Chapter 13

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Ace woke up in the night, his finger tips tingling and sparks hitting his stomach where they laid. He cursed quietly and sat up, staring at his fingers they wouldn't stop. Panicking he ran, quietly at that, out of his room and up to where his parents and uncle and aunt were.

Fortunately, Orion was on the side of the bed that she could get out of easily, and been as he didn't know if the sparks would harm anyone he lifted his bare foot and nudged her in her leg with his foot. His mother grumbled and her eyes opened in annoyance. She was ready to tell whoever it was to go back to sleep and let her do the same but when she caught sight of a panicked Ace and sparks her eyes widened and her body was now fully awake.

Wriggling from her husbands arms, Orion hurriedly pulled her son out of the room and down to the kitchen area. "When did this start?" She asked him, clutching the palm of his hands and staring intently at his slight finger tips.

"Whilst I was asleep." The boy replied, goosebumps painted his skin from both fright and the cold air nipping at his practically fully nude body. Why did he decide to sleep in just his boxers? A question that ran through his mind but was overpowered by others much more useful. His voice was quiet, quieter than usual, a common tone from him nowadays, one that showed he was truly scared and vulnerable.

A spark flashed and spat, hitting Orion square on the arm, lighting it up as she cursed in pain, clutching her glowing blue arm. Ace watched with wide eyes, he had just hurt his mum, no! No! No!

"Mum...?" He asked in a small voice as she dropped to the tiled floor, her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her arm still glowing. "Mum?"

"I'm...fine..." she clenched her teeth.

Ace fell to his knees, just as the sparks dispersed and wrapped his arm around Orion's shoulders. He held his mother tightly, he was afraid she would hate him for hurting her, but still, it didn't stop him from trying to bring her comfort.

After a short while her arm stopped glowing and her breathing slowed, having become erratic when she was in pain. "Mummy?" Ace Asked again, he now seemed like a small child, younger than six, his eyes glistened with tears as he waited for her to reply in any sort of way.

"I'm fine, sweetheart." Orion told him, looking up and wrapping her unharmed arm around him, "that was just...-"

"- awful. I'm so sorry, mum, I didn't know-"

"- stop, Ace, you didn't mean for it to happen. We don't know what that was but it did bloody hurt that's for sure. I'm not going to lie to you. Don't stress over it, it was an accident. Now come on, let's forget about it, yeah?"

Ace shook his head, " I can't, I hurt you, i could hurt anyone." He pulled away from his mother who climbed to her feet and reached out to him. "No, mum, look at your arm, it's marked! It was glowing!" Ace pointed at her arm, it was a round blue dot with blue vein-like tails stretching away from it like little lightning strikes.

"Ace, listen to me right now, I am fine. No one will know about this because I will go and throw a jumper on and say I got cold and will wear sleeved tops all the time. Just please, go to bed, you're freezing, and get some sleep. If you can't their is some sleeping potion in the cupboard, take a small swing of it and you'll fall straight to sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow. Please, just don't worry about it." She pressed a kiss to his forehead and lightly pushed him in the direction of the door, "Please, sweetheart, for me?"

Ace nodded, kissing his mother's cheek and sulking out of the room. Orion remained in the kitchen looking down at her arm. What the fuck? Pressing her finger to it she hissed in pain.

Choosing to just return to bed, Orion slipped on one of Fred's jumpers over her head and climbed back into bed. Her husband stirred, rolling over and tugging her body into his.

"Where did you go? I was cold!" He whined, sleepily.

"I went to get a drink and then I got cold and put a jumper on." She told him, rubbing her fingers through his messy hair, as he buried his head into her chest.

"Cinnamon and fire,  is that mine?" He asked her.

"No it's George's, Freddie." He let out a shrill cry that made his wife slap her hand across his mouth. "Freddie, it's late! People are sleeping."

"I'm not! You woke me up by not being here, I hope that drink was worth it." Fred moaned, Orion chuckled lightly at him and pushed his head away from her boobs. "I think that deserves a kiss."

Reluctantly, the woman pressed her lips to his shortly but tenderly. "Freddie, I'm worried about Ace." She told him, pulling away.

"His hormones are fucking him over, love. We all had crappy hormones but with everything going on when we were his age, we didn't notice it as much. Now that we have peasant spawn of own we are noticing it more and worrying. You are the worst for worrying, baby calm down." Fred ran his hands, this time, through her hair, stopping to caress her cheeks.  "Why don't we just sleep, we have three other kids to get through this all and Ace is the easiest of our children, personally, I think Pops will be the worst."

"Oh dear lord, she's a miniature Ginny isn't she?" Orion giggled, "but we love them both. I do think Pops may be the worst to be fair, or Esme and Elliot, they are too innocent."

"Yes, Yes, shut the fuck up. How on Earth you two prats had two innocent children is a mystery. Yes they all get hormonal and go through puberty. I don't give a shit. Shut the fuck up, I need my beauty sleep, some of us can't be as ugly as you, Freddie."

"Sod off, George."

"All of you just button it and sleep!"

"Yes, Angie."

That's Ace {Fourth book in The 'I am Who?' Series}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz