Rebel with a Cause √

By spaceshipfiles

6.6K 232 33

Kylo Ren x Reader// "You have no love for anyone. Not even yourself." You are a pilot for the Resistance. Bu... More

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
e l e v e n
E p i l o g u e
alternate ending

t e n

434 18 1
By spaceshipfiles

Your heart stopped.

Finn, Rey and Poe all spotted on Laskaris III. You weren't ready to be pulled out so soon. But you had to save them, you had to get to them, and you had to get to them first.

It was virtually impossible.

"We've got them cornered now." The softness in his eyes had been replaced by that burning fire. "My legacy awaits." Kylo stormed away, presumably to him chambers to change. You had to do the same. He'd be going to his shuttle next.

Walking to your chambers, you changed into your uniform. But the thought of saving your friends throbbed in your head. There was a way to get there before Kylo and the First Order stormed Laskaris III, you had a feeling your handy work was going to play a big role in this battle.


"Captain I need a ship."

Captain Lionne turned around with bitterness in her eyes. She trembled when she spoke.

"I can't let you do that."

Anger bubbled up inside of you.

"I don't think that's a good idea Captain." Your fist clenches at your side. Captain Lionne began to cough and gasp for air.

"I c-can't, w-we've" she stops to gasp for air, "sent all u-units to Laskaris III."

You clench your fist harder.

"You're lying."

She falls to her knees "I-I'll tell you." She wheezes "p...please don't k-kill me."

You realize what you're doing and release.

"T-there's a Xi-Class shuttle on the flight deck. You can take it. I'll sancture the departure. Just don't kill me." She begs.

"Very well."

After Caption Lionne approved your departure on her com-link, you turn around and clench your fist until you hear her body fall into a heap on the ground.


Jumping into the shuttle you place the headset on and begin speaking to the operator, "This is Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's apprentice requesting a sanctioned departure from Captain Lionne in docking bay two on the main flight deck, copy?"

"This is ship control, your departure has been sanctioned, over?"

"Yes, the ship is being 're-routed on orders from Supreme Leader himself, it's on a new route to Laskaris III."


You were entering the atmosphere of Laskaris III, it was dense with people. You'd heard of Laskaris III before. It was a popular trading post.

Landing your ship, you grab you training robes you had brought with you, no one could know you were in the First Order. It was too dangerous.

Changing into the robes and putting the cloak on would disguise your face. You could feel Rey close by. But there was a good chance Kylo wasn't far behind.

After scurrying through the streets, you finally spot the first signs of the First Order, stormtroopers, and they were coming towards you, fast. There was a cantina nearby, you slip through the doors inside. It was bustling, but still you weren't safe, troopers would be storming this place soon enough.

Spotting a staircase, you walk downwards toward it. You hear voices calling out from the bottom. It was a storage basement, but still you heard whispers. Entering a room, the volume of the whispers grew. It's source was a chest, upon opening it, it was filled with First Order contraband. Blasters, plasma bombs, forged scan docs. But still the whispering stayed.

Digging to the bottom you found a brown box, it was plain and weathered with age. Opening it up, there it was.

A lightsaber.

Dropping the box you fell back. A Jedi's lightsaber.

You heard footsteps and turned around, it was an alien woman. She had green skin and long appendages on her head like hair, goggles on her forehead, and was wearing a black and red flight-suit.

"Ah, I see you've found it." She smiled.

"I'm sorry is this yours? I didn't mean to snoop, it's just that I heard something. I thought something was calling to me."

"That was Kane's saber. And now it calls to you. I wasn't around the time of the Jedi, but I know the Force."

"Who's Kane?" You asked

"Kane was a Jedi, until the Sith came and killed all of them. Kane came here to hide, but he too, like the rest, was killed. I happened upon it but I've never used it. I'm no Jedi, but take it, I have no use for it." She pick: up the box and places it into your hands.

"Thank you."

She smiles.

Then, you heard it, the mechanical voice of storm troopers. The woman's face becomes frightened, you reopen the box and grab the lightsaber.

"Take it, go!" She cries, leading you to the back exit.

"I'll never forget this." You nod, strapping the saber to your belt, putting the hood of your cloak up and leaving the cantina.


Leaving, you saw storm-troopers run straight past you. They were in hot pursuit. Following them must lead to Rey, Finn and Poe. You had to find them first.


The troopers filed into a alley, but you heard the clatter on the rooftops, you finally saw a glimpse of your friends. Rey ran across the roofs of the buildings with Finn not far behind. But where was Poe?

Only moments later the barrel of a x-wings engine was the only thing you could hear, the canons fired and the area around you exploded into black smoke, you flew back, landing on a nearby wall.

Forcing yourself up you run through the wreckage in the direction of Rey and Finn. You slam into someone's body and fall back once more.


"Rey?" You ask, picking yourself up off the ground once more.

"Your alive!" She and Finn both grab your hands lovingly.

"I have so much to tell you all." You say sincerely.

"Guys," Finn says grabbing you and Rey's shoulders "We need to get out of here." He points off in the distance, it was Kylo's transport landing into a docking bay.

"I have a ship, we can leave." You say.

"We have to find Poe." Finn says

"He has an x-wing. Which means he has a ship. I can radio him." At that moment three TIE-fighters fly into view. "but like Finn said, we need get out of here. And there's something I need to do first."


Stepping on the ship with Rey and Finn you run to the radio.

"Rey get the ship started, I have signal to Poe." Flipping switches, you remember the exact frequency that would bring these TIE-fighters down. Transmitting the signal, you waited, one, two, three, every fighter in your proximity exploded violently. Rey and Finn look at you with wonder.

Now to radio Poe.

"Poe? Poe?" You yell on the radio.

His voice comes through but it crackles illegibly, "Poe we have to leave! I'm in a Xi-Class shuttle. It's a light cruiser. Poe? Poe?"

"Got it." Poe's voice sounds through the headset.

"We're outta here, when we reached the middle of the atmosphere, enter hyperspace."


"Rey, Finn what were you doing on Laskaris III?" You ask

"We had a source that was going to give us info on the First Orders new weapon you told us about. We weren't able to talk with the source long before the First Order came." Finn says.

"What did you find out?"

"Well the First Order" Rey swallows, "t-their going to start destroying any planet that doesn't comply and join the Order." Rey said

"T-that's impossible." You sat down "they can't do that. That's unreasonable, that's deranged."

"It's what we heard. If they do that, everyone will be too scared to fight back. We can't win." Rey looks at you sadly.

"Where's the Resistance hiding out?" You ask, fiddling with the controls awkwardly.

"An old rebel base, i'll type the coordinates." Rey says sitting in the co-pilot seat.

"Wait. There's somewhere I need to go."


"Where are we?" Finn asks as the cruiser enters the atmosphere.

"My home." You say, landing the ship.

"You have a family?" Rey asks.

"No, not anymore. I think anyway." You frown, getting up.

You open the door of the ship, it was the same. Same beautiful, horrible place.

"This is where I leave you both."

You look at Finn and Rey.

"What?" Rey says in shock.

"This is my home, the First Order stopped occupying it two years ago. I've always wanted to come back. And now I finally can"

"_____...we need you. The Resistance needs you." Finn says somberly.

"There's no changing my mind. Finn, Rey, I love you both. Thank your for being my friends. But please don't tell anyone where I am. I need to be alone, after all that's happened." You look into the distance, you needed time away from the fight, time to heal.

Finn hugs you and gets back on the ship, Rey turns to leave but stops.

"You're a Jedi too. Even if Kylo Ren trained you, you're a true Jedi." She was crying. You hug her.

You watch the ship leave, then turn toward the fields.

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