Ride Or Die | Fast & Furious...

Por BrunetteMarionette

403K 9.1K 1K

Growing up in a face-paced life, Rosalie idolizes her brother and wants to be just like him, even if that mea... Más

⤷ prologue
001 | i'm in your face
002 | Always
003 | long ass night
004 | after party
005 | not good news
006 | you don't understand
007 | where am i?
008 | welcome home
009 | seeing red
010 | heart to heart
011 | Salute mi familia
012 | nine seconds flat
013 | I Did It!
014 | Race Wars
015 | adrenaline
016 | big bad wolves
017 | what now?
019 | tinker-rose
020 | birthday blues
021 | graduation day
022 | goodbye, 1327
023 | long lost family
024 | te amo
025 | don't be weird
026 | she's gone
Questions and Answers

018 | emergency

9.3K 265 7
Por BrunetteMarionette

Leon drove us back to where the cars were left and dumped the Civic. Letty handed her keys to Mia as she and I got into the backseats; we were both still in pain but not as bad as when we wrecked.

We all rushed back to the house, and I wondered why for a moment until I realized that Brian was an undercover cop. It wasn't by chance that he started hanging with us.

That's why everyone was quick to disperse when we parked up. "Rosalie, go to your room," Dom ordered as soon as I got out of Letty's car. The Latina gave me a sorry smile as she ran into the house.

I gave Dom a confused look, sure I knew he was waiting for Brian to show up with the police, but I didn't understand why he was being so harsh on me to leave, "But why I..".

"Now, Rosalie!" Dom yelled angrily, making me jump at his tone. I gave him a hurt look before walking into the house, running upstairs to my bedroom, and slamming the door behind me.

Pacing angrily, I stopped in front of my mirror and gasped at how disheveled I looked. My eyes gaze over each cut and graze I had from the car crash; my whole body hurts.

Although I realized the crash could have been much worse than it had been, Letty and I walked away from it alive, so that's all that mattered.

Sighing at all the noise in the house, I waited for the other shoe to drop. For swat or some other police force to barge into the house and arrest everyone.

Everything had fallen apart so quickly, and as much as I wanted to, I couldn't entirely blame it on Brian.

I just wanted everything to stop, for it all to go back to normal. Where we were having family BBQs where the only thing we had to worry about was dry chicken.

Not car chases, heists, and wondering if family members were going to die.

After cleaning my sore face, I sat on the edge of my bed, wondering where all the noise had gone. My once panic-stricken house was now completely silent.

"Dom?" I called, opening my door slightly, but nothing was said back. In fact, everything seemed to be silent.

Opening my door wider, I creeped out of my room and waited for the wrath of Dom. It was very rare for me to be sent to my room, but when my brother did it, he meant business.

Listening at the top of the stairs for a few minutes, I frowned when all I could hear were sobbing noises. I knew that crying, it was Mia. I guess she was alone down there, but where was everyone else?

Walking into Dom and Letty's room, I noticed it was a mess. Things were thrown around, and the wardrobe was wide open. It looked like someone had trashed the place or was rushing to leave.

Going into Leon's room next, I noticed the same thing, but this time everything he owned was gone. All of his clothes, car memorabilia, and the pictures we'd taken together were missing.

"Leon?" I called out, starting to panic. There was no way he'd just leave. Especially without saying goodbye, he'd never leave me behind like this. His empty room made me think about Dom and Letty's ransacked bedroom "Dom? Letty?".

Jogging downstairs, I stopped at the bottom and turned to the sound of the crying. Mia was sitting at the dinner table, crying into her hands.

Hearing a screech from outside, I opened the front door to see Brian crouched behind his car door, pointing his gun at my brother, who had moved Dad's Dodge Charger out of the garage.

Noticing the shotgun he held in his hand, I frowned, worried. "Dom put the gun down now!" Brian shouted at my brother, who looked at him emotionlessly.

"Move your car," Dom ordered, opening the door to the Charger as I wondered where he was going, covered in blood, wielding a shotgun. Neither man had noticed me watching them, and I wasn't going to get in the middle of their showdown.

Brian wasn't backing down. "No, bullshit! Put it down now! No more running!" the blonde shouted at my brother, reinforcing his order by holding his gun higher.

My brother was bullhead at times, but after a short time of getting to know Brian, I knew he and Dom were like two peas in a pod, which meant this could be very bad for both of them. Turning to shout over my shoulder, I call for the one person who could help "Mia!".

Dom slammed the door shut angrily. "I'm not running!" he started to walk down the driveway toward Brian, who still held his gun up, watching my brother warily.

It was as if he didn't want to hurt my brother. I could see that conflict written across his face.

"Where's Leon and Letty?" Brian questioned, glancing around as I did. Would he try and arrest them too? Did Brian really think he could come here alone and take in Dom, Letty, and Leon?

"They're long gone!" Dom admitted with a yell as my stomach dropped and blood rushed to my head. They were gone? They both just up and left; no goodbye or at least let me know?

"What?" I cried out loud as both men quickly turned to me. Dom's face dropped when he realized I was there, and Brian's eyes softened with sympathy.

"Rosalie, get in the house!" Dom barked before turning back to Brian. This time I didn't do as my brother ordered. I was still reeling from the fact that two of the most important people in my life had left.

Brian stepped closer to Dom; he hadn't lowered his weapon at all. "It's over. I didn't call the police, but don't push me!" He yelled at my brother with finality.

"Mia, get out here," I shouted into the house again for my sister. This standoff was getting too much. Neither one was backing down, but weirdly enough, they seemed to not want to hurt the other.

"Put the gun down. I swear to God!" Brian exclaimed once again. Though my brother held the shotgun in his hands, he never once aimed it in the blond's direction.

