Riding With the Wind

By California6

14.1K 318 79

Have you ever run away from someone because they caused you too much pain? In Jessica May's situation, that w... More

Who's There?
Check the Premisis
On the Run From My BFF
Dirty Little Secret
Officially Mine
Drama Happens
Fighting the Instinct
Run Away Home
Taking Chances
Truth Be Told...
This is Me- Plain and Simple (Maybe)
Letting Go
Say What?!
Watch Out
Unknowingly There
Poor Kid
He Did What?!
Waking Up
Because of You

Whatever. -You Too.

661 14 4
By California6

*Jess's P.O.V.*

   You know you have good hearing when you can here you best friend getting frisky with her mate across the hall. The disturbing part is that I can hear her moans and his growls, and it has me on the verge of throwing up. Yes, it's that bad- they are that bad.

   It is so bad that I find myself needing to leave the room, even the house, but I don't think I have the stomach to leave and be closer to their room. I wouldn't have my door as an extra divider anymore, and I might actually end up throwing up.

   I settle deeper into my bed, and crank up the music. Glad that they have itunes here because I have a small obsession with music. Some may not call it small, but I don't like sounding like a music nerd.

   My friends back home used to always come to me for all of their music needs, and it gave me another purpose in life, besides becoming the next alpha female. I loved looking for their favorite music in all of the different genres that caught their attention. I even got the privilege of introducing them to new songs, and meeting some famous musicians. Those were my favorite times in my old pack. I guess you could say that I used music as my escape, and it is true. Music was usually the only thing that would calm me down. I enjoyed listening to the lyrics and seeing the purpose behind them.

   I am brought out of my thoughts to knocking on my door. I get up slowly and take my time walking there. If they are here for something important, they are not about to leave just because I am walking slowly. I know they can hear me because I hear the person tapping their foot impatiently. Just for that, I slow myself down more.

   When I eventually get the door open, I see Rebecca standing there expectantly.

   "Can I help you?" I ask, unsure of why she is here. Our little show isn't until later in the evening.

   "Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about out little incident yesturday. I don't think it is necessary for me to go through with the chosen punishment. I think you should change it." Hearing her say this has me laughing, hard. She is so weak that she can't even take her own bull shit when it is handed to her on a silver platter.

   "You're a big girl. Living up to your own dare won't kill you. If you want you can do it earlier. I have nothing against that, but you are not going back on your word. That would only make you a coward and a bitch." I can tell that she is a little offended my choice of words, but I could care less.

   "Ummm... ok. I don't want to change the time." She looks down at the floor, giving up.

   "Okay, that was your choice. But it was not you choice to decide whether or not you live up to your own deals. I will see you later." I close the door in her face, and walk into the bathroom, in desperate need for a shower.

   Once I'm out and squeaky clean, I hear Erin and Beck going at it again like little rabbits, so I turn my music up even louder, and get dressed. I decide to keep it simple by just wearing skinny eans and a cute, black, ruffly tank top. I keep the makeup minimal and decide, that when I finally put shoes on, that I will wear my black gladiators with the fake, clear crystals on them.

   I lay back down on my bed, and close my eyes. I take in the lyrcs to the song and smile to myself. My favorite song is playing and it just makes me so happy to hear it. The lyrics pretty much sum up my life, although some people might argue against that. As the song comes to an end, I lean over and restart it, listening to the lyrics extra carefully. The song- The Fighter- inspires me everyday, and I listen to it every morning. Listening to the lyrics of the chorus one last time before turning the music off, I smile at their purpose in the song.

   "Give em hell, turn their heads.

   Gonna live life til we're dead.

   Give me scars, give me pain.

   Then they'll say of me, say of me, say of me

   There goes the fighter, there goes the fighter

   Here comes the fighter

   That's what they'll say of me, say of me, say of me

   This one's a fighter."

   Those lyrics have kept me going when I thought I couldn't anymore. They were always there, even when people weren't. I always found, that after hearing them, I could stand up to anything or anyone. They gave me power.

   I turn off my music, only to hear Erin and Beck. I really need to talk to them about getting their oom sound proofed. Seriously, this is starting to get a little scary and disturbing, and I don't think my stomach can handle it much longer.

   I walk out of my room, and nearly run down the stairs, desperate to get away from their room. I walk into the kitchen, on the search for something to eat. While looking through the fridge, I hear someone walk into the kitchen and stop when they see me.

   I slowly turn my head to see one of the two boys from when I first got here looking at me.

   "Hello." I say confidently, before going back to look through the fridge for something good to eat.

   "Hi. I'm Chance Johnson, soon to be alpha of this pack. What's your name again?" He asks, trying to make his voice intimidating to scare me into talking to him -as if.

   "My name is Jess." I don't even spare him a glance as I continue on my search for good food.

   "Okay, do you have somehting against looking at me while I'm talking?" He asks, starting to get more and more pissed at me.

   "No, I don't have any problems with you." I state, while bluntly ignoring him.

   "Really? For some reason, I don't find that to be beleivable." Smart ass.

   "And why is that? Do think that just because I'm not falling all over you or doing everything in my power to make you like me, that I somehow have a problem with you? If that is how you are used to it, take this as a wake up call. I will not be falling all over you, so get used to it." I say this, and grab an apple out of the fridge, before leaving him to his thoughts and annoyingness. I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room.

