? Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no, Nobody’s getting laid tonight. We are just going to sleep in the same room okay.” I whisper yelled turning to check if Ethan heard anything, but he seemed busy stoking the fire. What is it with guys and fire?

“Ah-ha, sure you’re not. Listen Vi, just be safe and where protection. Be wise condomize.”

“Arrgh Vicky will you please stop. I hope you’re not saying all this in front of Lily.”

“Nah, Lily is out like a light. Just remember stay safe, and tomorrow you can tell me all the deals of your hot sweaty, naked-“ I hung up the phone, no doubt my face was beyond red. Seriously, only Vicky can make something so innocent, so awkward.

Oh crap Vicky I’m going to kill you. Now I’m thinking of Ethan hot, sweaty and very naked, doing all sorts of-

“You okay?” I jump to the present at the sound of Ethan’s voice, dropping my phone in the process.

“Oh I erm… y-yea I’m good.” I squeaked, my voice sounding even to my ears a little higher than natural. I quickly picked up my phone then tried to act cool with a beet red face, while I leaned against a chair, trying to get the image of a sweaty naked Ethan out of my head.

He smirked as he stared up at me. I slowly made my way towards him, and trying not to look at the massive bed otherwise the image of naked Ethan might invade my mind again.

“Are you sure you’re okay… you look kind of … flustered?” He smirked and I had to resist the urge to fan myself for the hundredth time today. Ethan if you only knew the effect you have on me.

“I’m perfect, in fact awesome. You got anything for me to sleep in?” I asked hoping to change the subject.

“I have these.” He handed over a sweat pants and a large baggy t-shirt.

“Erm… great. Is that the bathroom?” I asked pointing to the frosted door.

“Yip go right ahead.” He smiled and I quickly made my way to the bathroom.

I quickly closed the door behind me and leaned on the basin and stared at my reflection in the mirror above. The wide-eyed girl that looks two shades paler than on average was staring back at me. I stared into her blue-grey eyes and took a deep breath.

You can do this, he is just a guy… a really, really hot guy that you have the hots for and by some miracle he has the hots for you too. Oh boy…I’m in trouble.

I felt myself flushing at the thought. We’ll be sharing a bed, all night.

You can do this, it’s a big bed, plenty of room for him to not touch you and how hard can this be? Just close your eyes and then when you wake up the next morning it’ll be over.

I took a few more deep breathes and started to change into the clothes he gave me. The clothes where miles too big, the t-shirt he gave me was so big, it hung off my shoulder and the hem ended mid-thigh. The sweat pants were loose around the waist, forcing me to hold it up. I tried finding the draw string but it seemed to have been pulled out. I rolled up the pants to make it a better fit. When I was done I was dressed in a three quarter pants with an over sized top. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn’t help the amused smile. I looked like a little girl, pretending to be a boy. It kind of reminded me of Oliver in the movie Oliver Twist. I neatly folded my clothes and decided to leave them in the bathroom along with Ethan’s jacket.

I pulled my hair loose and finger brushed my hair and then took a few more deep breaths for courage as I turned and left the confines of the bathroom. I slowly peeked my head out and noticed Ethan was nowhere in the room, breathing a sigh of relief, I ran towards the bed and practically dived under the covers, before he came into the room and saw me in the over sized clothes. I thought about leaving the pants and sleeping in only the t-shirt, but I rather like the extra protection the pants offered… not that I needed it or anything and it’s not like I don’t trust Ethan, I just feel more comfortable with it on.

As my racing heart calmed down, I could make out hush muffled voices outside of the door. It sounded like Ethan and that other girl, what was her name? Oh Tatiana.

I slowly tip toed towards the door gently placing my hand and ear to the door to better hear what they where talking about…

“-he will hurt you.”

“I know, but I can’t leave her… she’s…” Ethan trailed.

“I know how you feel about her, I felt… still feel the same way about Jamie, but you saw what he did to us and he has been searching for a way to hurt you and you have just offered him the most tempting of opportunities. He will use her; he will not hesitate and I pray that you do better than I at protecting the one’s you hold dear.” Who are they talking about? Who is going to hurt Ethan? Are they talking about D wanting to hurt Ethan using me?

“I know and I’m prepared.”

“She has the sight has she not? I know she was talking about the uncollected parcels, and it was most obvious when Jerry walked in to do his usual evening reading by the fire.”

“She does.”

“D has sensed it and that alone will attract him. You have to tell me little brother, why you are so drawn to her, when you know this will only end in tragedy.”

