A Certain Magical Fate, Book...

By MisakaLovesYou

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Mikoto, Arturia, and Okita are going to New York.. why? After the death of Mikoto's parents, she inherited a... More

Prologue: Loss in the Springtime of Sakura Petals..
New York
The Mage Academy
Okita and Vader
Dark of the Force.
The Lord of Villains and the King of Heroes.
A Thousand Cold Nights..
An Archer.
The World That Didn't Belong
A Yesterday that Never Happened
Self Control
Date with an Immortal
Beast 0
Into The Misaka-verse
Grand Saber

Maximum Effort. (Ha! This chapter quoted me..!)

643 27 39
By MisakaLovesYou

Now meanwhile as this was all happening.

Wait.. hold on.. let me just butt in a sec.

Huh!? WHO LET YOU IN HERE!? I'm busy updating a chapter!!!

No, you're busy updating MY chapter.. MY debut! You never gave Arturia butthurt when she asked if you could put in Caliburn somehow! Come on.. let me write it CORRECTLY.. Just like Pranky would..

Well I'm sorry, she doesn't write this book for me.. hey!! GET OFF OF ME!! DON'T SHOVE ME IN A CLOSET!!! HEY!! WADE!! WADE HEEEEEEY!!!

Okay.. alright, Hi guys! I'm the servant whose about to debut in this chapter, and probably won't appear for too many chapters cause my MAIN role will be most likely in A Certain Magical Fate EXTRA.. yeah, we're ripping off titles of non fanfics.. who'd thunk!?

Yeah yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking. "oh this is a dark book! Lots of dark stuff happens! Darth Vader cuts people up, Mikoto almost got raped... Stacy is a fine jackass who needs to get stabbed in the ass!!...wait.. phrasing.. HA!! Archer quote!! The comedy secret agent one, not the white haired Emiya White Haired, apparently somehow got a tan, version.. apparently that's how Shirou didn't recognize himself, that version of him looked completely not Asian..

Then again so does Emiya that Ginger bastard! HAHA!! so.. ANYWAYS.. Dark stuff ALL THE TIME can be SOOOO depressing.. so I want to make sure my debut is done right...so.. er... Yeah, I'll switch out of bold lettering so it seems like MisakaLovesYou is actually writing something and not temporarily locked in a closet! And I know Fan Fictions typically have bisexual action.. so I'll be SURE to make Mordred, Mikoto and Touma have an awesome threesome.. nah just kidding.. the only people who can kill me are the writers, and this writer might just kill me... so... heheh... not crossing that line..


Okita  crawled out from the alleyway, massaging her quickly healing ankle, as the magic of her Servant abilities continued to mend it..

"This isn't good.." Okita muttered, as she looked up at at the churning sky resulting from the battle between Vader and Gilgamesh. "This goes on any further.. the entire city could crumble to pieces.."

Okita gritted her teeth. "Damn.. First thing's first.. I gotta find my sis.. I mean.. Mikoto first..."

"Finding yer Sis... I dig it.. shows some real character, puttin' family first!" said a voice.

Okita whirled around to see that Al Capone and his Master were strolling down the streets towards, her. 

Koto Mashima, head of the Yakuza smirked.  "Well well.. you're some sort of samurai.. I don't think I know which Heroic Spirit you are.."

"I am a Saber, that is all you need to know.." growled Okita as she drew her blade.

Koto chuckled. "Originally, I only joined the New York faction because I knew the mage factions in Tokyo were opposed to me thanks to my running of an international crime organization with purely self interests.  They don't understand though.. my organization, the glorious Yakuza, is a shining light in the darkness, and with the Holy Grail we can shine greater still.. "

Koto smirked, "With Vader on our side, I know we can't possibly lose, his power is greater than you could scarcely imagine."

"Oh trust me.. I can imagine.. I just would rather not sell my soul to the devil for it." said Okita. 

Koto let out a few echoing incantations.. immediately, a strange magic circle glowed around his feet, and a transparent shield flowed around his body. 

"Shielding magic...?"  muttered Okita. 

