That's Ace {Fourth book in Th...

By neverlandhiraeth

4.5K 143 48

Ace Weasley, son of Fred and Orion Weasley had a pretty normal life, growing up as a wizard with semi-famous... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Please Read

Chapter 14

235 8 8
By neverlandhiraeth

The children returned to school and Sam was glad to see his best friend, Ace, back to his normal self. He and Ace were back to being two peas in a pod and boy were everyone happy that they were. Orion had told Ace to carry on as normal, as if nothing was strange at all and that what he was experiencing was not true. He trusted and loves his mother very much, so Ace did as he was told.

In the train compartment, it was crammed with the majority of Ace's relatives meaning he was sat on Sam's lap so that there was enough room. Poppy sat on Teddy's lap and Merlin's beard, if looks could kill, she would have had a werewolf-veela wipeout from Victoire. Of course, Poppy and Teddy saw each other as cousins, in fact, siblings and it was simply out of kindness that Teddy offered for her to use his lap as a seat.

Sam had his arm around Ace's waist and his head n his shoulder and didn't care how it looked. He was happy that Ace was Ace again and not some anti-social twerp that ignored him. He was lost without his best friend and by golly, it felt glorious to be back to normal. Sam played with the zip of Ace's hoodie and actually thought he looked great as a brunette with straight hair, but he did miss his messy ginger curls.

The packed compartment must have been the loudest on the train as the large group of Weasleys and family and friends laughed and joked, but it must have also been the messiest as well. It seemed that Elliot felt like initiating a food fight by continuously flicking jelly beans at Louis. Louis retorted and hit Lucy with a chocolate frog, who then hit Dominique with a drooble and then she went on to his Ace with a chocolate wand. In the end, everyone was covered in food and rolling around in laughter.

Ace leaned further back into Sam, burying his head in the crook of his neck. His breath tickled Sam's neck but the boy didn't mind, he hugged Ace tighter and laughed with him.

All was well.

* * *

That night in their dormitory, Ace and Sam cuddled up in bed, eating some sweets they had saved from the train. Their legs were intertwined and Sam had his arm around ACe in what they called their special 'bro hug'.

"Lok, Sammy, I really am sorry for how I acted before Christmas, I guess I was on some sort of man-period as Pops would call it." Said Ace munching on a sherbert lemon, his face scrunching from the zingy taste.

Sam shook his head, "It's fine, I told you that in my letter. As long as it doesn't happen again, we're cool."

"Hopefully it won't," Laughed Ace leaning his head on Sam's shoulder.

Sam ran his fingers through Ace's hair, "I do like this look, but I prefer your curls." He admitted, his fingertips running softly over his scalps and sent shivers down Ace's spine and his fingers started to tingle. He quickly shoved his hands into his pockets and hoped that it went unnoticed by Sam but it didn't.

"Are your hands cold?" Sam asked him reaching out and taking a hold of Ace's hands. The boy's eyes widened in fear but thankfully there were no sparks, but the tingly sensation was still there. Sam began to rub Ace's hands to warm them up. "Is that better?"

Ace nodded and gulped, turning back to his sweets. Sam snuggled further into Ace and shut his eyes as his head rested on Ace's chest. The beating of his heart sent him off to sleep quite quickly leaving Ace awake and staring down at his best friend.

Gingerly, Ace used his thumb to rub circles around Sam's waist as he held him whilst he slept. It wasn't the first time this had happened, in fact, it happened all of the time but each time Ace still was scared in case he woke up. Sam stirred his arm travelling so that he hugged Ace even more, his hand resting on his chest.

Ace sighed and shut his eyes waiting for sleep to come and it did eventually. Leaving the two boys to sleep in each other's arms.

* * *

A few weeks later, at breakfast, Ace and Sam sat awaiting the post as Sam had sent off for a new broom and they couldn't wait for it to come. Sam couldn't contain his excitement and repeatedly ran his fingers through Ace's hair, which he had switched back to his natural colour and curls.

When the owls swooped in, Sam's broomstick did not come, instead, a letter landed in front of Ace, labelled to him and his siblings. He gathered Poppy, Esme and Elliot and opened the letter. "Dear Ace, Poppy, Esme and Elliot," He began and Sam read over his shoulder and for once, Ace didn't mind because it wasn't private just to him.

"We do not know how you will take this news, hopefully well- your mother didn't at first, she claimed we are too old and you guys are too- but it seems as though our family of six will soon be seven. We are having another baby! Believe me, my darlings, it was not planned but we are still over the moon. We also hope you are having a wonderful time at school - GETTING INTO LOADS OF MISCHIEF!- ignore your dad, please. Write back as soon as you can so we know how you feel. Lot's of love, Mum and Dad." Read Ace.

It took a while for it to sink in and he had to re-read the letter again before he actually processed the idea of having yet another sibling.

"Mum is pregnant." Squealed Poppy which caused eyes to stare at her, including Remus' from the staff table.

"Not another one of yous!" Cried Sam playfully. Ace left the table and ran towards Remus clutching the letter.

"Ace, what's wrong?" Asked Remus furrowing his eyebrows.

Ace held up the letter, "Mum's pregnant again!" Remus stumbled back, clutching the table and trying to stop himself from passing out.

"Again?" Stuttered Remus, breathing heavily, "I warned your father-"

"Dad?" Asked Teddy who had joined his side, "What's going on?" He watched his father breathing erratically and his knuckles growing white as his grip tightened on the table.

Professor McGonagall also joined their side and looked at Ace expectantly.

"My mother is pregnant once again," Stated Ace.

Never in his years at Hogwarts had Ace seen McGonagall looking so pale. The colour had drained from her face and her eyes grew wide. "Not another." She muttered and pressing her hand to her forehead, "I think it's time to retire."

"What?!" Exclaimed Teddy, "You can't retire!"

"If one more Weasley Twin baby comes to this school I might have to, Edward. I have taught many Weasley's and by Merlin, I'm getting too old for this all."

Ace just stared at his headmistress in disbelief, "Professor the baby isn't even born yet. Then it'll be a further eleven years before they come to Hogwarts, by which I and the rest of my siblings and cousins will be out of Hogwarts. And you're already about a hundred and one, you probably won't even be around when they come to school."


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