“It’s complicated and I’m may have been younger when he found me little sister, but I’m far older than you.” He sounded amused by her calling him little brother, kind of like an old joke they shared. They sounded close, like a real brother and sister. I wasn’t sure that I liked the thought, but the way Brandon and Tatiana looked at each other, it was obvious that they were in love.

“True… big brother. Hmm… I have always wanted a big brother.” She sounded amused as well. I really don’t understand what they’re talking about. I mean Tatiana looks older than Ethan, but how can Ethan be older than her? How old is Tatiana and how old is Ethan really? This is too confusing.

“Sleep well Tatiana, don’t worry yourself over this, It will be taken care of.” Crap he’s saying goodnight.

“Sleep well Ethan remember…” Her voice dimmed as I raced back to the bed, nearly tripping over my pants as it started to slip down my legs.

“Crap.” I mumble as I grabbed hold of my pants and silently as possible I slipped between the covers. Trying to calm my racing heart and get my out of control breathing steady.

It wasn’t long when Ethan opened the door to the room and gave me a smile that didn’t quit reach his eyes.

“The clothes fit okay? It was the smallest clothes I had.”

“They were a little big but it’s okay.” I said from my spot in the bed, the cover’s pulled to my chin, my breathing still a bit erratic. I must look like a scared little girl. Relax Vi, deep breaths. I tried to relax as he watched me as he walked across the room.

“I could ask Tatiana if she could borrow you some of her clothes if you like.” He said, staring at me intently.

“Er… no they’re fine.”  I hated wearing other peoples clothes, but strangely wearing Ethan’s weren’t all that bad, it could be because his smell was all over it or maybe it was just because of the fact that it was Ethan’s clothes that it didn’t bother me.

“You sure, I don’t think that she’ll mind lending you something.”

“I’m sure.”

“Okay… I’m going to take a shower, make yourself comfortable. The remote for the TV is next to the bed.” He said as he grabbed something out of his closet and made his way to the bathroom.

He walked into the bathroom and not long after I heard the shower being turned on. He seemed fine with me in his bed, relaxed even, while I was a ball of knots. Did he have other girls in his bed before, that’s why the sight of me in his bed doesn’t bother him? I frown at the thought of some other girl in his bed, and then another thought crossed my mind. Oh crap what if I wasn’t meant to sleep in his bed, what if he wanted me to sleep on the couch or some other place. I felt so forward, just assuming I that I’m going to sleep in his bed.

I got out, feeling uncomfortable now, and looked around the room, not sure what to do. I turned as I heard the door to the bathroom open, I hadn’t even heard the shower switch off. I looked up to see Ethan strolling out of the bathroom, wearing only a black boxer brief. My mouth went dry at the sight of him. He was beyond toned, I watched the dimmed light of the fire in the fire place played shadows across his fine body, which made my body tighten in an unexpected place that I had no idea existed. I had to push down the urge to jump him like a starved sex maniac, not for the first time today. That was a quick shower and he stopped when he saw me staring at him. He looked slightly confused that I was out of the bed.

“What are you doing out of bed? Where you going to look for a book?”

“I…erm… I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to sleep in your bed.” He smiled at me slightly amused.

“Of course you’re supposed to sleep in the bed, I mean you where in the bed when I walked in.”

“Yes well, I wasn’t thinking and I just …erm... yea.” I said squirming uncomfortably under his steady gaze.

“Ducky sleep in the bed. You are not going to sleep on the floor or the couch.” I looked dumbfounded at him. Did he just order me to sleep in his bed? I gulped at the thought of sleeping in Ethan Leeds bed.

“Go on. Get in.” He gestured towards his bed with his head, as I slowly and hesitantly got under the covers once again.

He walked to the closet pulling out a comforter and a pillow then closed the closet door and started for the stairs.

“Where are you going?” I asked slightly stunned that he wasn’t getting into the bed with me. Not that I was hoping that he’ll sleep next to me or anything like that. Okay maybe I was hoping just a tiny bit that he would sleep next to me tonight.

“I’m going to make a bed for me on the couch.” He said while he switched off the lights and continued making his way to the second floor above his bed.

It was dark, except for the light of the fire. I settled back under the covers and listened to him getting ready for bed. Maybe this is better, safer.

I closed my eyes and then heard a shrilling scream and sat bolt up right.

“Ethan.” I said, disgusted that my voice betrayed my fear.