"The boss doesn't like ta engage directly in combat savvy?" said Al Capone with a grin. "Like all of us.. well.. respectable gangs.. we like ta do some thing's with a bit more organization.. or should I say a bit of a higher number!"

Al Capone shouldered his machine gun, and chanted. "A Family, a force of nature, no law is a match for the numbers of the outlaw.. GANG MOB ARMY!!"

All around Al Capone.. in shimmering light.. multiple men wearing old fashioned coats, some with cigars in their mouths like Al Capone all appeared, grinning and aiming their guns at Okita.

"Oh... no.." Okita muttered. 

"LIGHT EM UP BOYS!!" roared Al Capone.

"Damn!!" Okita stammered . SHe didn't have enough mana reserves to use her Noble Phantasm again..  Vader had really taken it out of her.. She was driven into a corner here.

The men all fired their guns.. their guns burning with piercing light as the magic of a Noble Phantasm was added to their power.. letting a rain of bullets exploding with light fall down upon Okita. 


Mash suddenly landed in front of Okita.. and slammed her shield down. A ginormous blue circle of energy erupted around the shield.. letting it's brilliance explode outwards.. as ginormous multiple castle walls erupted around her.. shining into a giant walled off Castle that erupted behind her as well... securing Okita behind the walls of the fortress.

"WHOA!!!" Okita stammered as Ritsuka grabbed her arm and pulled her back away from Mash... the bullets of Al Capone's Noble Phantasm exploding like multiple bombs against the Walls of Camelot and the surface of Mash's shield... 

A massive shockwave exploded out from the attacks that were harmlessly repelled by Lord Camelot...  and Mash  glared as Alcapone stared, stunned. 

"What the hell!?" Al Capone roared. "Whose THAT lady!?"

"Shielder.." growled Koto. "Hmph.. so that's the famed Demiservant Mash Kryielight hmm? Her power is mainly in defense, offensively she can't hold a candle to you Archer.  As long as that Saber Servant is too weak to fight properly, all Shielder can do at the moment is put us at a standoff.. and Lord Camelot does consume mana... how long before she is forced to take down that fortress do you think?"

"Mash.. Ritsuka.. run.. leave me.." Okita gasped. "Go protect the others.. the New York Faction is coming after us!"

"that much is apparent.." said Mash. "A serial killer kidnapped Mikoto, one of the New York faction.. "

"WHAT!?" stammered Okita with absolute horror..

"Don't worry... they just rescued her." said Ritsuka. "She's shaken up but fine... in the meantime.. we really are in a standoff position aren't we? That noble Phantasm of that Archer servant... it's gotta at least be A class.. that damage was incredible.. Mash.. how much longer can you keep Lord Camelot up!?"

"As long as needed..  Arturia is 30 minutes away." said Mash.

"That won't be long enough... those two are smart.. they'll figure out a way around.." Okita muttered. "We need somebody offensively powerful to cover attacking now...."

"DID SOMEBODY SAY THEY NEEDED AN ATTACKER!!!?" Suddenly... off in the distance... a heroic voice sounded.... yes... a heroic voice... from.. UP IN THE SKY!?

Okita, Mash, and Ritsuka looked up in the air..

a red dot was coming down from the sky... off in the great distance yonder... slowly coming down from the clouds.

"It's... a bird!!" Okita said.

"No.. it's a plane!!" said Ritsuka.

"It's... it's... a guy?"  said Mash.

A man.. in what appeared to be a red and black suit strapped with ammo belts, with two guns at his side, and two katanas sheathed to his back was flying down from the sky. He wore a mask over his face with black imprints over the eyeholes.


"You're welcome me!!

"Did... anything he said just make sense to you?" Okita said.

"What in hell is.. Huh?" muttered Al Capone as Koto stared as well, bemused. Apparently very caught up in my awesomeness..

YEAAAAAHHH!!! WHOOOOOO!!" said the majestic assassin man, flying down faster and faster towards the ground, his arms spread out. "I'M FLYING.... I'M..


Ooooohhh.." there was a collective groan from everyone present, as the man smashed into the road.. face down. 

The man.. his body flattened in a pool of blood.. groaned and raised his head. "AAAGGGHH! WHAT THE HELL MAN!? WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU WRITE A PARACHUTE ON ME!?"

Look! When I wrote I was going to be on a plane! I expected I was enough of a genius.. to USE THE PARACHUTE THAT WAS IN THE PLANE!!!! But noooo.. you just jumped out!!! You dingus!!

"JERK!! Nobody insults me but me!!" roared the man as he stood up, twisting his joints back into place.. his wounds beginning to regenerate. 

I AM Me!!! So don't give me that crap me!!

"I'll give me crap all day!!" roared the man. 

"Um, Mr.. who are you talking to?"  asked Okita. 

"NEVERMIND THAT!!" said the man, jumping up, completely healed. "I'm Assassin!! Well.. Assassin from Tokyo mind you! Yay Debut of the Tokyo Faction! Party horn everyone!!! True name's Deadpool!! Rhymes with Dread Drool, Med Fool.. and about a bunch of other things that make no sense!! And right now the readers of this fan fic are probably either jumping up and down with joy or face palming... or maybe both! I don't know!"

"Deadpool!?" said Koto growled. "Wait.. that joke from the Marvel comics!?"

"JOKE!?" said Deadpool. "I'm NOT A JOKE!! I'm a majestic Assassin, Mercenary, anti-hero!!! MANY are my fans!! Many are my women!! strong is my heart!!! And broken into  tiny pieces is the Fourth Wall that used to be my prison!"

Deadpool pointed at Koto. "Admittidly.. I was only here with my master.. flying over the good US of A to go to a meeting with a possible college for him!!! BUUUUUUT! I couldn't help but notice somebody needed my help!!"

Actually you just wanted to jump out to see if the author would write you into flying straight into the middle of a super battle... which I did.

"SHUT UP!! NOBODY ASKED YOU ... ME... YOU ME!!!" Deadpool roared. 

Deadpool whirled around to look at Okita, Mash, and Ritsuka. "LISTEN HERE! You gorgeously hot waifus and one ambiguous mobile game main character that was suddenly given a personality by a fanfic author!!!  I hate New York Faction.. they're assholes.. well.. maybe Vader is kinda cool.. but the others are assholes.. which is why I.. in the interest of kicking assholes in the schrodingers...  will help you out.. with THEEEESE!!"

Deadpool whipped out his two swords. "SLICEY DICEY DICEY!!"

"It appears we have an ally.." Mash muttered. "A very odd one at that.."

"MASH BEST KOUHAI APPROVES!!!" roared Deadpool. "I AM EMPOWERED!!! Alright.. play some catchy theme music!! Preferably something ripped off from Spider-Man Homecoming!!"

Deadpool jumped forward.. "ALRIGHT BOYS! Whose going to the cleaners first!?"

Koto sighed... "Archer.. please get rid of this imbecile.."

"Savvy boss!" said Al Capone. "LIGHT EM UP AGAIN BOYS!!!"

The entire mob trained their guns on Deadpool.

"OH!! HO!! We're really gonna do this!?" Deadpool said, twirling his blades skillfully. "ALRIGHT!! Let's do this... Jedi style!!"

The guns fired, a hailstorm of Noble Phantasm bullets blasting forth as Deadpool whirled his blades around in an attempt to deflect all the bullets.

However, all the bullets missed the blades, and exploded into Deadpool's body as he continued to wave his swords around pathetically.. until finally Deadpool was riddled with bullet holes that were sizzling with mana...

Al Capone and the rest of the servants in his mob Noble Phantasm raised eyebrows and stared.

"Oh! Hahaha!! Right.. I guess that happens when ya turn 40.. movements slow down and stuff.." said Deadpool. "Oh.. quick fact, by the way this EXACT same scene kind of happened in one of the Deadpool 2 trailers!  I really made fun of the DC universe in that one! Haa!!"

"KILL THEM ALL!!" roared Koto. "I DON'T CARE HOW!! JUST DO IT!!"

"Oh.. so we're moving into the big fight scene! LET'S DO IT!!!" Deadpool dashed in.. slashing and  cleaving his swords with amazing agility.. cutting apart man after man.. ripping right through the Anti-Army Noble Phantasm like the assassin he was.. leaving behind a  trail of body parts and blood.