Dom angrily points a finger at Brian, roaring furiously, "You are the cop! You're a cop!" my brother stutters with a bit of well-hidden panic masked by desperation. "Brian, I got to find Jesse before they do. I'm all the kid's got."

Brian still hasn't lowered his gun even at my brother's words, "I'll call in the plates" Dom huffed a laugh at Brian's suggestion, "PD will pick him up way before Johnny even gets near him."

Wow, wrong words to say.

Dom pumps the shotgun and takes another step toward Brian. "Move your car" Mia finally walked out the door and looked at me questioningly, her eyes red and bloodshot. I pointed to the scene in front of us.

"Dom, stop it! It's over. Please," Mia hissed to our brother after she took in what was happening.

"Mia, stay out of it! Take Rosalie back in the house" Dom's gaze barely budged from Brian, but he still managed to yell over his shoulder. My sister put her hands on my shoulders, but I didn't let her pull me away.

Suddenly Jesse's car pulled up outside the house, and he jumped out, looking upset but thankfully alive. "Dominic, I am so sorry. I don't know what I'm doing, Dom" Jesse stepped onto the pavement, his arms wide, pleading with Dom.

My brother glared at Brian dismissively as Jesse continued to talk, "I'm so scared right now. I don't know what's going on" He sounded so frightened and lost I felt sorry for him.

Dom threw the shotgun down on the ground and turned to Jesse. "Jess! What were you thinking, man?" He questioned as Brian followed his movements, his gun still up and ready to fire.

"I don't know! I panicked! I'm sorry. I'm scared!" Jesse cried out, terrified; I stepped down the stairs towards Jesse as he looked ready to cry, "I don't know what I'm doing! Will you please help me?".

Hearing a low humming noise, we all turned to see two bikes approaching us, guns firing. It was Tran.

Everyone jumped in different directions to escape the bullets; I heard Mia cry out our names. I hid behind Jesse's car, flinching as the bullets hit the other side of the Jetta.

I watched in horror when I realized Jesse hadn't moved at all. Just as I moved to reach for him, his body was struck multiple times, and he dropped to the ground in front of me. "Jesse!" I screamed as the bikes drove away.

Lunging for my friend, I grabbed his arms, but he was gone. "Jesse, no!" I sobbed as Dom ran over to us, pulling Jesse away from me as Brian let off a few bullets in Tran's direction.

Mia ran to us quickly, dragging me towards her with a worried expression, but all I could do was stare at Jesse's body and sob seeing all the holes left on his body. "No, please."

My sister followed my gaze "Jesse? No, Jesse," she screamed, dropping next to him and pulling him away from Dom, his head cradled in her lap limply.

After sharing a look, Brian jumped into his car and peeled off after Tran as my brother abruptly stood. "Where are you going?" I shouted in fear as he walked off to the Charger, looking determined.

"No, Dom, don't!" My sister called out with tears running down her cheeks, Jesse still lying in her lap.

My brother quickly got into the Charger and took off after Brian. "Dominic!" I screamed after him as Mia grabbed my arm, tugging me back down when I tried to go after Dom.

"Go call 911," She pleaded desperately. I noticed our neighbors had started coming out of their homes, probably hoping to see what was going on.

We all got on pretty well, so they were probably shocked to see what was going on, to see one of their neighbors dead on the floor from a drive-by shooting.

Standing up shakily, I ran into the house, looking for the phone everyone seemed to leave off the stand at the worst times. Finding it between the couch cushions, I quickly dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency?" a woman's voice questioned on the phone as my hands shook. I never thought I would ever have to call the police for anything, especially something like this.

"I need help. My friend was shot, and he's dead," I cried out as I heard typing through the phone.

"Okay, sweetie, where are you," The woman asked nicely as I let out another sob answering her question. "Is the shooter still there?" the operator inquired, still typing in the background.

Why wouldn't she just send someone?

"No, they're gone, but Jesse's here, and someone needs to get his..." I couldn't finish my sentence. It was too real. He couldn't be gone; it all happened so quickly.

"Alright, I'm sending over some officers right away..." she said, and I ended the call knowing she knew my address and was sending someone out.

Throwing the phone down, I absent-mindedly took note that it was now covered in Jesse's blood. Rubbing my hands in my shirt, I ran outside, where Mia still held Jesse close. She was brushing his hair from his face almost calmly.

"They're coming over now," I whispered to my sister, who was still shaking, but she didn't stop her comforting motions. "Where did Letty and Leon go?" I asked her, but she only gave me a sad smile.

"I don't know, sweetie," she answered truthfully as tears rolled down my cheeks. "They both left when we got back. Dom told them it was best for them to leave before the cops came here".

"Are they coming back?" I questioned desperately, not sure if I wanted to know the truth. It would break me if the answer was no. I would already have to live without Jesse but now Letty, Leon, and maybe Vince too.

"I'm not sure," Mia told me honestly as sirens began to sound out. I sighed, knowing that the streets would soon be filled with police, ambulances, and probably even reporters when they got a whiff of it.

"Oh, shit," I gasped, jumping up and noticing the shotgun Dom had left on the floor. My brother was probably already in a lot of trouble, and who knows how much more he'll be in before the next time we see him.

Mia's eyes widened, seeing the weapon in my hands. "Hide it quick," Mia gasped, motioning to the house. Clicking the safety on, I walked back into the house and carefully put it under the couch.

Heading back to my sister, I sank beside her, grabbing Jesse's cooling hand. "What's the story?" I whispered, closing Jesse's eyes with my other hand. I couldn't take his wide-open glassy look,

Mia looked over at me and sniffed, wiping away her tears. "Leave it to me. You don't know anything; you're just a 17-year-old girl in the wrong place at the wrong time".

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