“It’s okay babe. Go back to sleep.” My breathing was heavy and I wasn’t all too sure that it was okay like he said. I gathered my nerves, not sure if I’ll be able to sleep at all in this place.

“Ethan…please sleep next to me.” I asked in a quiet voice.

He was quiet not responding to my plea. “Please Ethan. I’m not sure I will be able to sleep in this place.”

“Are you sure Ducky?” He asked from his spot behind me and I nodded, and then not sure if he could see me in the dim light of the fire said “Yes, I’m sure.”

I heard some shuffling then I felt the bed dip beside me.

“I promise not to touch you.” I heard him whisper beside me.

There was a thump and it sounded like it was right outside his door and I gave a startled gasp and jumped, moving very close to him. Screw the no touching rule, this place gives me the creeps. I more like felt than heard him chuckling as he tucked his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I felt his warm chest against mine and his breathing became shallower, as I placed my hands on him.

“Violet, I’m sorry if my uncle made you uncomfortable earlier.”

“It’s okay Ethan. It’s not your fault.”

“I still don’t like what he did to you. Putting you on the spot like that, then embarrassing you in front of everyone. It’ll never happen again, I promise Ducky.” He hugged me closer. There was another noise outside his door and I gave an involuntary shiver.

“Are you scared?” He whispered his voice slightly husky from our close contact, but I could hear his suppressed humor. I could feel his breath against my neck which caused goose bumps to rise all over my body.

“Not anymore.” I breathed. Whoa is that my voice? I sound so… seductive and breathy.

In the dim light I saw him lean in and I looked up then his lips where on mine. His kiss was so passionate, so soft and tender, I felt myself melt into it. He tightened his arms around me as I snaked my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. I moved closer to him and felt his leg being slung over me as I closed in, without breaking the kiss.

I moaned in his mouth as his hands traveled down to my behind, pulling me up against him and then up under my too big t-shirt. He stopped his hand on my ribs, just below my breast and by then my breathing was rapid, my hormones way out of control. I trailed my hand down his chest as I clung to him with my other hand. I felt the muscles on his torso ripple and I felt a gathering heat in me. Something I hadn’t felt before and the thousands of butterflies that always seemed to appear around Ethan where fluttering uncontrollably inside my belly. I felt his hand move away from my ribs down my waist and he rolled me, effectively pulling me under him. He hovered above me never breaking the kiss. My hands explored his back and I started to grow wet and heated as we continued our passionate exploration of each other. His hands slowly traveled back up my waist, sliding under my top and stopped again just below my breasts.

He pulled back and looked down at me, staring deep into my eyes as if asking for permission. I nodded and whispered, “Do it.”

“Are you sure?”

I gulped and nodded again. Wondering if he could see the need I felt, the growing ache that started between my legs.

He slowly slid his hands up skimming my breasts causing my nipples to harden and then painfully slow started pulling my top off my head, leaving me in my black lace bra and his very loose fitting pants.

“Oh Ducky.” He said his voice going hoarse and sexy as hell and before I could say anything he was on my mouth again. Hot and urgent, grinding his hips into me and I met his rhythm. His lips hot and urgent against mine, then he started trailing his lips down my jaw, to my neck all the way to my collar bone. I felt his hands move to my back and then my bra was gone and he continued his exploring kisses until his hands were on the waist of my pants and he was kissing my navel, he looked into my eyes and I gulped as he started to slowly pull my pants down along with my panties. Once my pants and panties was off he sat up, staring at my naked body then back at my face, smiling softly. I squirmed under his eyes, feeling uncomfortable having him looking at me while I was totally naked and I had to fight the urge to cover myself with the blankets.

“Violet, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I’m the luckiest guy in the world.” I smiled shyly up at him, not sure on how to respond to that.

He slowly leaned down and kissed me, it wasn’t hurried, it was soft and I felt loved, and treasured. My hands went down to his boxer briefs and I urgently tugged on it and pulled it down, then used my feet to pull it all the way off.

Then I felt him hard and urgent, pressed against my thigh. He pulled back again, no Ethan come back. He stared into my eyes, we where both breathing heavily and he said,

“Are you sure Vi?” He asked as he trailed his thumb along my jaw, then across my bottom lip.

“I’m sure. I want this Ethan, I want you.” He smiled down at me and then quickly leaned down and kissed me, holding my head between his hands. Slowly he pulled back and smiled at me; reaching for something out of sight and kissed me again, before I heard the telltale tear of the little foil package.

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