   Sitting down on the sofa, I grab the remote and turn on the tv. It's only once the tv is on, that I notice another presence in the room. I turn around to see Chance standing in the doorway, looking at me intently.

   "Can I help you?!" I ask, while glaring at him because he is staring. I almost expect him to start drooling because of how hard he is staring.

   He seems to snap out of it once I start talking-yelling at him.

   "O, umm... no, I was just coming to make sure you aren't doing anything you shouldn't be doing." He says, trying to cover his sorry ass.

   "Wow! You can't control your eyes, and you think I'm gonna like steal from you or something. Is there anything else you want to share with me about what you think of me?!" I ask, as I feel my wolf starting to come out. She is pissed that he is even questioning our motives.

   "Umm... I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I was just a little worried, and I'm sorry, but you are hard to look away from." He states this, matter of factly.

   "Again, wow! Do you have enough self-control to leave? Or do I have to?" I ask, sick of whatever game he is playing.

   "I will leave if you want me to."

   "Okay, go ahead."

   "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He says, making his way out of the room.

   "You too!" I yell, so I can be sure that he hears me.

   He comes back in, as I suspected he would and makes a weird face, "Why on earth did you just say you too?" He asks, putting air quotes around 'you too'.

   "Because when someone says whatever to me, I see it as them saying fuck you, so I just respond, you too."

   "Why do you right away assume that people are saying fuck you when they say whatever?" He asks, and it seems like he is actually curious.

   "Because, usually when people say whatever, they say it to get people off of their backs and to leave them alone. I take it as them saying fuck you because they don't care enough to actually end the conversation correctly."

   "Oh, okay. I think I understand now." No he doesn't, he is just getting more confused, and I can see it on his face.

   "Yeah, I bet you do." I say, and turn off the tv. I stand up and make my way back into the kitchen, in search of a trashcan. Once I find it, I throw away my apple core, and make my way towards the back doors that lead into the woods. It is time for me to go for a much needed run.

   When I get back from my run, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. As I make my way back up to my room, I notice that for the first time in a while, it is quiet. I almost laugh out loud at the silence, but then I think better of it.

   I make my way up the hall, and by the time I get to my room, Erin has her door open, and I see that she is presentable.

   "Hey." I say, while opening my door and walking in. She follows me in and sits down on the edge of my bed.

   "HI. How was your day?" She asks, and I can't help but laugh when I think about how her might have been.

   "Pretty good, I went for a run. How was your day?" I ask, laughing inwardly at her already bright red face.

   "Umm... I'm glad you went for a run. Did you find your way around okay? And my day was fine." She says, smiling hugely.

   "Yeah, it wasn't that hard to find my way around."

   "That's good. I'm glad."

   "Yeah. So... do you want to go somewhere for dinner later?" I ask, knowing that we will already be in town to see a certain person do a certain dare.

   "Sure. What time?" That is a good question.

   "Well... I have to meet Rebecca in the woods at six to goover her dare, so let's say maybe around six-thirty?"

   "That's right, your dare. Sure, six-thirty sounds fine. Where do you wan to eat?"

   "I don't care. You pick. You know all of the good places anyway."

   "Okay, can Beck come?"

   "Of course, he is your mate. I wouldn't want it any other way."

   "Yay! I will go tell him, and i will text you the details about dinner."

   "Okay, see you then."

   "Yup, can't wait." She leaves me to my thoughts, and I smile. We have a very interesting relationship.

   I wait until about five of six, and then make my way down towards the clearing where I promised to meet Rebecca.

   When I reach the clearing, I see Rebecca standing alone in a sundress and socks. Good, she remembered the other part of her sinister plan.

   "Glad to see you remembered the socks." I say sarcastically and point for her to lead the way towards the main road in town. She goes and I smile to myself.

   Once we reach the trees to the side of the main road, I look at Rebecca expectantly. She right away understands what I am trying to get across without using words.

   "Turn around." She orders, so I turn around and giggle to myself about what she has to do.

   After about two minutes, I ask her how she is doing and she says she is ready, so I turn around only to turn right back around becuase she has no clothes on.

   "Go right ahead." I say, looking anywhere but at her.

   "Fine." She grumbles, before taking off out of the trees and down the road.

   Everyone stares at her, especially the guys. Just seeig how they react to a naked girl running down the road has me laughing my ass off. It takes her about five minutes to make her way back up the street and to our area of cover behind the bushes.

   Once she is safely in hiding, she shifts and takes off running. Only this time she is running away from the street.

   I laugh to myself as I walk out of our hiding place and feel my phone vibrate. I check it to see that it is a message from Erin telling me that we are meeting at an italian restuarant right in the middle of town. The place is called La Piaza, and she says that they have good food. They better because all that I have eaten all day has been an apple, and even that I didn't get to enjoy because Chance kept bothering me.

   I walk into the resturaunt and look around for Erin and Beck. When Erin sees me, she waves like a crazy person, and I smile. This is going to be a fun, fun dinner.


THANK YOU FOR READING!!! i am honestly surprised that i was able to write this much this quickly. but that is obviously wishful thinking for ya. the reason this is done soooo quickly is because someone is a little impatient at 3:30 in the morning! haha, I hope yu all enjoy!!!!

~Cali <3

yessssss, that is the AMAZING Taylor Lautner as CHANCE!!!!! <33 him --------->




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