It didn't matter how much people shot at him, Deadpool's body healed just as fast as he became injured, having a healing factor that was every bit as impressive as Jason's. 

"WATCH ME MOMMY WATCH ME!!" Deadpool exclaimed, laughing as he jumped on one of the mobster servant's shoulders and began riding him like a pony through the crowds of mobsters. "WHOOOO!!"

"GEROFFF GEROOFFF!" screamed the mobster as Deadpool directed him all over the place by sticking his fingers up his nostrils and forcing his nose in different directions.

"This guy is all SORTS of messed up!!" stammered Al Capone. 

"Should I do a Twilight Prankster Wedgie guys!? Should I do one!?" said Deadpool.

Suddenly a dimensional rift opened up and Prankster's head popped out.

"Do it and you die! That's my trademark!" said Prankster. 

"Fine fine.. " said Deadpool. "How bout butter in their shorts?"

"TRADEMARKED!" Prankster exclaimed before he popped back in the rift, closing it behind him.. 

OH SHIZZLE!" Deadpool exclaimed before stabbing his blades in the man's face and jumping into the air..

Deadpool sheathed his blades in mid air as he drew out his two guns. "The best part about being a Servant and in a country where everyone wants their blonde haired weirdo tweeting president dead...? UNLIMITED BULLETS!!!"

Deadpool fired his guns around him.. blasting away each and every one of Al Capone's men away, laughing like a jubilant maniac.

Let me clarify.. a jubilant.. MAJESTIC maniac mind you.

Deadpool finally  was the last one standing, pointing his gun at Al Capone, who had his own gun pointed at Deadpool.

"Well well.. looks like we have ourselves a standoff.." said Al capone.

"Stand off.. did you er.. NOT see me take a hundred thousand bullets and live?" said Deadpool. "Honestly.. I actually have no idea why I'm not shooting you now.."

Dramatic affect my friend.

"Oh yeahhhhhh." said Deadpool. "That shizzle.."

"WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO!?" Al Capone roared.

"Me, Myself, and I!" said Deadpool.  "Usually I talk to the readers too.. don't worry folks, now that I'm in an anime fanfic... things are surely to get really fanservicey in a moment... and.... CUE DARUMAKA PILLOW!!"

"I don't know why, but anime freaks really seem to have a thing for striped panties." said Deadpool. "But you know what they say, it's fan service that sells blu rays, and without fan service.. either you don't get a season 2, or season 2 takes about a decade to produce.. My apologies Attack on Titan!"

This is a fanfic, we don't need bluray sales!

"That's not what they said about the Percy Jackson movies! That was PURE fanfic!!"  said Deadpool. 

"So you're from the Tokyo Faction hmm?" said Koto with a chuckling smirk, he took out a cigar and blew into it a little. "Their Assassin class Servant? I heard about you all... a bunch of loser nutjobs.. who aren't even capable of working together much less fighting.. the only reason you even were able to beat us is because of your healing.. .. overall, you're nothing but a joke.."

"Well DUH.. Wade Wilson, Slade Wilson.. I'm pretty much making fun of a DC classic!" said Deadpool. "But the difference is.. I'm a LOVABLE joke!! "

Deadpool looked back at Mash and Okita. "Yo! Waifus! As much as I like pretty ladies watching me as I shank and murder a bunch of dudes! I'm KINDA giving you a way to escape.. here.. so.. any time now would be.. be.. huh?"

Mash, Okita, and Ritsuka were already gone..

"How rude!" said Deadpool.  "Wait.. no way I'd make my scenes in this chapter only up to two thousand six hundred words!!! That... that means that...

Yes.. Deadpool now realized that the REAL author had just broken out of the closet and kicked little jackass wadey into the closet!!!


Nope! Now I'm writing this correctly, which means we're cutting to another scene!!! 



Special Announcement:

Today Is Mikoto Misaka's Birthday! May 2nd!! We should all wish her well and plenty more to come!! We love you Railgun!!

Kanae: And it's also your birthday isn't it sis?

Me: Eh... I guess! But hey.. everyone deserves a celebration!!

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